Reach for a Star

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Reach for a Star Page 14

by Kathryn Freeman

  Just what she needed when she was feeling vulnerable, a bloody dose of reality from her ex. ‘Thanks, that’s a real help.’

  He sighed and put his arms round her. ‘Sorry. I never did know the right things to say, did I? It’s just this isn’t like you. You don’t go waltzing off with men you’ve only just met. I don’t want you to get hurt and for the life of me I can’t see any other scenario if you carry on with this.’

  ‘I know, I know.’ Jessie bit back her tears. This was a happy day. In a few hours she’d be seeing Michael again. ‘Still, I feel if I don’t go for it, no matter how short it might be, or how hurt I will be when it ends, I will always regret it.’

  Phil smiled kindly down at her. ‘I hear you. And I’ll be here to help pick up the pieces.’

  She gave his waist an affectionate squeeze. ‘That means a lot, thank you. And thanks for making it possible by looking after the boys. At least I don’t have to add them to my list of worries.’

  ‘Chauffeur’s here,’ Jack yelled as he and Luke dashed down the stairs.

  Jessie looked out of the window at the sleek silver Mercedes and took in a deep breath. This was it. She gave them both a very tight hug, one that would have to last until she got back Sunday evening. ‘I’ll phone you tonight. Be good for Dad.’

  Watching the three of them wave her off, she almost asked the driver to stop and let her out. Why was she was leaving the people she loved most in the world, to spend a weekend with a man she barely knew?

  The uncertainty, a dragging weight around her shoulders, was still there as she drew up outside the hotel in Rome several hours later. A magnificent old villa on the outside, inside it had a lobby filled with grand antique furniture in rich reds and golds. To the left was a sweeping marble staircase. It was luxury with a capital L and she felt gauchely, horribly, intimidated by it all.

  ‘Jessie Simmons. I think you have a room for me?’

  The receptionist smiled and tapped something into the computer. Jessie felt her pulse start to race. She didn’t even know if she had her own room, or if she was sharing with Michael.

  Or if he’d decided to cancel the room and not let her know.

  Oblivious to her panic, the receptionist handed her a slip of paper to sign and a key card. ‘Room 502. Would you like help with your bag?’

  Jessie shook her head, not daring to ask if the room was booked solely in her name.

  Walking quickly to the lift she pressed the fifth floor.

  The room was huge. A suite, overlooking the pretty Italian garden, it was furnished in the same opulent décor as the lobby area. Though the furnishings were antique, the bathroom was spectacularly modern, as was the entertainment system.

  Jessie perched on the bed and tried to regulate her breathing. She wanted to enjoy the moment. To savour being in a five-star hotel in the beautiful city of Rome.

  Instead she was freaking out.

  A tap on the door caused her heart rate to rocket.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked on trembling legs to open it.

  Michael’s tall frame filled the doorway. He smiled hesitantly at her. ‘Hello.’

  She tried to smile back but her lips weren’t behaving. ‘Hello.’

  He looked so beautifully familiar in his habitual dark suit and white open neck shirt, but at the same time he was so achingly distant. A handsome face she’d seen grace magazine covers and CD sleeves, yet here it was, staring down at her and making everything inside her flutter and yearn. From the crinkles round his eyes, to the hint of dark stubble across his jaw, he looked so impossibly real.

  ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t at the airport to meet you. I’ve not long landed myself and, well, I didn’t want to draw the attention of any waiting media.’

  ‘I understand.’ And she did. But why was he being so formal? Why couldn’t he just sweep her into his arms and kiss her?

  ‘Is your room okay?’

  She nodded, his formality now affecting her. ‘It’s magnificent, thank you.’ But was it wrong of her to feel gutted that they wouldn’t be sharing one?

  His gaze fell to hers and her breath caught. She’d forgotten how incredible his eyes were. The blue of the ocean on a sunny day. ‘I’m in the room next door to yours. I didn’t want to presume.’ For a moment he glanced away, swallowing. Then he looked her straight in the eye. ‘You should know, it wasn’t my preference. Just my attempt at being a gentleman.’

  His mouth curved in that shy, almost awkward smile, and a thrill pulsed through her. Be brave, she told herself. She’d come this far, there was no stepping back. ‘I appreciate the sentiment. Though it wasn’t necessary.’

  Some of the tension in his face lessened and his eyes darkened. ‘I’ve missed you.’

  Taking a step forward he cupped her face, pausing a fraction to sear her with a heated look. Then he dipped his head and kissed her. Softly at first, his lips caressing hers until a groan escaped him and his movements became hungrier, his tongue sweeping round her mouth.

  Holding her firmly against him he eased her backwards until the back of her knees felt the edge of the bed. ‘I fully intended taking you to dinner first,’ he breathed, his hands leaving her face to travel over her body, smoothing over her breasts. ‘But now that you’re actually here, and not just a figment of my overwrought imagination, I don’t think I can wait.’

  At his words, the swirling lust in his eyes, all the nerves, the doubts flew right out of her. ‘I don’t want to wait.’

  He let out another groan, more guttural this time, and with quick fingers he undid the buttons on her black silk blouse, revealing her red lace bra. The one she’d bought after he’d told her red suited her.

  His eyes flamed. ‘Have I told you how hot you look in red?’

  His movements became more hurried, more gloriously frantic, as he tugged down the zip on her black jeans. ‘I should have worn a skirt,’ she panted as the jeans got caught up around her legs.

  But he shook his head, his lips kissing their way down her calves as his hands slipped the errant jeans all the way off. ‘I like the challenge. And I like the way you dress.’

  She melted, a puddle of hormones beneath his electrifying touch. Whatever happened in the future, it would be worth it for just this moment when she felt gloriously, liberatingly alive.

  A swish of clothing, the clank of a belt buckle, the sound of a zip being pulled. The rustle of a condom packet. The thump of a heart beating. The warmth of his breath across her face as he slipped inside her.

  ‘Welcome to Rome, Jessie.’

  Chapter Seventeen

  Michael let out a deep, satisfied sigh as he flopped onto his back, pulling Jessie against his side. Was there anything better in the world than spectacular sex?

  Mediocre sex he’d had his fill of, but there was nothing mediocre about what he’d just experienced with Jessie. She had a body designed for pleasure, with her glorious breasts and her curvy hips, though he had a strong suspicion that wasn’t the only reason he felt so content right now.

  He angled his head to look down at her, brown curls a silky mess across his chest. Time to admit he was developing feelings for this lady that went beyond mere attraction. Though the thought unnerved him, he wasn’t going to let his insecurities stop him from pursuing this. He’d been lonely for too long. Yes, he was at the start of a tour and yes, she had responsibilities at home but damn it, he wanted to give this a try.

  On a rush of emotion he bent to kiss the top of her head. ‘Thank you for coming.’

  She stirred, smiling serenely up at him. ‘Is that coming as in a moment ago, or coming as in travelling here?’ As he began to laugh, she kissed his chest, sending a warm flush through him. ‘Either way, the pleasure is all mine.’

  He felt his heart stir. It had been so long since he’d felt this at ease with a woman. So long since he’d laughed and wanted to do nothing but spend the rest of the day in bed. ‘I think you’ll find the pleasure is mine, too.’ He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed
it in a gesture that should have made him feel ridiculous. But didn’t. ‘Is there anything you want to do, now you’re here?’

  Her hazel eyes studied him a moment. ‘I want to spend time with you.’

  ‘In bed or out?’


  He smiled, easing her head towards his so he could kiss her. ‘I think that can be arranged.’ Her eyes dropped to his chest and she began to trace her fingers across his pecs. It would have been sexy, had she not seemed so distracted. ‘Jessie?’

  She nodded and drew in a breath, obviously working up to asking him something important. ‘Why did you invite me here?’

  He felt his heart give a powerful thump, and he wondered if she felt it too. ‘I was frustrated at the way I had to dash off. After the time we’d spent together it felt wrong to leave like that.’

  ‘I see.’

  But she didn’t see. How could she, when he hadn’t told her anything that would really explain it? ‘I also wanted to see whether the connection we had back at the studio could work outside that environment.’ With a grunt he threw his head back against the headboard. Could he sound any more pompous? ‘I wanted more than a quick fling with you,’ he said finally. ‘I wanted to see if this could lead somewhere.’ When she didn’t reply, he touched her face, lifting it to his. ‘Can I ask why you accepted?’ If she said anything along the lines of how could I turn down Michael Tennant it was okay, he told himself. He could work with it. Work with her to prove he was more than a name on an album cover.

  ‘Because when I’m with you I don’t feel like a mother, or a pharmacist, or an ex-wife. I feel like the woman I used to be, before all that.’ Her eyes sparkled with mischief. ‘And because, while I’ve still got a major crush on Michael Tennant, I like you even more.’

  The muscles he’d unwittingly tensed, relaxed. ‘That’s good to know, Jessie Simmons.’ He shifted them both so they were lying on their sides, facing each other. ‘Much as I’d love to stay here all weekend, I can’t bring you to Rome and not take you out. What do you want to do?’

  Her face lit up with excitement. ‘Everything. Have a coffee in a piazza, throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, sit on the Spanish Steps. Take a tour round the Vatican, ogle at Michelangelo’s David.’

  Her enthusiasm was contagious and Michael threw back his head and laughed. ‘We’ll not be lazing around in bed with that itinerary. Though I’m afraid David will have to wait another time. He flexes his marble muscles in Florence, not Rome.’

  ‘Oops.’ For a moment she looked embarrassed and he was about to tell her it was an easy mistake to make but she spoke again. ‘When is your next performance? Will I get to hear you sing?’

  He felt a stab of disappointment. ‘I had today to travel, tomorrow to recover. I sing on Sunday evening.’

  ‘When I’ll be back at home.’

  For one mad moment he felt the wrench of her leaving, even though she’d only just arrived. ‘But you’re here now,’ he whispered, nibbling at her full bottom lip. ‘And I’m going to make the most of that.’

  Her throaty moan was a total turn on but he gently pushed her away. ‘I’m not feeding you room service tonight. I want to take you out. The restaurant is booked. We just need to get changed.’

  ‘Has Georgina booked it?’

  He blinked at her odd question. ‘Yes. Is that okay?’ Frowning, he brushed at a curl that was perilously close to her eyes. ‘She won’t be coming with us, if that’s your concern. I want you all to myself.’

  A slight flush spread across her cheeks. ‘In which case, I’d better get ready.’

  While Michael disappeared to his room to get changed, Jessie took a moment to lie back on the bed and just breathe. She knew she had to take a shower, sort out the hair Michael had gloriously, amazingly, passionately messed up. But first she needed a moment to drink everything in.

  He wanted more than a quick fling. Though she tried not to get too carried away by his admission, she couldn’t help but feel giddy and foolish. The girl who’d just been asked out by the best-looking boy in the school.

  With a wry laugh to herself she sat up and skipped, yes skipped, to the bathroom.

  She wasn’t smiling quite so much when she walked into the fancy restaurant Georgina had booked for them. She’s his PA, she reminded herself as they were shown to their table by a very serious-looking waiter. Of course she’s going to book the restaurant.

  Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if this formal, very expensive-looking place had been deliberately picked by the woman to make Jessie feel small – something she could manage perfectly well all by herself. How could she have mixed up Rome and Florence?

  Biting at her lip, Jessie straightened her spine. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow Georgina to make her feel unsophisticated.

  Michael touched her elbow, drawing her eyes to his. ‘Is this alright with you?’ he whispered.

  ‘Of course,’ she replied brightly, reaching for the menu the waiter was handing her. ‘I’m a great fan of Italian cuisine.’

  Michael coughed and took a big swig of water. ‘I’m glad, because we’re having that tomorrow.’ He looked very much like he was trying not to laugh. ‘This is a Chinese restaurant. I hope you don’t mind.’

  Her eyes slid to the chopsticks on the table, the bamboo artwork on the walls and she felt herself blushing furiously. But then she met his bright, dancing eyes and instantly her embarrassment became trivial in the face of his amusement. She’d never seen him looking so relaxed, so boyish.

  ‘At the risk of repeating myself. Oops.’

  He started to laugh, a gorgeous deep chuckle that wasn’t just sexy, it was contagious. I’ll remember this moment for the rest of my life, she thought as the laughter bubbled out of her. Michael reached across the table and squeezed her hand. ‘Did I tell you how glad I am to see you?’

  A lump shot into her throat. It was gratifying to know that while he was undoubtedly giving her a weekend to remember, she was giving him something back. ‘You did, but I won’t get tired of hearing it.’

  He smiled and this time it was fuller, really hitting his eyes. It felt like a breakthrough; as if he’d finally loosened up around her. He nodded over to her menu. ‘Is there anything in particular you fancy or shall I order some dishes for us to share?’

  You, she thought. I fancy you. Closing the menu, she placed it down on the table. ‘I’ll be happy with anything you choose.’

  ‘Ducks feet? Fried scorpion?’

  She didn’t care that he was gently mocking her. The light in his eyes was more than enough recompense. ‘As long as you try it first.’ He laughed again, softer this time but no less sexy. ‘You know you should do that more often.’


  ‘Laugh. It looks good on you.’

  Surprise flashed across his face. ‘Thank you, though you’re the one who brings it out in me. Perhaps you should come on tour with me.’ And though his smile was teasing, the eyes that watched her were very serious.

  Jessie fiddled with her napkin, not knowing what to say. Was he serious? Though he knew she couldn’t possibly do that, so it must have been a joke. ‘How is the tour going?’

  He gave her a wry smile that told her he knew she’d deliberately veered the conversation onto safer ground. ‘So far, so good. I’m playing to full theatres, which is always a relief.’

  The waiter came to take their food order, and fill their glasses with the crisp white wine Michael had requested. ‘And in between the concerts,’ she asked when he’d drifted away. ‘Do you have much time for play?’

  ‘Sometimes, like this weekend, there is a break to recover from the travel, but often it’s just arrive, rehearse, sing, move on to the next city.’

  Because she’d already sensed it, she asked the question that had been burning in her mind. ‘Do you get lonely?’

  ‘Sure.’ He reached for his glass, long tanned fingers wrapping round the delicate stem. ‘Robert and my old PA travelled with me on previous tours, b
ut now Robert’s married he’s cut back a bit so I only see him now and again. Georgina’s agreed to travel with me though.’

  ‘I bet she has.’

  Michael stared at her and Jessie realised with horror she’d said the words out loud. ‘What do you mean?’

  Her stomach dropped and a cold shiver ran through her. She’d sounded like a bitch. After all, it wasn’t like they were in a proper relationship. He hadn’t made any promises to her. Yet the thought of him sleeping with other women, especially Georgina, made her feel sick. Sick and stupidly naïve. ‘It’s none of my business. Forget I said anything.’

  ‘There isn’t anything going on between me and Georgina,’ Michael said quietly.

  She nodded but couldn’t hold his gaze. If it wasn’t his PA, and Jessie was certain Georgina wanted it, even if Michael didn’t, then it would be someone else before long. He was a single, hugely talented, highly attractive, rich man. She had to accept this weekend for what it was. Then go home and forget all about him.

  She felt Michael’s fingers curve round her chin, lifting it so she was forced to make eye contact with him. ‘I don’t know what you think is going on between us, but it’s very much your business what I get up to. For the record, I’m not in the habit of sleeping with more than one woman at a time, and I’m not in the habit of sleeping with anyone I don’t care about.’

  She swallowed hard, feeling wobbly. ‘Thank you.’

  His expression was pensive as he withdrew his hand. ‘You don’t need to thank me for not sleeping with other women.’

  He sounded almost angry and she gave herself a mental shake. ‘I wasn’t. I was thanking you for explaining. For telling me it was my business.’

  She heard him exhale and he looked like he was about to say something else but then the waiter arrived with their first course. Michael sat back in his chair as the staff fussed about, setting several exotic looking dishes in front of them. Steamed dumplings, fried scallops and tiger prawns, grilled coconut lobster.


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