Happily Ever Alpha_Until Arsen

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Happily Ever Alpha_Until Arsen Page 8

by KL Donn

I can hear Dad stomping through the mudroom door as I try to work out my feelings. He likes to garden his own vegetables, and I bet he has been plucking the weeds from his precious goods.

  “How did you know you loved Daddy?” I ask, hoping to distract. Her sly grin says she knows what I’m doing.

  “I remember the exact moment I knew Dennis was it for me. He’d just dropped me off at home after our third date. We went to the drive-in and made out the entire time.”

  “Mom, gross.” I fake gag.

  “Like you haven’t done it.” She winks at me. “I fell over backwards on to my bed and sighed. My heart skipped a beat, and I had butterflies in my belly. My lips still felt the touch of his for a week.” She sighs happily as Dad walks in behind her.

  “I knew from the moment I met your mother that she was mine. All that dark hair and those chocolate eyes sucked me right in.” He leans down to kiss the top of her head. “She’s my girl.”

  The love between them physically hurts me. Seeing it, the way they explain it, I know I’m in love with Arsen.

  “He hurt me.” The sob leaving my chest cracks my emotions wide open, and the tears start to flow. “I told him, and he just left, and I haven’t heard from him since then.” My words sound erratic to my own ears.

  “Marina.” Mom tries to soothe.

  “I’m broken, and he doesn’t want me anymore. I hate this stupid body!” I scream, unable to control my agony.

  The doorbell rings while Mom tries to comfort me. “Marina, there is not a damn thing wrong with you, and if he can’t see that, then he isn’t the man for you.” How I wish I could believe her.

  “I’m defective. How could he want me? Why would he?” The stupid tears won’t stop, and my breathing feels tight.

  “’Cause you’re fucking perfect for me.”

  Great. Now I’m imagining his voice.

  “Get out of my head,” I cry. Until mom spins me around and there he is.


  My knight.

  My broken dream.

  My legs won’t hold me any longer, and I crash to the ground, black dots spinning my vision into nothing.


  After driving all night and listening to Marina’s brief but heartbreaking message, I’m finally at her family home. I waste no time walking up the paved pathway and the porch steps. Ringing the doorbell, all I want to do is burst through.

  I need my girl.

  An older man opens the door. “Can I help you?” he asks.

  As I’m about to introduce myself, I catch Marina saying, “I’m defective, how could he want me? Why would he?” I rush through the house at the broken emotion in her voice. Seeing my woman cry on her mother’s shoulder, I don’t hesitate to tell her, “’Cause you’re fucking perfect for me.” Realizing she thinks she’s hearing things, hurts like hell. Mostly because I did this to her.

  When her mother spins Marina around, the anguish is clear in her gaze as she looks at me. Seeing her knees go weak, I rush over to catch her in my arms before she hits the floor. I feel her spritely body vibrating with her pain.

  “I got you, Ari,” I murmur in her ear, savoring the feel of touching her again. It feels like it’s been forever and a day. “I’m sorry, baby, so fucking sorry.”

  “S’okay. I’m broken. I get it,” she whispers, her voice full of tears.

  Sitting in the chair her mother pulls over for me, I cradle Marina in my lap, lifting her chin up to see me. I need her to hear my next words. “You’re not broken, Marina. You’re special. You’re everything I never knew I wanted.” I see a slight bit of hope light her gaze. “From that first touch, to your laughter, your sweet kisses, you’re all mine, baby, and there isn’t a damn thing that’s going to change that for me.”

  “You didn’t call,” she sighs. I can feel her body relaxing into mine.

  “Karma is not my friend.” I shake my head.

  She looks puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

  Brushing the hair back from her face, I hate how exhausted she looks. “That lead I got? The jackass ran. I had to chase. My phone got broken as I tackled him. I didn’t get a new one until just before I left late last night.”

  “You drove all night?” She seems awed.

  “Baby, I would move heaven and earth to get to you.”

  “Oh my,” her mother whispers. I’d forgotten they were in the room.

  Securing Marina more firmly on my lap, I introduce myself. “I’m Arsen Daniels. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Her mother looks lovestruck by my words. Her father looks pissed off. “You made her cry,” he growls, not giving me an inch.

  “It wasn’t intentional. I handled a shock and demand in a bad way, and I’ll spend however long I have to making up for it.”

  “Shock and demand?” he asks.

  “I’m a detective with MNPD, and moments before Marina told me her secret, I had been called in to view a video of a potential suspect in a gruesome double homicide. It wasn’t my finest moment. And I have no excuse for how I left her that morning.”

  “Why has it taken you so long to search her out?” her mother asks.

  “I had three days to break my suspect down into confessing his crime. I’m not ashamed to admit that these boys deserved 100% of my attention. I should have made a better effort to call you, though.” My last words are said to the quiet woman in my arms.

  “I understand, Arsen.” She smooths a hand across my cheek, and my eyes close, delighting in the feeling of her touch again.

  “You shouldn’t have to, though. I hate that you thought I wasn’t messaging you back. And that terrified phone call? I almost lost my shit. What the hell had you so scared?” My heart had stopped the moment I heard her voice. I knew immediately that she was terrified.

  “There was a truck on the highway. The wind was gusting, and it nearly side-swiped me.” She looks away like her fear is something to be ashamed of.

  “Fuck, Marina. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to answer. I swear I would have.”

  “I know.” So fucking understanding. “You caught him, though?”

  “Yes. He’ll never see the light of day again.”

  “That’s all that matters then.”

  “You hurt my daughter, Mr. Daniels.” Her mother’s stern tone catches my attention.

  “Mom,” Marina whispers.

  “No, sweetheart.” She glares my way. “Marina has been dealt far more than someone so young should. I don’t like seeing her upset. Her believing she isn’t enough for someone flat out pisses me off.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “If you ever make her cry again, I will string you up by your balls in The Square for target practice. Are we clear, young man?” Looks like I have my work cut out for me.

  “As crystal, ma’am.”

  “Good.” She beams. “Dennis, why don’t you and I go for breakfast and leave these two alone to talk?” Her question is more of a suggestion as she drags him towards the front door.

  Once they’ve left, Marina turns in my lap to face me. Tears still hover on her eyelids. “You really hurt me. Like deep into my soul hurt me. And I fell in love with you, and I told you my biggest secret, and then you left.” I go to open my mouth, but she lays a finger over my lips, so I stop. “I understand why you had to leave, and now that I know why you couldn’t really get in touch with me, I still wish you had.”

  Threading my fingers through her hair, I lean my head into hers. “I don’t know how I can make it up to you, but I promise I will. And it will never happen again.”

  “Promise?” So much vulnerability in her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I swear on it, Marina. Never again will I let that happen.”

  Chapter Twelve


  We spent three days at my soon to be in-laws, where they spent the entire first day grilling me about my life, job, and family. I took it all because Marina is worth every ounce of discomfort. Once they gave me the seal of approval, they were frie
ndlier, and I was able to help her dad, Dennis, with some chores and repairs around the house. Her mother makes a mean apple pie that she bakes from scratch and sent four home with us.

  Marina seems more at ease with me around her parents now than that first morning I arrived. I know I have to earn her trust back. We also need to talk about what she told me. Every time I’ve tried to bring the subject up, she deflects and talks about something else. I think she’s afraid the more I learn, the easier it’ll be for me to leave.

  That couldn’t be further from the truth. There isn’t anything in the world that could convince me to leave her. This overwhelming craving and love I feel for her aren’t going away. In fact, they intensify the more I learn about her. How she likes to dance around to music while cleaning. She hums in the shower. Her fridge is divided into food groups. She can’t stand it when her food touches on her plate, so she puts knives in between each dish to avoid it.

  They’re endearing quirks that make me smile, and I hope I get to find out more. I know I drive her crazy because I just lay my toothbrush and paste on the counter instead of putting them in a cup. She hates that I toss my keys on the counter when I come home from work instead of having some sort of dish or hanger for them. She laughed when she saw the mess my closet is and proceeded to color code my dress shirts. My pants are all black, and that frustrates her. She thinks I need more color in my life.

  She has enough of that for the both of us.

  When Marina sets her mind to something, she doesn’t stop until it’s finished. So now that she’s finally done reorganizing my house—to which I gave her free rein and thoroughly enjoyed watching her—she’s in the kitchen making dinner and still organizing while I plan the best way to convince her to move in with me.

  Without realizing it, she’s arranged everything so that it is co-habitable for two people and not just myself. Her clothes will have space in one side of my closet, and there’s extra room in the dresser. The bathroom is sparse to begin with, so her girly stuff won’t be a problem. I have empty shelves for days to hold all of her students’ artwork that she loves to display. My sofa set is black, so her colorful throw pillows will fit right on in.

  All I need is for her to agree.

  Walking up behind her as she finishes hanging our coats in the entryway closet, I wrap my arms around her waist. Loving the way she molds into my body. Being shorter than me, her head nestles right into the crook of my neck while her lower back cradles my always hard-around-her cock. She sighs as I pull her away and over to the sofa just a few feet behind us.

  Sitting down, I position her so she straddles my lap, her tiny skirt lifting to show me a flash of her light pink panties. I’m momentarily distracted as she pushes the fabric back down.

  “What are you doing, Arsen Daniels?” Her voice is amused.

  “Hoping,” I say, “praying”—I look up to her eyes—“you’ll move in with me.” Her entire frame freezes at my words. A look of shock encases her face.

  “It’s too soon.”

  “Says who?”

  “Well, I don’t know. But it’s only been two weeks.”

  “Nine and half days, actually.” I point this out, and she fights to hide her laughter.

  “Yes.” Her answer throws me off guard. I half expected a fight.

  “Yes?” She nods vigorously. “Christ, if I knew it was going to be that easy, I’d have gone for broke and asked you to marry me.” She slaps my chest lightly as though I’m kidding. I’m not.

  “Are you sure, though, Arsen? That’s a huge step.”

  “Sweet cheeks, I’m thirty-five years old. I know what I want. And what I want is you.”

  “I want you, too,” she whispers.

  “Good girl,” I praise as I pull her head down for a kiss that quickly burns out of control. Clothes fly, moans are the only sound in the room as I lay her body back on the couch and kiss my way from her lips down to her chest then stomach, murmuring, “One day, we’re going to have a baby.” My eyes meet her sad ones. “Whether from your body and my seed or not, we’ll have babies.” Tears leak from the corners of her eyes as happiness lights them.

  “I love you, Arsen,” she says, her hands reaching down to play with my hair.

  “I love you more, Marina. You’re the perfect package for what I never knew I wanted in a woman.”

  She nods at my words. Leaning forward, she trails a finger down my cheek and whispers, “Please, Arsen, love me.”

  “With fucking pleasure.”


  My eyes are closed as Arsen loves me so thoroughly that I can barely breathe from the pleasure. His words of love are reassuring but feeling his love is much more magnificent. The reverence in each kiss, the way he cherishes me with each touch. I’m left in sweet agony.

  “Arsen, please,” I beg again. He’s spent so much time between my legs that just his breath produces an ache deep within me.

  “You beg so nicely.” He grins as he finally crawls up my limp body.

  “You make it hard not to.”

  “Good girl.” I swear he says it now just to turn me compliant. The words travel down to my soul and rush through my heart. Even hearing him say I love you, doesn’t provide me the same rush as his praise.

  “I love when you say that,” I moan as he pushes his hardness into me. I’m still tight, he’s still large, but we work. We get to savor the incredible feeling of being so connected.

  “I know,” he groans into my ear. “I can feel it in the way your pussy pulses around my cock. I can feel how wet you get for me. The way your eyes glow with warmth.” He trails kisses up my neck as his hips move in a slow motion. “I can feel it in the pleasure that vibrates through your body as I move my hands along your flesh and up your body.” He bites the pulse on my neck, making me gasp. “I know you, Marina Parks, and I know that you’re my good girl.”

  “I am,” I gasp as his thrusting picks up speed, and he threads one hand through my hair while the other puts pressure in the small of my back. Arching me into each pump of his hips.

  “Yeah, you are,” he groans, and we’re both lost in our sweet symphony of lovemaking.

  Real and true loving.

  Arsen Daniels is my love. All the mysterious, heart-pounding, consuming love I’ve never felt before.

  He’s it.

  He is my everything.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Arsen!” I spin around to see Ember running full-speed towards Marina and I as we are about to take our seats for her recital.

  “Hey, firecracker.” I grin as she leaps into my arms. This fucking kid, she never lets shit get her down.

  “I’m so glad you guys could make it! The kids are going to be just thrilled!” She pulls away after giving me a death squeeze to do the same to Marina. A woman she’s only spoken to on the phone nearly every day this past week, taking her time away from me. “Oh, Marina, it’s so nice to finally meet you!”

  “You, too, Ember. The kids look great in their costumes.” Marina grins as some of the younger ones walk by where we’re standing.

  “Your Mom’s sewing circle did an amazing job! Are Dennis and Claudia coming tonight?”

  “They are.” Marina looks around. “Don’t tell the kids, but all the ladies are, and they’ve got special treats for everyone.”

  Ember’s eyes tear. These kids have been her life for almost two years now. Helping them, getting to know about them and their families. My sensitive sister has absorbed their pain as her own.

  “Thank you, Marina. For everything. You and your mom have been marvelous.”

  Marina pulls Ember in for a hug this time, and I just barely hear her whisper, “I meant it when I said my mother is your mother. I’ve always wanted a sister.” I couldn’t be prouder of my woman than right there. Witnessing her do that for my sister just makes me love her that much more.

  “Kol here yet?” I ask when they pull apart.

  “Saving seats for you guys.” Ember’s
smile is sad this time.

  “Not a lot of parents are coming, are there?” I ask.

  “No.” She brushes off her melancholy quickly. “I have a favor to ask. My friend Thea should be in the audience, too. Big green eyes, light, light blonde hair. Looks like a super model really. Could you guys introduce yourselves, and umm…” She trails off and looks away.

  “What, Em?”

  “She’s terrified. She doesn’t get out much. Don’t let Kol scare her off, okay?”

  “Got it,” I say as she shoos us away. As soon as we enter the small seating area, we spot the woman she has to be talking about, sitting two rows behind Kol.

  “Kol!” I call, and he turns around. His gaze stops on Thea before ever meeting mine. I watch, fascinated, as my little brother becomes just as enthralled with the woman as I did with Marina. “Another one bites the dust.” I laugh.

  “Thea?” Marina asks, touching the girl’s shoulder lightly as we approach her. When she startles, I’m shocked to see stark fear in her gaze. “I’m Marina, Ember’s friend. This is Arsen and Kol, her brothers—she points to each of us in turn. She’s asked us to sit with you, would that be alright?” A sharp nod is the only answer.

  Kol and I share a look. My brother seems slightly pissed, and I shake my head, knowing full-well he’s about to go into protector mode. Marina sits on one side of Thea while Kol jumps over the chairs to sit on her other, nearly crowding all her space. I shake my head at him as he puts an arm around the back of her seat.

  “He’s going to scare her,” I mutter to Marina.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “Marina!” I hear Claudia call and smile as I see not only has she brought her sewing circle but their husbands and any grandkids they may have.

  “Your Mom’s aces, Ari,” Kol says to her when he sees all the people they’ve brought. The lights begin to dim, and everyone takes their seats as Ember appears on stage, surprised to see so many people in the audience.


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