The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 52

by K E Osborn

  “Hey! The issues between your mother and me are our own, you don’t need to drag yourself into it.”

  “She misses you. Call her.”

  Mad Dog grunts. “It’s not that simple, Dylan. There’s too much pain, too much hurt, too many bad memories. She is better off without me.”

  “That’s bullshit Dad—”

  “Kid, shut it. It’s so hard here without you. I’ve had you around for twenty-four years, and now you’re gone… just like your mother, you left me. So, I’m dealing the best I can, all right!”

  “I don’t think goin’ after the Ingratos is dealin’, Dad, I think that’s a suicide mission. That’s what that is? Some death wish?” Steel grumbles at his father, and I can almost imagine him puffing his chest out in obvious annoyance.

  “I don’t need to be psychoanalyzed, Doctor Freud. You might not agree with my decisions. And if you can’t, then you best turn a blind eye, ‘cause we’re going into the Ingratos, we’re taking them down, and if you’re not helping then I don’t know why you’re here.”

  “I’m here to check on you. But you’re makin’ it fuckin’ hard to be here. You’re bein’ an arrogant arse, and with Chops here too, I’m startin’ to wonder why I came. Maybe you don’t need my help. Maybe you should be taken out by the Cartel, you ignorant old fool.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that, kid.”

  “Then stop being a martyr, and know when you’ve lost. The Cartel are bigger than you, Dad. You’re one biker club, the Cartel is a worldwide organisation. You can’t win. But if you want to try and prove Mum right, then be my fuckin’ guest.”

  “What the fuck has your mother got to do with this?”

  “She left because she thought you and me were gonna die at the hands of this club. Well, this idea you have in your head… this big plan to bring down the Cartel… it’s gonna get you dead old man.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to prove you both wrong.”

  “Fine, I won’t come back to pick up your pieces again. You’re losin’ your shit, Dad. Pull it together before you lose it all.”

  Heavy footsteps alert me that someone’s walking toward the doorway, so I casually start moving away from the door toward the bar.

  Steel storms out of the assembly room and right up next to me. “Fuckin’ moron.”

  Turning to look at him, I furrow my brows. “Sorry?” I ask wondering if he’s calling me the moron.

  “My fuckin’ ignoramus father. I’m sorry, but you guys are idiots followin’ him into the Ingratos’ hangout. You’ll be slaughtered.”

  Nodding my head, I take in a deep breath. “Tell me about it, but he’s the Prez—”

  “And what he says goes. I know, I know. It was good to see you, brother.”

  Smiling, I wrap my arm around his shoulders and pull him to me. “Awesome seeing you, too. Can you stay for a bevvy?”

  He shrugs and shakes his head. “I think it’s best if I go. Tensions are high with Chops and the old man. I don’t want to make things worse by bein’ here.”

  I half-smile and purse my lips. I wish he could stay longer. Hell, I wish he didn’t have to leave at all. “Look after that angel.”

  He smirks and tilts his head over to Mad Dog, who’s sitting in an armchair with his head hanging low. “Look after that devil for me.”

  I nod and take a deep breath slapping his back as we walk over to Jock, who’s busy flirting with Skye.

  “Well lassie, it was nice meeting you. Hopefully, we’ll meet again one day and we can talk more about your brother,” Jock beams. I was sure he’d have been flirting with her, not talking about family, that’s a shock. He grabs her hand and kisses the back of it lightly and she smiles and nods.

  “Thanks, Jock. As always, it’s a pleasure.” She looks at me and smirks as I raise an eyebrow and grin at her.

  Steel slaps Jock on the back and tilts his head toward the door. “I think we better make tracks.”

  Jock furrows his brows and pulls his lips together. “You sure, brother? I know things are a little tense, but don’t you want to be positive nothing goes awry?”

  Steel huffs. “There’s nothin’ I can do here, Jock. He’s made up his mind, and I need to get back to Flame. I’m on edge leavin’ her behind.”

  Jock nods and exhales. “Right VP, whatever you say.”

  Techie walks over along with Lookout and Jigsaw.

  “Steel, you can’t go just yet, we need to know what’s happening at Aldinga,” Techie chimes in and slaps Steel on the back.

  “Yeah, motherfucker, you gotta split your arse and tell us why you up and left us you son of a bitch,” Lookout expresses, and we all raise our eyebrows at him.

  “Do you mean spill the beans, not split your arse?” Steel chuckles, and Lookout looks up to the ceiling like he’s thinking.

  “I’m sure that’s the motherfucking saying, isn’t it? Yeah, you’re just stirring my cock, right?”

  We all crack up laughing. “You mean stirrin’ the pot?” I question and he frowns.

  “What the fuck are you motherfuckers on? You need to learn your quotes ‘cause the shit you talking is whack!” Lookout quips shaking his head.

  Steel wraps his arm around Lookout’s shoulders and pulls him in for a hug. “Fuck, I’ve missed you, you fuckin’ freak.”

  We all chuckle as Lookout leans in kissing Steel on the cheek. Normally, anyone would think that was weird, but this is Lookout, and he does that sort of shit.

  “So, tell us, why did you actually leave? It obviously has something to do with Chops, that’s abundantly clear,” I ask.

  Steel’s nostrils flare as his chest heaves at the mention of Chops’ name. He grunts slightly and nods leaning in closer. “Flame somehow made her way into the Chop Shop while it was in session so to speak. Chops was out for blood, thinkin’ she was gonna to rat him out to the heat. I had no choice but to get her out of here. The target on her back was way too big, and I couldn’t let him get to her, so we left. Gator took us in, and I patched in quickly. With the numbers at Aldinga at an all-time low they needed an interim VP and they voted me in. So things are goin’ well. Flame fits in amazingly well. I was just tellin’ the Prez how surprised I was at how incredibly well she fits in there. Go figure. The club loves her and Petunia, and it was the best decision we ever made. Sure runnin’ may have made me a coward, but it saved her life, and that’s all I care about.”

  “Shit brother, that motherfucker drove you out. I fucking hate him even more, that wimpy piece of arse,” Lookout sneers.

  “Honestly, I’m glad. Sure I miss you boys, but my woman is happy and I can still be in the club. A club that’s doing good things, and isn’t into underworld shit. I think if I stayed here I would’ve lost her, so I’m grateful.”

  “It’s good that Flame has found her place, brother, I’m happy for you,” I state and everyone nods.

  “I still wish you were here, it’s just not the same. This club, brother…” Techie trails off.

  Steel nods and nudges his shoulder into Techie’s. “Well, Aldinga is recruitin’, just remember that.”

  Everyone smiles. I know no one will comment, they can’t, it’d be frowned upon. But it’s probably crossing everyone’s minds.

  Steel looks to Jock and huffs. “I guess we should make tracks.”

  Jock nods with a genuine caring smile and slaps Steel on the shoulder.

  “The end is to leave,” Jigsaw states without his customary smirk, he’s frowning and actually looks a bit sad.

  Steel tilts his head and shakes it slightly. “This isn’t the end, Jigsaw. I know I’ll see you guys again. Just be safe. Keep your ear to the ground. Make sure to watch your six at all times. This Cartel business is not good, brothers. Keep each other alive, okay? And tell Crash I wish I could’ve stayed to talk to him when he wakes up.”

  “We’re not all going to make it out of this alive, Steel. You know that, right?” Techie asks.

  Steel looks down to the ground and flares his nos
trils as he huffs. “Just try not to die, any of you. Chops can die, I’m defo okay with that. Penetrator too. But you guys are my family. Techie, Lookout, Jigsaw, Behemoth, Stealth… boys, look out for each other and Crash. I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

  I slap his shoulder and nod. “We’ll watch out for each other, brother, don’t worry.”

  Techie nods and so does Lookout whose eyes appear a little watery. “Damn it motherfucker, why you gotta show up just to fucken leave again?” Lookout asks with a break in his voice.

  Steel smiles and pulls Lookout to him in an embrace and they hug tightly, and then pull back as Lookout wipes at the corner of his eye. “We fucken miss you around here, brother,” Lookout admits.

  “I miss you guys, too. You’re my family. I wish there were another way for us to be in the same clubhouse… but I can’t come back here. I have a new home now, but you know where I am, and you’re welcome to visit anytime. Just don’t bring any mutton with you.”

  We all chuckle and nod. “Don’t worry, if we can avoid taking Chops with us wherever we go, we try to. He’s not the most liked brother in town,” I admit and the others laugh.

  “Tell Willow we miss her, too. You have a real thing with her Steel. When you find something that good, you need to hold onto it and cherish it. Eighty-five percent of relationships end in a breakup, and only the elite of the elite end in marriage. But then fifty percent of those marriages end in divorce. So, basically, what I’m saying is… when you find someone that’s as good as Willow, you need to hold on and cherish her. Treat her right. Not be a percentage, Steel, don’t be a percentage!” Techie bursts out enunciating the last word for emphasis.

  Smiling, I look at Skye and she’s grinning so wide it makes the pink in her cheeks blush further. Her eyes are glistening and her blonde hair is sitting just over her shoulders in waves so glorious it would make Aphrodite jealous. Shaking my head as Techie continues rambling on, I take a moment to just think about what he’s said. Things didn’t work out with Hannah, and that was my fault. But I can’t go back, and I’m the only one stopping myself from moving forward. And maybe my forward is standing here right next to me, giggling at Techie’s gibberish and looking like the angel she is. Maybe she’s been there this whole time taking care of me and my needs, and I haven’t been thinking about her in this at all. With all the shit that’s going on right now, a little bit of happiness isn’t a bad thing, and I deserve to be happy. Skye makes me happy. So why the fuck am I still fighting this?

  “Okay, brothers, I’m off now that Techie has unloaded all of that factual bullshit,” Steel announces and Techie scoffs.

  “None of that was bullshit, it’s all facts. Here I’ll show you,” Techie advises pulling out his tablet and everyone groans as they all start to walk out to the compound to say goodbye to Steel and Jock. I want to see them off, but I know I’ll be seeing him again. I hope so anyway, but right now I feel like I have something to do, something that’s needed to happen for a long time now and it can’t wait.

  I lean out grabbing Skye’s arm, and she turns looking at me and smiles.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  I don’t waste any time and grab her waist pulling her into me. She squeals out in surprised shock as she giggles when her body connects with mine. My mouth connects to hers instantly, and I waste no time in letting her know I mean business. My tongue pushes against her lips and she immediately parts her mouth to let my tongue move against hers. My hands find their way to her arse, and I grip on tightly to her cheeks pulling her hard against my body. My aching cock is already throbbing at the thought of being inside of her.

  Gripping harder onto her arse I lift her up, her legs instinctively wrap around my waist, and I try to block out the echoes of cheering coming from the clubroom as I walk with Skye down the hall toward my room.


  Closing the door to my room with my foot, the wood slams against the door frame making it moan in response. Much like Skye is doing against my mouth. Her delicate whimpers while her tongue delves into my mouth, are driving me wild as I march us over to my bed. There’s a buzz in the air, an electricity that hasn’t been here before. I think because I know I’m ready to take this to the next level. I’m pushing past my barriers and bringing my walls down by letting Skye in. She’s amazing, and I want to feel every inch of her not only on the inside of me, but on my body if that makes sense. She’s invaded my soul, now it’s time for her to take over my body, completely.

  Turning my back to the bed, I sit down on the edge with her straddling me. Her hands fisting in my hair as we kiss ferociously. My hands move forward to her top, unbuttoning the tiny fucking things. My stumpy fingers fumbling with the buttons, I purse my lips as she looks down and giggles slightly watching me.

  “Need a hand?” she asks tilting her head slightly.

  Huffing, I glance up at her to see her smirking and roll my eyes as I let go of the front of her shirt. She smiles bringing her hands to the bottom and lifts it up over her head.

  Scoffing, I shake my head. “I could have done that.”

  She laughs and moves in pulling my cut off over my shoulders, I shrug out of it and then move in pulling off my shirt. She moves back in close to me, and I run my hands up her naked back to her bra and unsnap it, her straps fall from her shoulders and she flings her bra off the side to the floor leaving us both topless. Pushing my chest forward to meet her naked tits, I let out a hard breath when our hot skin collides.

  She really is fucking gorgeous.

  Running my hand up her neck and into her hair, I force her lips back to mine and kiss her strongly. A surge runs through me, and my chest tightens, thinking how much I want her. She grinds her pussy against my already hard cock and I groan into her mouth. Standing up and turning her over, she squeals slightly as I flip her onto the bed. Her body bounces on the mattress and her tits wobble from side to side with the force making me smile and my cock ache.

  Standing at the edge of the bed, I grab her legs and pull them either side of me, she slides down the mattress so her arse is right on the edge. She grins biting her bottom lip, knowing what that means. Bending down, I reach in grabbing the button on her denim shorts and undo that button with ease. I slowly slide the zip down as her hips move from side to side in eagerness. Running my hands into the sides of her shorts, I pull on the seams and slide them along with her knickers right off, throwing them on the floor with her bra and top.

  Looking down at her toned naked body, my cock throbs against the seam of my jeans begging for his release. I figure he’s coming out sooner or later, may as well be sooner. So I grab my belt buckle undoing it quickly along with my zip, and drop my jeans down to my ankles as well as my trunks, then step out of them and my boots. Skye looks up at my raging hard on and grins biting her bottom lip.

  Fuck, that’s sexy as hell.

  Moving back in between her legs, I kneel down at the edge of the bed as she looks up at me through hooded eyelids. Lifting her leg up over my shoulder to get a good angle, she giggles slightly as I run my hand up the inside of her thigh. She squirms at my touch and I smirk knowing she’s affected by me.

  “Keep still gorgeous.”

  She stills slightly, but her hips are moving lightly from side to side as if urging me to her. My hand creeps up closer and closer to her pussy, and I lick my lips taking a deep breath waiting for the first taste of her. My finger moves into the top of her thigh gently caressing her skin, as I move my nose into her folds and run it up her seams. She smells divine, and I can’t wait to taste her. She wriggles against me, and I stiffen my hand on her thigh as a warning and she stops moving.

  Pressing my nose over her clit, she arches her back off the bed and whimpers slightly as my hand comes in and slowly teases the opening of her pussy. She’s so beautiful spread open and bare to me like this. The pussy is one of God’s best creations. My tongue darts out and licks up her centre. Her slickness is already present, and her salty sweetness tastes just
as I remember, absolutely delicious. Her breaths quicken, as my finger eases inside of her, and my tongue slides up to her clit. The sheer nakedness of her pussy is a sight I love, and she maintains herself so well that I don’t think I’ve ever seen her not look this bare.

  My tongue circles on her clit as my finger moves up inside of her, grazing her front wall in a soft, slow, tortuous rhythm. Soft panting echoes through the room, as her breathing deepens and her chest starts to heave. My cock throbs so hard, I want to move my free hand to it and start pulling to ease the ache, but this moment is about Skye, not me. So my hands are all on her. One fingering her, the other caressing her leg that’s over my shoulder. Her hips move in time with my finger as my tongue presses hard on her clit, she arches her back off the bed, her hands fisting into the bed sheets beside her. The delicate whimpers are turning into full pleasure filled moans as I push another finger inside her and increase the tempo. Going down on Skye would have to be one of my favourite things, she’s so receptive.

  My tongue circles on her clit as I push in deep, trying to hit just the right spot. She moans loudly as her body stiffens. Her leg on my shoulder trembles as her muscles tense, her breathing quickens and her back is arched so far off the bed it’s like she’s having an exorcism. Her body shakes as I flick my tongue against her clit hard. Pushing my fingers in deeply, she moans out loud as her body tenses and then releases. Tasting her sweet juices makes my cock even harder, as her body falls back to the bed and her leg lies limp on my shoulder.

  Letting go of the bed sheets her fingers uncrinkle, and her head flops to the side as she pants trying to catch her breath. Pulling her leg down from my shoulder, I slide my fingers out from her and stand up. My cock is so hard it’s pulsating with the need to be inside her.

  Normally this is the point where I’d stop. This is where I’d think of Hannah and freak out. But right now as Hannah slips into my mind, all I can think about is Skye lying there beautifully satiated, and how I want to be lying next to her with the same dorky grin on my face feeling the same pleasure she’s just felt.


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