The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 88

by K E Osborn

  “They’re all so nice really. No one has been an arse to me, ever,” Niki says.

  “Lookout says arse a lot Mama,” Jackson pipes up from the floor making us all laugh.

  “Yes, he does, baby.”

  “He also says, motherfucker. I like that word, it’s fun to say. Motherfucker, motherfucker, motherfucker,” Jackson chimes out and I smirk as Willow and Niki slump their bodies and shake their heads.

  “Jackson, really?” Niki berates.

  I chew on my lips trying not to laugh with a feeling like she should be trying harder to stop her child from swearing like that, but this is a usual occurrence for them.

  “So, Shay do you think you and Techie could get along quite well then?” Willow asks with a dirty great smirk on her face.

  “Well, he’s been interesting so far, it’s hard to say. But I definitely get goosebumps around him.”

  Willow jumps on the edge of the bed clapping her hands. I laugh and look at her raising an eyebrow.

  “Sorry, it’s just Techie’s amazing and he deserves to be happy. He’s such a great guy. Just don’t act dumb when he starts talking his fact sessions, he can get annoyed if you don’t understand him.”

  I shake my head. “Oh, I’ll understand everything he says. His IQ is 147, but mine is 152.”

  Willow and Niki both open their eyes wide, and their mouths form perfect O’s. Then they both start giggling.

  “Does that mean you’re fucking smart?” Jackson asks.

  I nod, and he smiles at me.

  “Oh God, don’t tell Techie that you’re smarter than him, that’ll dent his ego.”

  “Yeah, I thought it might. That’s why when he told me his, I conveniently forgot to mention mine.”

  Willow chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re perfect for him. I swear if you two don’t procreate and make brainiac children I’ll walk to the moon.”

  I tilt my head. “Well, technically it’s impossible to walk to the moon because to get there you have to use space travel and…”

  She looks at me and raises her eyebrow. “See, utterly perfect for each other.”

  Taking a deep breath as a swarm of giddy butterflies invade my stomach, I smile a contented smile. For the first time in a long time, I’m happy. Techie is a mystery, and I do love solving puzzles. Hopefully, he’s the missing piece of my puzzle, and we’ll fit perfectly together.

  Oh my God, it’s too soon to be thinking like that!

  “Shay… earth to Shay!” Niki giggles.

  I blink a few times and let out a small laugh. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

  “Okay, well, we’re going to go and let you get some sleep. Have very vivid and pornographic dreams about Techie,” Willow suggests.

  I scoff as Niki, Jackson and her walk toward the door of my room. “Okay, well I’m glad you’re all having fun at my expense. Have a good night ladies.”

  “I’m no fucking lady,” Jackson calls out.

  “Sorry, have a good night ladies and gentleman.”

  “Goodnight Shay,” they all say in unison. Niki ushers Jackson out of the room and Willow looks back at me and winks then closes the door, leaving me all alone in a biker club with just my thoughts to entertain me.

  Taking in a deep breath, I wander over to my suitcase, lay it down, unzip it, and pull out my Wonder Woman Pyjamas. They’re complete nerd girl, but sexy as fuck. Little blue knickers with white stars and a tight fitting red tank top with the yellow logo on it. Sure it’s the middle of winter, but this clubhouse is heated and it’s quite warm in my room, so these will suit just fine.

  Quickly getting changed, I move over to my bed pulling back the covers and climb in. There’s nothing like freshly made sheets, I think as I snuggle down and get comfortable. I spent my childhood at this club. Sure it’s been done up and had some renovations since I was little, but it’s still the same place at heart. I feel safe here, and as I flick off the light my mind wanders to a tattooed biker by the name of Techie. My hand comes up softly touching my lips wishing I knew what it felt like to have his pressed against mine. Swallowing hard, as a dull ache starts between my legs, I shake my head and cuddle into the sheets.

  I need to sleep.

  Thinking of Techie can only lead to trouble.

  Trouble I’m not ready for.

  “Go to sleep, Shay,” I murmur to myself and take a deep breath picturing Techie’s face anyway.


  The creaking of the door startles me as I open my eyes. Turning on my back, I look toward the door to see Techie sneaking into my room. My heart leaps into my chest as I gasp at the sight of his naked chest bearing his tattoos as he sports only a tight pair of Superman boxer briefs. My teeth dig into my bottom lip as I clench my thighs together to stop the ache, as he closes the door and rushes over to my bed.

  “Techie?” I whisper.

  “I couldn’t sleep ‘cause I was thinking about you too much,” he replies as he sits on the edge of the bed next to me. The mattress dipping, my body slides toward him on its own.

  “How did you know this was my room?” I ask.

  He reaches out and moves a strand of hair behind my ear. “I know everything.”

  A small giggle bubbles up from within my chest as his hand moves in to caress my face. I bring mine up to touch his stubbled cheek as I lick my lips and pull him down closer to me.

  There’s a charge in the air. Like an electrical buzz surging and crackling sending the dust particles into a frenzy. Everything’s frenzied and buzzing as my heart races frantically trying to catch up to my erratic breathing. His body moves down over the top of me, and the warmth from his skin is setting me on fire. My hands wrap around his neck, and my fingers thread through his hair as he inches closer and closer toward my lips. My breaths are fast and harsh, and every inch of me is tingling as goosebumps litter my skin, prickling as I run in a cold sweat. This is hot. The connection—intense. I glance up into his chocolate brown eyes, and the deep richness of them makes my insides quiver with anticipation.

  The warmth of his breath moves across my face as he inches closer, and my heart leaps into my chest watching his lips as they inch closer and closer. The electricity is fizzing all around us, and as his lips finally touch mine, it's like an eruption of epic proportions explodes inside of me. My body trembles in delight, as my fingers tug on his hair slightly pulling him further toward me. Opening my mouth, his tongue dances with mine and it’s the sweetest tango I’ve ever danced in my life.

  His hard body lays down on top of me, making me hot with desire as we continue to kiss passionately. It doesn’t go unnoticed that his erection is forming through the sheets, as his hand moves up to my breast and starts to massage it firmly. Moaning into his mouth, as with his touch, I want to feel every part of him. My clit is aching at the thought of taking this further, and I know we’re rushing, but it feels so damn good. His kiss moves from my lips down the side of my face down my neck, and I take in deep, languid breaths as I run my fingers through his hair as he continues to massage my breast. He’s turning me on so much that my breath is taken away while I’m in pleasure overload.

  A sudden movement on my shoulder startles me, and I look down, but there’s nothing there as Techie continues his seduction. I moan again as he sucks on my neck gently, but my shoulder is shoved forcefully once more. Furrowing my brows, I groan and look at my shoulder, but still nothing.

  Running my hand through Techie’s hair, his head comes back up to look at me and I move in to kiss him but as our lips connect, my shoulder is shoved again and he fades and everything turns black.

  I’m dazed for a moment, with one more shove my eyes flicker open and I pant for breath. Turning suddenly, I wonder what the fuck is going on. That’s when Jackson comes into view, and I realise I was asleep and completely dreaming about Techie. Damn!

  My knickers are soaking wet and my face heats, as I look at the little man standing next to my bed assessing me while my heart rate falls back to a normal

  “Jackson? What are you doing in here?” I ask my voice a slightly higher pitch than I intended.

  He beams like he’s happy I’m finally awake. “It’s five thirty and I’m hungry, but Mama is sleeping, and she doesn’t want to get up.”

  Trying to catch my breath as it slows, I nod pulling the sheets back and sit up. “Okay, well let’s go get you something to eat then, hey? I just have to get changed, so can you wait in the hall for me?”

  He nods and rushes out of my room leaving the door slightly open. I take in a deep breath and run my fingers over my lips wishing that Techie had really been kissing me. It leaves me wondering if he actually kisses like that, because if he does, I want to find out.


  After another restless sleep, and what sleep I did have was filled with horny dreams of Shay, I make my way downstairs to have breakfast. The clubroom is packed with my brothers’ family and friends, and I can’t help but search the crowd for the girl from my dreams. Just thinking about the things she did in my dreams makes my cock twitch. I just hope I don’t think about it when I see her, that could be awkward!

  As I search fruitlessly through the sea of faces, my body slumps when I can’t find her. I’m not sure where she is, but I guess I can’t stand here all day looking like a lost puppy. Plus the borborygmus coming from my stomach is a dead giveaway that I am hungry. Stupid stomach rumbles!

  Walking up to the kitchen, I place my usual breakfast order with Chowhound and then walk off knowing it will be a wait today. With all the people here, he’s under the pump with only Whisk to help him, but I’m sure the club girls will be back there doing their bit too.

  I see Lookout, Jigsaw, Steel, Crash, Mooch and Switch all sitting at a table, so I mosey on over and take up my position in between Jigsaw and Steel.

  “But seriously, she can’t have been bent at a seventy-five degree angle, Crash, that’s impossible. Forty-five, yes, but not even Irina is that flexible,” Mooch says.

  I open my eyes wide at the conversation unfolding and seem to have stepped into what sounds like Crash having a good time with Irina last night.

  “No seriously, she was bent in the weirdest position, and I swear it was the best sex in my life. Thanks, Steel, I owe you,” he chirps and we all laugh.

  “The flower blooms like the spring, setting in the magnificence of the heat,” Jigsaw announces over the laughter, and we all look at him and furrow our brows.

  “What?” Switch asks.

  “Don’t try to understand, it’s too hard,” Steel suggests and we all nod.

  “The seed of doubt grows weary in the mind of the feeble,” Jigsaw says beaming at Switch, and he creases his brows as we all chuckle.

  Mooch takes a sip of his coffee then nods to Steel. “I’m heading into the tattoo parlour later to get some gear. Some of the family members want tattoos while they’re here,” Mooch tells us, and I wonder how this will go down with Steel.

  “We’re on lockdown, Mooch. You’re not supposed to leave the compound,” Steel states.

  “Yeah, I know, but the shop is literally five minutes away, and the Jones’s aren’t after me are they?”

  Steel huffs shaking his head and purses his lips. “I don’t know, brother.”

  “C’mon, it’s to keep up the morale of the families while they’re here. The trip will take fifteen minutes total. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Steel looks to me, and I shrug. He huffs and tilts his head from side to side. “Maybe give it a couple of days and see what happens in the lockdown, if everything settles then you can head out, but for now stay in. As soon as we know more you can venture out and get the tattoo guns.”

  Mooch smiles and nods. “Thanks, VP, the families will love you for it. We all know I give the best tattoos in the south of Adelaide.”

  “I’d like a tattoo,” an angelic voice chimes in from behind us. I smile knowing the voice, it’s etched into my brain. Turning to see Shay, she looks down at me and smiles.

  Mooch shakes his head and groans. “No way, Shay. Gadget would kill me for marking your skin.”

  She raises her eyebrow and huffs. “It’s not up to Stephie, it’s up to me. Techie, your tatts are awesome, can you help me design something?”

  Any chance to piss off Gadget, and to spend time with Shay is a plus in my books. “Sure.”

  She smiles and nods. “It’s a date.”

  Everyone chuckles as she turns confidently and struts off. I grin widely as Steel slaps my back hard and laughs. “You got your work cut out for you with that one, Techster.”

  I face him and nod. “I know, isn’t she amazing? She’s like a blindingly bright star reaching the end of its life, exploding into a fiery nuclear matter burning bright like a beacon in the interstellar medium that surrounds the entire solar system… she’s magnificent.”

  They all stare at me blankly. “Oh, for fuck’s sake… like a supernova. You know, when a planet dies and basically kills itself? God, you guys don’t fucking understand anything,” I huff out in annoyance. Why don’t people ever understand me?

  Steel furrows his brows and frowns. “You’re comparin’ her to somethin’ that kills itself? How romantic.”

  Slumping, I shake my head. “No, not like that fuckface. A Supernova is beautiful, an explosion of such epic proportions that it… oh, you know what? Never mind. You cocks won’t understand, I’m just saying she blows my mind that’s all.”

  They all chuckle and nod. “No, we get it. You have a hard-on for her. She’s pretty damn hot, in that goth rock chick kinda way,” Crash says, and I punch his arm hard.

  “What was that for?” He flinches and frowns.

  “Keep your eyes off her, Crash,” I demand.

  Everyone chuckles and Steel shakes his head. “Wow, you have got it bad.”

  “Shut the fuck up, she intrigues me, that’s all.”

  “She makes your cock ache, that’s all,” Switch teases.

  “Right, fuck you all.”

  The guys all shake their heads while laughing. “Gadget’s sister and Techie, who would’ve thought?” Crash teases and they all chuckle at me again.

  I huff thinking of how unpleasant the situation is. Rev goes to walk past and Switch calls out to him. “Hey Rev, Techie’s crushing on Shay. This could cause issues. Bigger issues than we already have, so just warning you that our brothers may need your divine guidance in the near future.”

  Rev is an interesting bloke. He came to the club about the same time I did as a prospect, but he’s patched in pretty quick. Numbers were low then, and so the prospects were patching in within six months rather than the typical year. Rev is short for Reverend. He got that Road Name because from day one he’s always been the guy everyone seems to go to, to chat. He’s just such an easy guy to talk to. Anything you need to get off your chest, Rev’s your guy. The thing about Rev, though, like a priest, he won’t tell anyone else what you’ve told him unless it impacts the club dramatically. It’s basically like going to confession. He’s our own priest or psychologist, whatever label you want to put on him. For an older guy he fits in here perfectly. To look at him you’d think he’d be a hardcore criminal with his sculpted facial features, thin frame, greyish blond hair and plain evil eyes. But at forty-seven-years-old, he hasn’t stepped a foot wrong in this club, and the brothers rely on him. He’s our go-to guy for advice or just for an ear. He’s the heart of this club, and for the time he’s been here he truly has become an asset.

  “Well Techie, I’m always here if you need me, you know that. But also remember that Gadget and his sister are close, his whole family is, and if you have intentions of simply using Shay, then I suggest for the sake of the club, you leave well enough alone—”

  “That’s not what I’m—”

  “If, on the other hand you actually like her, then prove it and don’t fuck up. She’s truly a beautiful soul, but if you fuck up with her, things here will be messy. Think about that before you pursue any
thing, Techie. Think of the club, brothers always come first,” Rev advises in the best way he always does. Putting the club first is always his main goal.

  Nodding, I smile. “Thanks, Rev.”

  “Good lad.” He walks off and I turn to face the other boys, and they all smugly look at me.


  “You’re still gonna to go after your supernova, aren’t you?” Steel asks, and I huff.

  “I don’t know, maybe… I like her. A lot. We’ll see where the road takes us.”

  “Techie’s gonna be fucking her by four,” Crash mocks.

  I wince and punch his arm hard again making him groan out in pain. “Ya fuckhead.” My mobile phone beeps letting me know I have a text message.

  I pull it from my jean’s pocket and unlock it with my fingerprint to see a message from Danger. The rocker from Recoil that Steel met all that time ago. The one that Lunar left the club to be with. Opening the message, I smile as I read it.

  Danger: Hey Techie, thanks again for helping us set up our Aussie tour. We couldn’t have done this without you! It went so well, and it’s finishing soon, so we were wondering if we could come and visit?

  It’s nice to know that all the help I gave Recoil when they tried to start up again in Australia, after trying in the UK and the US and failing, is working here now. I hit reply.

  Me: Hey mate, glad it’s going well. The club is in lockdown right now so it’s probably not the best time to be stopping by, but I'd love to see you and the guys when lockdown’s lifted.

  “Are you texting your mother again, Techie?” Switch teases.

  “Is that meant to be an insult?”

  He laughs along with everyone else. “Yeah.”

  I shrug. “I love my mother, I wouldn’t be ashamed if I were texting her. So your insult is flawed and useless. If you wanted to insult me, you need to come up with something better and more sustainable than a jab at my family.”


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