
Home > Other > Heist > Page 7

  “You like that?” he asked.

  Oh, he was so lucky I didn’t have a knife or a gun. It was like I had left my body. Bobby was like an animal. He grunted and groaned and sweat dripped off of him. He pounded on me like a maniac. I faked it and let out moans to make him think I was into it, but the entire time I thought about Satanya and Todd. I thought about how fucking much I hated Todd for putting me in this predicament because he had gotten himself locked up again after all of his empty promises that he would never put me through some shit like this again. I thought about how I was going to watch Bobby die because he was a ruthless piece of shit who thought he could do what he wanted just because he had money. I could feel his dick deep in my gut now. It was like he was trying to pull my pussy inside out. No fucking condom at all, and I just lay there and let him fuck me over and over again. I was basically no better than a prostitute right now, fucking for money, except Bobby didn’t know he was about to fucking pay. I was fucking for a means to an end.

  True to form, Bobby was knocked the fuck out after he nutted twice.

  I eased out from under his heavy dead-weight arm and sneaked into the bathroom. I sent the text that Bam and Black would have been waiting for. It’s on now. Then I hit SEND, returned to the room, and waited. I would have to keep Bobby occupied and away from the cameras. It would be dawn in another two hours, so these niggas needed to hurry up.

  When I got a text right back, I started kissing this ugly motherfucker on his neck and face to wake him up.

  “Mmm,” he grunted.

  “Can you come shower with me?” I asked seductively.

  “Hell yeah,” he said, pulling me down on top of him. I watched him look over at his security screens. This motherfucker was always looking at those things; that’s why I knew I had to get him into the bathroom.

  “C’mon,” I said like a little whiny kid.

  Bobby let me lead him by the hand into the bathroom. He had a big smile on his face. With the lights on and his shades off, I finally realized just how ugly he was. He was a cross between Biggie Smalls and King Kong. One of his eyes was doing its own thing, just roaming. I turned on his rainfall shower and climbed behind the glass door. I pulled down the detachable showerhead and put it up against my clit; then I pointed at him and used my pointer finger to summon him. I was fucking Shannon Fierce right now; I was somebody altogether different. Bobby smiled, grabbed his hard dick, and came behind the glass door with me. The steam was fogging up the entire bathroom, just what I wanted. I didn’t want him able to see mirrors, doors, screens, nothing. He came up from behind me and grabbed both of my breasts. I closed my eyes because I felt like screaming. He started kissing me roughly and breathing all hard. I was praying that these niggas were gonna make it there and get shit under way. I had told them what time Bobby’s security people changed shifts; I hoped they had the shit timed to a tee. Just as Bobby grabbed his dick to drive it up in me, all of the lights went out.

  “What the fuck?!” he shouted, snatching back the doors.

  Thank God, I thought.

  “Bobby, baby, I’m scared. Don’t leave me,” I whined, knowing damn well what the fuck was up.

  Bobby grabbed a towel and scrambled out of the shower. He couldn’t care less about my ass. I was close on his heels. He ran over to the wall with the screens—it was black. He then rushed over to his huge closet and pulled back a door. I started scrambling to get my clothes on. I was going to need to get the fuck out of there. I watched him rush into the closet and start doing shit in the dark. I was shocked. He started punching buttons and shit, and another door opened up. It was a huge gun safe.

  Damn, I thought, how the fuck did he find those codes in the dark?! Shit! I was trapped with this motherfucker. He grabbed a huge rifle. I was crying and doing my best acting job.

  “Oh my God. Bobby, what is going on? First Satanya, now this!” I cried.

  “Shut the fuck up and take this,” he said, shoving what seemed like a long gun in my hand. I wish there were light for me to see. Then I saw a ray of light from a flashlight Bobby had picked up from somewhere. He shined it out the door. I couldn’t tell if it was light outside, because the way Bobby had his bedroom was like fucking Fort Knox—no sunlight in or out. My hands shook as I looked down at the gun. The shit said DESERT EAGLE on the side. I had heard Todd talk a lot about this gun. My hands were not the only thing shaking. I didn’t know if I should just shoot his ass since he wasn’t expecting it.

  “Stay here!” he demanded. He raced over to his nightstand, picked up his cell phone, and called someone. Then he threw it across the room. Before Bobby could make it to the door, the shit came crashing down like a bomb had gone off.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed, genuinely scared. We had not gone over this. There were five niggas in all black with their faces covered. I wasn’t expecting this, and I was hoping that Bam and Black weren’t going to kill me and make off with the fucking money.

  Bobby immediately started shooting. Tat, tat, tat, his gun went. One of the guys went down instantly. I raced for cover. More shots rang out.

  Tat, tat, tat.

  I was cowering in the corner. Next thing I knew, BANG! Bobby dropped like a fucking sack of potatoes. I could still hear feet coming toward us. It was more of Bobby’s team trying to get to him to save his life.

  BANG! Tat, Tat!

  There were so many gunshots going off I couldn’t even hear. Niggas were dropping like flies right in front of my eyes. What the fuck had I done? I had masterminded a bloodbath. I heard an explosion, and the door to the hallway with the rooms flew off the hinges. This shit was turning into a mess. I made a mad dash for the hallway. Finally, I saw Bam.

  He lifted his mask and grabbed my arm. “Get to the first room and just grab boxes. There is a truck outside behind the last room on the left. There is an exit. We need to be out of here in five minutes.”

  “Okay, okay,” I said, putting the gun into the back of my jeans. My chest was heaving. I raced for the hallway as Bam went along door by door, shooting off the Onity locks and taking out the cameras. Although all of the power had been shut down, he didn’t want to take a chance that Bobby had a backup generator on those cameras. I really felt like a renegade bitch. I wasn’t leaving the fucking house without enough money to set me straight. The first room was filled with boxes. I tried to grab more than one, but they were fucking heavy as hell. I started dragging one toward the door so I could get outside. Bam and the two dudes who were still alive grabbed boxes too. I couldn’t even think to ask where Black was. When I didn’t see him, I just figured he was a casualty of war.

  “Wait!” I heard Bam call out. He stopped and used a knife to strip off the tape on one of the boxes. Sure enough, the shit was filled with neatly rubber-banded stacks of cash. He wanted to make sure we weren’t wasting our fuckin’ time.

  “Go!” Bam screamed, and we raced outside toward the truck. I kept dragging my one box. As soon as we made it toward the front, more gunshots rang out. Two more of Bam’s dudes dropped. Now it was just me and him. I was too fucking scared to cry or scream. I just kept ducking and running for the truck. I had a warrior mindset, and I was gonna get the fuck out of here alive. I had a baby boy to pick up and start a new life with.

  There was a dude in the driver’s seat of a black van. He got out and hoisted my box into the van. Bam was still struggling to get out with his boxes. The driver helped him, and Bam turned around like he was going back in.

  “Where are you going?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  “Yo, that ain’t enough,” Bam said, but as soon as he turned around, one last security guard was there. Bam and the guard shot at each other at the same time, and they both dropped.

  “Ahhhhh!” I screamed, jumping into the van.

  The driver sped away, the van swerving all over the road leading out of the estate.

  “Oh God!” I screamed, and started crying.

  “Shut up!” the driver barked. He looked to be no older th
an eighteen. He was shaking and could barely drive. He finally got the van to go straight and slowed up a bit so that we wouldn’t bring attention to ourselves. My nose was running, my heart was thumping, and the tears just flowed and flowed. I had done it. I had carried out the ultimate heist, and I was the only one left standing. Todd would’ve been proud of me. The little boy drove and drove until we were on the highway. The plan was that me, Bam, and Black were all supposed to meet at the Hilton across from Pembroke Mall on Virginia Beach Boulevard to split up the money. We also planned to lay low for a few days before leaving the hotel. Now it was just me and this little boy I didn’t even know.

  “What’s your name?” I whispered, my voice hoarse from yelling.

  “Little,” he said.

  “Can I trust you, Little?” I asked, flashing the Desert Eagle at him.

  “Yeah, I’m not telling shit. I ain’t going down over this shit,” he said, his voice shaky as hell.

  Once we got in the parking lot of the hotel, I told him that we needed to go in separately and that he would go to the front desk to get the key under the name Bam had told me. I wasn’t trying to be up on no surveillance camera from the hotel. When Little returned to the van, we used a luggage cart to off-load the boxes.

  “Can I help, miss?” a bellboy asked.

  “No!” I barked, not meaning to scream at him but so fucking nervous I couldn’t see straight. We pushed the cart through a side exit so that we wouldn’t be seen in the front lobby of the hotel carting these boxes looking spooked as fuck. Once I was safe in the room, I asked the boy what he was promised.

  “Yo, they said they were going to give me ten thousand,” he said.

  How fucking stupid was he? He let them fucking promise him that tiny bit of money off of a big-ass heist like this. I opened one of the boxes and pulled out a stack of bills. The boy’s eyes lit up. I took the Desert Eagle out of my pants and pointed it to his head and said, “If you even breathe a word of this to anyone, I will not only put this entire shit on you, but I will also kill you.”

  “You ain’t gotta worry about me. I … I … don’t even know your name,” Little gulped out as he swallowed hard, grabbed the money, and got the fuck up out of there. After he left, I opened the boxes and started spreading the money out. It was unbelievable how much money this motherfucker Bobby really had just sitting up in his crib. Just there, in boxes, while motherfuckers all over were hungry and homeless. I lifted stacks of it, sniffed it, and let it fall all over my head. Then I dropped to my knees and just cried and cried. Everything had gone wrong, and there were at least twenty people dead.

  I stayed in the hotel for three days. I had called my neighbor and arranged for her to meet me on the border of Norfolk and Virginia Beach with my son. I’d paid one of the housekeepers to buy me two large suitcases so I could put the money in and leave the hotel like I was just a tourist. I stacked the money tightly in the suitcases. I was finally ready to face the world. I dragged my two suitcases down to the front lobby and let the bellboy call me a taxi. I hadn’t watched the news at all while I was in the hotel, and the first glimpse of the massacre I saw was a headline on the USA Today newspaper in the lobby: BLOODY MASSACRE IN PALATIAL ESTATE REVEALS HIDDEN MILLIONS OF COP-KILLING GANGSTER. Bobby was a cop-killing gangster? I thought to myself as I climbed into the taxi and told the driver where I was going. As we drove through the city, I knew I would be leaving the place I’d grown up. As we passed the Virginia Beach 2nd Precinct, I stared at the front doors, thinking about how dirty most of the cops were.

  When I arrived at Shoney’s restaurant near the Norfolk and Virginia Beach line, I was so damn happy to see my little boy. He made all of the worries I had hanging over my head just melt away. He jumped into my arms, and I knew that I had something to live for. I thanked my neighbor and asked her to take me to the Avis rental car place. I hoisted my suitcases into her trunk.

  “Girl, did you hear about your friend?” she asked as I sat in the back kissing my son profusely.

  “Who?” I asked, stopping to hear what she had to say.

  “It was in the newspaper. The girl I always saw you with. Satanya, I think the paper said she was identified as,” she continued.

  “What about her?” I asked, but I already knew it was bad.

  “She was found shot to death in her house,” my neighbor said, the words coming out of her mouth like bullets hitting me.

  I put my hand over my mouth and immediately started to cry. I knew that motherfucker Bobby was still going to kill her. He probably was planning on killing me, too, but he wanted to fuck me first.

  “I’m sorry—I thought you knew. I thought that is where you disappeared to,” my neighbor said. After a moment of letting me cry, she continued: “Jock came by looking for you. I told him I would tell you to call.”

  I was surprised to hear that Jock was looking for me. I thought that nigga was gone for good. If I’d been able to get Todd’s stash from him, I wouldn’t have had to seduce Bobby to take care of myself and pay for Todd’s lawyer. For a moment I thought about not calling Jock, then decided to call him once I was on the road with Lil Todd.

  When we finally pulled up to the rental car place, I dug down into the front of the smaller suitcase where I had put some of the money. I peeled off a few hundred-dollar bills, folded them, and placed them in the palm of her hand.

  She looked at me, surprised. “You don’t have to. My son just loves to play with Todd—it was no trouble at all,” she said.

  “No, you take it. Thank you for taking care of the only person I have left in the world and keeping him safe,” I said with feeling. “I need you to do me another favor. Take this down to the jail and put it on the books of Todd Marshall. Then mail this letter afterward,” I told her, and she agreed to do it.

  I took a deep breath, looked around, and said my final goodbyes to life as I had always known it.

  “Mommy,” Lil Todd called out.

  “Yes, baby?” I answered.

  “Cars,” he said in the cutest little voice.

  His voice was music to my ears. Then I took my suitcases and my son and got me a car. I was going to drive and drive until I found a place that looked like it was where I wanted to be. I knew better than to try going through an airport with all of this fucking money. I convinced the clerk in the rental place to give me a car with cash, of course. I had to give her a little something because they wanted only credit cards. Those shits could be traced, and I wasn’t trying to be found. I pulled out of the rental place on my way to nowhere in particular with a trunk full of unmarked cash and with a new lease on life.


  I had been sent to the hole for fighting. I had grown tired of niggas saying I was hanging with a snitch and fucking with Dray. I had not spoken to Shannon in days. I had started flipping, just thinking about the Bobby Knight shit. I saw on the news that a big-time massacre had happened at the nigga’s crib and that more than twenty people were dead. I didn’t fucking know if my wife was dead or alive, so I just started bucking on niggas up in that jail. The day I saw the story on the news, I busted a CO’s whole snot box. That was it. I was beat the fuck up and put in the hole. I had stopped fucking counting the days in there; that shit would make a nigga go crazy for sure.

  I don’t know what time it was when they came to my solitary holding cell to get me.

  “Marshall, let’s go,” the CO shouted, prompting me to put my hands through the slot. I turned around and assumed the position so they could cuff me. I wasn’t in the mood to fight them, and besides, I was looking forward to getting out an hour to at least take a shower. Then they slid back the metal doors. It felt strange being out. They had me on twenty-four-hour lockdown since my assault was on an officer. That was just another charge added to my shit. If Shannon hadn’t come through by now, I knew some shit was wrong.

  As I was being led out of the solitary-confinement area, I noticed we weren’t going toward the search area and pods that they take you to before
you return to general population, nor were we headed toward the yard or showers.

  “Where the fuck y’all taking me?” I asked.

  None of the COs answered me. All suited up in riot gear like I was crazy, they just held on to the cuffs and pulled me along. The only sound down that long-ass hallway was the foot shackles around my ankles clanging against the concrete floor as I walked along. I felt like somebody should be calling out “DEAD MAN WALKING” like they do to those niggas on death row. This shit was eerie as hell. I was led into a room with a steel table and four little steel chairs. Up in the corner I could see the eye in the sky—the security camera. The walls were all fucked up and scratched. The room kind of looked like the attorney/client visit area, except it was slightly bigger and had more chairs. I hadn’t been in the attorney/client visit area since I told that fucking court-appointed piece-of-shit attorney to get fucking lost because I thought for sure by now I’d have a good one on retainer.

  As soon as I was placed in one of the little steel chairs, the COs left, leaving me alone. All kinds of shit was running through my mind. I thought they might be putting me in here to tell me my wife was one of the people found dead in the Bobby Knight estate massacre, as they had called it on all the news channels. I shook my legs back and forth, picturing something happening to Shannon. She was the one person who stuck by my ass no matter what I put her through. After a few minutes of sitting there letting my mind wander, fucking Dray walks in with a white dude. When the door opened, I lifted my head, my eyes widening in surprise. For real, I had to do a double take and shit. I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. This motherfucker walking in right now looked like the Dray I had bunked with, except this bastard in front of me was not in his prison jumper. I had to squint my eyes to make sure I was seeing right. I folded my bottom lip into my teeth, trying to make sense of what the fuck I was seeing. Dray wasn’t handcuffed, he wasn’t being followed by COs, and he was in regular street clothes. Dray was real friendly looking with the white dude he came in with. I could immediately tell the white dude was a cop or some sort of law enforcement; he just had that look. Dray and the white pig sat down in front of me.


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