A Witch's Path

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A Witch's Path Page 22

by N. E. Conneely

  "Thank you." I was fairly sure I said the words out loud.

  "Let's go get a drink. I could use some coffee."

  Wells ushered me out of the interrogation room, down a hall, and around the corner. We walked into a small room with a coffee maker and hot pot.

  "Make something for yourself. I'll be right back."

  I rinsed the hot pot and started heating fresh water. While I was waiting for it to boil, I found a thick paper cup, and a box of green tea. My eyes rested on the hot pot and my mind emptied. I'd been up for twenty hours and I felt every one of them. After pouring the water over my tea, I leaned against the counter and waited for Wells. There would be plenty of time to sort this out later. Tomorrow after I'd gotten some sleep would be good.

  Wells returned with an evidence bag dangling from his fingers.

  "I believe this is yours. After you've gone through it, I want to know what's in it. I want to see what's in it." He set it on the counter, and poured a cup of coffee.

  Our trust only went so far, and I didn't blame him for wanting to check the evidence with his own eyes.

  "You can see it when I'm sure it isn't dangerous." That was the best he was going to get from me. I didn't trust anything from that woman, and until I was sure the book was safe, I didn't want anyone around it.

  He nodded. "You look like you're about to keel over. Considering you haven't gotten any rest since you looked at the bodies, I'm not surprised. I'll make this simple and try to answer the question you would ask."

  I nodded, grateful to be able to keep my mouth shut. All the talking in the interrogation room had made my throat sore.

  Wells continued talking. "I'm glad you rescued Amber. I've known since yesterday that Adder had her, but I couldn't find a way to act on it without risking the lives of the rest of the pack. The police can't exactly go out planning to kill someone. I knew that if we didn't get him when we rescued Amber, he could do a lot of damage before we captured him. I owe you on that one."

  He took a swig of coffee and kept talking. "As for the rest, that's a bonus. It worked out well that Liam killed Adder and is the new alpha. The information about the woman, who may be related to the murders is a nice surprise."

  "Detective, how often do these things happen? How often do we police ourselves, and you help pick up the pieces?"

  "More often than you think. A mostly human style of justice doesn't mean much if you can live thousands of years or use a car as a baseball bat. Over time, the different species and races in this country have been bullied into adapting by their elders, wise ones, councils, or whatever. Do some research. We adopted their system. The stories passed down in my family say that we infiltrated the system to preserve human peace and hide our own brands of justice.

  "I'm not recommending going after vigilante justice. These days, things have calmed down, and the human system does a decent job."

  I didn't even attempt to process the information, going straight to my next questions. "Can I go home? Can all of us go home?"


  I wasn't sure where Liam ended up, but Amber, Tiffany, Elron, and I found ourselves back at the lodge. Landa, who was preparing breakfast, took one look at us before handing us a basket of muffins and fruit and sending us off to bed. Elron retreated to his apartment, leaving us girls to our sedate reunion party. After showers, we sat down at the dining room table, eating muffins and drinking tea.

  "Amber, would you mind telling me what happened?" As curious as I was, I didn't want to push her into talking if she wasn't ready.

  Amber looked at the two of us, and the flood gates opened. "It was the strangest thing. He was almost gentle with me. Oh, I should start from the beginning."

  "I was putting on my jacket at the front door when men burst in from the back. I ran out, Tiffany tried to help, but they pulled me into the van. That was the roughest he was with me. Once we were inside the van and I stopped struggling, he put these soft leather cuffs on me and belted me into a seat. The drive was terrifying. I couldn't figure out what he was going to do."

  She paused to take a sip of tea. "He didn't blindfold me or anything, but it was dark enough outside that I couldn't tell where we were going. When we got to the house, he helped me out of the van, snarling at any man who got too close. He took me to the bathroom, and then put me in that horrible room. He chained me to the bed, and left me with water and a sandwich.

  "I couldn't settle down. I must have examined that room ten times that night. The window was creepy, but the outside was covered so I couldn't see what was past that. Eventually, I got hungry and ate. I settled on the bed, and fell asleep. The rest of the time passed more or less the same. He would take me to the bathroom, return me to the bedroom, and leave me with food. A few times he tried to talk to me, but I didn't say anything. I was too scared to say what I was thinking.

  "Sometimes when he was alone at the house, he'd open the curtains and look in on me from the other room. One time when I was napping, I saw a woman looking at me. Early yesterday, I think it was, I tried to escape. He caught me, put me back in the room, and had me swallow some pill. Next thing I knew, you guys were in the room."

  My food lay abandoned on my plate. I didn't take her experiences lightly, but it was at odds with the behavior Adder had displayed in other aspects of his life.

  "Could you describe the woman?" I asked softly.

  "Sure. She was an elf, a scar on one cheek, blond hair."

  It was the same woman. Tomorrow I would take a good long look at the book. She was showing up in far too many places for her presence to be coincidence.

  "What about Adder? Did you ever figure out what he wanted from you?" Tiffany asked.

  Amber squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. "He wanted me to want him. It was almost like he wanted me to be his girlfriend for something. I don't know. When I wouldn't talk to him, he would leave until it was time for a meal or bathroom break."

  We didn't talk much as we finished our food. Afterwards, I pulled the blinds down in the living room and pulled the sofa out into a bed. They settled down to go to sleep.

  I retreated to my room and checked my phone. Three missed calls and two text messages from my mom. I quickly replied, letting her know I was fine, I'd been busy with a case.

  After slipping the book into my night stand, I tucked myself into bed. This afternoon was going to be busy.


  By the time I'd slept off most of the night's activities, it was noon. Amber smiled, Tiffany laughed, and the world was better. It had been all I could do to get them to leave. They were sure my apartment was the safest place in town. If they only knew…

  There was a quick knock.

  "Open," I yelled.

  Elron walked in, closing the door behind him.

  "How are you?" I asked. In spite of the beating he'd taken, his walk was fluid and his posture relaxed.

  "I have been better. How do you feel?"

  "Tired, sore, depleted."

  He nodded, frowning slightly. "I-I do not know how to proceed. I would like to talk to you about last night."

  I'd known we would need to talk, but that didn't stop my stomach from knotting. "Would you like tea? I have a fresh pot."


  Elron followed me into the kitchen, where I poured two mugs of tea. I handed one to him and walked over to the sofa. He followed, sitting down next to me. We sipped our tea, in a comfortable silence.

  So far, I'd managed to avoid thinking about Elron and myself. It felt like things between us changed last night. Those changes could be beneficial, or damage the relationship I was starting to enjoy.


  I jumped. "Sorry, I was lost in thought."

  He nodded, took a deep breath, and continued, "I do not know how people outside of my community behave as friends or when court—dating. To me, friendship is more than caring and loving. It is helping. I see dating much the same way. It is friendship with desire, for one another and for the future. If
you do not see these relationships the same way, I need to know. I want to help you. It hurts when you deny me that opportunity."

  "I'm sorry. I…" My voice trailed off. I didn't know what to say. I'd never intended to hurt his feelings. The humans I associated with often offered help, but I'd learned long ago it wasn't a sincere offer. Logically, I knew many races still considered such offers to be binding, but I hadn't processed it that way. I should've known better; elves honored their word.

  I tried again. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you. I've gotten used to doing things on my own and didn't want to take advantage of an innocent offer."

  "I may look young, and I may be ignorant of modern times and customs, but I assure you, I am not innocent." In that moment the eyes looking into mine, were old and jaded. Under his gaze, I felt more like a child and less like a woman.

  His fingers brushed my face as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I would very much like to be the one you run to. I want to be a friend, and more."

  I pulled one of his hands into mine. "I want that too, but I think we need to clear the air."

  "Ladies first."

  "Thank you for saving my life." He had followed me, which I wasn't happy about, but in doing so he saved my life. It was hard to be angry when you were alive and unharmed.

  His mouth curved ever so slightly. "Thank you for saving my life." He must have seen me take a breath, because he continued without giving me a chance to interject. "As we have both come to the other's aid several times, we should consider any debts in that area canceled."

  I nodded, acknowledging his words rather than agreeing. We weren't even. He'd saved me from big pointy teeth. If he hadn't been there to save me, he wouldn't have needed saving.

  Dealing with Elron had taught me a few things. I doubted an old honorable elf would consider us even, but if it made him feel better, I would pretend. We would both pretend.

  I moved on to my second point, a question he'd partly answered last night. "Why did you follow me?"

  "I have a Call. Have you heard of callings?"

  I shrugged. I'd heard the phrase, but I didn't know much about it.

  He gave a quick explanation, adding another thing to my list of items to research. Returning to my question, he continued, "The Call pushed at me until I donned my armor and weapons. When you left, I had to follow. It was where I needed to be."

  "I did not wish to alert you to my presence, so I kept my distance on the road. It was easier to stay close in the woods. If you had not needed aid, I would not have interfered. You know the rest of the story."

  "What did your calling want with me? Did it want me or the situation?" I wouldn't be able to forgive him if his romantic actions were driven by a calling.

  He shrugged and sighed. "I do not know. It would be much easier if I did. Thus far, the calling has wanted me to be in this lodge and working at the university. It does quiet somewhat when I am near you, but that is not why I enjoy your company."

  "Better not be." My response was out of habit. Elron wasn't the type to deceive and play with emotions.

  "I have only honorable intentions." He winked before continuing in a serious tone. "I meant what I said last night. I care for you."

  I swallowed. "I care for you too."

  Elron's smile lit up the room. "With that settled, I have questions, and the police refused to answer them. What occurred when I was unconscious? My last memory is of Adder knocking me down."

  "Well, Adder knocked you out, Liam kept Adder from killing either of us, I started sabotaging the spells the woman was casting, and I deflected the death spell she cast at you. Then she vanished." I had a feeling he would skip over most of the events and hone in on that last one.

  "Why would she kill me, and not you? You would have been the more logical target. After all, she did not need someone interrupting her casting."

  Michelle, mind-reader extraordinaire. "I don't know."

  Elron kept looking at me, but I had a feeling he wasn't looking at me. While he was lost in thought, I debated telling him about the book. If it was the book the woman in my dream had referenced, then it should shed some light on the situation. On the other hand, I hadn't been able to examine it yet. While it appeared harmless at a casual glance, looks could be deceiving. That settled it; I wasn't letting anyone near that thing until I was sure it was safe.

  "Michelle, these events do not connect in a logical fashion."

  "Last night's events?"

  "Those, as well as others." Elron took a deep breath before continuing. "I can understand Adder abducting Amber, and attacking us in an attempt to recover her. To an extent, the elven woman fits this puzzle. Adder needed help killing his father, which she supplied. Why an elf would be involved in a werewolf's affairs or with killing children, I do not know."

  "Neither do I. Does your Call offer any suggestions?"

  "Not a terrible descriptor for its prodding, but no. It is as silent as it has been in recent memory."

  We sat, hand in hand, as I replayed the night's events and tried to make the pieces fit together. I couldn't make an elf using magic reconcile. Even if I assumed she merely looked elven, I could only get a short string of events. In that situation, I could rationalize the murders, but not why she would need a werewolf, or why she would help Adder kill Simon.

  After going over countless possibilities, I wasn't able to find one thread that connected all of them. I looked over at Elron, only to find his gaze locked on the window, and his eyes vacant.

  He'd had this same look last night.

  "Are you ok?" I asked.

  "What?" He shook as he snapped out of it and focused on me.

  "Are you feeling ok?"

  "Why?" He sounded suspicious.

  "You did something similar last night. Are you injured?"

  Elron sighed. "It's nothing. The elf reminded me of a woman I knew long ago. I did not expect to see her likeness."

  For as much as Elron dwelled on the past, he didn't talk about it much. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "Who did she remind you of?"

  "No one you would know. In a day or two, the past will return to its proper location."

  I would've felt better if he sounded more optimistic.


  There was a sickening slew of emotions rolling around in my midsection as I approached Mom's house. I couldn't tell if the dinner invitation was an excuse to get me to come over so she could check on me herself, or if it was a reincarnation of Dad's idea for a family chat. Mom hadn't been please to hear about my recent adventure. Either way, I didn't have high hopes for a pleasant reunion.

  I would have come over without the invitation. I wanted answers and I was more likely to get them in person, especially if Dad was around. He seemed more willing to talk.

  My fingers were crossed as I knocked on the door. Please, let this be Dad's idea, his way of sitting me down and telling me everything.

  The door swung open and Mom pulled me in for a hug.

  "Michelle, you're here," Mom squeezed me before jumping back enough to get a good look at me. "You look good, healthy."

  "Thank you, Mom. Hi, Dad."

  Greg smiled at me. "It's good to see you, Michelle."

  I forced a smile. It was the best I could do. The happy to see you feelings were bound to fade when I got around to grilling them about our family secrets.

  "Why don't we move to the living room? We have time before dinner. Michelle can tell us what happened when she rescued Amber." Mom was on the move before she finished talking.

  Dad and I exchanged a look before following her. I tried to give myself a motivational pep-talk. This was as good of an opportunity as any, and waiting wouldn't make it any better. Maybe it would be polite to save the unpleasantries until after dinner, but I wasn't that patient. They had spent enough time lying to me and hiding the truth. It was time for them to come clean.

  We sat down and I smiled at them. It must not have been my most convincing smile becaus
e Dad lost his.

  Oh, well. I couldn't figure out a good way to introduce the topic, so I jumped in. "There are a few things I've wanted to ask the two of you." I took a deep breath. "Mom will you please tell me more about clans?"

  "No," she answered quickly.

  "Why not? It can't be safer for me to be in the dark. Witches in the area know who I am, and they seem to know things about me that I don't. If you and Dad won't answer my questions, I'll find a book, or witch, who will."

  "Michelle, we can't tell you." Her voice cracked.

  "Really? Can't or won't?"

  "We can't. You're in danger. You need to be careful."

  "Careful?" Blood was pounding through my veins. "I can't be careful when I don't know what I'm trying to avoid. I'll never know if I'm hurting or helping us, and I don't know if I should be aiding my own ignorance."

  "You need to stop looking for answers." A tear slid down her cheek.

  "No, I need answers. I need to know how to protect myself. If I have to read every book about witches and ask every person I meet, so be it. I will find the answers."

  "Michelle, you can't," Mom pleaded.

  I swallowed. "I can."

  Dad, who had been oddly quiet to this point, pulled her hand into his lap. Mom looked at him and something passed between them.

  If they wouldn't tell me anything from direct questions, it was time to play dirty. I already knew more than they would like.

  "The two of you owe me an explanation. I'm tired of being told my ignorance is for my protection. I know you've been hiding me from my grandmother." They both made incoherent noises, though neither interrupted me. "I know more than that. The way I heard it, the two of you fell in love and started this mess." I relayed Elron's story, watching them. I had the dubious pleasure of watching them turn white, red, and green. When Mom heard about the fracture between her and her clan, she grabbed Dad's hand. At one point they exchanged a pained look. That was enough for me, the story was true.


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