anthology Once Upon A Prince (Ellora's Cave)

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anthology Once Upon A Prince (Ellora's Cave) Page 5

by james

  “No! Stay, I beg you!” the prince cried, but Lily was adamant.

  “Please, let me go.” Lily tugged at her arm, but Prince Lupin held her hand tightly in his.

  “I’ll not touch you. I swear.” His voice cracked. She nearly lost herself in his beseeching eyes, but she managed not to relent.

  “We shall see each other at your next party.” With a quick twist, Lily escaped from his grasp and ran across the dewy grass.

  The prince ran after her, calling for his guards to stop her. But he was hampered by his enormous erection, and Lily disappeared into the crowd. The guards, alerted by the prince, searched and searched, but no one thought to look for her in the shed behind the stables.

  She lay in the straw, her body tingling from the prince’s touch. When he’d cupped her breast, it had ignited a fire between her legs that made sleep impossible. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed, but the feeling intensified. She imagined Violet as the dark man with his huge cock kneeling over her, but the image didn’t excite her, for some reason. Instead, Prince Lupin’s clever face kept appearing on the man’s body.

  Lupin! What would he look like naked? The thought brought a rush of hot liquid into her cunt.

  Would his cock be long and slender, or thick? What would it look like erect with lust? She imagined him standing in the middle of his room. “Take off your clothes!” she cried impatiently.

  He did, pulling his tunic over his head and then stripping off his leggings. Naked, he stood before her. Lily’s mouth was suddenly very dry. Her breath came in little gasps. His body was long and lean, still a youth, but she could see the build and muscle of the man he would become. His cock was long like the rest of him, but delightfully thick, and right now, turgid with desire. He stared at her, and his mouth quirked in a grin. He put his hand on his cock and pumped it suggestively.

  Moisture spilled from her cunt and even her mouth was full of liquid now. Her belly gave a flutter and her nipples grew pebble-hard.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  “I cannot,” he said. “I’m just a figment of your imagination.”

  “Damn!” Lily pinched her nipples so hard the apparition vanished, but her need still made a strong ache deep within her belly.

  She reached between her legs and found her cunt. Her fingers slipped into her slick folds and found the little nub that was her clit, and she rubbed it until her hips sought the sky. Arching her back, Lily dug her heels into the straw, crying out as her body convulsed. Afterwards, there was still an ache, an emptiness, but she was exhausted and fell into a dreamless sleep.

  * * * * *

  Lupin sighed as he twisted and turned in his satin sheets. Although he was exhausted, sleep eluded him. He’d met the girl of his dreams—he was sure of it—and he had no idea where to find her again. She hadn’t given any details about her life or home, but he was sure he’d seen her before. Not only in his dreams, though she haunted them with her voice and her lithe body. He frowned and tried to think.

  The problem was, he knew so many people. As prince of a powerful kingdom, he’d travelled far and wide representing his father in state business. He’d met kings, queens, nobles, and commoners in his role as diplomat. Surely he’s spied that fair face before, perhaps in a far away kingdom? Perhaps just next-door, but he couldn’t remember.

  If only he knew that Violet’s magic surrounded Lily in a soft glow that erased the memories he might have had of her. For of course he’d seen her, and he even knew her father, King Henri. King Henri, whose notice of a runaway daughter also slipped Lupin’s mind, thanks to Violet’s magic.

  Lupin sighed and shivered, and his hands grasped his cock and he eased a bit of his frustrated longing. As he pumped, visions of Lily appeared before him, Lily naked and dashing away like some wild nymph. Lupin became a satyr in his waking dream, and he leapt after his nymph. His erection impeded him as he ran, but as a satyr, he was strong and rapid, and he managed to grab her by the arm.

  She spun around, her face flushed, and struggled to get away. “Unhand me, vile satyr!” Laughter bubbled in her voice, belying her words as she rubbed up against him. He was so surprised, he let go, and she bounded away again, her breasts bouncing with each stride. He had to run after her again, but the chase was soon over.

  When he caught her, he bent her over a large log covered with soft moss. Lily lay on her stomach, her buttocks in the air. The sight made his balls grow heavy and tighten. He moaned, and she giggled, spreading her legs open, then closing them tightly, teasing him.

  He decided to teach her a lesson and spanked her lovely ass. As his palm hit on her smooth skin, her ass grew pink. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he wanted to make it sting. The feeling of his hand landing on her flesh excited him so much he came a little, spurting onto her thigh. She shrieked and wriggled, but her face was flushed and she spread her legs wide, showing her pussy. It felt wet and swollen, when he delved with his finger into her tight passage.

  “More!” she gasped, rearing up off the log.

  He positioned himself behind her and reached up to grasp her breasts. She offered herself to him, and he used his free hand to slip his cock into her pussy.

  “Harder!” she begged, her nymph body writhing against him.

  When Lupin thrust into her, she uttered a satisfied moan that echoed his own. The feel of her tight, hot pussy hugging his cock made his seed boil up and spurt out.

  And then Lupin had to get up and change his sheets, which he did with a heavy heart. A thought struck him though, and throwing on his silken bathrobe, he rushed downstairs and shook the messenger awake.

  “I want another dinner party tomorrow night!” He checked the clock on the wall. “No, make that later tonight, it’s already tomorrow.”

  “Wha…what?” The messenger rubbed his eyes and tried to look alert. “Another party? So soon?”

  “Tell cook first thing tomorrow morning. And make sure the invitations go out by fast messenger at first light!”

  The messenger winced, for he’d be up until dawn writing invitations, but Lupin stretched, yawned and went back up to bed to dream of his lady love.

  * * * * *

  The next morning his lady love was up before cockcrow, working in the kitchens. Everyone was bleary-eyed and tired. Lily got her scrub brush and started washing the greasy floors. Her back and knees soon ached, and her stomach growled fiercely—she couldn’t remember when she’d last eaten. Beneath her grungy donkey skin, she yawned and blinked tiredly. Hopefully she’d get some sleep tonight.

  She thought of Prince Lupin and her cheeks flamed. His mouth was so incredibly sexy, and his tongue so agile. Just thinking of what he could have done with it made her get all wet. She pressed her legs together as she scrubbed the floor, trying to get a hold of herself. It wouldn’t do to get all hot and bothered. She had a long day’s work ahead of her still.

  Just as the sun rose, the messenger came, as snooty as before, and announced that the prince wanted to organize another party.

  “Another party?” cried one of the royal pastry chefs, hands on her hips and her face flushed with disbelief. “So soon?”

  The kitchen staff, all yawning and rubbing their eyes with fatigue, stared at the messenger with barely concealed loathing.

  The messenger seemed impervious to the nasty glaring in his direction. He shot a withering look at the pastry chef. “His Majesty, Prince Lupin, would like the royal cooks to prepare a sumptuous feast to be served in the orange garden.”

  “As if we only prepare inedible food,” snarled the head cook, whose eyes were ringed with dark circles from lack of sleep.

  The messenger pretended not to hear him. “His Majesty Prince Lupin, would like foie gras on toasted brioche to start with. Then, lobster soup, followed by roast beef sliced thinly over scalloped potatoes to be served with truffle sauce. Afterwards, green salad and mixed cheese platters, then raspberry mousse and almond tuiles, with coffee and sugared almonds on…”

  “On s
ilver platters. We know, we know,” cried the head cook, waving his arms. “Tell His Majesty his dinner will be served at sunset in the orange garden.”

  When the messenger left the head cook had a temper tantrum, then made everyone work until they were dropping with exhaustion.

  When the sun set, the dinner was ready, and Lily slipped away from the kitchen. She couldn’t care less if they fired her. She was too tired to work another second. Besides, she wanted to relax a bit before the party. She closed her windows and drew the shutters and took a bath in her magic nutshell. She decided on jasmine perfume for the bubble bath. When she was done, she dried off and put on her dress the color of lust. She brushed her hair and admired her image in the magic mirror.

  The red dress made her pale skin appear translucent, and it was so cunningly made that her breasts looked as if they were just about to fall out of it. But no matter how she moved, it kept her nipples covered. She turned, and looked at the back. The dress was so daringly low-cut it revealed the top of her buttocks. She remembered the feel of Violet’s cock buried in her ass, and she had to take long, deep breaths to calm herself. Now her nipples were stiff and her cheeks were flushed. She looked like lust incarnate. She made sure her ring was on her finger, and then she went to the dinner party.

  As soon as he saw her, Prince Lupin forgot his guests, forgot the dinner, and ran to her side. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her dress. Or take his hands from her body.

  “Please sir, not in front of your courtiers,” whispered Lily, as he grasped her around the waist, sliding his hands to her buttocks. His touch was setting her on fire, and she tried to pull away. Her legs felt queerly weak though. She knew that if he touched her again, she would be lost.

  “Come with me to my rooms,” urged the prince.

  “Perhaps,” said Lily.

  The prince stared at her with feverish eyes. “Please.”

  Lily wanted to resist. She really did. But Prince Lupin’s expression disarmed her. She’d fallen in love with him the second she’d seen him, and when they’d talked she’d found she respected his views on duty and responsibility. But she was wearing the dress the color of lust, and it was making rational thought impossible. All she wanted now was to please him. Her only thought was of spreading her legs wide and taking his cock within her.

  “All right.” Lily’s heart began to thump harder in her chest. Would she remember Violet’s lessons?

  In his room, Prince Lupin wasted no time. He took her in his arms and kissed her on the lips. His mouth was firm, and his touch gentle. He lifted Lily’s dress and uncovered bare skin. “I want to taste your sweet cunt,” he said, and he took her chin in his hands. “Stand still and don’t move. I am your prince, and this is my order. Disobey, and I will have you thrown into my deepest prison. And there, you will be at my mercy and I will visit you everyday,” he added with a leer.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” Lily managed to say. “Will you chain me to the wall and whip me?” Her heart was pounding so hard she could see it through the fragile fabric of the dress.

  “Yes, I’ll chain you hand and foot. But not to the wall. We have a special table in the dungeon where you’ll lie, unable to escape me.”

  Her eyelids grew heavy. “When I lie on the table, will you touch me all over?”

  “All over,” he agreed. A shiver ran down her back.

  He knelt beneath her dress and the wide skirt hid him completely, while Lily stood in the middle of his room and looked around. It was a splendid room, with a magnificent Persian rug on the floor and royal blue curtains and bedspreads.

  Lily spread her legs to accommodate her prince as he knelt before her and touched her cunt with his fingers, opening her, and exploring her. Lily felt her flesh swelling as her head spun, but she stayed upright, her eyes on the portraits on the wall. Such serious-looking people. What would they think if they could really see her standing here with Prince Lupin between her legs? Would their expressions change? Would their staid, half-bored expressions change to eyebrows lifted high and mouths opened in shocked ‘O’s? Or would they grow heavy-lidded with desire, and would their tongues dart out to moisten their lips as they stared at her in her dress the color of steamy lust?

  Her musings were interrupted by the feel of a finger slipping into her vagina. It plunged in and out in rhythm to her beating heart. There grew within her that strange itching feeling she’d learned to love. More than an ache and less than a sharp pain, it was so urgent it took over her entire being. She teetered on the edge of her orgasm, and was about to tumble into it. The center of her universe was now her cunt, and the feelings grew as fast and as hot as a brush fire in August.

  Wetness ran down her inner thigh. The finger grew more and more slippery until it withdrew and a mouth took its place. Lily gasped as Lupin’s soft tongue probed her innermost secrets, and then it found her clit and rubbed against it. Her legs opened a bit more, pressing her cunt to his hot mouth. She leaned against him, feeling his hard tongue and his soft lips. Closing her eyes, she let the sensations in her body wash over her. After a minute, she thought, she would drown in them.

  A knock sounded briefly on the door, and a young woman in a flashy blue gown stalked in. Her blond hair was elaborately braided and arranged in a chignon topped with a diamond tiara. She saw Lily and stopped. Her lovely face creased in a frown. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  The interruption pulled Lily back from the edge of her orgasm and she felt a twinge of frustrated annoyance. Beneath her dress, Lily felt Prince Lupin start to chuckle. He slid two fingers into her highly aroused cunt and gently wriggled them. The feeling paralyzed her. She could only gape at the woman.

  “Where is Prince Lupin?” the woman asked, coming to stand right in front of Lily and glaring at her. “You are in his room.”

  “So are you,” Lily managed to gasp. Between her legs, Prince Lupin withdrew his fingers and pressed his mouth once again to her responsive clit. Her whole body was throbbing, and beads of sweat pearled on her upper lip. The edge loomed now.

  “Are you all right?” The woman leaned closer, and then she noticed Lily’s gown. Her expression altered. She hesitated, and then she reached out and touched Lily’s dress. Softly, then harder and more insistently, she began running her hands over the bodice, rubbing along the curves of Lily’s breasts. Then she touched Lily’s bare arm, sliding her hands over Lily’s shoulder then down to her breasts.

  Lily’s nipples were already pressing painfully against the material. The woman’s urgent touch sent shivers of lust flaming through her whole body. In a corner of her mind, she was terribly embarrassed, but her sexual need was too strong. Nothing mattered anymore but reaching fulfilment. Another wave of pleasure peaked over her as the woman tweaked her nipples and she pushed her cunt as hard as she could against Prince Lupin’s mouth. Her whole body shuddered.

  The woman reached around her back and untied Lily’s bodice. She drew the top down, baring Lily’s breasts. “How lovely,” she breathed, then she leaned over and took one nipple in her mouth.

  Lily moaned. Between her legs, she could feel a frantic pulsing start to grow. She arched her back, pressing herself against the woman. Lily felt her knees start to tremble and knew that she was about to fall, but Prince Lupin reached up and held her upright firmly by the thighs. Her ample skirt swirled around them, and somehow, Violet’s magic kept him hidden.

  Lily felt her orgasm take her. She stood, thrusting her hips against Prince Lupin, as he delved into her flesh with his velvety tongue, his hot breath on her cunt. The pulsing crested and a starburst seemed to fill her eyes. Panting, she leaned against the woman’s shoulder, so she would not fall.

  The woman reached down and grasped Lily’s breasts, kneading them. Then she lowered her head and her mouth fastened again to one of Lily’s nipples. It seemed she couldn’t get enough of sucking on Lily’s breasts. She sucked and she licked, her breath coming faster, her hands pressing rhythmically against Lily’s breasts. Anot
her orgasm started to build in Lily’s belly. She could feel it tightening her nipples and swelling her cunt.

  Lily looked down, checking to see if she could see Lupin, but though she could feel him beneath her dress, there was no sign of his presence. As she stared, she noticed that the woman’s dress was so low-cut that her own breasts were nearly popping out. Lily helped them, tugging the bodice down a bit until they were free. They were nice breasts, not as big as Lily’s, but with lovely, long nipples. Lily stroked them, making the nipples stiffen against her palms.

  The woman made a sound deep in her throat and hiked her skirt up, exposing long legs and a perfectly shaved pussy. She took Lily’s hand and guided it to her, pressing it against her smooth flesh. Lupin, fortunately, had taken the woman’s moan as a cue and scooted between Lily’s legs and behind her, so that he was well out of the way when the woman drew nearer. The woman’s pussy, slick with lust, was just the color of Lily’s dress, and abruptly Lily realised that her dress was responsible for her predicament. She remembered what Prince Lupin had done to her, so she slid two fingers into the woman and wriggled them, all the while rubbing the woman’s clit with her thumb.

  It worked. The woman uttered a loud cry and then sucked furiously on Lily’s breast. Lily felt rapid contractions massaging her fingers as the woman came, thrusting her hips onto Lily’s hand and holding her wrist so her fingers stayed buried deeply in her slick cunt. The woman’s sex was burning against Lily’s fingers. Juice ran down the woman’s thigh as she moaned and thrust her hips back and forth. Lily was also in the throes of lust, so she pushed hard with her hand. She loved the feel of the woman’s slick, tight flesh hugging her fingers. The scent of sex filled the air, and Lily felt her head spinning as her belly tightened with hunger for more. The orgasm building in her cunt exploded then, sending another frantic wave of throbbing through her body.


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