Wildfire: Book Two of the Everealm Series

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Wildfire: Book Two of the Everealm Series Page 17

by J. D. Wright

“Beautiful day today,” Bree said, soaking in the warm rays of the sun.

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “The flowers are blooming nicely.”

  “That’s good.”

  “And I’m told that the weather will be perfect for the hunt, tomorrow.”


  “Finn, are you paying any attention at all?”

  “That’s good.”

  “Finnley!” Bree snapped. That caught his attention.


  “Can we just talk about this and get it over with?”

  “Talk about what?” No matter how hard he tried to act oblivious, he wasn’t convincing enough. She knew exactly what he was thinking. “I just wonder what she’s doing right now. That’s all.”

  “She’s probably enjoying the beautiful day like we should be doing. Who knows if any of these gorgeous flowers will be left blooming once the wildfire burns them all…”

  “Dagan and Sidonie will figure something out before that can happen, Bree.”

  “I hope so.”

  Finn was quiet for a moment, then blurted, “Do you think she’s hunting? Since it’s a nice day? Or maybe the other Sabras do the hunting and she just waits…” He trailed off when he saw the blank look he was receiving from Bree.

  “Just go to her. Now. Before I lose my good sense and murder you.”

  “I can’t go to her.”

  “Why can’t you? Just go there. It will take you four days to get there and four days to get back. That will give me at least eight days of peace.” She smiled, trying to seem like she was joking, but she really wasn’t. His constant sulking was getting on her nerves.

  “Bree, Adelphie is not like other women and she certainly is nothing like the damsels in your books. She does not want a man to come and woo her. She wants a man to… I don’t know, exactly, but it has to be something really…”

  “Bold?” Bree raised her eyebrows.


  “And courageous?”


  “A grand gesture?”

  “I don’t think—“

  “I think she is exactly like other women, Finn. She wants a man who isn’t afraid to—“

  “Shout from the treetops.” Finn laughed to himself.

  “What?” she asked, confused.

  “At the winter ball, when Adelphie saw Sidonie and Dagan together, she asked me why they weren’t trying to hide their relationship anymore. I told her that when you love someone you want to shout it from the treetops.”

  Bree smiled. “You know, Finn, I think that is a fantastic idea.”


  Breestlin had a horse ready for Finn before he could change his mind. Sir Evan, Sir Tomas, and a guardsman accompanied him on the trip since Finn didn’t know the way to the Sabra encampment. Sir Tomas was almost thirty years old, one year older than Finn. His father had also been a knight in Junacave before he died.

  Sir Evan was just twenty-three. He was the youngest of Junacave’s knights and the last knight to be chosen by King Frederick before his death. He was an expert archer but failed miserably when it came to impressing the noble ladies. Finn tried to give Evan advice on occasion but nothing seemed to help.

  The first day of traveling was uneventful. But even though he tried to hide it, Sir Tomas could sense that Finnley was getting nervous on the second day.

  “Evan, would you like to wager a bet?” Tomas said, loudly.

  “Bet on what?” Evan said, looking over his shoulder as he rode beside Finn.

  “On whether or not Finnley here is too scared to follow through with this mission.”

  “I can hear you,” Finn said. “And it isn’t a mission. It is a terrible idea that I should never have shared in front of the queen.”

  “Be that as it may,” Tomas said, “we didn’t come this far to let you run back with your tail between your legs.”

  “Especially since the queen has offered to reward us handsomely if we—“

  “Evan! You can’t tell him that!” Tomas shouted, scaring his horse.

  “What did she promise you?” Finn demanded. He should have known that she would find some way to interfere.

  “I cannot say,” Evan replied, grinning.

  Finn laughed. In all honesty, he was considering turning back already so he couldn’t blame Bree for expecting him to. And for her to have bribed two of her knights into giving him a nudge only meant that she truly cared. That, or she actually had considered murdering him. But just to prove that he would go through with the plan, Finn suggested they continue riding instead of making camp. They arrived outside of the Sabra’s encampment before supper the next day. Tomas offered his flask and Finn took a swig of rum to build his courage. Then he climbed into a tree, took a deep breath, and started shouting Adelphie’s name.

  Dyna had just ladled a second bowl of stew from the large pot when she heard a voice coming from the other side of the tall log fence.

  “Do you hear that?” she said.

  “Hear what?” Iona replied from beside her.

  “Listen,” Dyna said, pointing. “It’s coming from other there.”

  After investigating the noise, Dyna walked over to Adelphie’s hut and threw back the animal hide draped over the doorway.

  “Adelphie, there is something you need to see.”

  “What is it?” Adelphie replied without bothering to look up from her stew.

  “It’s the most frightening thing I have ever witnessed.”

  “I highly doubt that,” Adelphie said. In Dyna’s pessimistic mind, everything was terrible and frightening. “Can it wait until I finish my supper?”

  “Probably,” Dyna replied. Then she picked up Adelphie’s bow and started to nock an arrow. “But if I have to hear it much longer I will put him out of his misery, myself.”

  “Him?” Now Adelphie was curious. She took the bow from Dyna and sat it back down then followed her out of the hut. She heard his voice the moment she passed through the gate. As she got closer, she saw him.

  “Finnley, what are you doing here? Better yet, why are you in a tree?” she asked.

  “Being bold and courageous,” Finn said, grinning. He hoped humor would ease the embarrassment and regret that he was already feeling.

  “More like ridiculous and bizarre,” Dyna murmured after walking up behind Adelphie.

  “I think it’s romantic!” Iona said, swooning.

  “Hello ladies,” Finn said. “I’m here to--“

  “We know why you’re here,” Dyna said, flatly. “What took you so long? We’ve had to hear her go on and on about your fire hair for weeks now.”

  She was right about Finn’s bright red hair. It stood out even more since he chose a dark red jacket to wear over his ivory shirt. He had borrowed from Reeve’s wardrobe for this occasion, trying to look more casual than his usual attire. He attempted to wear Rowan’s clothes, but almost every piece was the color black. Thankfully, Reeve’s wardrobe had more variety. Finn knew these women would not be impressed with fine clothes.

  “Have you been talking about me?” He grinned and couldn’t help but feel a bit of satisfaction at seeing Adelphie blushing. She was also wearing red today. Her thin dress barely covered her body but she still wore a thick fur collar. Her blonde hair was braided back from her face on one side, just the same way it was on the first day that they met in Junacave.

  “I’m surprised to see you climb a tree,” Adelphie teased. “Aren’t you worried that you may scratch your perfect hands?”

  “Only a little. But if I do, I’m sure I can find someone to coddle me.”

  “I may vomit,” Dyna said, smirking.

  “Is it safe for me to come down? Do I have your word that she won’t attack?” Finn asked.

  “I can’t make promises.”

  Finn laughed and stepped one foot on the branch below. When he moved the other foot down, his first foot slipped and he fell sidew
ays. His leg became wedged between two branches and he found himself hanging upside down from the tree. Laughter rang out from all of the Sabras, as well as Sir Tomas and Sir Evan, who were hiding and watching behind some shrubs. Even Dyna had managed a small chuckle before she came forward to help him out of the tree.

  Even though his pride was slightly damaged, Finn could care less. He followed Adelphie into her hut and within moments the two of them were naked and lying on her cot. Adelphie climbed on top of him, but Finn sat up.

  “Hold on there, huntress,” he said. “Since I am the one who came to you, I get to lead the way. And you have to go along.”

  Adelphie wasn’t sure what he meant until she found herself rolled over onto her stomach while Finn massaged her back and shoulders. His soft hands were warm on her skin. The rubbing was so sensual that she moaned under his fingertips. It was something she had never felt before. Of the few occasions she had been with a man it had always been quick and fierce. Never had someone taken the time to show her this kind of attention. It was truly marvelous. He worked his way down her body, from her back to her legs and feet, making sure she was relaxed and calm.

  When he finished, he dropped down beside her and pulled her close, kissing her face and neck. The slow pace was driving Adelphie insane. She knew he was ready because she could feel him against her leg, hard and stiff. But when she tried to touch him he swatted her hand away. Her groans were from both pleasure and suffering.

  He rose above her and positioned himself between her legs. She waited, but he didn’t move. Instead, he lowered his face to hers.

  “Say please,” he whispered. “It’s good manners.”

  “You must be joking,” she laughed.

  “Well, if you’d rather I just go…” He pretended to pull away.

  “No, no! Alright, fine.”

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Alright!” she said, still laughing. “Please, Finn. Ravish me!”

  “As you wish.”

  He entered her in one deep thrust. She let out a small whimper and her hands clung to the fur blanket she was laying on. Then she arched her back, drawing him in deeper, surrounding him.

  He had to take a brief moment to steady himself once he was inside her. The warmth of her and the way her large round breasts rose when she arched her back was tantalizing. The taste of her still on his lips, paired with the way she smelled like the forest, was overwhelming his senses.

  But as much as he wanted to consume her right away, he promised himself that he would make it last as long as possible. He didn’t know when they would have the chance to be together like this again. If this were to be the only time, then he would damn well make it worthwhile.

  After tonight, he wanted to make certain that Adelphie would never again settle for mediocre sex with a man who didn’t care about her. She would know what it means to make love. More so, she would remember what it felt like to be with him. And if he did his job correctly, then the next time, she would be the one to come to him.

  Moving slowly required a lot of focus but it was completely worth it. She moaned and dropped her head back as she curved her hips up to meet him halfway with every thrust he made.

  Her toes curled and her legs were shaking but she could have cared less. The things he was causing her body to feel were miraculous. She never wanted it to stop.

  When he couldn’t contain himself any longer, he groaned. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close as he released and spilled into her. Exhausted beyond belief, Finn dropped down onto the cot beside her.

  To his surprise, Adelphie cuddled up next to him. Within moments, they were both sound asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was a long ride back to Anestas and Rhea was nervous about returning to her home. Her mother was probably furious with her for leaving and she would have to face the consequences. But she knew she had to return and inform the other fairies of the wildfire attacks on Taten and Labara and the impending attack on Junacave. She had to convince them to return with her. Somehow.

  She didn’t want to leave the castle that she had grown so accustomed to. And she certainly didn’t want to travel alone but she knew she had no choice. Had she told the queen where she was going, chances were good that Queen Breestlin would send someone to accompany her home. Knowing how angry her mother was likely to be, she couldn’t risk bringing strangers into Anestas.

  After Dagan and Sidonie had left, no one would notice if she snuck away. Stealing clothes from the wardrobe had been the easiest part. Her light blue dress was modest. And with her hair pulled back, she didn’t draw nearly as much attention in the village as she did in the castle. It was fairly easy to convince the stable boy to lend her a horse and saddle, too. But controlling the reins and remaining upright on the horse was difficult. Rowan wasn’t there to grab hold of when she came close to falling off of the saddle.

  Rhea was almost there now. She could see the ridgeline on the horizon. The valley of Anestas was just on the other side. However, the sun was setting in the sky and she would never make it there before dark. So she tied her horse to a stump and climbed up into a tree. It felt much safer than sleeping on the ground. Even though it was incredibly uncomfortable, it reminded her of her home in Anestas, living in the trees. She considered changing into sprite form, but was already falling too deeply into sleep to bother.

  When dawn came, she woke. Her back and neck were sore from leaning against the tree trunk throughout the night. Looking down, she was startled to see that her horse was gone. She climbed down and looked around, but didn’t see it. Then she heard the horse make a snorting noise and she followed the sound through the forest. When she reached the edge of a bank and looked down at the creek she saw her horse. But it wasn’t alone.

  “Did you follow me?” she asked.

  Reeve snapped his head up, surprised.

  “I thought you were asleep. I saw the horse was tied up so I brought her down to drink.” The gray horse was gulping water from the creek beside a dark brown horse which she assumed was Reeve’s.

  “Her? My horse is a female?”

  “Sure. Her name is Starlight. She isn’t your horse, however. She is my sister’s horse. Gabrielle. And you will have some explaining to do to Gabrielle when we return.”

  “I can’t return. Not yet, anyway. But you didn’t answer my question.”

  “I followed you, yes. But I only did so because Queen Breestlin asked me to.”

  “She knows I left?” So much for sneaking away…


  “Then how did she ask you to follow me?”

  “I’ve been tasked with guarding you for several days now.”

  “Guarding me? Why?”

  “The queen only said that you may be in danger. She didn’t share any details and I didn’t ask.”

  Rhea wasn’t sure if she should believe him. On one hand, she knew he was the brother of Rowan so she wanted to trust him. And he was a knight now so why would he lie? On the other hand, how was he able to guard her for several days without her knowing? And how did he follow her this entire way without her noticing him?

  “I meant to bring her back before you woke,” he said, taking Starlight’s reins and leading her across the creek. “You are welcome to continue to Anestas and pretend that you never saw me.”

  “Are you still going to follow me?”


  “Wait. How do you know I’m going to Anestas?”

  “I heard you speaking to yourself on the way to the village,” he said, smiling.

  “Oh.” She was a little embarrassed. Thinking aloud was a bad habit of hers. “Well, if you intend to follow me, we may as well ride together. Besides, it isn’t much further.” She couldn’t believe what she was saying. How had she found the courage to speak so freely to a stranger? Especially, a man? The longer she looked at him, though, the more she felt herself relaxing. He looked so much like his brother.

  “Okay, then,” he said. “I’m ready when you are.” He handed her the reins then bent down, ready to help her mount the horse. She hesitated for a moment before placing her foot into his hand. Then she pushed off from the ground and swung her other foot over the saddle.

  Once Reeve was on his horse, Rhea followed him up the creek bank and through the forest until they reached the trail that she had been following to Anestas. He slowed down to ride alongside her.

  “I’ve never seen this trail before,” he said, trying to strike up a conversation. What do you say to a fairy?

  “Not many people have. At one time, it was the most traveled road from Junacave to Vale. Now, however…” She didn’t need to continue. It was well known that people avoided this trail so that they didn’t come too close to the Valley of the Fae.

  “Is it true? What they say?” he asked. “If a man enters the valley, he’s never seen again?”

  “Mostly. Except for one. Your brother.”

  Reeve laughed but realized she wasn’t joking.

  “Are you serious? Rowan actually went into the valley? When?” He would have to remember to ask him about it when he returned. It had to be a remarkable story, he thought.

  “He came to seek assistance from my mother to heal the pixies of Windermere.” Reeve looked intrigued so Rhea told the story of how Rowan came to the valley and the Queen Fairy refused to help. Then she spoke about the trip to Vale and the pixies and how Bree’s uncle almost woke them up. She did leave out a few parts of the story. Mainly, that her mother offered her hand in marriage and Rowan refused. Just thinking of his rejection was painful enough. Speaking about it was out of the question.

  Surprisingly, she found that talking to Reeve was actually enjoyable. He seemed interested in everything she had to say. When she heard his stomach growling, she shared a piece of onion bread with him. He told her about his sister and the recent death of his mother.

  They were so deep in conversation that she didn’t realize how far into the valley they had ridden until it was too late…

  A fairy flew by and scared the horses, followed by another and another. Soon, they were surrounded by fairies in their sprite forms, circling them. Reeve reached out and grabbed Starlight’s reins while trying desperately to hold his own and remain on the horse at the same time. Rhea tried to shout, to warn Reeve to flee, but several fairies were grabbing on her arms, pulling her up and off of the horse.


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