Reach for a Star

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Reach for a Star Page 9

by Kathryn Freeman

  Heart pounding, she shook her head. ‘No, no, they’re not coming down until Saturday lunchtime. They don’t want to put me off. Said I needed all the practice time I could get, which is probably true. Who am I kidding? It’s definitely true.’ Oh boy, she was rambling like a crazy woman. She made herself pause. Take a breath. ‘I don’t know why I said oh like that, most likely shock. What I absolutely meant to say was yes, please. I’d love to have dinner with you.’

  Slowly the muscles around his mouth began to relax. ‘You would?’

  ‘Of course I would.’

  He frowned. ‘Of course?’

  ‘Well, you are Michael Tennant, aren’t you?’

  His expression froze, and there was a harshness to it she’d not seen before. Clearly she’d upset him again, though why this time… slowly his words from a few days ago came back to her. What I really don’t enjoy is people wanting my friendship just because I’m famous.

  Panic ripped through her and she strode hurriedly over to him, placing a hand on his arm. ‘Whatever you’re thinking I meant by that inane statement, you’re wrong.’ His muscles felt stiff beneath her touch and she squeezed gently, hoping to convey her sincerity. ‘It was a flip remark, meant to sound casual and light-hearted. I only made it to hide the fact that I’m stunned you want to take me out to dinner. After last night, I thought you’d had second thoughts—’

  ‘I haven’t.’

  Pleasure shot through her, warm and sweet. ‘Then I can only say I’m sorry I came across so badly. Truth is, I didn’t know how to handle your invitation. I’ve never had anyone as attractive as you, interested in me.’

  A myriad of emotions flitted across his face; a sort of stunned confusion, closely followed by surprise. And was there a smidgen of pleasure, too? For a long, pulsing moment he didn’t say anything, just kept staring at her. Then he placed a hand on either side of her face, dipped his head, and kissed her.

  The moment his mouth touched hers, her knees gave way. As if he could feel her capitulation, he moved his hands to her hips, supporting her, drawing her against his powerful frame. A guttural groan escaped him, resonating through her in wave after tingling wave.

  Slowly he pulled back, but his hands remained warm and steady on her hips. ‘Though kissing you is infinitely preferable to listening to you sing, I fear for the sake of both our reputations tomorrow, we’d better stop.’

  Her laugh got caught up in her breathing and came out sounding hoarse. ‘That’s a shame.’

  ‘Isn’t it?’ His eyes skimmed across her face, settling on her mouth. ‘Don’t tempt me.’

  She smiled, feeling giddy and sexy as she deliberately licked her lips.

  He groaned and planted one last, soft, kiss on her lips before releasing her. Dragging a hand down his face he gave her a wry smile. ‘Where were we?’

  The day went by in a blur of singing, chords, singing, fine-tuning, singing, vocal exercises, singing, remembering to look into his eyes.

  And flirting. It was gentle, but it was there in the way his eyes sought and held hers, and in the smiles he gave her. Smiles infinitely warmer than those she was used to.

  By late afternoon she was shattered. And wound up tighter than a drum.

  Standing up from the piano, he smoothed his hand down her arm. ‘Good work. Take fifteen minutes to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. Then I’ve asked a couple of the studio staff to come and listen to us.’

  She felt the blood drain from her face. ‘You’re going to make me sing in front of strangers?’

  A smile tugged at his mouth and his eyes regarded her kindly. ‘Tomorrow you’ll be singing in front of thousands of strangers, with millions more watching you from their television sets. You’ve got to start getting used to it.’

  Of course she did. But somewhere in the joy of being with Michael, she’d forgotten why she was here. Forgotten what she had to do. Fear crashed into her and she shivered as a cold, heavy dread settled like lead in her stomach.


  His eyes studied her face, but she wasn’t in the mood for one of his pep talks. ‘I’m good. I’ll be back in fifteen.’

  She fled to the toilets, hands clutching the sink as she stared at her pale face in the mirror. If Jack and Luke were here right now, she’d box their ears. It was their fault she was in this mess.

  Yet without their intervention, she wouldn’t have nearly slept with Michael Tennant.

  She wouldn’t be going out to dinner with him tonight.

  Okay then. She inhaled a few deep breaths. No pain, no gain.

  Her stomach was still churning as she walked back to the room. And when she saw Michael talking to a small crowd of people, it fell to the floor.

  He took one look at her and nodded to the makeshift audience. ‘Excuse us a moment.’

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her out of earshot. ‘First rule. Never think of the audience.’ He tapped lightly on her cheek, forcing her eyes to meet his. ‘Imagine yourself singing to one person. In this case, as it’s a duet, that person is me.’ He continued to hold her gaze with his steady blue one. ‘Forget the surroundings, the cameras, the audience. Just sing to me.’ He smiled. ‘And trust me.’

  When he looked at her like that, with such belief, it was hard to do anything other than nod in agreement. ‘I do. I will.’

  Together they walked to the piano, him sitting, her standing. Immediately Michael began to sing, as if he knew if he waited, he ran the risk of her bolting.

  Taking a breath, she let the beauty of his voice wash over her. Then she began.

  ‘Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime; say the word and I will follow you,’ she sang, staring deeply into his eyes.

  They seemed to smile back at her as they sang together. ‘Share each day with me, each night, each morning.’

  ‘Say you l- you love me.’ She’d sung it a thousand times, so why did she stumble over it this time?

  His eyes narrowed, as if he was asking himself the same question. ‘You know I do.’

  They ended together, ‘Love me, that’s all I ask of you.’

  Michael’s hand stilled on the keys and the small crowd clapped vigorously. Jessie tore her eyes away from him and onto those who were applauding. Even as she smiled in relief, the words she’d been singing bounced wildly though her brain. And her heart felt like it was about to somersault right out of her chest.

  Because she’d sung in public for the first time – or because of the words she’d sung?

  To cover up her confusion she gave a mock curtsey, dipping her head. Thankfully everyone started to laugh and, for a moment at least, the wobbly moment vanished.

  When everyone had disappeared, Michael traced a finger down her cheek, his eyes studying her face. ‘Are you okay?’

  A tremor shot through her and this time she knew the pounding of her heart wasn’t nerves. ‘I’m fine.’

  He cocked his head to one side, his expression one of disbelief, but thankfully he didn’t call her up on her lie. Instead he stepped away and for once she welcomed the distance. Welcomed the dip in the intensity of his presence.

  ‘That’s enough for today. Tomorrow morning we’ll have a warm-up and a quick practice together before your family arrive.’ He smiled across at her. ‘I think you’re ready, Jessie.’

  She swallowed, hard. ‘I wish I could agree with you.’

  He frowned. ‘Do you want to practice some more?’

  The only sensible answer to that was yes. But… ‘I thought we were going out to dinner?’

  ‘Yes, if you want to. If you think you should stay and go through it a few more times though, we can do that.’

  Maybe it was nerves making her hypersensitive, but it sounded like he was trying to wriggle out of dinner. ‘Do you think I should?’

  His frown deepened. ‘I just told you, I think you’re ready.’

  She bit into her bottom lip, feeling stupid and clumsy. ‘Yes you did, sorry.’

  A fe
w strides and he was in front of her again, the strong fingers of his hand clasping hers. ‘What is it?’

  She couldn’t tell him, because she didn’t know. Oh, she had a suspicion she knew what was causing her emotional meltdown, but it might just be nerves. ‘Ignore me. I’m turning into a nervous wreck at the thought of tomorrow.’

  His expression softened. ‘It won’t be any different to what you’ve just done. A few more people listening, that’s all.’ He bent and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. ‘I’ll see you in two hours.’

  There was a promise in his eyes that heated her blood. ‘Aren’t you coming now?’

  ‘I’m going to stay for a while. I’ve been neglecting my practice for the tour.’

  ‘Oh yes, I’d forgotten you’ve got that coming soon.’ Of course he had. This week must have been a real inconvenience for him, getting in the way of his preparations. ‘When does it start?’

  ‘I’m off to LA on Sunday morning. Rehearsals begin Monday. No rest for the wicked.’ His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  ‘Aren’t you looking forward to it?’

  ‘Sure.’ But then he sighed. ‘Touring is tough. I love performing, but for most of the next eight months I’ll be travelling from one place to the next, with nowhere to call home. I expect I’ll get into the swing of it soon enough.’

  As Jessie showered in preparation for their ‘date’ his words continued to haunt her. Michael would be disappearing on Sunday morning; getting on with his real life. And she with hers.

  This fantasy she was living would be over.

  A knock on the door pulled her out of her mawkish thoughts. Dragging on a robe she went to answer it, though when she had, she almost wished she could go back to them.

  ‘Georgina. This is a surprise.’

  The slick blonde was carrying an armful of dresses. She gave Jessie a false smile and strutted in. ‘Michael requested I pick out something for you to wear tomorrow night.’

  ‘He did?’ She tried to picture the Michael she was getting to know, the shy, awkward one beneath the thin veneer of confidence, discussing ladies clothing. ‘That doesn’t sound like him.’

  ‘Maybe he’s worried you’ll embarrass him.’ Georgina laid the dresses out on the bed. ‘I wasn’t quite sure of your size. I’ve gone for a sixteen.’

  Bitch. Jessie swallowed the comment. ‘That’s kind of you, but I already have a dress I brought with me.’ She cast her eyes over the dull looking black dresses laid out on the bed. ‘One that fits.’ She carefully picked them up again. ‘So you can thank Michael for his thoughtful gesture, but I’m good.’ And if the man trusted his PA’s dress sense more than he did hers, then stuff him. He wasn’t worth her getting upset about.

  Georgina huffed as Jessie handed the dresses back. ‘Suit yourself.’ She paused, giving Jessie a thorough inspection. ‘Michael asked me to book a restaurant for you both tonight. I presume you understand him well enough to know by now he’s just being kind. You’re hardly his type.’

  Jessie forced a smile onto her face. ‘He’s hardly mine, either.’ She should have left it there, but the thought niggled and before she knew it she was blurting it out into a question. ‘Out of interest, what is his type?’

  Georgina, one foot out of the door, turned and smirked. ‘Me.’

  As the door shut behind her, Jessie let out a deep, wobbly breath and wandered to the wardrobe. She felt overwhelmed. Nerves and fear about tomorrow colliding with her growing feelings for a man she would soon be saying goodbye to. A man she was stupid to be getting attached to, because while she didn’t believe everything Georgina told her, she did believe the last part. The blonde with the killer figure was far more his type than she was.

  Still, she was the one he was taking out tonight. Even if he was only being kind.

  Pushing everything away but the here and now, she eyed up her most daring dress. Bright red, cut low enough at the front to show a cleavage, and with a scooped out back. If ever there was a time to dress boldly, this was it. Slipping it on, she added her strappy silver sandals, chunky silver necklace and a flash of red lipstick.

  She eyed herself in the mirror. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  She patted at the riot of curls.

  Shame about the hair.

  Chapter Eleven

  Michael stared at his reflection and picked up a tie. Then put it down again.

  Then picked it up again.

  The trouble with not doing casual was that when it came to doing smart, he’d already worn his entire wardrobe. And was sick to death of it.

  Hence the tie dilemma. He hadn’t worn one all week, so maybe if he wore one now, it would look like he’d made the effort.

  Was that important though? He didn’t want Jessie reading too much into this date. He hadn’t wanted to spend the evening alone, that’s all.

  Liar, his image screamed back at him.

  Stuff it, he was wearing the bloody tie. He wouldn’t see her again after tomorrow, so she should know how much he liked her. Certainly enough to put a tie on for her.

  He threaded the pink tie round his neck, donned the charcoal grey jacket that matched his trousers, splashed aftershave on his freshly-shaven face, and considered himself ready.

  Within moments he was knocking at her door – the second time in two days.

  He wondered what Robert would make of that.

  As she opened the door, the air rushed out of his lungs, leaving him utterly tongue-tied.

  ‘Hi.’ Her delicious lips curved up in that glorious smile of hers. The one that looked so natural, so real. It shot straight to her eyes, warming them.

  He had to cough before he could force any words out. ‘Hi, yourself. You look lovely.’

  Lovely. Seriously? He couldn’t manage anything more than a word he would also use to describe a meal his mother made for him.

  Jessie didn’t seem to mind though, because her smile widened and a hint of red coloured her cheeks. ‘Thank you. So do you. I love the pink.’ Her eyes landed on his tie and he’d never been so pleased to be wearing one. ‘Though we do clash.’

  His eyes swept from neat ankles, up shapely calves and to hips that flared from her waist. Unconsciously he licked his lips as his gaze climbed higher, to the plunge of her neckline and the twin globes of her breasts.

  Desire blazed through him, firing his blood. ‘I know a way we can remedy that,’ he found himself murmuring.

  ‘You could take your tie off?’

  ‘I could,’ he agreed. ‘But there is another solution.’

  Please God she was on his wavelength.

  She glanced down at her dress. ‘I could change, I suppose. I have the black dress I wore a few days ago.’

  ‘That’s not quite what I had in mind.’

  Her eyes flew to his and soon her face was matching the red of her dress. ‘Oh.’

  Shame washed through him. Shit, what was he doing? He’d come to take her out to dinner and a minute after she’d opened the door he was suggesting she get naked. ‘Sorry, that was rude. I was trying to be clever, but clearly it didn’t work.’ He shuffled awkwardly. ‘Could we just go back to the part where I said you look lovely? Actually, scratch that. Can I start the whole thing again please, because lovely doesn’t do you justice? You look amazing. Gorgeous. Ravishing.’

  Her slender neck moved as she swallowed. ‘I was happy with lovely.’

  She would be, he thought. She wasn’t a girl who fished for compliments, and he liked her all the more for it. ‘Well you deserved more. Shall we go to dinner?’

  For a moment she said nothing, just gazed at him, as if weighing something up. He began to worry she was rethinking her decision to spend the evening with him following his crass suggestion.

  But then she shocked the hell out of him by taking a step forward and pulling at his tie. Then she kissed him.

  Her lips moved teasingly over his and just as he was starting to enjoy it, just as he was about to start deepening the kiss, she pulled back, a wicke
d gleam in her eyes. ‘Sorry, but I needed to do that.’

  ‘No need to apologise,’ he replied hoarsely, his heart racing from the adrenaline spike.

  She continued to stare at him, eyes sparking, a seductive smile on her face. Her glorious breasts rising and falling with every breath she took.

  With a groan he crushed her to him, running his hands down her back, groaning even deeper when they met warm flesh. Restless, he dropped his hands to her hips, pressing them against his arousal. But hadn’t he already made that mistake?

  Exhaling a ragged breath, he forced himself to draw back, resting his forehead against hers. ‘We’d better go,’ he whispered. ‘Before I end up dragging you onto the bed and making love to you.’

  ‘Then stay.’

  Her voice was so soft, he wondered if he was just hearing what he wanted to hear. ‘Sorry?’

  ‘Stay and take me to bed.’

  It was all the encouragement he needed. With one swift movement, he lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the bed.

  She landed with a bounce, making them both smile. As he gazed down at her, he shrugged out of his jacket and yanked off his tie. When she started to reach for her zip, he placed a hand over hers.

  ‘Please, I’ve wanted to undress you for days. Let me.’

  His hands trembled slightly as he carefully dragged the zip down and peeled off her dress. Another bolt of desire shot through him as he revealed her white lace underwear. It was Jessie all over. Pretty, wholesome. So flaming sexy.

  ‘You’re beautiful.’

  She smiled self-consciously up at him. ‘And that is ridiculously flattering, but you won’t hear me complaining.’

  He tore off the rest of his clothes, conscious all the while of her eyes on him, studying him. His body wasn’t bad, he knew that. He worked hard to keep fit, part vanity, part necessity. Right now he was glad of every mile he’d run, every minute he’d spent in a hotel gym rather than the bar. All had been worth it for that look in her eyes.

  Michael’s mouth zeroed in on Jessie’s breasts, his breath fluttering hot and heavy over her skin. Automatically she arched towards his touch, moaning when his tongue flickered over her sensitive nipples.


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