The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 74

by K E Osborn

  Her eyes glaze over and her nostrils flare, her hands reach out as she lunges forward grabbing me by the collar, and she pushes me hard, making me take a small step back in surprise as she gets up in my face. “Get the fuck out,” she yells which only makes me laugh at her attempt to frighten me.

  It doesn’t.

  “You’ll get that one for free. But touch me again, and you’ll look lovely in a nice shade of black and blue,” I tell her honestly. No one touches the president of an MC like that. But this woman is new to MC’s, she doesn’t know the rules, so I’ll give her one for free.

  “Fuck you! Get out or I’ll call the police.” Her anger evident by the slight crack in her raised voice.

  Stepping forward, I get right in her face and glare at her. “It’s not nice for ladies to swear. But you’re not a lady now are you? You’re a filthy… fucking… whore.”

  She leans up and before I have a chance to register, her hand moves across slapping me hard across my face. Anger surges through me like a wave of lava rolling down a hill. My adrenalin spikes and I grab her hand hard pulling it up around her back, so high that her knees buckle slightly as she yelps in pain. “I told you, you only get one for free. Now you will pay. Get to it boys,” I demand, and my brothers laugh as they start to rush around the reception area smashing everything in sight. This bitch laid her hands on the president of the Virginia Satan’s Savages, so now her business will pay for it. The boys make their way through the foyer laughing and breaking everything, vases, windows, computers and the sound is like heaven to my ears.

  The red-head leans toward the phone, I go to say something, but the bitch I have in an arm lock shakes her head. Smart move, darling. Acid notices Red looking at the phone, and he rushes over pulling the phone from the desk, the cord ripping the plasterboard from the wall. The two women jump. I chuckle as he then grabs Red’s coffee mug and smashes it into the screen of her computer. Acid laughs as Red jumps, and then he runs off to trash some more of whatever he can find that will break. The woman struggles in my grip, but I pull her arm up tighter.

  “So, little whore, you run this place? That’s good to know. You know where my drugs are then? The two duffle bags that are being stored here… where are they?” I whisper in her ear as my brothers move down the hall. Her breathing is quick and rushed while piercing screams echo down the hall mixed with the noise of my brothers trashing Cupiditas. She tries to struggle free again, but I pull her arm up even higher as she yelps out in pain.

  “I like hearing you whimper you, little whore,” I whisper in her ear maniacally.

  She turns slowly, and a small smile crosses her face, and then suddenly she spits. A large ball of saliva coats my face and runs down my cheek. My nostrils flare, my eyes bulge out of their sockets, and I spin her around grabbing her hair, pushing her hard into the desk, pinning her to it with my weight. She feels good beneath me, and I try to stop thinking about how good this feels while attempting to remember that this bitch is pissing me off. “Say something stupid once more, you little slut, and I’ll shove that stapler so far up your cunt you’ll be pissing staples for a year,” I say while I move my hand to her jeans, and I start to undo her buttons. Just to scare her, I wouldn’t actually shove a stapler up her cunt. Unless she really fucked me off.

  “Stop it!” Red calls out in her defence.

  “Angel, shut up,” she yells back. I stop my movements on her pants and look up at Red with a smirk.

  “You’re a pretty little thing. Angel… was it?”

  I unpin the boss lady from the desk, and she straightens herself up doing up her jeans in record speed. Her shaking hands don’t go unnoticed, as she glares at me with such a fierce intent I’m almost threatened. “Hey, you have a beef? You take it out on me. Not my staff.”

  A guy comes rushing out with long blond hair and muscles on muscles. He kind of reminds me of Gator. Actually, he could be Gator’s twin. It shocks me slightly as he looks at the woman and furrows his brows. “Boss, you okay?” he asks then turns his attention to me.

  She nods and then he turns his attention to Angel, and she nods. Manson comes up behind Gator’s twin and kicks behind his legs, forcing his heavy knees to the floor with a thud. He moans out in pain while Angel screams and I smirk. Fucking Manson, always has a flare for the dramatic.

  “Enough! What the fuck do you want?” Boss lady glares at me, and I tilt my head.

  “It’s simple, darling. We want what is ours.” I step right up to her, no distance between us and the bitch doesn’t flinch. She stares right back at me. I really like her!

  “Your drugs aren’t here. The cops took them away.” She curls her lip up like she’s disgusted.

  I exhale and shake my head. Shit this is not good! “Wrong answer, sweetheart.”

  “There’s nothing here, Mad Dog,” Acid calls out as he walks back down from the hall along with Blade and Penetrator.

  “Well, that’s a shame. Looks like you better find us our eccys, you fucking whore, or you’ll be in a whole world of hurt.”

  She curls up her lip in disgust. “Find your own shit. I’m not helping you for a second, you spineless pig.”

  Laughing, I raise my hand and backhand her across the face with such force that she falls to the ground. Her knees crash hard against the cold marble floor with such a loud thud, it sounded like her knee caps cracked. She doesn’t get to talk to me like that. Plus, I’m really pissed off. If the cops have my stash, then that means they got to Papi, and if they got to him, he could talk. Not only that, but I don’t have a stash to take to Jesús.

  This is fucked!

  She slowly looks back up at me, holding her cheek. A line of blood leaking from her lip as she breathes in harsh and fast.

  “We’ll be back. Lose the attitude. Shit like that will end up with you in a ditch,” I scold.

  There’s not much more I can do here. If the drugs are gone, then what’s the use of staying? Whistling, I nod my head and my brothers follow me, as I turn and traipse out of the now destroyed building.

  I’m still really fucking pissed off, and I have no idea what I’m going to do now. Plus, that hot little mess in there gave me lip, and I’m fucked off at her for it. As I walk outside, I notice some bricks on the pavement from the council doing up the sidewalk.

  “Oi, let’s wreck the front too,” I announce.

  Acid jumps up and down laughing, as we all pick up some bricks and hurtle them at the front of Cupiditas. The one-way windows all smash, and the glass cascades to the floor in ear piercing sounds as we wreck the only thing that was left untouched.

  Fuck with me bitch, and I’ll fuck up EVERYTHING of yours.

  Glancing inside, I see everyone cowering as the windows shatter. Smirking, I jump on my Hog, start my engine and hightail it the fuck out of Dodge.


  Making our way back inside the clubhouse to mourn the loss of our eccys with some beer, Acid rushes behind the bar as Chops and I pull up a stool.

  “What are your thoughts?” I ask Chops.

  He rubs his chin and huffs. “I’m thinking the only way to make good with Jesús is to get cash for the eccys and to offer it to him as compensation.”

  Nodding my head slowly as I take that in, I take a deep breath. “Good idea. That could work. We go back to Cupiditas, ask the boss lady for the money in compensation and hey-ho. We pay off Jesús, give him the rest of the stash, and then be done with him. I think it’s a solid plan, good job.”

  “And that’s why I’m your trusted VP.”

  I chuckle. “That’s why you’re a douchebag.”

  Rover comes rushing in from outside, and I furrow my brows wondering why he isn’t at the lookout post at the gate.

  “Why the fuck are you in here, Rover?”

  “Prez…” he takes a couple of quick deep breaths like he’s puffed from running, “…there’s cops…” more deep breaths, “…at the gate.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I clench my jaw.
Turning to look at Chops, I open my eyes wide and swallow hard. “Fuck.”

  “What do I do?” Rover’s face is strained, and every worry line is clearly pronounced.

  “We’ll go to the gate. I don’t want to let them in if we don’t have to,” Chops advises, and I nod as we stand up and head toward the black door.

  As I walk my feet feel heavy. If Papi has turned us in, we could be in deep shit. I have no idea what I’m gonna do if this all turns sour on me now.

  Chops slaps my shoulder and tilts his head. “Keep your cool, Frank.”

  I know shit is serious when my best friend uses my real name. He never calls me Frank. In fact, I can’t remember the last time he did. There are only three people that call me Frank, my parents, and Millie. So when Chops says it, I know shit is getting real.

  Nodding, I traipse with him toward the gate. Rover glances at me, and I lift my head letting him know to open it. The gate slides open as I stand tall and strong with my arms over my chest in a stance of sternness and defiance. They need to know I won’t take their shit.

  The gate opens to show me merely one cop car and two patrol officers. Nothing to be intimidated by.

  Smirking slightly, I gesture with my head at the two men. “Afternoon officers, how may we make your acquaintance, this fine day?” I ask.

  They smile and step toward me. “Officer McDonald and Officer Chapman, we’d like to have a chat.”

  “Macca and Chappo, sure thing guys. What’s on your mind?”

  Macca smiles at me in an ‘I think you’re scum’ kind of way, and it irks me straight away. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance. Would you know anything about that?”

  “Well, other than the fact that those uniforms are disturbing, I have no idea what you mean?”

  Macca does that same smile and tilts his head. “So you and five of your friends didn’t visit the workplace of a Miss Violet Dyson a little while ago?”

  Tilting my head, I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth and shake my head. “Name doesn’t ring a bell.”

  “How about Cupiditas?”

  I chuckle and smile. “Oh, that place, the whorehouse by the beach? I know it well. But no, haven’t been there in a while. The girls are a bit too… feisty for me.”

  “Uh-huh! Lying isn’t your strong suit, Mad Dog. But in this case, there’s nothing I can do but give you and your fellow club members a warning not to go near the premises again. Miss Dyson doesn’t want to press charges, seems she doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers, but we can warn you to stay away. So don’t go near Cupiditas again. This is an official warning, Mad Dog.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Yes, sir, Officer Macca.” I salute him with two fingers, wishing it could have been with one.

  “Right, well, try to stay out of trouble,” Macca instructs.

  “Me? I’m never in trouble.”

  He raises an eyebrow and nods. “Hmmm.” He turns and strides back to his patrol car with Chappo following closely behind. I watch as they slide into their car and drive off. Waving as they head down the road, I take a deep breath and turn toward Chops.

  “Fuck me, that couldn’t have gone better. I seriously thought we were in deep shit and Papi ratted. He’s obviously sticking to his guns by not ratting. Good kid. Do you think I need to try and contact him?”

  Chops shakes his head. “No, the heat probably have bugs on his phone waiting for us to make a move. We just have to wait it out and hope he doesn’t budge. He knows the consequences if he does. That precious Star means too much to him. I think we’ll be okay.”

  “Shit, you’re right. Now we have to make a plan of attack to head back into Cupiditas to get our money for Jesús.”

  “What about the warning from the heat about going back there?”

  “Who are you more scared of? The heat or Jesús?” I ask and Chops nods and flares his nostrils out.

  “We’re fucked either way, aren’t we?”

  Wincing, I nod. “We just might be.” I sigh and turn walking back toward the clubhouse.


  Sitting in the assembly room with Chops, my nerves are frazzled, as we talk about how the fuck we’re going to make new avenues of profit.

  “The only thing I can think of is going into business. Making a profit from a legitimate business enterprise, and actually doing something straight,” Chops advises.

  Huffing, I sit back in my chair and raise my eyebrow. “Yeah, but what?”

  He furrows his brow and purses his lips. Then suddenly his eyebrows shot up, and he smiles like he’s had a light bulb moment. “Cupiditas.”

  Tilting my head, I furrow my brows. “Sorry, what?”

  “Well, I got Blade to check into their accounts, he’s hacked their servers and got all their details. It seems the business is quite profitable, it might be worth looking into?”

  Nodding my head slightly at the idea of running a whorehouse, a small smile crosses my face. “It might be a good way to bring in a decent income. It’s something to think about anyway.”

  “Agreed. Now cash for Jesús. We need to do something dramatic so that Violet will part with the money. She’s a feisty bitch, she won’t just hand it over willingly,” Chops says.

  Nodding in agreement, I rub my bearded chin. “Yeah, you’re right. I think the only thing that she seems to care about is her employees, so we go after them to get to her.”

  Chops nods. “We take another girl?”

  “We take another girl.”


  We’re getting ready to make one of Violet’s girls a lovely shade of violet herself. Yes, I know, beating women to get a point across may not be the best method or my finest moment, but it’s the only way I can see to make this stubborn ass woman see things our way. That’s what happens when you’re a headstrong, independent woman. We’re driving in the cage along the esplanade approaching the girl they call Sheila. We’ve noticed that all the employees that work for Violet seem to have nicknames, kind of like us. I like that about her, too. So it does suck that we’re doing this to her staff, but like I said, she’s bringing this on herself.

  “There she is. Manson, Blade, Acid, get ready,” I call out to the back of the van.

  Penetrator pulls up alongside the tall, athletic brunette. One thing I have to say about Violet’s staff is they’re all stunners. She turns to look at the Volkswagen Crafter. Her eyes open wide as her body freezes momentarily when the cage stops. The door slides open and she starts to make a run for it, but Manson is out, grabbing her, and muffling her screams before she has a chance to escape. He pulls her kicking and struggling into the vehicle. Blade slams the door shut, and Acid thrusts his clenched fist into the side of her head knocking her out cold as she falls into Manson’s arms.

  “Well, do you want to do it in the back of the cage again lads?” I question.

  “Yeah, may as well,” Acid calls out then slaps her face as Penetrator drives off down the back streets where no one can hear her if she screams.

  She murmurs and slowly wakes up. “What the fuck?” she asks.

  “Hey sunshine,” Acid says with a lopsided grin.

  She exhales as she looks around the back of the van. “You’re the cocks who took Star, right?”

  She seems unreasonably calm for someone who’s been abducted.

  “Doesn’t that scare you, little girl?”

  She scoffs wiping the small amount of blood from her lip. “You think you frighten me? I’m fucking Sheila, I don’t take shit from nobody. So do what you want? I’m not going to give you the pleasure of getting a hard-on because I scream and cry like a little fucking sissy. That’s not my style. If you’re going to bash me, then just do it. I don’t really care for the dramatics of it all.”

  Chuckling at her forwardness, I raise an eyebrow. “Wow, you’ve certainly got spunk. They raise you tough in that whorehouse. You’re lucky you’re a whore. Otherwise, we’d have a lot of fucking fun with your cunt. But we choose to not be infested with dis
ease. So before we make you bloody, feel like talking?”

  She laughs. “You wanna have a D and M? Talk about how the Crows won the Showdown or you have something more… kinky in mind?”

  Smirking, I nod. I like her, she’s feisty like Violet. “I have something more business-like in mind.”

  She furrows her brows and purses her lips, glancing at Manson, who’s eyeing her up and down and then back to me in the front passenger seat. “Okay, talk.”

  “Tell me about Cupiditas.”

  She chuckles and shakes her head. “Right, well it’s an escort agency. We do most of our business out of house by appointment and—”

  “No, I mean profit margins.”

  She pauses and swallows hard. “Why do you want to know that?”

  “That my dear Sheila is what’s known as Secret Squirrel business.”

  She exhales and shakes her head. “I don’t really know, I’m not that privy to information. Angel would know more of that than me, but she wouldn’t tell you anything. Why don’t you just ask, Boss?”

  Huffing, I shake my head. “That’s not really the answer I was after, Sheila.”

  “Well, that’s the answer your fucking well gonna get.”

  “Do you know anything about how profitable the business is?”

  She chews on her lip and huffs. “It does well, really well. I get paid a lot, so does everyone else. The Boss is rich, that’s all I know.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Thank you, Sheila, you’ve been very helpful. I’m sorry we have to do this to you, but we need to send a message to your Boss.”

  Her eyes widen, and she grits her teeth. “You really don’t.”

  “Unfortunately, my dear, we do.” Nodding to Acid, he grins and balls his fist while she’s still looking at me and thrusts his clenched fist into the back of her head.

  Taking a deep breath as she moans out, the boys get to making her black and blue, while I turn around facing the front as her pain filled moans echo through the vehicle.


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