Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) Page 60

by Stella Sky

  “Please, please, don’t let it to be him,” I whispered to myself as I typed in the search in the photo database. My fingers were shaking as I typed in the information. Then my stomach turned as the data began to load, but it wasn’t quick enough for my nerves. “Come on, come on, you slow piece of crap.”

  Ding! The data was finished and I opened the envelope. There on my screen, staring back at me, was the prince of the Drackon alien warrior race of the planet Mooreah.

  “Shit!” I shouted; the Drackon staring back at me was the same one that I had encountered. I put my head in my hands, feeling very embarrassed and pissed off at my ridiculous luck. Of course it was him. I looked back at the screen and took in his regal photo. His long, dark-black hair was loose, hanging down to his shoulders just as it was when I ran into him earlier that day. His eyes stared a hole in me even from my screen. They were so unusual in that stark, sea-green color with the black, vertical, long pupil, like the eyes of a cat. It made his eyes penetrate anyone he looked at, even through the computer screen.

  I quickly closed the photos because I was starting to get hot and bothered. I had to confess that I had always wondered what it would be like to take a Drackon to bed. Many women of Earth did so, but almost all of them chose to remain monogamous with them after bedding them. I found that to be very intriguing and yet dangerous. This was another reason why I was so interested in their biology; perhaps they released some sort of chemical when they mated that caused a human woman to want to be with them forever.

  So even though my interest in taking one to bed was very high with my extreme libido being what it was, I did not want to take the risk. I had too much going for me on Earth to suddenly fall head over heels for an alien warrior that we knew very little about other than their ability to shift into dragon men.

  I prepped and reviewed all our Drackon information, scanning through anything that might be of use when speaking with the prince. It was to my benefit that I had already met him and saw what type of personality he was. Now I had to go through all the information of how humans have dealt with dignitaries of the Drackon alien race in the past. One wrong gesture and I could accidentally be giving the prince the equivalent of flipping him the bird without even knowing. Plus, doing the research kept me busy so that my mind did not drift off to the encounter I had with him earlier. Anytime I closed my eyes, I saw his gorgeous, strong, tall body lifting me up from the concrete. I had to force myself not to relive the moment over and over again in my mind because it would make my body become heated. That was not very professional.

  Finally, two hours had passed and it was time to meet with the prince. I gathered all of my confidence and knowledge and walked into the boardroom where Archer Payne was waiting for me.

  “Miss Volander, are you ready? The company’s future is in your hands,” Archer Payne said to me.

  “No pressure there, huh, Archer?” I said smugly, not able to control my smart-ass wit even in this tense moment.

  “I’m just making sure,” he said quietly as we both turned toward the door as it opened.

  An impressive sight entered the room: four warriors with stone-hardened expressions marched in, two on each side, escorting in Prince Jarith. The warriors parted and stood guard on each side of the doorway. It was a regal entrance that made my mouth water as I watched the prince with his tall, perfect stature walking in.

  The prince looked at me and he smirked a delicious grin. I felt Archer Payne look at me, wondering why the prince was giving me such a welcoming smile.

  “Prince Jarith, it is an honor. My name is Archer Payne, and this is the CEO of Gladonetics, Miss Marissa Volander.” Archer Payne bowed to the prince and I did the same. Our eyes remained locked.

  “Marissa.” He repeated my name, and did this so seductively that my face flushed red. I cleared my throat and tried to get down to business.

  “Yes, Prince Jarith, it is an honor to meet you at last. Please take a seat so that we may get down to business, please,” I said, moving over to the table and sitting down, glad for the distraction. It was obvious that there was tension in the room and I could tell that Archer Payne was picking up on it.

  “Thank you, Marissa,” Jarith replied without taking his eyes off of me. It was very distracting. We all sat down at the table and I began to lead the meeting.

  “We at Gladonetics are very excited for this new opportunity with the Drackon. Thank you for choosing us, and we are sure that these negotiations will be good for both the Drackon and Gladonetics. Now, should we get down to the specifics?” I said as we had not yet been told exactly what they hoped to accomplish with this first meeting, or what the negotiations would entail.

  “Yes, in fact my father has insisted that he be included in this meeting,” Jarith said.

  Archer Payne and I looked at each other in confusion and I said, “Oh, is the king joining us? We were not aware that he was here.”

  Jarith stood up and said, “He is not.” Then he moved his forearm across his chest and began to type on a gadget on his arm. Then a holographic projection appeared in the middle of the room; it was King Rykor.

  Archer Payne and I stood up immediately and bowed to the king. He was a broad and robust alien male shifter, and at this time, he was fully shifted.

  My eyes grew wide at his appearance. It was very intimidating. His long, dark-black hair was down past his shoulders and a large, silver crown sat on top of his head. His eyes were the same sea green with vertical pupils like his son, Jarith, and his square jaw was masculine and hard. He did not wear a shirt, and this is where the Drackon aspect could be seen. His chest was partially covered in silver, metallic scales that were shiny and polished. This was not an armor that the Drackon wore; it was part of their skin after they shifted into dragon form. The metallic scales were beautiful, like jewelry, but they were hard and impenetrable. Not even a bullet could penetrate it. But the real magic was behind the king…wings. The wings were a matte silver, not as shiny as the scales, but still beautiful. They stretched out half open behind the king and they framed him in a very regal manner. It was very intimidating but awe inspiring.

  “King Rykor, it is an honor,” Archer Payne said.

  “Introduce yourselves,” the king said in a very stern tone.

  “I am Archer Payne. I am on the board of the Gladonetics Corporation.”

  “I am Marissa Volander; I am the CEO of the Gladonetics Corporation. We are honored to do business with the Drackon. Please tell us, King Rykor, exactly what you had in mind so that we can get down to the specifics,” I said confidently.

  “A human female that leads business agreements. I have never seen such a thing,” King Rykor said to the surprise of Archer Payne and I. Sensing that the king might be offended by dealing with a woman, Archer Payne jumped in and said, “We do things differently here on Earth, but you may directly work with me if it pleases the king.”

  “No, I want the human female. She seems to have a strong mind,” the king replied.

  “Yes, that is why we have her leading the business here,” Archer Payne said, fumbling over his words, trying to please the king. I took this moment to glance at Jarith, who was smiling a devilish smirk as he stared at me.

  “Yes, I am confident that I can handle the needs of this arrangement. Now, what exactly are we looking at in terms of the agreement, King Rykor?” I asked him.

  “Yes, I can see that. As you know, my son, Prince Jarith, is currently on Earth to meet with your government administration. But since he is there, I have given him an assignment to meet with Gladonetics Corporation. I would like to broaden our trade of science with your company. But I do not believe this can be accomplished unless you send an ambassador to Mooreah to meet with me personally. You. I choose you,” the king said.

  We all grew silent. What exactly did the king mean? He looked at me directly. I looked at Archer Payne, who seemed to be shocked. Then I looked at the prince. He seemed to be very annoyed and was restraining himself. His lips
were set in a hard line and I noticed that he had shifted from flirty to angry. What the hell was going on here?

  “Excuse me, king, but I do not believe we are clear on your orders. You would like someone from our company to venture on a journey to Mooreah to meet with you?” I asked.

  “Yes, and I have already chosen you, human female. You will accompany my son on his return journey. Only in person will I discuss the terms of the new agreement.”

  “Me? But…” I said.

  “Miss Volander would be happy to make the journey to your planet, honored king,” Archer Payne said, jumping in. I looked at him in shock.

  “Excellent. My son will guide you through preparations. I look forward to meeting you, Miss Volander,” The King said before he disappeared.

  The room was silent for a few seconds. My heart was pounding. I could not do this! I could not go on a journey for weeks in space to a far-off planet. It was impossible. I would have to get out of this.

  “You heard my father. We leave at 0600 hours, as you call it, in four days. Good day to you, humans,” the prince said as he sternly walked out of the room and his warriors followed.

  I waited until they had cleared the room before I turned to Archer Payne and said, “Are you insane?! Why did you agree to that? I cannot go on that journey? This is impossible. Why did you agree?”

  “To buy us time. Let me speak with the board and see what they think of the matter. But Marissa, if this is the only way, then this is the only way. You will do it for the company. It is a big opportunity,” Archer Payne said sternly, almost as a threat. Then he left the room.

  I walked over to the bar and poured a stiff brandy and chugged it down. And then I poured another. This was absolutely insane. There was no way in hell that I was going to go to Mooreah on a spaceship with Prince Jarith. My place was here, running this company. Who knew what the hell would happen once I was out in space alone with these barbaric, alpha-male warriors. They did not respect women. I would despise every moment with him.

  True, sitting with the king and negotiating terms was a business deal that was very appealing but it was the only part that was. The rest of it, the journey, being with the prince, and leaving my home planet of Earth was scary, and not in my plans.

  I poured another brandy and chugged it down again. I sat in the boardroom drinking myself numb and feeling angry about the quick decision that I had no control over. I hoped that the board would vote down the king’s request and send him a communication for another means of doing this deal. The prince was already here on Earth; could he not act on the king’s behalf? He was already here at our corporation; why would the king want one of our people to go there?

  It seemed very suspicious and strange to me the more that I thought about it. It made no sense whatsoever; unless the king wanted someone from Gladonetics to see firsthand the science and source of it that only existed on Mooreah. Maybe it was one of those seeing is believing factors that the prince would not be able to portray in words to us. I thought these thoughts over and over as I moved around the boardroom, getting drunk.

  Then I left and went to the nearest hotel bar to drink some more. To think that in four days I could be on a spaceship. It was too unreal.

  “Martini; make it a double,” I said to the bartender.

  “Rough day,” a voice said. I turned to see an attractive man sitting near me. He would do. He had black hair, green eyes, and a muscular build hidden underneath a dark-black, expensive suit. I needed to relieve some tension and he was going to do that for me. I knew that his appearance reminded me of Jarith, and that was what I needed for this night.

  “Yes, but I know a way that you can make it better. Much, much, better,” I said in a flirty tone as I moved over to him. His mouth opened at my eager aggressiveness. He pulled the chair out next to him and I took a seat.

  “I’m David,” he said.

  “I’m Marissa. Nice to meet you, David. You are a very attractive man; do you know that?”

  Half an hour later, his cock was inside me. Pleasing me. Helping me to release some of that sexual tension as I closed my eyes and pretended that I was with the prince. This was my usual, one-night stand. I guess if I were a man I would be called a playboy. This is what I wanted, and I always got what I wanted.

  I moved in every position possible with this stranger, all the while imagining it was the prince. I had a strange feeling when I was with this man, as though I was being watched. But I lived several stories high in a tower, and all the windows in the building across the street had shades drawn. Still, it was a very strong feeling. And although I released in climax over and over, I was still unsatisfied. Damn.

  Chapter 2


  I spread my wings wide and hovered over the Drackon females lying naked in my bed, waiting for my touch.

  “Yes…prince, touch me.”

  “No, prince, touch me instead; I beg you.”

  The females fought for my attention as they arched their bodies up and down on my bed. This was the life of a prince of the Drackon warriors. This is how I chose to spend my days, much to the distain of my father, the king. He thought my indulgence in the luxuries that the life of a prince offered was going to make me a bad leader one day. I gave his warnings very little thought. What was the point of having all this power if I was not going to use it to satisfy my urges?

  I was the prince, dammit. I felt I should enjoy the luxuries that the position offered me. Especially since once I became king, it would be all politics, business, and ruling with a firm hand, like my father. For now, I wanted to play and spend my days soaring the skies of our planet, Mooreah.

  “I want your cock inside of me, prince. I beg you, please,” the concubine known as Braxa moaned to me as she put her hand around my hard cock. I groaned in response. I was on my knees on top of the bed and I stretched up straight and clasped my hands behind my head and let her do her work. Her mouth moved around the tip of my cock and she went to work, sucking and licking. The other two females kissed and massaged my back or kissed me on the mouth.

  Beep. Beep. My communication device went off.

  “Fuck. What the hell is it now?” I said as I moved away from my delicious moment and grabbed my communication device.

  “What?” I shouted into it.

  “Apologies for disturbing you, prince. Your father is requesting your presence in the great hall.”

  “Shit. Tell the king I’m on my way.”

  I pulled on my derets, which humans called pants, but these were not the ordinary clothing of humans. The derets were made of a synthetic fiber only available here on the planet of Mooreah. It was sort of a thin armor that protected our lower limbs with strong material. I pulled on my calf-high boots and the females groaned in disappointment.

  “No prince, do not leave us so unsatisfied. We had only just begun,” Braxa said, pouting to me.

  “Do not worry; I will return. In the meantime, perhaps the three of you can pleasure yourselves,” I said smiling at them knowing they knew what I meant. Braxa grabbed one of the other females and placed a passionate kiss on her mouth.

  “Damn, hard to move away from this. But the king calls,” I said as I moved toward the open doors that led out to a large balcony overlooking the city of Cerista. I ran very fast towards the edge and then… whoosh… I took flight.

  I enjoyed being a Drackon. I enjoyed being a weredragon. I flew as often as I could as my main mode of transportation. I was a very good flyer and was able to dive at top speeds. That was the mark of a great Drackon warrior. I could dive fast before the enemy even knew I was upon them.

  I enjoyed combat. I was not cut out to rule the way my father wanted me to. I enjoyed being out in the field, fighting and flying. He wanted me to sit on the throne where nothing happened except for debating, creating agreements, and solving problems, all with the use of words.

  It was not for me. But as the eldest son of King Rykor, it was my duty. I would inherit it, unlike
my younger brother, Traydon. He would take the position of prince and be an advisor on the council. I envied him for that. It was a much less stressful position and with much more leisure time.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! My wings slapped the air until I found an up current draft and soared on it, flying toward the great hall in the middle of the castle complex. I swooped down, landing on the veranda of the great hall, and entered.

  “Son! Have you checked the orokye systems as I asked?” he sternly said as soon as I walked in. His voice boomed and echoed off the walls and Traydon stood next to him, the obedient ass-kisser.

  “No, father; I will get to it tomorrow,” I said as I walked toward him.

  “That is what you said yesterday. And it is what I expected you to say today. That is why I am sending you out on an assignment,” he said angrily as his fist pounded the arm of the throne.

  “Yet again?” I said, annoyed by his ridiculous assignments. All of them were meant to teach me some sort of lesson, and all of them failed.

  “Do not question me, son. You leave tomorrow for Earth,” he shouted.

  “Earth?! What the hell is this?!” I shouted back as I walked up the four steps to the throne platform and faced my father.

  “Yes, Earth. It is time that you return to the human planet. You have only been there once in the many years we have been in peace negotiations with them. Now, our peace contract is coming to an end and you will meet with their government to sign a new contract extending the peace terms for another five years. You are expected and you will go in my place, for you will be king someday and it will be you that will be dealing with the humans. It is better that you establish a presence and authority with them now instead of after I’m gone. Is that clear, son?!” he shouted out the orders at me. He was pissed. I was annoyed and pissed as well. I looked at Traydon at his side, who was also angry. He wanted to be the one to go; it was obvious.


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