The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 60

by K E Osborn

  Jigsaw shakes his head as Lookout chuckles. “You made us fall, motherfucker. Therefore, we lost by default, not by our fault. So we’re pardoned from the loss. Thanks, motherfucker.”

  Techie smiles and nods. “Yeah, thanks Crash, but you owe me a beer.”

  Crash stands up from his kneeling position holding his stomach and shakes his head walking over to the bar to get a beer from Acid and Blade.

  “So Jodi, you fell, it wasn’t your fault, but I think in the spirit of good will and all that shit you should strip anyway,” Techie announces and Jigsaw nods emphatically while I chuckle and shake my head.

  She shrugs and pulls her dress over her head, and of course, she’s naked underneath. Techie smirks and grabs her waist pulling her to him. She giggles and he leans in kissing her. Turning away, I’m met by Jigsaw pashing on with Jess. I roll my eyes as Lookout glances at me and raises his eyebrows up and down suggestively. I raise my hands in the air shaking my head. “No way, Lookout. I love you brother, but I’m not making out with you.”

  He furrows his brows jolting his head back. “What the fuck motherfucker? I don’t kiss motherfucking dudes? You fucking pussy arse freak!” He storms off as I chuckle to myself.

  Crash brings over two beers and looks to Techie clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “How the fuck am I supposed to give the fucker his beer, when his tongue is down Jodi’s throat and his fingers are up her pussy?”

  I turn seeing Techie finger banging Jodi against the wall.


  I turn around grabbing Techie’s beer from Crash and take a huge sip. “It’s my beer now.”

  Suddenly my phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket to see it’s Skye.


  Swiping the screen, I answer the call.

  “Hey gorgeous, everything okay?” The dull hum of the beats from the club filter down through the line, so I know she’s still at work.

  “Hey handsome, yeah everything is fine. That Papi guy is here, he told me to tell you he’s in, but he wants to see you in person to confirm details, and wants a sample of the goods. I told him I’d call you and tell you, see what you thought.”

  Chuckling to myself, I shake my head. “Demanding little thing isn’t he. Okay, I’ll tell the Prez and I’ll be down as soon as possible. Make sure to keep him there, that he doesn’t get skittish and do a runner.”

  “Okay, and Stealth?”

  “Yeah, gorgeous?”

  “You better come quick, he’s pretty hot, and I don’t know if I can hold myself back.” She giggles and I shake my head.

  “Careful or I’ll come in pounding my chest and throw you over my shoulder.”

  “Can you do that anyway?”

  Laughing, I smile and lick my lips. She really is funny when she tries. “Sure gorgeous, be there soon.”

  “See ya.” She hangs up the phone and I turn around looking for Mad Dog. I spot him sauntering out of the assembly room with Chops, so I walk over to meet him.

  “Hey Prez, can I have a sec?”

  He looks me up and down, nodding once as I walk up to his side and we continue walking toward the bar. “What’s on your mind? Something you need to get off your chest?” he asks.

  I furrow my brows and tilt my head in confusion. “Umm… Skye just called. The guy I have in mind as the drug lackey wants in. He’s at Strapless now and wants to meet to discuss terms, but he wants a sample to test the quality I suppose.”

  Mad Dog runs his hand over his bearded chin and nods. “He’s there now?” I nod and he huffs. “Okay, I’ll get a sample. Meet me outside and we will ride out in five.” He slaps my back and walks off toward the Chop Shop. I’m pretty sure that’s where he stores the ecstasy tablets, in the big vault at the back hidden by darkness. If you weren’t looking for it, you’d miss it, but my training helps me to scope out where I am, so it was one of the first things I noticed in the Chop Shop. I just didn’t think it was important. Turning on my heels, I head out toward my bike to go and see my girl and a man about becoming Mad Dog’s bitch.


  Mad Dog pulls open the heavy glass door of Strapless, and we both walk inside to the beat of Yeah by Usher, it’s an old song but a good one. Glancing up, I see Jess spinning on the pole and I smirk turning into the main area where I see Skye sitting in a booth with Papi.

  “That him with Skye?” Mad Dog murmurs to me as we walk toward them—Papi’s back to us.


  “Small isn’t he?” Mad Dog asks and I chuckle as I look at Papi, who isn’t by any means small for a man, but I guess in comparison to me—muscle wise and height wise—he does seem a little bit smallish.

  Skye spots us and smiles, making Papi turn to see us. He notices Mad Dog with me and his body tenses as soon as he takes in Mad Dog’s tall stature. Mad Dog is the epitome of hairy biker. His long grey beard flows down in a triangle and his long grey hair doesn’t help the bad guy image at all.

  Papi shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and his Adam’s apple shifts up and down rapidly as we reach the edge of the booth.

  “Who is this?” Papi asks.

  “I’m the president and your boss. A pleasure, Papi. I’m Mad Dog—”

  He furrows his brows. “Mad Dog? What kind of name is Mad Dog?”

  Mad Dog picks up Papi by the scruff of his shirt and lifts him right off his seat. “Because I’m a mad cunt. Show me some respect, or I’ll have Stealth here deal with you, little boy.”

  Papi nods emphatically as his legs dangle lifelessly above the ground.

  “Now, you wanted to try our stash?” He drops Papi back to the booth and he takes in several quick deep breaths. “Here!” Mad Dog pulls out the little clear bag with one tablet inside handing it to Papi.

  He nods and takes the bag opening it frantically pulling the tiny tablet out. He sniffs it and then swallows it quickly without any water. His eyes clench closed tight, and he takes a deep breath through his nose as his nostrils flare and his neck tenses. He opens his eyes and sighs as Mad Dog glances at me smirking. “It’s good, just wait till it hits… until it does let’s talk business.”

  Papi nods and we all sit back down in the booth. Mad Dog looks at Skye and smiles. “Skye darling, would you be a lamb and get us some bevvies?”

  She looks to me and smiles, getting up from the booth and walks over to the bar. Mad Dog looks at Papi running his eyes over him up and down and exhales. “What’s your job, Papi?”

  He tenses and blinks rapidly. “Umm… I work by the beach.”

  Mad Dog huffs and shakes his head. “I need more specifics than that, son.”

  Papi sighs and swallows hard. “Fine. I work at Cupiditas.”

  Mad Dog chuckles. “The brothel down on the esplanade? You’re a hooker?” I ask.

  He frowns, and if death beams could shoot out of his eyes with the glare he’s sending my way, I would be dead right now. “No, it’s an escort agency. I’m an escort, not a hooker.”

  Mad Dog laughs and shakes his head. “Slap a fancy title on it, son. It doesn’t change what it is… you’re a prostitute, a male prostitute?”

  Papi exhales slumping his body. “Fine, yes that’s what I am. I work there with my girlfriend, Star.”

  I smirk as Mad Dog huffs. “Star hey, sounds like she’s… out of this world.”

  Papi stiffens and shakes his head. “She isn’t a part of this… she doesn’t get touched at all in this deal, you got me?” His stiff posture and hard look in his eyes tell me he’s serious. I wonder if she even knows about this deal at all.

  “Relax son, she’s safe, as long as you play by the rules. So we’ll send you the first lot of items to store, we don’t care where, just make sure the heat don’t find them. Once we collect the bags, then we’ll pay you. If you sample any of the stock, deal’s off, and you owe us for damages. And believe me, that can get costly. But if you don’t sample anything, we will supply you with a small quantity of the goods for your own personal u

  Papi nods and takes a deep breath, his eyes rapidly blinking again as beads of sweat appear on his forehead and begin to roll down his face profusely. “Sounds like a deal.”

  “How you feeling there, man whore?” Mad Dog asks grinning at an obviously high Papi.

  He smirks and nods. “This is good shit.”

  Mad Dog smiles. “I know. Give your number to Stealth, we’ll be in touch.”

  Skye walks back over with a tray of beer and Mad Dog stands up smiling at her. “I’ll take mine out the back with Vin, darling.” He grabs the stein of beer standing up and walks off toward the back rooms leaving me with Papi and Skye.

  Papi is smiling as his head bobs about from side to side, and I shake my head taking a deep breath. “Papi give me your phone.”

  Papi doesn’t hesitate and hands his phone over. Pressing the button to activate it, the idiot doesn’t even have a pin code to keep it locked. I shake my head again and proceed to put in my number in his contacts.

  “How did he come here, Skye?” I ask.

  “By car I think?” she replies.

  Tilting my head in annoyance, I shake my head and sigh as Papi falls to the side of the booth with a thud completely passing out. A slight snore echoes from his mouth.

  “I don’t understand why he’s passing out?” I ask.

  “He took something when he got here, it’s obviously the two lots of drugs in his system combining, stupid idiot.”

  “Right, he can’t drive. Can you drive him back home in his car? I’ll follow on my bike and then take us back to the clubhouse?”

  “I’ll just check I can leave early with Vin, and I’ll get my things. You’re a good man, Stealth.”

  I smile and shrug. “I want to be.”

  She nods and turns walking toward the back room to talk to Vin, while I have to deal with an unconscious Papi. Standing up, I walk over to him and move in wrapping his arm around my shoulders and hoisting him up. He’s a dead weight, but he wakes up slightly, just enough to help me walk him to the car, but not enough to register talking. As I walk him to the car, Skye runs up behind me and pushes her hands into his pockets. She pulls out a set of keys and presses the button on one of the keys. It lights up the lights so we know which car is his and we walk to it. She opens the passenger side and I throw him in. He slumps into it completely passed out again, and I close the door just in time for him to slump against it in his comatose state.

  “Will you be okay with him?”

  Skye turns looking at him and smirks. “He’s comatose, I think I’m safe.”

  I nod and smile, pulling out Papi’s phone and searching through the list of contacts. I find one that says My Sexy Star, and I figure that’s his girlfriend, so I’ll call her first. I press the call button and it rings three times before it answers.

  “Carlos? Where the hell are you? I’ve been so worried,” a gentle, but frustrated voice jeers over the line.

  “Oh, um… hi. My name’s Stealth and I’m with Papi… ah, Carlos… and he’s passed out. I’m driving him home, but I need an address to take him. I’m hoping you can help me out with that?”

  There’s a quiet on the other end and then a soft sniff. “Is he drunk?”

  My body slumps and I sigh. “No,” is all I say.

  She exhales and it’s quiet again for a moment. “Are you a friend?”

  “More of an acquaintance, but I want to help him get home. He’s in no fit state to drive right now.”

  “Has he taken drugs?”

  I pause and sigh. “Yes.”

  “God damn it, Carlos… okay, bring him to 7 Marvin Street, Clearview. I’ll be waiting for you. Thank you for looking out for him.”

  “It’s okay, we’ll be there soon.”

  She sniffs like she might be crying and then hangs up the phone.

  Taking a deep breath, I run my hand through my hair and shake my head.

  “How’d that go?” Skye asks.

  “I think Star is going to be very pissed off with Papi when he gets home. Either that or very disappointed. I think they’ve been through this before… the drug taking I mean.”

  Skye winces and nods. “Yeah, drugs are bad. Let’s get him home.” She leans in planting a kiss on my cheek before she turns heading for the driver’s side.

  “Be safe, Skye, and pull over if anything happens.”

  She smirks and nods. “Yes, Mister Overprotective.”

  She opens the door and slides into the car and starts the engine. Turning, I step over my ride and prepare for the trip to Clearview.


  I pull up in the driveway on the left and Skye drives the car in on the right. Jumping off my bike, I race around to her door to make sure nothing happened on the drive over. But before I can get to Skye, the front door of the small townhouse opens and a tiny, but very attractive women rushes out in her robe shaking her head. She has a beautiful face, although it’s red and blotchy, and her short brown wavy hair matches her frame perfectly. She’s far too pretty to be a prostitute. She could be a fucking model. Her tear-soaked face makes me wince as I reach Skye’s door as she opens it and steps out.

  Star, I’m assuming, rushes to the passenger side with tears in her eyes and a tight jaw. She looks at me and Skye and sniffs. “Thank you for bringing him home, he’s falling off the rails.”

  Skye looks at her with kind eyes and tilts her head. “I’m sure things will get better.”

  Star shakes her head. “I know they won’t.” She opens the passenger door and he slides into her arms. I race around to help her with him by pulling him out of the car. He stands to his feet, but he’s still out of it.

  “If you could bring him inside that would be great,” Star asks and I nod.

  “Of course,” I answer and drag his sorry arse toward her house as she meanders inside. Skye follows, and as I walk through the front door of the house, I’m a little in awe at the incredible home. I guess I wasn’t expecting it to look so modern and well kept. You can’t judge a book by its career can you?

  “You can just put him on the lounge, he can sleep it off in here tonight,” she whimpers her voice breaking slightly like she’s hurt by his actions.

  I pull him over to the pristine white lounge and lay him down on it. His arm drapes over his face and she shakes her head looking at him. “Thanks again for bringing him home, it was kind of you to do that.”

  “No worries at all, just take care of him.”

  “Yeah,” she murmurs lackluster.

  I half-smile at Star, who wipes away a stray tear as I move over to Skye, who’s chewing on her bottom lip.

  “It was nice to meet you, Star,” Skye says resting her hand gently on Star’s shoulder.

  She nods and then smiles. “Please, Star’s my nickname, call me Sarah. Oh, sorry, I never caught your names?”

  “I’m Skye, that’s Stealth. Try to have a good night, Sarah.”

  She nods and walks with us through the front door. Poor Sarah, she looks so broken. And it’s only going to get worse for them from here, and it’s all my fault for bringing him into Mad Dog’s world.

  I’m such an arse!

  “Thanks again.” She holds the door open for us as we walk out and Skye hands her the keys to Papi’s car.

  Grabbing Skye’s hand, I walk with her over to my Hog and then hand her my lid. Exhaling, as Sarah closes the front door, I shake my head slightly. “He’s like that because of me, Skye. I brought him into our world for Mad Dog to prey on.”

  She rubs my shoulder but doesn’t say anything hopping onto the back of my ride. I step over and start the engine, needing to feel the endorphins of a good solid ride. The vibration of the engine, the wind assaulting my face, and the freedom of the road ahead. I need to remember that Papi chose to do the deal, I didn’t force his hand. I merely showed him the way. It was up to him to walk the path.


  It’s nearly lunch time and I’m hanging out for something to eat. Skye’s chattin
g to Aimie about something, leaving me to fend for myself. Which normally is fine, but today, after last night with Papi, I’m feeling a bit deflated. I’m wondering where I actually sit in all of this. I feel like stepping into the bad guy role is turning out to be a little harder than I thought it’d be. Watching an innocent self-destruct in front of my eyes. is not something I’m used to especially when it’s my doing.

  I’m sitting at the bar waiting for Acid to come over and take my order for Boiler, when my phone alerts me to a message. It’s a particular message tone, so I know it’s from Hudson, my best friend and handler. Pulling out my phone, I swipe the screen typing in the four digit pin code and open up the text casually glancing around to make sure no one is nearby to oversee.

  Hudson: Adam, it’s been ages since you reported in. I’m worried. I haven’t heard from you at all. Please tell me you’re okay? I want to meet at the usual place? 12:30?

  Looking up at the clock above the bar, I see it’s now quarter past twelve. He’s basically telling me to leave now. Taking a long breath, I crack my neck to the side. I’ve been doing this whole biker thing for a while now, I was starting to forget I was actually working. I type in a reply.

  Me: I’m fine. Sorry just been caught up in the club. I’ll be at the usual place in fifteen.

  Hitting send as my stomach growls, I meander outside forgoing my bloody burger to meet with Hudson. It’s not that I don’t want to see my best friend, it’s just that the lines are blurred for me, and Hudson is the one person who can always see right through me. If he can spot I’m having doubts about turning on the club, he’ll pull me from the sting and I’m not ready to leave my brothers yet.

  I figure I better let Sentinel in on what’s going down, he’s been so out of the loop lately he doesn’t even feel like he’s in my life anymore. Which is strange, considering he was my partner in the field for six years before we came in here. I spent more time with him than I did with Hannah and the kids, and now I hardly see him. No wonder he’s so wound up about this whole situation.


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