The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 97

by K E Osborn

  “Couldn’t you have brought a quieter one?” Gadget whispers.

  “This one is the best. Shut up and let me work,” I groan back to him and click the lock a couple more times before it detaches, and the lock is freed.

  I look up and smile wide knowing I’ve done my job well. “See, all done.”

  “Yeah, let’s just hope you haven’t woken the entire neighbourhood,” Gadget whispers and pushes past me entering the house. Jigsaw purses his lips in sympathy and helps me up from the ground as Trigger and Crash follow us inside the house. It’s a nice place, but it’s dark and hard to see. We draw our guns just to make sure as we check room by room for Daniel. We step up to the bedroom, and the door is half open. I glance inside to see him asleep in his bed. I tilt my head and Jigsaw nods as we all walk in slowly and stealthily. We cross right up to his bed all aiming our guns at him when Crash trips on something and catapults to the floor in a loud bang. I jolt as Jigsaw lunges forward while Daniel opens his eyes wide looking right at us and sits bolt upright. Jigsaw smashes his fist into the side of his head before he can react making Daniel groan and flop back to the bed passed out completely. Jigsaw shakes his knuckles from the blow.

  “Bricks are breakable, ja?” Jigsaw chirps and I chuckle as Crash slowly gets up off the floor.

  “Fuck, sorry guys,” he murmurs.

  Trigger slaps him over the back of his head. “You are the most accident prone guy I’ve ever met.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “Right, Jigsaw get the package. Let’s get out of here before anyone does actually call the cops,” Gadget announces, and I nod turning as Jigsaw picks up Daniel throwing his body over his shoulder while we all walk back to the cage.


  Jigsaw and I brought a now more awake Daniel Demarco down to the torture room, and Jigsaw stripped him and tied him to the metal chair with leather ropes. For the kind of torture we’re doing tonight, handcuffs wouldn’t be a good idea.

  Daniel’s head flops from side to side as he slowly regains consciousness and takes in his surroundings.

  “Where the fuck am I?”

  Jigsaw chuckles as the door upstairs opens and heavy footsteps make their way down.

  “You’re in the lair of the Savages, Daniel. You’ve been a naughty boy haven’t you,” I reply and he exhales and winces pulling on his wrist restraints slightly. “There’s no point, you won’t be getting loose anytime soon.”

  Steel and Gator take the final step and enter the torture room striding over to Jigsaw and me.

  “So this is the cocksucker who decided to send a cage crashing through our compound, hey?” Gator announces walking up to Daniel then slamming his clenched fist right into the side of Daniel’s jaw. His head flings to the side with a crunch as blood spills from his mouth. Steel grabs Gator’s arm pulling him back as Gator’s chest heaves. He looks to Steel and nods taking a step back.

  Daniel faces forward and spits out a wad of blood, and I’m fairly sure there’s a tooth in there too. One thing about Gator, he doesn’t punch softly.

  “So as you can see Danny boy, you’ve pissed off my President. You damaged our club, you could have killed some of our people. We need to know why?” Steel asks stepping up in front of Daniel.

  He takes a deep breath looking at us all and swallows hard. “It doesn’t really matter does it, I’m dead no matter what I say.”

  Glancing at Gator, I wonder what his play will be here. Daniel fucked with Gator’s club, he won’t forgive that, but Gator isn’t Mad Dog, and he’s not one to kill for the sake of killing.

  “You give us the information we want, you walk. It’s as simple as that Daniel,” Gator says and I can’t help but wonder if he’s bluffing, but the relaxed stature in him tells me he isn’t.

  Daniel scoffs and sniffs. “I doubt that. I’m in a gang, I know how bikers work. I destroyed part of your club, you’re not going to let me walk.”

  Gator huffs and nods to Jigsaw who steps forward and grabs the middle finger on Daniel’s hand pulling it back so quickly Daniel doesn’t even have time to register. The crack and snapping of the bone echoes through the room, my stomach twists slightly as I wince watching his finger fold back on itself, and Daniel screams out in intense agony.

  Jigsaw smiles and tilts his head. “Bones shatter, like the soul when torn,” he says and Daniel pants hard as he looks at Jigsaw furrowing his brows and then looks to us like he’s panicking.

  “What does that mean?” he asks.

  “We have no idea, but it probably means he plans to break more of your bones if you don’t tell us why you targeted us,” Steel tells him and he looks back to Jigsaw, who smiles widely at him.

  He shakes his head and breathes heavily. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” I ask.

  He looks to me and winces. “I can’t, I don’t know anything.”

  I look to Steel, and we all furrow our brows. “So you let the cage run through our compound, and ran off like a bitch, and yet you know nothing about it?” Gator asks.

  He shakes his head as his breathing rushes quicker. Gator looks to Jigsaw and nods. Jigsaw smiles walking over to the bench to grab something.

  “What are you getting?” Daniel calls out, and Jigsaw turns around holding a scalpel up in the air. The light reflects off the stainless steel sending flecks of light across the room. It’s a beautiful thing.

  Jigsaw walks back over and stands in front of Daniel his lips slowly turning upward on his face.

  “Seriously, you’re not going to cut me with that are you?” Daniel asks, and Jigsaw looks to Gator.

  “Are you going to tell us why you hit us?” Gator asks.

  Daniel groans and tenses his muscles tight shaking his head, as Jigsaw laughs and leans down moving the scalpel through the air like mothers do with children’s food pretending it’s an airplane.

  “Reeeooow,” Jigsaw says.

  I can’t help but smile at his playfulness as the scalpel moves in and Daniel tries to pull away pushing back into his chair further. The scalpel shifts in toward Daniel’s nipple and stops right at the edge. I take a deep breath as Daniel tenses and shakes his head.

  “No, please no.”

  “Ja, oh ja,” Jigsaw says then pushes the tip of the blade into Daniel’s flesh. Blood pools on his skin as Daniel winces in pain, but Jigsaw drives the blade in deep and hacks at his flesh in a circle around the nipple. Daniel writhes in pain, screaming out as Gator, Steel, and I watch on. Blood pisses out as the hunk of flesh is carved away from Daniel’s body. Jigsaw whistles some tunes as he carves trying to drown out Daniel’s cries of agony, and then the round piece of meat falls from Daniel’s chest onto his lap. He starts to sob as I watch the salt water run down his cheeks. Sure, I could feel sorry for him, but this prick could have killed people I love. In my eyes he’s getting it easy so far.

  “Ready to talk, Daniel?” Gator asks, and Daniel doesn’t say anything just continues to blubber.

  Jigsaw smiles and points to his other nipple and Gator shrugs and nods. So Jigsaw shifts over and presses his blade to the chest of Daniel’s left nipple.

  “Nooo. God stop, please stop.”

  Jigsaw laughs and stabs him anyway, slicing into his flesh. Gator chuckles and shakes his head as Daniel screams out in more pain while Jigsaw detaches his other nipple. Normal people would be grossed out by this, but me, it’s just flesh, it’s just blood, the blood of a fuckhead who tried to kill us. He should pay.

  Jigsaw detaches the other nipple and stands back smiling at his handy work as Daniel sobs.

  “Oh artwork, I make,” Jigsaw calls out jumping on the spot like he’s excited, and then leans back into Daniel as I furrow my brows wondering what he’s doing. Then he slices a giant semi-circle on his belly facing upward. He steps back and laughs maniacally pointing at his artwork. I step to the side so I can see better then I realise he’s basically carved a smiley face into Daniel’s stomach. I snicker as Gator shakes his
head and rolls his eyes.

  “Jesus Christ Jigsaw, you enjoy this too much,” Gator says.

  Steel looks at me and smiles.

  “Daniel, you with us?” Steel asks as Daniel’s sobs slow down and he looks down to his blood stained torso.

  He stutters in harsh breaths and his eyes glaze over. “I was paid by an anonymous source… no names, no reason. Just the hit on the club was ordered and that was it,” he offers.

  We all raise an eyebrow. He’s actually talking.

  “When was this? Gator asks.

  “Two days ago. When the money was transferred, I made the hit. I have no ties to you, just this random guy came up to me and told me he would pay me to do this job. So I took it. Money talks, you know.”

  I glance at Steel and nod. I’m pretty sure he’s telling the truth. I’m really good at spotting liars.

  “So you have no idea who the guy is or why he ordered the hit?” Gator asks.

  Daniel shakes his head. “None.”

  Gator huffs and nods at Jigsaw. He walks over to the bench again putting down his scalpel and picking up something else. I tense up slightly. I know Gator wants to push Daniel to see what else we can get from him, but I think we have everything. However, Gator is the Prez, and I can’t tell him what to do. Jigsaw walks back over with a Taser.

  “If you have any more information, now would be the time to tell us, Daniel,” Gator demands and Daniel slumps his shoulders and shakes his head.

  “I swear that’s all I know. I don’t even have any contact details for him, he just delivered the cash to the club and that was it. Gone without a trace. He had no colours or anything recognisable. I have no idea who he is. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I’m sorry too, ‘cause this is going to sting,” Gator says, then he nods to Jigsaw, who smiles stepping forward turning on the Taser and shoving it right on his balls and pressing to stun. The electrical sound filters through the air as it stuns Daniel. His whole body jolts and spasms as his eyes roll into the back of his head. His body shudders with the electrical volts running through him.

  I wince and exhale as the stun is let go, and Daniel sags his body taking in a deep breath. His head flopping to his chest and steam rising from his balls. That’s gotta hurt. He whimpers in pain, and I shift in uncomfortableness.

  “Daniel, do you have anything further to add?”

  He exhales and moans slightly. “I don’t know him.”

  “Go again,” Gator calls out, and I can’t let this continue.

  “Wait,” I call out. “Prez, I’m a pretty good lie detector, and I think Daniel’s being completely honest with us. I’m not picking up any telltale signs of dishonesty. I believe we've got all the answers we’re going to get.”

  Gator looks to Steel, and he nods. “Okay, then I think we’re done here.”

  “Make a puzzle?” Jigsaw asks, and I tense slightly. This is a defining moment for Gator.

  “No, let him go. We’re not like Virginia, we don’t cut up bodies unless we have to.”

  Relaxing slightly, I exhale. I’m glad Gator’s letting Daniel go. There’s no need to kill him, we exacted our revenge on him for his actions. That was enough.

  “Jigsaw get Daniel cleaned up and take him home. Have Stevie pay him a visit to patch him up. Daniel, I’m sure it hurt that we carved you up so badly, but you understand when my club is under attack I need answers,” Gator says and Daniel nods.

  “I know what this life is about, I knew the risks taking the job. I know completely destroyed your gate - I hope no one was hurt.”

  Wow! This is ending quite civilly considering what’s just happened in here. “Everyone is fine. Stevie is our doctor, she’ll look after you. But you hurt her, this torture will be nothing in comparison to what you will receive. You got me?” Gator asks.

  Daniel nods. “Thank you. I appreciate it. I’ve never met a club that torture then fix you. You guys are… different, I’ll give you that.”

  “Just don’t come after us again, or there will be a big problem,” Gator says.


  “Jigsaw take him home,” Gator says then looks to me and Steel gesturing for us to head back upstairs.

  I walk with them toward the stairs as Jigsaw starts the cleanup. The torture session went well, but unfortunately, the intel was not very useful. We’re basically no further than we were before we started.

  Someone is after the club.

  We just don’t know who.

  We step back into clubroom, and most of the brothers have gone to bed, but there’s still a few stragglers. We walk over to the bar and take a seat.

  “What’s our go from here?” Gator asks and Steel shrugs.

  “I guess I can keep looking into the transfers of the money, and see if any new leads come up. I’m sure tonight’s event is tied to it somehow. We just have to figure out who’s wanting to disrupt the club. Who have we pissed off?” I say.

  Gator runs his hand through his hair and huffs. “That’s the thing, I have no fucking clue. I can’t think of anyone that we’ve had any disagreements with lately. This whole this is blowing my mind. I have no idea if my club is safe anymore. I’ve been through this once before, last time I lost over half of my men. I can’t do that again.” He rubs his face with his hands and then walks off leaving Steel and me at the bar.

  “He’s so stressed, I don’t know how to help him,” Steel announces.

  “I guess just advise him the best you can. It’s hard when we have no idea who or why they’re doing this. It will come out eventually, but in the meantime, we have to watch out for those we care about, keep them safe.”

  “At all costs, no matter what. Flame is everythin’ to me, I have to make sure she is safe at all times. I wonder if sendin’ her to live with Mum is a good idea? I know she wouldn’t have a bar of it. But this place is dangerous right now. It’s unpredictable, and we shouldn’t have anyone involved who can get hurt. If they can stay away, they should.”

  Taking a deep breath, I nod, as Steel just confirms I did the right thing by Shay. I want her with me. I need her by my side, but this club right now, there’s something wrong, and I can’t have her in harm’s way. No matter how much I want her by my side. No matter how much it kills me to have to let her go. She’s a big target. Not only because of me but because of Gadget and Stump. Shay needs to stay away. I just hope I’m strong enough to cope without her.



  It’s been a week since the attack on the club and I ended things with Shay. I haven’t heard from her at all, and I haven’t tried to call or message because I feel like a big enough arse, and I think that checking up on her while I called things off would be a dick move. Even though everything in me wants to know how she is. I’ve been in a shitty mood all week and everyone’s noticing. Flame has been quizzing asking me why I’m not going out as much and why I’m so down. Love the woman, but damn she’s nosey. I miss Shay, she worked her way into my cerebral cortex more than I thought she would.

  Even though I’ve fought it every step of the way to message her, I know my resolve is weakening. I really just want to know she’s okay, even just to see her nickname come up on my messages would make me feel better. I need a Shay fix, and I’m not sure I can last much longer without making some sort of contact.

  Sitting at the bar drinking doesn’t help. Which is what I seem to be doing most days lately. Like right now for instance. Taking another sip of my beer, I put the stein down and shake my head. I know what I’m about to do goes against everything I’ve been trying not to for the last week, but I’m broken. I need to talk to her. So I pull out my phone and type out a simple message.

  Me: Shay, I hope you’re doing okay, and I just want you to know I’m thinking of you. I never stopped. I just want to know that you’re all right and that things are going well at Uni still. Hope to hear back from you, but I understand if I don’t. Yoshi xo

  I hover over the send button for longer t
han I should. My breath is rushed, and my heart races as I try to decide whether to send something so heartfelt.

  “Fuck it.” I hit send and watch as it flies off into cyberspace.

  Grabbing my stein, I take another long gulp as I wait impatiently for a reply that just simply isn’t coming through. My foot taps sporadically on the ground as I nervously get more and more deflated about the lack of reply.

  It’s becoming apparent that I’ve lost my chance with Shay. She’s obviously angry with me, so much so she isn’t even going to reply to my messages. I figure now I know where I stand with her, I may as well drink my life away.

  I tap the bar and Paulie nods while pouring me another as I plonk my head down on the bar. The ache in my chest hurts so bad I want to hurl, but I did it for her safety. I have to remember that. Even though everything in me right now is screaming at me to fuck my logic, find her, and not let her out of my sight rather than let her walk away. I wish I chose that option now. But it’s too late. I broke her heart, in turn breaking mine, and now I’ll never know what our life could have been like together. Gadget was right, I am no good for her.


  I don’t know how long I’ve been at the bar for. I’m certainly not drunk, but I wish I were. I’m more just feeling sorry for myself, and checking my phone for her non-existent reply message doesn’t help either.

  “Techie, you look like shit,” Flame says breaking me from my self-pity-party of one.

  I turn to look at her and watch Flame carrying Petunia, who’s wearing a giraffe outfit tonight. Huffing, I shake my head slightly and swallow, trying to seem upbeat for her. “I’m fine. Does the pig have an identity crisis or something?”

  Flame chuckles and shakes her head standing right in front of me, pretty much in my personal space. She grabs the hem of the outfit and pulls it toward me. “Look the hem is made with gold silk isn’t that amazing?”


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