The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 6

by K E Osborn

  She merely nods and looks down at Jackson, who’s playing with her hair.

  “He’s goin’ to steal your innocence, Miss Willow,” Jackson says and I burst out laughing as she gasps shaking her head.

  “Oh my Jackson, you really say the silliest things.”

  I walk with her back to the centre, and she takes Jackson back inside while I take a look at the gate. It’s a simple misalignment. Nothing a quick bend won’t fix. Willow comes back out and as she saunters toward me, I gasp for air. It’s like she’s able to remove all the oxygen from the air surrounding me with one glance. She sets me on fire—I have to get to know her better.

  “So, Flame. You got a pair of pliers I can bend you with?” I tease and she furrows her brows at me.

  “I’m going to assume that was a Freudian slip?” I chuckle and shrug. “I’ll get them for you.”

  I can’t help but watch her arse as she swings it from side to side walking back into the centre. I groan as my cock twitches again and shake my head looking back over to the bikes across the road. The roar of the engines turning over alerts me that the convoy is heading off and that I’m going to have to go soon. My chest hurts at the thought of leaving her. I want to wrap myself in her, leave my mark on her, and turn her into the wild cat I’m sure she could be. My thoughts are all over the place over this girl, and all I know about her is she’s well spoken, a kindergarten teacher, and her name is Willow.

  I have no chance!

  She walks back out with a pair of pliers and I try to rein myself in. A girl like Willow doesn’t react well to the usual—get in my bed and fuck me now—type of attitude.

  Fuck me, she’s probably still a virgin.

  My cock throbs at the thought. I take the pliers from her and my fingers brush against hers. I feel something. I don’t know what it is, static electricity maybe? I don’t fucking know, I’m losing my mind. A round of bikes take off down the road, the roar of the engines reverberating through my chest as the tyres hit bitumen.

  Pulling the bent piece back into place, I close the gate and check that it locks which it does.

  “There, all fixed.”

  “Thank you, Steel. Do you have a real name?” she asks batting her eyelashes at me. It’s so fucking adorable.

  I smile and place the pliers back in her hand feeling the same current move between us as before.

  That’s weird!

  “See me again and maybe you’ll find out?”

  She giggles and shakes her head. “Are you hitting on me again?” she asks and I grin widely.


  She blushes and I want to press my body against hers so badly and kiss those full red lips. Taking what I want is normal behaviour for me. I do respect women. However, and for some reason, I want Willow to feel safe with me.

  “So how about it, Flame?”

  “Why do you call me… Flame?”

  I smirk. “‘Cause I’m burnin’ up just being around you.”

  She wraps her arms around herself. “Oh my God, who even talks like that?”

  I chuckle and turn to see more bikes taking off.


  I move in taking her hand in mine. She jolts feeling that spark again, just like I do. Three times, that’s no coincidence. She looks down at our hands together and swallows hard.

  “Meet with me?”

  She furrows her brows. “Meet with you? Is that your weird way of asking me on a date?”

  I clench my eyes shut and wince. Shit! I suck at this. I’ve only ever known club girls, they don’t care about romance and correct terminology. This is going to be hard.

  I open my eyes and nod. “Shit, sorry, yes. Go on a date with me?” Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, I see hesitation, confusion, but an undeniable lust for me.

  I like that look.

  Her chest is rising and falling fast, as I run my thumb over the skin on her hand to let her know I can be gentle.

  “Take a chance, Flame. When have you ever taken a chance?”

  She furrows her brows and glares at me. “You don’t know me. I take chances.”

  I raise my eyebrow and smirk. “When was the last time then, eh?”

  She frowns and looks away from me and huffs. “Fine. One date. No seedy bars. No night clubs. No drugs or smoking. No drunk driving. No picking me up on a motorbike—”

  “Hey, I’m an easy goin’ guy. I’ll do everythin’ you ask. But I will be pickin’ you up on my bike. Non-negotiable, babe.”

  Her eyes widen and she swallows and nods. “I don’t know how to ride on the back of a motorcycle.” The pink flush crossing her cheeks is adorable. She’s embarrassed.

  “Spread your legs, mount the Hog, and hold on for the ride. Dig your nails in if you like.” She gasps as I chuckle. “Just teasin’ you, Flame. You just hold on and move with me, simple really.”

  Her breathing is rushed and harsh, and she’s clenching her thighs together tightly which hasn’t gone unnoticed by me. She’s affected.

  “So, when are you thinking?” she asks suddenly all the vigor in her voice seems to have dispersed, and now she’s left trembling and unsure of herself.

  I slide my thumb over her hand again to ease her nerves. Her shoulders relax and it seems to be working. “When are you free?”


  I chuckle. “Desperate to see me?”

  Her eyes open wide. “No, I didn’t mean—”

  “I’m only teasin’.”

  “You tease a lot, don’t you?”

  I smirk and an image of me tweaking her nipple while flicking my tongue over her clit teasing her into submission comes to mind. My body begins to throb and I get an ache in my balls.

  “You have no idea, Flame. So tonight? Where do you want to go?”

  She tilts her head and purses her lips. “There’s that new movie coming out today, the one about the girl who falls in love with her boss or something?”

  I screw up my face and shake my head. “Clit shit? No way!”

  The noise of laughter that bellows from her chest is like a symphony of angels. It knocks the air from my lungs as I watch the little wrinkles appear around her eyes as she really laughs.

  “Oh my God, did you say clit shit? I think you mean chick flick?” she asks through her fit of laughter.

  I can’t help my smile at her finding my name for girlie movies funny. “No, I meant clit shit, ‘cause it gets women all horny. Then all they wanna do is make love sending their clit into overdrive, and that babe is shit–clit shit.”

  She smirks and the red tinge crosses her cheeks again, but she stands a little taller and straightens her shoulders like she’s preparing herself to be tough. “And you don’t like making love?” she asks.

  Huh! Brave girl.

  “Oh Flame, I don’t make love. I do things a little differently than what you’re used to, I’m sure. But you and me babe, I’m sure we’d rock each other’s worlds.”

  “Oh my God… okay. Well, let’s just… um… stop right there.” She’s flustered and her eyes batter like she’s sweltering hot and having trouble keeping herself cool.

  I chuckle and decide to play nice. “Okay, so tonight? Where can I pick you up?”

  She looks up at me breathing through an O shape in her mouth forcefully like she’s trying not to hyperventilate. It’s so cute the way I affect her.

  “My place, I suppose?”

  “Right, so here’s my number. Text me the address. I’ll be there at seven. Wear pants. A skirt will be bad on the bike. And heels, wear heels… red ones.” I hand her a card with my number on it, and she takes it watching me and nodding taking in my instructions. I like that she knows when to listen.

  “See you at seven, babe.” I start to move to walk off, but I can’t leave without touching her face in some way and every part of me wants to kiss her, but I know full on kissing her lips will scare her. So I lean in, and as softly as I can I kiss her cheek. She leans into me, and I smile against her cheek knowing she�
�s into it.

  Pulling back as the tingling in my lips is still fizzling against my skin, I look in her eyes and she smiles. “Seven.” I turn regretfully dropping my hand from hers and walk away.

  “Will we be eating dinner?” she calls out.

  “I’ll be eating you for dinner,” I murmur.

  “Steel!” she berates and I turn back and chuckle. “Sorry, sure dinner. I’ll take you somewhere nice. Be ready at seven. I won’t be late, I don’t want you to be either. Got me?”

  Her lip turns up. “Don’t make me change my mind.”

  “Seven,” I reiterate.

  She huffs and nods. “Seven. If you’re late, I’m going to—”

  “This should be good.”

  “Hey! I can be badass,” she tells me. I turn looking at her raising my eyebrows ignoring the fading roar of the bike engines all leaving me behind.

  “Just sayin’ badass is badass, babe. I can’t wait to see what other cuss words I can ween from you.”

  She smirks and looks back at the centre door making sure it’s closed. “Well… shit then.” She smiles brightly as I bring my hand to my chest like she’s shot a cupid’s arrow straight through my heart as I chuckle.

  “Geez Flame, you got me burnin’ up again.”

  She rolls her eyes and closes the gate locking me out. “Your brothers have left you behind, better go catch Santa on your toy run little biker boy,” she teases.

  I smirk and shake my head. “You think that fence will save you from this bad boy biker, Miss Willow?”

  She chuckles turning around and walking toward the door, her red hair cascading over her shoulders and falling along her back in waves, making me want to run my hands through and clench onto it as she sucks my cock. I shudder at that thought.

  “I’ll see you at seven, biker boy."

  Groaning with the friction in my pants at the thoughts in my head and the vision of her taut arse walking away from me, I shake my head turning around running my hand through my hair and walk back dodging cars to my bike. Techie sits on his Harley waiting for me. Adjusting my straining cock in my pants as I reach my bike, Techie chuckles at me.

  “So getting it on with the locals, Steel my man?”

  “I saved a kid, so we’re goin’ on a date. Seems fair.” I chuckle at my summation of the last ten minutes.

  Techie tilts his head looking up to the sky. Shit, I know that look. Here comes information overload.

  “You know red hair is associated with the MC1R gene. It’s a recessive and rare gene that occurs in only about two percent of the world’s population.”

  I stare at him blankly and shake my head. “So?”

  He huffs and rolls his eyes. “So people like kindergarten teacher over there are a rare find. I’m just saying that the Kinsey Institute did a forty year study on the percentage of relationships that worked, and found that only one in ten people develop a relationship where both sides of the couple stay in love with each other until the end of their life.”

  I continue to stare blankly at him listening to his stupid percentages and useless crap information. “Techie, English please.”

  “The odds are not in your favour, Steel. That’s all I’m saying.” He slaps my shoulder and starts his bike. The roar of the engine helps my heart to plummet further down my chest. I look over to the child care centre wondering if Techie’s right. Maybe Willow is way out of my league. She’s a good girl. Beautiful, bright, has a decent job. She deserves better than a biker like me.

  Swallowing hard, I grab my lid and cram it on my head forcefully. I don’t bother to do it up. I feel like breaking the law, rebellion is what I’m good at after all. Throwing my leg over my Hog, I sit down on the leather seat pulling my ride upright as I start the engine.

  I glance back over to the centre to see Willow looking out of the window staring at me and my chest tightens. She smiles and waves, and I huff and kick back the stand and pull on the throttle.

  “Fuck!” I murmur and hammer down into the traffic not looking to see if anything’s coming. A car honks but I don’t care, I just want to get away.

  I can’t think about her.

  She’s too good for a savage like me.


  During the remainder of the toy run, I was distracted. Thoughts of the red-headed goddess filled my brain. The sweet innocence of her has me in a complete spin. She’s nothing like the girls I know, nothing like the girls I’ve known all my life. It’s tantalizing and I want to get to know her, know more about her. I want to go on this date tonight, but I’m torn. I should probably leave her be. Pulling a girl like her, a good girl, into this world would be a shit thing to do. She’s so pure and fragile that I fear bringing her into my world could break her. Damage her. Make her into something she should never be.

  My thoughts are racing as I sit at the desk in my room sifting through some paperwork when my mobile phone alerts me to a message. I exhale slamming the papers down on the desk and pull my phone from my jean’s pocket. The message is from an unknown number which always gets the hairs on my neck standing up. I swipe the screen to unlock it and punch in the pin code. Opening the message, I see it’s from Willow giving me her address and to thank me again for saving Jackson today. It also says she’s looking forward to our date tonight.

  A knot forms in my stomach as I figure out what the hell I’m going to do. Do I go on this date and see where life takes us? Maybe bring this sweet thing into this dark world of mine. Or do I let her go now before she gets hurt?

  I decide on the latter.

  I’m not sure whether I should message her to cancel or just not show up?

  Taking a deep breath I decide blowing her off would be cruel, so I start typing back my reply.

  Me: Hey babe, I’m heaps sorry. Somethin’ has come up at the club and I can’t make it tonight. But I hope you have a good night.

  Hitting send I exhale feeling like a jerk, and that something great might just be slipping through my fingers. But I’m doing right by her and that’s the main thing, right?

  Willow: That’s fine. I hope everything is okay? I understand, a little disappointed, but I understand. Maybe next time? :)

  I swallow hard. There won’t be a next time! But I would like something to remember her by. I don’t want to push my luck, but I’ll see how this goes down.

  Me: This may sound strange, but can you send me a pic?

  I smile hoping she’ll send one just so I’ll have something to look at. Her reply comes in quickly.

  Willow: Um… I’m not sexting a guy I haven’t even dated yet!

  I laugh hard and sink into my chair at her surmise. Fuck, she’s funny! I shake my head and write back quickly.

  Me: A pic of your face you pervert!

  I laugh as I hit send and there’s a bit of a delay in her reply, and I wonder if maybe she’s blocked me before I could write back with my reply. I hope she doesn’t think I’m some crazy pervert like those people you find on the internet dating sites that ask for pussy pics straight after they say hello.

  Suddenly, my phone vibrates with a message. I look down and there’s a picture of her face, her smile is bright, but she has a look like she’s a little embarrassed. Her eyes are squinting and her lips are drawn together even though they’re smiling. Her beautiful red hair sitting just over her shoulder accents her pale white face, and her full red lips make me want to lean into the phone screen and kiss them.

  She is stunning.

  God, I wish she was mine.

  But thinking like that never gets you anywhere. My cock twitches. But now, at least, I have something to remember Flame by.

  I figure I better reply, saying nothing will look like I don’t like her. I do. Too fucking much.

  Me: God you’re gorgeous! I have to go, club meeting, but I’ll message you soon, babe.

  I won’t.

  Willow: Thank you. Have a good meeting. Talk to you soon biker boy. xo

  I exhale and move forward in my chair and
thump my forehead on the desk. Bringing my head up and then back down again banging it on the desk twice more for good measure. The pain of the hits radiating through my skull.

  “Fucking idiot!” I berate myself.

  I figure there’s no use in being in here feeling fucking sorry for myself, so I put my phone back in my pocket and walk out of my room down the hall and out into the clubroom. The music is blaring again, and I shake my head wishing this slight headache would ebb. I turn to see Chops going to town on Amie. She’s up on the pool table with her legs spread and his head is buried between them. She’s moaning out in pleasure and I curl my lip up and shake my head. The thing about Amie is she is barely legal. Her age is questionable at best. She’s got to be seventeen at the most. She’s new to the club and wants to impress, so she’ll spread her legs for anyone, even the filthy old men.

  I keep walking past the show and up at the bar to get a drink. Knucklehead is behind the bar, and so is Doug, but no FIM. I raise my eyebrow wondering where the new prospect is, I guess he’s on an errand.

  “Beer Steel?” Knucklehead asks. I nod and relax into the seat and lean my elbows on the bar and put my head in my hands. I feel shit about blowing Willow off, it’s making me tense, but I know I’ve done the right thing. I can’t imagine bringing her here to see Chops munging down on a new girl like that.

  “What’s got you spittin’ chips?” I jump in my seat as the voice appears from nowhere and startles me. Looking up, I see FIM has perched on a barstool next to me.

  What the fuck?

  “How the fuck did you sit down without me noticin’?” I ask raising an eyebrow to him. I’m normally extremely attuned to my surroundings, but I didn’t hear a fucking thing and he’s right next to me.

  “You didn’t hear me sit down?” he asks.

  “Um no? What the fuck man? Sneakin’ up on people… shit like that will get your arse shot around here.”

  “Like he needs another hole in his arse. Have you smelt this guy’s shit?” Doug asks making me crack up laughing.


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