Master of Darkness

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Master of Darkness Page 12

by K T Kaye

  After successfully defeating a witch, Sophie had been attacked by a vampire. This vampire, much like the one that attacked Danny, fought quickly and with much aggression. The fairy was forced to the ground.

  The vampire pounced on top of her and pressed down on her neck, choking her. Sophie’s eyes glowed dark purple and the vampire was lifted into the air. The fairy dropped the vampire. The undead creature fell into a bush where it was impaled by branches.

  At that moment the sound of a horn could be heard echoing around the forest. The hooded figures moved their heads towards the noise. There was a pause. Then the figures disappeared into the forest, taking Mr Jet with them. The twenty Danny’s faded back into the one, who was badly beaten up and tired.

  “What was that all about?” Danny panted.

  With her fey eyes, Sophie noticed the flicker of a cloak as it headed into the night.

  “Get the others.”

  “Sophie don’t…” but it was too late for Sophie had already disappeared. Soundlessly and invisibly she made her way through the forest. Sophie could hear the trees whisper to each other and the ground under her boots groan. The sound of voices ahead interrupted the soothing song of the forest.

  In front of Sophie appeared a clearing, inside which a large smokeless bonfire burned. Around the fire stood the hooded figures who had attacked Sophie only minutes before. The figures, however, were not the focus of Sophie’s attention. Sophie was more interested in the huge dogs that guarded Mr Jet. Hell hounds. Creatures that were as deadly as their name suggested.

  “My friends,” began Mr Jet, “We are so close now. Our plan shall soon be put into motion.”

  The figures clapped and cheered.

  “Oh and as expected, we have a guest,” Mr Jet smiled, “Hello Miss Day.”

  Sophie’s insides turned cold as two strong hooded figures grabbed her and pushed her to her knees in front of Mr Jet. The vampire grabbed her face and forced her to look into his cold dead eyes.

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t smell you?”

  “What do you want from me?” Sophie asked.

  “That’s simple, I want your powers.”

  “Yeah well that’s not going to happen.”

  “Oh princess,” Mr Jet leant next to her ear and whispered, “All I have to do is bite you. Your blood is all I need.”

  Mr Jet grabbed Sophie’s hair, pulling her head backwards. He stroked her neck thoughtfully.

  “Such a small little thing,” he whispered, “Young and juicy.”

  The vampire then sank his fangs into Sophie’s neck.

  Sophie screamed.

  * * * * *

  Angel hadn’t slept. She sat in the armoury, her phone in her hand. She pressed the call button again and placed the phone next to her ear. The call went straight to answer phone, so Angel left a message.

  “Hi, Pops it’s Angel. I’ve tried calling you five times, but you’ve not answered, obviously. Err I really need to ask you something. It’s important. If you can call me back that’d be great,” Angel then hung up.

  “Why aren’t you answering? Is there a werewolf council meeting on today? Or he could be on a run or asleep? Ah, this is annoying,” Angel muttered to herself, “I should go to bed, he probably won’t call back tonight. Okay, I’ll go to bed after I check my weapons, why am I talking to myself!? Twenty days in lock up has broken you Angel. This is annoying, this is the Pied Piper’s fault! Why am I still talking!?”

  Angel unlocked her weapons locker. Her locker was filled with her guns, her bow and arrows, her wand (for when she transformed into a witch) and numerous other weapons. One weapon, however, was missing.

  “Someone’s stolen my sword!” Angel exclaimed, “No one touches my sword!” Angel locked her weapons locker and then headed out of the armoury. She was about to head upstairs to find Alexander, when she heard his voice coming from the kitchen. She followed the sound to find Alexander as well as Jason, who was stuffing his face with mint ice-cream.

  “Hey,” Jason greeted.

  “Why are you up?” Angel asked.

  “Well I decided to remember how I died…and I also wanted a snack.”

  Angel, unsure how to respond to Jason’s answer, turned to Alexander and asked, “While I was in lock up did anyone take out my sword?”

  “No. What’s wrong?”

  “Someone’s stolen my sword!”

  “What? Are you sure?”

  Angel nodded.

  “That’s not…Danny?” Alexander’s focus turned to the doorway as Danny ran in to the room. Danny was a mess. His face and hands were bloody, and his clothes wore a coat of mud.

  “Mr Jet’s in the forest. Sophie ran after him,” Danny gasped. Angel opened one of the kitchen cupboards which was filled with weapons and quickly passed them to Alexander and Jason. Once armed, the three of them followed Danny out into the night.

  “What happened here?” Angel exclaimed as Danny came to a stop at the spot where the figures had attacked him.

  “They came to get us,” he looked around trying to work out where Sophie disappeared to.

  “Angel!” Alexander called as he unmasked one of the figures, “It’s Joe Long of Wildfire Squad.”

  “That makes sense. Mr Jet claimed that he was invited here. I bet they’re all from the base,” Danny was cut off by a scream.

  * * * * *

  Mr Jet sucked the blood from Sophie’s open neck. Her blood was sweet and powerful. The magic tingled on his tongue. She struggled but the vampire was stronger than she was. Sophie grew pale as her wings went limp. Mr Jet smiled as he filled a bottle with the fairy’s blood. The vampire was then shot in the shoulder.

  “You can either let her go,” Angel aimed her gun at the vampire’s forehead, “Or I can shoot you and take her from your cold dead corpse.”

  “Wouldn’t you already be doing that,” Jason pointed out.

  “Good point,” Angel fire two shots at the vampire. Mr Jet zoomed out of the way dropping the lifeless Sophie to the ground.

  “Captain Night, I take it you got my message in Rio,” Mr Jet hissed, Sophie’s blood dripping from his chin. The vampire turned to Jason. His gaze was strong and made Jason want to crumble into the earth. “Jason, how nice to see you again.”

  “Can’t say the same,” Jason muttered.

  “You’re starting to remember things, aren’t you? Yes, I can tell. You’re going to get more powerful soon. You’re going to need someone to guide you…”

  “That’s enough! Now you have a choice; surrender, or die,” threatened Angel. The cloaked circle laughed.

  “You do realise you’re outnumbered,” Mr Jet laughed.

  “Are we though?” Angel nodded to Danny.

  Once again Danny put his illusionist powers to work. Danny illusions sprang into existence, surrounding the hooded figures and terrifying Jason.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you now the ones outnumbered?”

  “A simple illusion,” Mr Jet laughed, “My hell hounds will be able to sniff out the real one in an instant!”

  “Hmmm, good point, Danny you and some of your illusions might want to start running.”

  Danny and four of his illusions ran into the forest. The hell hounds followed. A hooded figure ran at Angel. Twisting quickly Angel avoided the first attack and was able to block the second. The figure fought with a sword and was, much to Angel’s annoyance, an extremely good swordsman. Angel dived out of the sword’s way, as she did so she realised something.

  “That’s my sword!” Angel exclaimed, “No one touches my sword!”

  Angel clicked her fingers; her magic sent her stolen sword clattering to the ground. Just as Angel was about to be reunited with her beloved weapon, the hooded figure rugby tackled her to the ground and then succeeded to punch her in the face. Angel yelled out in anger causing the figure to be thrown into a tree. The figure pulled out a gun and fired it five times. Angel dodged four of the bullets but the fifth made its home in her sh
oulder. Angel picked up her stolen sword and threw it at the figure. The sword would have stabbed the figure’s stomach, had the figure not disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

  “Well that’s just cheating,” Angel muttered as she glowed white and transformed into a vampire.

  Jason was in trouble. Despite being the most powerful man on the planet, Jason lacked both the training and the hand-eye coordination to deal with this situation. Although Jason’s sword fighting skills were good, his attacker’s skills were better. Much better. Jason was quickly thrown off balance and shoved to the ground. The figure then, after some struggle, kicked Jason’s sword away and sat on top of him. The figure went to stab Jason but was stopped by the throwing knife that landed in its forehead. The figure fell dead on top of Jason. Jason pushed the dead body off him and crawled through the mud.

  “I nearly had him,” Jason muttered as Angel pulled him to his feet.

  “Of course you did,” Angel muttered unconvinced.

  As Alexander headed over to the unconscious Sophie, a ray of white light hit his chest. Alexander stumbled backwards. He then raced towards the warlock that had attacked him and, in one swift movement, broke its neck. At that moment Alexander was shot in the back. Irritated rather than hurt, the vampire pulled out his old Roman sword and attacked the hooded figure that had shot him. After three slices, the figure fell to the ground dead.

  “I’m impressed,” Mr Jet held the limp Sophie against his chest.

  “Let her go,” Alexander ordered.

  Mr Jet, his eyes red with blood lust, muttered, “Her blood gives me power. I’m not just going to let you walk away with that.”

  Angel ran and jumped on top of Mr Jet, pushing him to the floor. The vampire had been so engrossed in his blood lust that he hadn’t noticed the shapeshifter sneaking up on him. The pair exchanged blows before Mr Jet twisted out of Angel’s grasp. The vampire grabbed Angel’s fist, as she went to punch him, and slammed her against the ground. While Mr Jet was distracted Alexander rushed over to Sophie and moved her out of harm’s way.

  As Mr Jet got to his feet, Jason decided that it was time he helped. The slight issue was that Jason had absolutely no idea what to do. His eyes darted around the clearing, looking for inspiration. That’s when Jason noticed the bonfire. Jason smiled as he placed his hands into the fire. Rather than burning his skin to ash, the flames danced on Jason’s fingertips. Jason threw the fire at Mr Jet. The flames twisted and ripped at the vampire’s skin. Jason, who had no idea what he was doing, somehow managed to make the fire grow and spread all over the vampire’s body. Mr Jet then quickly disappeared into a cloud of smoke, taking his hooded followers with him.

  “Danny,” Angel muttered.

  “Yes,” the illusions said in unison.

  “Not you guys, the actual Danny,” Angel transformed into a wolf and raced into the forest.

  Angel could smell Danny’s scent. She could also smell the Hell hounds. Wolf Angel followed Danny’s scent until she came to the lake. Angel transformed into a healer as she caught sight of Danny who was covered in blood.

  “Danny!” Angel tried to shake him awake, “Wake up! Danny! Wake up!”

  “No need to shout,” Danny muttered.

  “You little…” Angel cursed as she pressed her hands against Danny’s chest and sent a healing spell across his body. Once the spell was finished Danny pulled himself into a sitting position.

  “You look a mess.”

  “So do you.”

  “Do you still need the illusions?”


  “Good as I can’t keep them going any longer,” Danny sighed, and the illusions faded, “Six died…I thought so…That’s going to hurt in the morning.”

  “What happened to the hell hounds?” asked Angel.

  “I’m not sure. My illusions and I just kept running, trying to confuse them. Those damn hounds didn’t fall for it though, they knew which was the real me. I outran them for a while, then they caught me and…err…we fought it out a bit…then they disappeared.”

  “You fought against two hell hounds and you’re still alive? That’s not possible.”

  “Well when I say ‘fought’ I mean they totally used me as a chew-toy. What happened to Mr Jet? Sophie?”

  “Sophie is alive, and Mr Jet has vanished.”

  “So have his supporters I take it?”

  “Apart from the dead ones.”

  “I bet the dead ones are all from this base.”

  “I guessed we had a leak, Rio made that obvious, but I didn’t expect this,” Angel muttered, “The base is filled with terrorists.”


  The Captains’ Meeting

  “Carrying corpses is really hard work!” Jason panted.

  After dragging the bodies of Mr Jet’s fallen followers into a small private room in the hospital wing, Jason finally had a chance to sit down.

  “I’m exhausted,” he sighed as he flopped onto an empty hospital bed.

  “I can’t believe you’re the most powerful guy in the world,” Angel muttered as she stared at Jason in wonder.

  “What? What did I do?” Before Angel could answer Jackson crashed into the room. He raced over to his sister.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as his eyes scanned Angel’s body.

  “I’m fine. A bit bruised but other than that I’m fine. Did Alexander explain the situation?”

  “He did. I can’t believe it. Mr Jet’s followers at the base.”

  “And not just one or two, there were at least twenty of them.”

  “This is a disaster!”

  “It makes sense though. Rio. It all makes sense now.”

  “I think I’ve missed something.”

  “In Rio, Mr Jet left a message, he knew we were coming.”

  “All the missions have been compromised,” Jackson scratched his head and mumbled, “We have a leak.”

  “A bit more than a leak,” Alexander muttered as he entered the room.

  “The base is filled with terrorists,” Angel sighed.

  “Angel,” called Rowan Night, Jackson’s ginger-haired mermaid wife (who was also a healer at the base), from behind the curtained bed that hid Sophie. Angel walked behind the curtain. Skyjack was on one side of the bed, his horn glowed as it was gently pressed against the fairy’s heart.

  “It’s not looking good,” Rowan muttered, “She’s lost a lot of blood, but I can’t replace it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think she lied on her report. Look at this,” Rowan passed Angel a clipboard. Angel flicked through the results before handing the clipboard back, “Her blood type doesn’t match anything.”

  “Will she make it?”

  “The thing is we have no idea how quick her body will heal.”


  “She’s right,” Skyjack agreed, “I’ve calmed her as much as I can, but there’s not much else we can do for her.”

  “Damn it! Okay, do whatever you can. What about Danny?”

  “He’s fine. Actually he’s looking extremely well to say less than an hour ago he was fighting a hell hound. Most people would have died.”

  “Danny’s stronger than most people.”

  “That he is. I imagine that he’ll be back to his usual self in a day or two.”

  “Alright, keep me up to date,” Angel then turned to Rowan, “Oh, and it’s lovely to see you again. Though this isn’t exactly how I was expecting to welcome my sister-in-law into the family.”

  Rowan smiled, patted Angel’s shoulder affectionately, then returned to her patients. Angel re-joined the others on the other side of the curtain.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Jackson.

  “Sophie’s condition isn’t good,” Angel paused, “We’ve got to keep this quiet. If we make a big fuss, we’ll never work out what Mr Jet’s plan is. We need to be careful with how we play this, does the Colonel know?”

  “Not yet. He wasn’t in his office. I’ve told Alpha to patrol around the bas
e. I’ve told them nothing of this, I just said that there have been some disturbances by the border.”

  “Seems we can do nothing more tonight. There’s enough beds here, we should just try and get some rest,” Alexander suggested.

  “Good plan,” Angel agreed, “Jackson, me and you will go to see the Colonel in the morning.”

  * * * * *

  “This is a nightmare,” the Colonel exclaimed as he sank into his chair, “We have no idea how many of these terrorists there are.”

  He was sat in the conference room; a circle turret on the main building of the base. The Colonel and all eight of the captains were seated around a large circular table. To the Colonel’s right was the Captain of Thunder Squad. William Hardwick was a ginger-haired English vampire who had been stuck in the body of a seventeen-year-old since the nineteen-sixties. Next to him was Lu Jin the Chinese Captain of Wildfire Squad, he was a telepath. To his right sat Jonathan Phillip, the Captain of Tsunami Squad, who was a brilliant warlock from Jamaica. He was next to the blonde-haired American elemental Axel Freeman, Captain of Tornado Squad. Ambroise Deniel, the Captain of Volcano Squad, sat next to him. Ambroise was a skinny black banshee from France. After him was the Japanese Captain of Avalanche Squad, Kato Hiroshi, a kitsune (a nine-tailed fox) who was currently in his human form. Angel was sat next to him with Jackson sat in-between her and the Colonel.

  “What I want to know is why?” Captain Ambroise Deniel asked, “Why last night? What was the purpose of it?”

  “To cause panic,” Captain Lu Jin suggested, “Now we know, we realise we can’t trust anyone, and this fear starts growing into paranoia.”

  “That must not happen,” the Colonel snapped firmly.

  “What about missions?” Captain Kato Hiroshi lent back in his chair, “In Rio, Jet just left Angel a message, what if next time he leaves a bomb?”

  “What are we doing about the bodies?” Captain William Hardwick asked.

  “That’s something we’re debating,” Jackson explained, “We could play it two ways. We could either announce that they were followers of Mr Jet or we get rid of them quietly. Personally I feel that the second option is our best move. The last thing we need is panic.”


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