by Joshua Bloom
student strikes: allies of; anti-imperialist, antiwar (1968); California-wide; College of San Mateo; Columbia University; national; National Student Strike Committee; “National Week of Solidarity,” San Francisco State College, for Seale and New Haven Panthers, Third World,
study groups. See Afro-American Association
Sugrue, Thomas
Sumi, Patricia
Sun Reporter,
“survival programs,” see Black Panther Party community programs
Sutherland, Donald
Sweden, Young Left League of Sweden
symbol, Black Panther
Tabor, Cetawayo (Michael)
Tagowa, Mike
Tanzania, Pan-African Cultural Festival
taxes: IRS Activist Organizations Committee; Malcolm X’s ten-point program
Teamsters: Elaine Brown political endorsement; San Francisco State student strike allies
Tennessee. See Memphis, Tennessee
ten-point platform, for Nation of Islam
Ten Point Program, Black Panther, amended versions, in Black Panther newspaper, Declaration of Independence, distributed in different forms, education; factionalism and; Marxism; New Left Notes; plebiscite campaign and; Red Guard ten-point program modeled after; Los Siete de la Raza seven-point program modeled after; at SNCC merger announcement (1968); “survival program,” Young Lords thirteen-point program modeled after
Thieu, Nguyen Van
Third World; revolutionary struggles throughout; self-determination; student strikes, Third World studies, UFAF conference
Third World Coalition, Columbia University
Third World Liberation Front (TWLF): San Francisco State College; UC Berkeley; UFAF
Thorne, Richard
Threatt, James
Tijerina, Reies
Till, Emmett
Tokyo Communist League
Tonton Macoutes, Haiti,
Torres, José
torture of informants, of Phemster by O’Neal; of Rackley by Sams,
Toure (Walter Pope)
Toure Community Center, Southern California chapter
trials: America on trial; bomb plot; Chicago Eight; “exhaust all legal means,” Hampton; Hilliard (1971); Ericka Huggins, McClellan Committee seeking harsher sentencing; Napier killing; New Haven Panthers, Newton, Newton retrial (1971); New York; political approach to; Pratt and associates; Sams turning state’s evidence; San Francisco State student strikers and allies; Seale,
Truehaft, Robert
Truly, Harry,
Truskier, Andy
tuberculosis epidemic, East Harlem
Tucker, Warren,
Tunisia, Pan-African Cultural Festival
Turner, Elijah
Turpin, Joseph
UCLA. See University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
“Uncle Sammy Call Me Fulla Lucifer” (Ronald Stone)
underground: Black Liberation Army; exile vs.; Pratt. See also guerilla warfare; insurrections
Underground Musicians Association, Los Angeles Black Congress
uniforms. See clothes styles
unions: Black Panthers linking to; Elaine Brown political endorsement; for Hampton and Clark killings investigation; Memphis sanitation workers strike; R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Factory vs.; San Francisco State student strike allies; Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World)
United Auto Workers
United Front, US gun battle with
United Front Against Fascism (UFAF),
United Front for Black Community Organizations
United Nations: Black Panthers, Cuban mission and Eldridge Cleaver; Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization in Copenhagen, Denmark; Malcolm X and; Observer Teams for ghettos; plebiscite campaign, Puerto Rican liberation demonstration; SNCC
Universal Negro Improvement Association, Garvey’s
University of California, Berkeley: antiwar rallies, Bancroft Library; Black Panther rallies, black student enrollment; black studies courses; Boalt Law School; Eldridge Cleaver lectures, intellectual freedom issue; SDS, Social Movements Project at the Institute for the Study of Social Change; student strikes; Ten Point Program distributed, Third World College; Young Socialist Alliance,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Black Student Union; Black Studies Program; Free Breakfast for Children Program; High Potential Program; John Huggins and Bunchy Carter killings,
University of California, Santa Cruz, Reagan heckled
University of Chicago, Marlene Dixon
University of Mississippi
University of Pennsylvania, student strike
University of Virginia, student strike
University of Wisconsin, Madison, student strikes
Unruh, Jesse
urban ghettos; armed mobilization of, black men’s social castration, Black Panther focus and identification; Civil Rights Movement not changing; criminality; Democratic Party failing to address; exclusion from political power; Hunters Point Matthew Johnson killing (1966), New Haven; today; Vietnam War compared with; after World War II. See also black community; “brothers on the block” police brutality; Richmond, California; urban rebellions; Watts
Urban League; mobilizing against state repression of Panthers
urban rebellions; anticolonial; antiwar activists and; Chicago; Cincinnati; Detroit (1967), Harlem (1964); Hugginses and; Hunters Point, insurrections; after King assassination; largest; looting, Memphis; Newark (1967), Newton articles on; Ohio, Plainfield, New Jersey; as political, Watts (1965)
urban white flight
US; Black Panthers killed by, conflicts with Black Panthers, cooperation with government and police; “Free Huey!” rally; Los Angeles Black Congress, See also Karenga, Ron
Ussery, Wilfred
Vacaville Prison, Eldridge Cleaver
Vallejo Black Panther chapter: Free Breakfast for Children Program; purges
Van Deburg, William L.
Vander Wall, Jim
vanguard party, Black Panther; for New Left, Newton as leader of, proclaimed at Chicago rally; “revolutionary intercommunalism,” urban rebellions increasing confidence in. See also revolutionary vanguard
Vann, James
Vietnamese: self-determination; South Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thieu. See also North Vietnamese; Vietnam War
Vietnam Moratorium Committee
Vietnam War: Democratic Party stances on, Hemispheric Conference to End the War in Vietnam; new divide over; San Francisco State student strike and; Tet offensive; U.S. de-escalating. See also antiwar activism; draft resistance; military services, U.S.—Vietnam War; Vietnamese
violence: ANC; antiwar activists; arson; FBI goal to prevent; FBI instigating among black activists, FBI not protecting civil rights activists from; Los Angeles Black Congress conflicts, rape; Rules of the Black Panther Party and; white vigilante groups. See also armed resistance to authority; beatings; bombs/bombing; nonviolence; police brutality; riots; shootings; state repression; torture of informants; urban rebellions; individual wars
Vivian, C. T.
voting rights: black; Civil Rights Movement expanding; Voting Rights Act (1965)
Waddell, Joseph
Wallace, George,
Wallace, Michelle,
Walls, Rufus “Chaka,”
Walter Helms Junior High School (Richmond), student beatings
Walter “Toure” Pope Community Center, Southern California Black Panthers
Warden, Donald
Ware, George
“war of the flea,”
War on Poverty, federal
Warren, Earl,
Washington D.C.: antiwar protests; Black Panther Party’s Community Information Center, draft card burning at the Pentagon; March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963); rebellion (1968); Washington Monument antiwar protestors
Washington Post, Sacramento gun law delegation (1967)
Watergate, Nixon,
atson, Lauren
Watts: Black Panther community programs, “Brother Crook,” “Brother Lennie,” Community Alert Patrol (CAP); criminality; festival and killings (1968); Oakland as next; rebellion (1965)
Watts Happening Coffee House, Los Angeles Black Congress
Weather Underground
Weaver, Robert
Webb, Robert,
Weems, Donald (Kuwasi Balagoon)
Weiner, Lee,
Welfare Moms of New Haven
Wells, Warren
West Coast Black Student Union conference, San Francisco
West Coast Mobilization against the Vietnam War
West End Help Center, Oakland,
Western Addition Community organization, San Francisco
West Germany, revolutionary movements,
Westmoreland, William
“We Won’t Go,”
White, Bobby
White, Kevin
White, Larry
White, Michael
“White ‘Mother Country’ Radical Responds to Editorial” (Avakian),
“White ‘Mother Country’ Radicals” (Eldridge Cleaver)
white New Left; antiwar, Black Panther policies toward; Eldridge Cleaver and; Hunters Point supporters, New York police repression. See also New Left; Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
white New Left support for Black Panthers; Black Panther leadership of; Coalition to Defend the Panthers; financial; “Free Huey!” campaign, Kenner; New Haven Panthers and Seale trial, PFP, See also Black Panther Party allies—Left; Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)—Black Panther support
whites: Black Panther community programs supported by; Black Panthers against racism toward; Black Panthers supported by moderates among; blacks removing fear of, Coalition to Defend the Panthers; Democratic Party exclusively; FBI driving wedge between Panthers and; and Hampton and Clark killings; Hunters Point supporters, George Jackson prison leadership; Lumumba family vs. disrespectful; men taking liberties with black women; Oakland electoral dominance; poor, “Rainbow Coalition,” student strikes; urban white flight; vigilante groups. See also Black Panther Party allies—cross-racial; separatism; white New Left
white supremacists: Detroit; Nixon wooing; George Wallace,
Wilkins, Ron, “Brother Crook,”
Wilkins, Roy
Williams, Barbara
Williams, Cecil
Williams, Craig
Williams, Hannibal
Williams, Jean,
Williams, Landon
Williams, LaVerne
Williams, Robert F.
Williams, Sharon
Williams, Sister
Williams, Tommie
Williams, Vivian
Williams, Yohuru
Williamson, George
Wilson, Lionel
Winston-Salem Black Panther Party; community programs; Kimberly Park Housing Project; Waddell
Winters, Spurgeon Jake
wiretapping; FBI; New Haven Police Department
Wisconsin. See Madison; Milwaukee
Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World), FBI targeting
Wolfe, Tom
women: birth control and abortion responsibility; Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement, guns sneaked out in bras of; Vietnamese woman grabbed by American soldier. See also black women; gender issues; mothers; Women’s Liberation Movement/feminists
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Women’s Liberation Movement/feminists; Asia trip; Black Panther allies, development among Black Panther women; New Haven, UFAF conference
working class: Black Panthers identified with, Marxism and, Progressive Labor Party priority, See also class struggle; unions
World War I, conscientious objectors
World War II: black migration during; Civil Rights Movement following; draft for, Japanese internment after; Richmond shipyards; urban conflicts
Wretched of the Earth (Fanon)
Wright, Richard
Yale University; Black Law Students; Black Students Alliance; Brewster, Cambodia invasion protest; Coalition to Defend the Panthers; Divinity School Association; Miranda-SDS debate; Seale fund-raising speech; support for Seale and New Haven Panthers,
Yates, Buddy
Yazid, Mohammed
Yearwood, Carlton
Yellow Springs, antiwar protests
Yoruba (Pablo Guzmán)
Young, Andrew
Young, Quentin
Young, Walter F.
Young, Whitney Jr.
Young Left League of Sweden
Young Lords, Chicago; New York, UFAF
Young Patriots, Appalachian,
Young Socialist Alliance,
Yuen, Eddie
Yuen, H. K.
Zapata, Emiliano
Zeke, Brother
Zhou Enlai,
Zimbabwe, anticolonial struggles
10/13 Sabon
BookMatters, Berkeley
Barbara Roos
Maple Press