Hecate: The Wronged

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Hecate: The Wronged Page 11

by JJ King

  Cate wanted to hug her, to pull her close and enjoy the last moments of separation before the sun rose too high and she disappeared, but she couldn’t move properly. It was a sin, really, to waste her last moments on bleeding.

  So, instead, she asked the one question she knew Selene would be dying to get an answer to. “Did it work? Cate leaned into Poseidon’s palm as a soft heat flowed through him and into her, clearing her mind with each passing second. Apollo and Artemis joined them a moment later and pressed their hands against her body, one to her chest and one to her leg. Cate squeezed her eyes shut and braced for the pain that always came after the warmth.

  Their magics shifted her broken bone and stitched her veins, muscle, and skin together, all too fast for the human body to endure. Luckily, she wasn’t human. Inside her brain, Poseidon reversed bleeding and swelling, healing damaged neurons and synapses, as her scalp laceration closed, leaving no sign that she’d been hurt, except for the drying blood that covered her, making her look like the witch she was.

  “We don’t know yet,” Selene’s hand fluttered to her mouth which turned up with hope. Her smile faltered a bit. “We can’t go back to the cave while Zeus is watching, so we’re going to have to wait to find out.” Her lips curled up determinedly.

  “Not necessarily,” Cate mused, happy to finally have a clear mind. She chewed her lip thoughtfully, wondering if her old magic would work after all this time. “Help me up, will ya?” She held her hand out to Poseidon and allowed him to pull her to her feet with one tug. “Thanks,” she murmured, distracted by the rising sun and her lack of time.

  Long ago, before she’d joined herself to Selene, she’d lived alone except for her companions. They’d been her familiars and had done her bidding. If she could just connect to one now, maybe a snake, on Mount Latmus, then there was a chance it would be able to sneak through the wards and check on Endymion. Only, she was still running on low and needed energy to do this.

  Cate held her hands out to Poseidon and Apollo, explaining, “I need a bit of your power to contact a familiar. There’s a chance we could get an update on our spell if it works.” She turned to Apollo. “I need a bit of time. Any chance you could slow down the sunrise?”

  His eyebrows shot up in surprise. Then he nodded slowly, thoughtfully. “I can maybe give you a few more minutes, but not much. Work fast.”

  The men flanked her, offering their hands and power without question.

  It took all her focus and effort to absorb their energy into herself but, as the seconds ticked away, taking her closer and closer to oblivion, she felt herself get stronger. She channeled a trickle of it into her mind, sending out her consciousness to Mount Latmus, searching for a mind to touch. It didn’t take long to find a serpent, hiding in the shade to cool off during the hot day.

  She slide into the snake’s mind as if she’d done it yesterday. The feeling of being inside another was different, confining. Cate took no time for introductions, she instructed the snake toward the mouth of the cave, hidden behind layers of wards and illusions. Between her magic and Selene’s, the cave was well protected, but if she could match the snake’s energies to her magic, there was a chance it could pass through.

  Cate gritted her teeth and sent as much magic as she could through the connection. Immediately, the snake slithered forward, stopping only momentarily at the mouth, then darting inside. Cate’s heart jumped in relief and anticipation. Just a few moments more and they’d know.

  She hurried through the dark cave, bypassing the spells that would incapacitate intruders and slipping into the home she shared with Selene and Endymion.

  Sunlight poured through the skylight, lighting the cavern, illuminating Endymion’s resting place. Cate came to an abrupt stop and lowered her head. Endymion lay atop the bed they’d long ago constructed for him, still asleep and unmoving. Cate cast her awareness out to check his vital signs and found him unchanged.

  Cate pulled out of the snake’s mind, leaving it inside the cavern, a companion for Selene’s lover.

  When she opened her eyes again, it was with regret for what she would have to say.

  “I’m so sorry, Selene,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  “What?” Selene demanded in Medusa’s voice. “It didn’t work?” She waited long enough for Cate to shake her head again to ask in a panic ridden shout. “Is he alright? Did we hurt him?”

  “No,” Cate reached for Selene’s hands, to squeeze them. “He’s fine. The same as before. But he hasn’t woken. It didn’t work.” She let go of Selene’s hands and hung her head.

  Apollo cleared his throat then. “Sorry to interrupt but I can’t hold this off any longer. The sun must rise.”

  Cate shot him an appreciative look. “Thank you for holding it this long.” She blinked away tears and wished she could stay to help Selene through this, but it was time to go. She could feel the press of the darkness on her mind growing by the second. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, then closed her eyes and gave in.

  But she didn’t go anywhere.

  Instead, a blast of heat and light struck her closed eyes. Cate threw up an arm automatically to shield her eyes. Fear surged through her, turning her blood cold even though the unnatural heat still beat down upon her. It was Zeus, her terrified mind reasoned. It had to be Zeus. Why had they thought this place was safe? There was nowhere on earth that was safe from the king of the Olympian gods.

  They would be punished now, severely like the stories of Zeus’ wrath revealed. They’d be tortured for eternity, flayed alive or chained to a rock in Tartarus, not that that one scared her. She’d been to Tartarus before and had found Cerberus charming if a little needy. She liked dogs, though, so he’d been okay with her. She heard he wasn’t so friendly with most people.

  The thought of the underworld as punishment struck her as ironic. She’d spent her entire life before Selene in the darkness and would probably return to it, at least in part, once they were separated. Zeus would have to come up with something better than that for her.

  Spite cleared away some of the fear, making it easier for her to think straight. Cate peered around her forearm and squinted at the light as it pulsed, white hot and absolutely pure with a silver shimmer that reminded her of the moon. She frowned and blinked several times to clear her sight, sure she’d see Zeus.

  But it wasn't Zeus. Standing in a swath of brilliant white silver light, stood the most stunning woman Cate had ever seen in her entire life. Her skin glowed like the full moon and waves of unstable power buzzed around her, making Cate's magic strain forward to be nearer, and in her deceivingly delicate arms was Morpheus.


  Cate's heart came to a full stop for a moment then she gasped and took a step forward.

  Hushed silence spread throughout the group as they realized who the woman was. Nyx, the primordial goddess of the moon, she of infinite and terrible power, motioned Poseidon forward and lowered her grandson into his arms.

  "He is hurt," she said in a voice that Cate felt in her bones despite the fact that she didn't open her mouth. Cate stumbled another step forward, drawn by Nyx's magic, but torn by her need to touch Morpheus.

  Nyx's gaze settle on Cate, her eyes burning intensely, Cate felt it on her skin. Again, she spoke without speaking, "You are Hecate, queen of the witches on Earth and below." It was a statement more than a question, yet Cate nodded her answer.

  A soft smile lifted Nyx's mouth. "So, it is to you my grandson has given his heart." She tilted her head to the side, letting her wave of pale blond hair cascade over her shoulder. "Are you worthy of his love?"

  Cate tore her gaze from Nyx and looked longingly at where Poseidon had leaned Morpheus up against a large rock. He was awake, she saw, and looked pale. Cate's stomach clenched at the sight of him hurt. She looked back and forth between him and Nyx, torn between the man she loved and the goddess who would not be ignored.

  Cate inhaled sharply and stared down at the ground, needing a moment
to think. Was she worthy of Morpheus’ love? That was the question. It made her stomach twist to think of it. She was a goddess in her own right, queen of the witches, ruler of crossroads and necromancy… but what did any of that mean? She loved him, that much she was able to admit now, because denying it was futile. Folly or not, she loved him and would do anything to keep him safe. She didn’t know if she was worthy or not. What she did know is that she couldn’t breathe if she didn’t get to his side and help him this moment.

  She looked up at Nyx, fearing she’d offend her and be smote down, but made the decision to do it anyway. Cate bowed her head in reverence, hoping it was enough. “My apologies, Nyx,” she murmured, then rushed to Morpheus and sank to the ground next to him.

  His injuries were severe, significantly worse than those she’d just had. Cate laid her hands on his bare chest, testing to see how much of the blood there was his own. He groaned and his eyes rolled back in his head as her fingertips touched a long gash that revealed glimpses of rib bones. Cate concentrated and pushed every ounce of strength she had remaining from what she’d siphoned from Poseidon and Apollo and into Morpheus.

  It barely healed a scratch.

  Cate reached for more, scraping her very soul to find the magic to heal him. Nausea rocked her but she kept pushing, kept trying, to little effect. Desperate to take away his pain, she whirled around, looking for Poseidon and Apollo, to demand that they help but instead she found Nyx leaning close, reaching for her with a eerily glowing hand.

  The moment Nyx’s skin touched Cate’s, time stopped. The brilliant light that surrounded the goddess, moved down her arm and consumed Cate, traveling over her body in an instant, and then into her skin, her blood, her bones. It burned where it went, impossibly hot and pure, but she didn’t burst into flames. Cate shook as magic, stronger than any she’d ever touched, ignited the spark of her own power, recharging it in an instant. It flowed through her and into Morpheus, lighting him up as well.

  All around them, Cate heard gasps and cries of wonder but she had eyes only for Morpheus. The pain of her healing was fresh in her mind and she knew his would be worse. Her palm laid against his wounds, pumping magic into him, but instead of stitching his body back together, Nyx’s magic mixed with her own, lifted Morpheus into the air like a puppet and exploded into another brilliant array of light and power. Cate’s hand, which had lifted with him as he rose, was pushed back with enough force to bend her wrist back with a snap. Uncaring of the jolt of pain, Cate jumped to her feet and stared straight into the light, searching for Morpheus.

  His face was completely healed and free of blood, or debris, or any sign that he’d ever been captured and tortured by Zeus. The smile that lit his eyes when he saw her was brighter than the light, which quickly faded as he floated gently to the earth and touched down.

  She flew into his arms and buried her face in his neck, then, without notice, burst into tears and began violently shivering. Strong arms came around her, pulling her in so tight it was hard to breath but she didn’t care. She couldn’t stop shivering.

  Then it all disappeared. Nyx’s glow, the forest, her friends, they all just disappeared and they were on the beach again, their beach, and the sun was still setting. Cate sagged and gasped in air, feeling unable to regulate her breathing.

  “Shhh,” Morpheus whispered against her temple as he laid kisses along her face. “It’s alright, I’m alright. We both are.”

  But she couldn’t stop. Her tears just kept coming, streaming down her face onto his chest. Somewhere in the back of her mind she recognized that she was a mess but she couldn’t seem to pull it together.

  Morpheus pulled away from her and held her by the shoulders, leaning down to catch her gaze. He started breathing in and out, being overly dramatic but Cate noticed and began copying him. Her breaths caught on ragged sobs but eventually slowed enough for her to stop hiccuping and wipe her eyes.

  He smiled down at her and rubbed a thumb over her swollen lips. “I take it you missed me.”

  She slapped him on the arm and sniffed. “Shut up.”

  His immediate grin was irreverent. “Does this mean you love me?”

  Cate was so shocked by his blurted question that she froze, unable to find words. But when doubt flickered in his gorgeous blue eyes, she snapped out of it, unwilling to let him doubt her ever again. “Yes,” she said with a shivery inhalation.

  His eyes went wide and filled with wonder. Cate stared at him, watching for fear or hesitance, scared to see either, but not regretting her words one bit. She loved him and was enough of a badass to own up to her feelings.

  “Say it,” Morpheus said still staring at her in amazement. “Say it out loud because I don’t think I’ll believe it until I see your lips form the words.”

  Cate clung to the bravery she’d just accessed and repeated herself. “I love you, Morpheus.” She raised a hand to his forehead and tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. “I love your eyes. I love your lips.” With each statement, she inched closer. “I love the way you look at me and the way you helped complete strangers because it was the right thing to do.” Cate laid her hand over his heart. “I love your mind and the way you make me feel. I love your heart and I’d really love it if you’d tell me that you love me back.”

  He dipped his head down to capture her mouth and wrapped his arms around her. The kiss was deep and passionate but tender at the same time and when he pulled back, it was with emotion brimming in his eyes and a smile on his lips. “How could I not love you?” he asked, shaking his head. “You’re beautiful and fierce. You’re a complete smartass and I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

  Cate slapped his arm and glared at him. She got a peck on the nose for her efforts.

  Morpheus slid his hands into her hair and tilted her face up to his. “I’ve lived a very long time and I’ve had many lovers.”

  Cate made a disgusted sound.

  Morpheus just laughed. “You know what I mean. And that’s another thing.” He beamed at her. “You know what I mean. You always seem to know what I mean. I’ve never had that with another person.”

  She forgave him for the lovers comment.

  “I know it’s completely cheesy but fuck it, I don’t care. If the queen of the witches can cave and be sappy then so can I. You’re the one I’ve waited my entire life for, Hecate. I love you.”

  Perfect happiness burst inside Cate’s chest, filling her up so much that it felt as if she could burst at any time. She let him pull her in for a crushing hug that pressed her cheek up against his heart. the sound of his racing heart made her smile.

  His heart raced for her.

  Cate strained upward on her toes and thrust her hands into his thick hair, dragging his mouth down for a searing kiss. She poured all the anxiety and terror she’d felt when he’d been captured fade away, replaced only by overwhelming desire and love. When he licked out his tongue to tease her, she nibbled on his full lower lip in response.

  Gods, she loved the way he tasted. It was nothing she could put a finger on but Cate knew she’d recognize his taste and scent anywhere. She nuzzled his neck then trailed the tip of her tongue from his ear to his collarbone. The growl that emanated from deep with him told her that he liked it.

  “Bed!” she cried out on a half giggle when he swept her up in his arms and pressed his face into her breasts like the playboy she’d first assumed he was. Instantly they were in a room centered around a huge bed, lit by a thousand candles with the strains of soft classical music in the background. The scent of peonies perfumed the air, her favorite flower though she didn’t remember ever telling Morpheus that fact.

  Selene, Cate realized, and decided she was alright with her best friend sharing her secrets with the god she loved. Well, some of her secrets.

  Her giggle died on her lips when Morpheus just stilled and stared down at her, swallowing hard. His eyes looked at her like she was an angel and not the dark mistress. She saw the depth of his emotion in his eyes and it made
her feel like weeping. Then he brushed his palm over her cheek and whispered, “It’s you,” in a husky tone that caught on the last word. Then he lowered his head to claim her lips once more.

  This time he went slow, savouring her, touching without desperation, as if they had all the time in the world to revel in one another. He murmured his love and sweet nothings over and over as he traced the curves of her neck and shoulders with his mouth, and tongue, and teeth, making her sigh, then sob, then cry out in turn.

  Cate moved her hands over his back, delighting in the defined muscles that bunched and shifted as he stroked her skin, bringing heat and delicious goosebumps wherever he touched.

  When he filled his hands with her breasts and casually thumbed her nipples, sending shocks of electric current down her body and into the earth, she let her eyes roll back and grabbed his shoulder for support. His other hand came to her waist and held her firm while he lovingly stroked her breasts.


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