Hecate: The Wronged

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Hecate: The Wronged Page 13

by JJ King

  Then she remembered that she’d have to be separated from Selene for her and Morpheus to have eternity together. The thought still brought pain, like a tightness in the chest, but the pain wasn’t as bad now. For once, she wouldn’t be alone when the chips fell.

  “I know you’re going to miss being linked to her.” Morpheus said quietly, pulling back enough to look her deep in the eyes.

  His gentle comment touched the pain she’d pushed down so often and gave it permission to spill free. Cate teared up and pressed her face into his neck, taking the comfort he offered. He stroked a hand over her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “She’s my family,” Cate murmured into his neck and the tears she’d spilled there.

  “I know,” he sighed, moving his hand down to her back.

  Cate pulled back this time, needing to see his face so he’d understand. “I love you and I will gladly spend the rest of eternity making love and fighting with you.”

  He smiled at that.

  “But, she’s my person, the only person that has ever been there for me through hard and good times. I mean, yeah, I know we both kind of have no choice in the matter, but we’re sisters. I don’t know how I’m going to feel when we’re torn apart.” Cate heard her word choice and decided it was right. She’d feel torn from Selene even if it was something both of them wanted to happen.

  “She loves you, too,” Morpheus said earnestly, glancing over to where Selene was speaking with Artemis.

  She threw back her head and laughed at something the huntress said and the sound filled Cate with joy. She’d heard so little of it over the years.

  “And it doesn’t matter that she’ll have Endymion back and you’ll have me, because she’s your soulmate.” He smoothed some hair out of her face and kiss her forehead, a soft gesture that made Cate feel warm inside. He paused, lips still on her forehead, and pulled back. “What’s Endymion like? He’s not weird is he?”

  Cate chuckled and shook her head. “Honestly, I’m not sure. He could be a huge weirdo and I wouldn’t know. I remember so little of what he was like. All I know is that they were madly in love.” She took a moment to just be in his arms then sighed. “It’s time.”

  She’d spoken quietly but every single head turned to her with eager eyes, ready to get started. Cate stood up and stepped free of the chair as Morpheus waved a hand and made everything disappear. As decided, in its place, drawn on the floor was a giant pentagram inside a circle to represent the full moon, with two half moons on their side, the triple goddess symbol. Cate handed out the obsidian necklaces to Poseidon and Apollo and was pleased with their reactions.

  To Medusa she gave a jade stone on a gold chain. “It helps purify and protect the wearer.” Cate slipped the necklace over the gorgon’s head, not minding the way her snakes nuzzled against her hands. They were part of her and she was their friend. Besides, she’d always liked snakes. Medusa stepped back, away from the circle, and watched from beside Morpheus.

  Cate took the three amulets out of her pocket then slipped out of her clothes once more while Selene and Artemis did the same. She pressed a kiss to each woman’s cheeks and handed them their charms, praying that this time would work.

  She could feel the pull of the moon and the darkness that was her time. Being here in the dreamscape had been amazing, certainly one of the best gifts she’d ever been given, but her life hadn’t been hers since this had begun. The night was hers and she was anxious to enjoy it again.

  They cast the circle again and laid candles, obsidian and quartz at each of the five points. There was no rush this time, so they moved slowly, walking clockwise around the circle three times, speaking in unison to cement their bond.

  Goddess of the earth we come,

  one in three and three in one,

  to ask your favor on this night,

  to guide us now with vivid sight.

  Lend to us your grace, your power,

  in the place and in this hour,

  to break the bonds and souls set free,

  as we will it, so mote it be.

  They moved to the next cardinal direction and asked a blessing of the goddesses of air, water, fire, and spirit until the circle was complete.

  Cate took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder towards Morpheus, Poseidon, and Apollo, each of whom were watching the person they love attempt the impossible. Only this time, they all had a role to play.

  She held out her hands, holding the triple goddess amulet in her left palm and took Selene’s and Artemis’ hands, closing the inner circle. She squeezed their hands tightly, took a steadying breath, and began.

  “By the call of darkest night,

  And the will of blessed light,

  I call upon the waning moon,

  To bless us now with her fortune.

  I bond us now, maid, mother, crone,

  That our gifts the earth might hone,

  From three to one,

  My will be done.

  As I will it, so mote it be.”

  Selene started her part immediately, letting her voice ring out clear as a bell. She called upon the full moon, her moon, to bond them and set them free.

  There was no hesitation in Artemis this time. She spoke firmly, passionately, calling out her chorus, beseeching the waxing moon to bless and strengthen them separately and together.

  Green, gold, and pale blue magic poured out of them, melting together, dancing in the air as if they called to each other. Cate gripped tighter as their magics began to grow, this time even swifter than the first.

  It felt different this time, she could feel it in her bones. Her mind buzzed with power, like before, but this time the magics were more in control. They’d been foolish to expect Selene’s consciousness to be able to complete the ritual. Her entire being was needed, body, mind, and soul. They were all in, or they were bereft.

  The pressure was still there, pushing in on her, but Cate held onto her sisters’ hands and pushed back, not allowing it to control her. They were in control, their power fuelled this world, they were the triumvirate and would do this.

  “Three in one, maid, mother, crone,

  We forge our strength as one in stone,

  Our magics now through us unite,

  To free Endymion at this break of night.

  Flow now through us to him awake,

  Our power that his bonds may break,

  Release him from eternal night,

  Bring him and us into the light.

  As we will it, so mote it be!”

  Cate craned her neck and looked over her shoulder to where Poseidon and Apollo waited inside their own circle. She fought against the pressure that seemed to buffet her like a storm and pushed the single word free from her lips, “Now!”


  Cate felt her magic shift.

  It was strange, almost like having a steady stream of water increase with a spurt, then balance out with greater pressure. Only this spurt drove into her with the force of a steam roller and left her almost completely breathless. On either side of her, Selene and Artemis shouted and gripped her hands harder, desperate to hold on, to keep their inner circle intact.

  She couldn’t spare the energy to look, but she knew without a doubt that Poseidon and Apollo were doing what they’d promised to do. With every passing second, the trickle of power that came to her, to each of them, from the moon, grew stronger.

  Sweat slicked her body, dampening her hands, and Cate feared she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer despite the spell they’d cast earlier to ensure their strength. Through their connection, she could feel both Selene and Artemis struggling, too. Cate turned her head toward Selene and screamed above the din of magic, “I can’t hold on much longer!”

  Selene must have heard her or felt her alarm because her face, contorted with effort, showed panic and she glanced down at their hands.

  Artemis understood, too. Her eyes were wide and frightened and her hands trembled from the intens
ity of the magics.

  Cate hesitated, fearing what would happen if they pulled a sliver of magic now to bind them more securely. She realized it could cost them but if they did nothing and their inner circle faltered, they’d fail for sure. She made a decision. Cate pulled her magic back a fraction, just enough to focus her mind, and wove a spell to strengthen their physical connection, to keep them from slipping. She worked quickly, hoping it would be enough then gasped as a surge of new power slammed into her, filling her with more magic than she’d ever held in her life. Her hands began to slip free.

  She curled her nails into skin, digging in to stop progression and screamed the words to bind them into the magical maelstrom and felt, rather than heard, Selene and Artemis join her a moment later.

  Goddesses of dark and light,

  guide us through this darkest night,

  strengthen now our entwined hands,

  and give us will to make our stand.

  Their combined voices rose higher as they repeated the spell three times, drowning out the rising cacophony around them while their magics shook the dreamscape.

  The moment they finished the spell, Cate’s palm dried of the sweat that had slicked it and her fingers tightened of their own volition, clamping firmly around Selene’s and Artemis’. They’d faltered, but had recovered. Now to finish the job.

  Cate closed her eyes again and tuned her senses into Poseidon and Apollo, to check on their progress. They’d connected their spirits before starting the ritual to link them all in case of emergencies so it was easy to tap into their energies now.

  Pain shot into her through the bond; pain mixed with intense pressure and sparking electricity. Cate staggered back a bit from the mental assault and thanked the goddess for the bond that kept her secured to her sister goddesses. Her mind rejected the pain, pushing against it, trying to force her out of the connection but she fought back, needing to know the extent of their sacrifice.

  This was nothing like she’d imagined it, not that she’d been able for a split second to actually imagine what it was they were actually doing. Inside the bond, she felt Poseidon’s power cresting high, balancing on the edge of control as he pushed the tides higher and higher while keeping them from destroying the world. He’d joked earlier that he didn’t want to cause a repeat of the great flood and now she understood the intricacies of stopping that from occurring. His power and control humbled her and she promised herself that she would show her appreciation when they came out the other side. He was a good guy and, she thought, worthy of Medusa’s love and her own respect.

  She turned her mind to Apollo’s efforts and her heart nearly stopped. His mind, body, and soul were ablaze with power that burned like the surface of the sun. Even without seeing him, his presence seared her. Like Poseidon, he didn’t notice her, he couldn’t, his entire being was focused on the sun as he literally pulled it toward them.

  They were making progress, both of them, but the toll it was taking was staggering. She could feel it in their blood, beating them down, sucking the immortal life out of them. It was only a matter of time before they’d have to let it all go or risk the repercussions.

  Cate slipped out of their minds and back into her own reality, knowing this was it, their final moments to make everything they’d struggled to do come to fruition. She gritted her teeth and bore down, pushing everything she had into the ether.

  The ground beneath her feet buckled and shook, making her stumble slightly and almost fall but she managed to stay upright with help. She shot a half smile tinged with mania at Selene and knew the anxiety and fear she felt was the same emotions she saw reflected on her best friend’s face.

  There was something else there, too, though. Desperation, excitement, trust… love. Emotion caught in Cate’s throat. All these years, she’d shared her life with Selene, she’d listened to her remember Endymion even after it got hard to recall the details. She’d cried with Selene when every attempt they’d made to free him and themselves had failed and she’d given her hope after each failure. But, she’d never really understood what it would mean to get him back, not really.

  Cate’s gaze flickered past the circle towards Morpheus, whose gaze was locked on her intently. She’d purposely kept her eyes off him all this time in case his fear for her would make her stumble. She let herself look now and was surprised to see no fear in his expression. There was anxiety, yes, and tenseness around his mouth, but there was also pride, something she’d never expected to see, and love. His lips lifted when he saw her looking and he lifted a hand to his heart.

  This is what Selene was fighting for. Cate understood now. Her feelings for Morpheus exceeded the concept of love. It was too small a word to describe what she felt for him, for them together. Once, long ago, she’d scoffed at the idea of soul mates, then she’d become one with Selene and her soul had thrived. Now, with Morpheus, it felt complete. He made her feel stronger, and more beautiful than she’d ever felt.

  Cate felt the agonizing rip of magic through the bond and whipped her head around to see Apollo fall to the ground at Poseidon’s feet. His face looked like death and his body sagged heavily. Without the balance of his power, Poseidon’s control teetered and shifted, sending waves of fear and panic through the link.

  Artemis turned towards her brother and pulled them with her desperate to get to Apollo. Cate focused on Selene, willing her to hold on, to fight back, but their magics were already depleted, Cate could feel it in the way her body shook and her focus wavered. If she gave in for even just one moment, they would fail, again.

  And this time, she feared, would be their last.

  The connection between them shook as their magics destabilized and tore at the bonds. Outside their circle, through the whipping winds and screaming magics, Morpheus shouted her name and Medusa screamed. Cate felt the two circles crumbling, getting weaker and weaker as one by one, they succumbed to the pain and pressure.

  They were going to fail. Selene would lose her best chance at getting her life back. Cate’s heart cracked wide open for her friend.

  An intense wave of guilt came with the grief. So many times over the years she’d wondered how she’d survive alone when they awakened Endymion and Selene got her happily ever after. Cate had never imagined in a million years that they’d fail in their mission and Selene would be the one left alone. Even in her darkest moments, when she’d doubted they’d succeed, Cate had assumed they’d just spend eternity together.

  But here they were, in the moment they’d been waiting for, and they were going to fail because they just didn't’ have enough power. She didn’t have enough power.

  Once, before she’d merged with Selene, she could have tapped into dark magics, drawn from the deepest parts of the earth and the soul to complete the ritual. She’d have sacrificed lives and bathed herself in the blood of the innocent, sucking their essence into her to bolster her magic. It would have been glorious.

  She’d gone soft, though. She’d abandoned her dark practices, stopped sacrificing virgins, and had learned what it meant to love someone. Loving Selene had made her soft.

  What if loving Morpheus was the reason she was going to fail Selene now?

  A knot of disgust and guilt formed in her stomach and rolled through her, taking any last bits of energy she had. Cate slumped and tears ran down her cheeks.

  At the back of her mind, a question surfaced. What if she could still access those magics? What if there was a way to tap into them right here, right now? She could save Endymion, save Selene… and lose herself.

  She pictured Morpheus in her mind, so gorgeous, so smart and kind, so wonderful. He was everything she’d never known she needed or even wanted. He was her heart, but so was Selene.

  Cate hung her head. To save Selene’s love, she’d have to sacrifice her own. She’d have to slip back into her old life and give up all the people she’d come to love and respect. She’d be alone again, forever.

  The darkness beckoned, calling to her from a place d
eep inside that she’d long since locked away. It pulsed with power, with promise, convincing her that she could be more powerful, if she’d just give everything up. She had no virgin to offer at the moment, but she did have something to sacrifice.


  Her heart constricted painfully. The choice was there. Sacrifice her soul, her heart, her love for Selene and Morpheus, for more power so she could make Selene’s dream come true. But where would that leave Morpheus?

  He loved her, she had no doubt about that. Like her, he’d never seen this coming, this indescribable feeling of having your heart outside of yourself. If she did this, if she took the deal the darkness offered, she’d be breaking him.

  No, she couldn’t do that, she wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t that she deserved happiness any more than Selene, but she did deserve happiness. It had taken her a very long time to realize that and to accept it as true. She’d do this on her own strength and, if they failed this time, never stop trying.

  A burst of heat, so intense it made her eyes roll back, shot through Cate’s head. She opened her mouth to scream but the heat was so much that no sound would leave her body. She threw her hands up to grasp her head and couldn’t because she was still linked to Selene and Artemis. She collapsed to her knees, dragging Selene and Artemis down with her.


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