On the Back Burner

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On the Back Burner Page 1

by Diane Muldrow

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  cooking tips From the chef Girls!

  For Lauren Roth—D.M.

  Text copyright @ 2003 by Diane Muldrow. Illustrations copyright © 2003 by Barbara Pollak. All rights reserved. Published by Grosset & Dunlap. a division of Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers. 345 Hudson Street. New York. NY 10014. GROSSET & DUNLAP is a trademark of Penguin Putnam Inc. Published simultaneously in Canada. S.A.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

  eISBN : 978-1-101-16071-8



  Chapter 1


  Stunned, Natasha Ross faced the blurry crowd of people who filled the Moores’ living room. This couldn’t be for her! Could it?

  Molly and Amanda Moore came forward and hugged her. Happy birthday! Molly sang out in a loud voice, her high, brown ponytail swinging.

  Molly’s identical twin, Amanda, squeezed Natasha’s shoulders. “Are you surprised?” she asked.

  “Totally! Surprised is not the word. I’m shocked! How did you—What about—We’re not cooking tonight? Natasha had thought she was coming over to the Moore’s house for a last-minute cooking job for their business, Dish. But instead of finding the other members of Dish-Molly and Amanda Moore, Shawn Jordan, and Peichi Cheng—wearing aprons in the kitchen, they were standing in the living room in front of a table filled with food and presents. Purple and silver streamers hung from the ceiling, and there were little twinkle lights hanging in the windows. A bright flash from a camera caught Natasha’s eye, and she saw her parents standing in a corner with Mrs. Moore, taking pictures and beaming at her.

  Peichi joined Natasha and the twins. “You’re not cooking! She giggled. ”This afternoon we got everything ready. We made all of your favorites-hummus and baba ghanouj, caramel popcorn, even deep-dish pizza with broccoli and pepperoni!”

  “And angel food cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream!” exclaimed Amanda. “Believe me, it is not easy to find really yummy, fresh strawberries in Brooklyn in January!”

  “Wow! Natasha said. “You guys are good!”

  “We don’t miss much,” Shawn agreed. “Maybe we should open up a combination cooking and party-planning business! Dish Parties: We bring the food and the fun!”

  “Forget it,” Molly said, laughing. “We’re busy enough as it is. We don’t need more to do.”

  “That’s for sure,” Natasha agreed. They’d been really busy ever since starting Dish the previous summer. It all began when Amanda, Molly, and Shawn signed up to take cooking classes at Park Terrace Cookware. The girls were surprised to see Peichi and Natasha in the same class. They liked Peichi, even though they didn’t know her very well then, but Natasha was another story. At the time, Natasha was Molly, Amanda, and Shawn’s enemy, and it looked as though she might make the cooking class really unpleasant for them. However, the twins were determined not to let her ruin it for them. Their mom encouraged them to be nice to Natasha and see what happened, and it worked—Natasha started being nicer to them, too.

  When their friend and classmate Justin McElroy’s kitchen was destroyed by a small electrical fire, the twins’ mom suggested that the girls help her cook some food for the McElroy family to help them through such a difficult time. The girls loved spending the entire day cooking and decided to start a cooking club called Dish. After Mrs. Moore saw what a great job they did cooking for the McElroys, she hired them to cook a weeks worth of meals while she was at a conference in California. From there, the girls decided to turn their club into a business, cooking tasty, healthy meals for families who were too busy to cook during the week. In Natasha’s opinion. Dish was the best thing that could have happened to her. Cooking with Amanda, Molly, Shawn, and Peichi was the most fun she’d ever had.

  “Ready for one of your gifts?” Peichi asked Natasha. She pulled Natasha over to the couch. Mrs. Ross, still holding her camera, sat down in a chair across from the couch. It looked like she was planning to stay and take more pictures as Natasha opened her presents! Oh, no, thought Natasha. It will be sooo embarrassing if she stays and takes pictures!

  Mr. Ross saw the look on his daughter’s face and came forward. “I guess that’s our cue, Natalie,” he said to Natasha’s mom. He turned to Natasha. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he said with a smile. “We’re heading out. We just wanted to see your face when the girls yelled ‘surprise!’ ” He gave Natasha a kiss. Natasha gave her dad a smile that said, Thanks for understanding, Dad!, then looked warily at her mom. Natasha was relieved to see that her mom was putting on her coat. The camera was safely stored away in its bag. Mrs. Ross looked like she wanted to stay a little longer, but instead she also kissed Natasha and said, “I packed your overnight bag. Have a wonderful time at your party! We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Mrs. Moore said, leaving the room with the Rosses.

  “So how does it feel to be twelve?” Peichi asked Natasha. “It definitely sounds more...adult than eleven!”

  “It feels great!” Natasha said with a big smile. “You guys, this is the coolest birthday ever,” she said. “Thank you so much.”

  “Lets get to the presents!” said Amanda eagerly. Natasha sat on the couch with Amanda on one side and Molly on the other. Although they were identical twins with freckles, long brown hair, and bright green eyes, everyone could easily tell them apart. Molly’s high ponytail and casual clothes were her trademark look. Tonight Molly was wearing her favorite jeans and a forest-green sweater that made her bright green eyes look even greener than usual. Amanda, who was wearing a teal scoop-neck top with four thin silver necklaces, a straight black skirt, and the new boots she had gotten for Christmas, was much more fashion-conscious. She loved reading the latest fashion magazines and was always experimenting with different hairdos and outfits.

  Shawn brought Natasha her first present. It was neatly wrapped in paper covered with sparkling stars, streaking comets, and planets. “Nice paper,” Natasha observed, tucking her chin-length blond hair behind her ears.

  “It foretells what’s inside,” Peichi said mysteriously as she perched on the arm of the sofa.

  Natasha lifted the package. “Hmmm...it’s so heavy, it must be moon rocks! Or maybe an asteroid!”

  “Close!” Shawn said.

  “Close?” Natasha questioned, laughing. “How could that be close?”

  “Our fortunes lie in the stars!” Peichi hinted. “You’ll see. Just open it already!” The girls were really excited.

  beneath the paper was a thick hardcover book. Lifting it, Natasha read the title aloud. “What’s Your Sign? A Cosmic Guide for Young Astrologers.”

  Her friends were all staring at her, smiling. “Cool, isn’t it?” Shawn said.

  “Very cool! Thanks,” Natasha said.

  The doorbell rang and her four friends grinned. “How perfect is that!” Amanda exclaimed and then ran to get the door.

  “Who else is coming?” Natasha asked, looking at her friends. But they just smiled mysteriously and said nothing.

  Amanda returned quickly with a middle-aged woman whose thick, brown curls cascaded down the front of her purple peasant dress. Her arms were adorned with a row of bangle bracelets
and she wore large silver hoop earrings. “Meet Sonia,” Amanda said, stretching her arm out dramatically to present the woman. “She’s a licensed astrologer—and a psychic! We saw her ad tacked to the bulletin board at Park Terrace Cookware.”

  Sonia waved to them. “Hi, girls! Ready to unlock the secrets of your futures?”

  Molly, Natasha. and Shawn exchanged anxious glances. Were they ready? They weren’t sure. Knowing the future might be a little scary.

  “Yes, of course we are,” Amanda broke the silence. After all, she figured, they’d already paid Sonia to tell fortunes at this party. There was no sense wasting time. “Natasha should go first,” Amanda said, “since she’s the birthday girl.”

  The girls followed Amanda over to an upholstered chair and side table that Amanda had decorated with shawls and velvety pillows. She had even hung beaded curtains to partition this part of the living room from the rest of the house. “You sit here, Sonia,” she said, indicating the big chair. Then she pulled over a straight back chair that she’d draped with a lace tablecloth. “And Natasha, you sit here.”

  “Very nice,” Sonia said as she sat down and reached into her large, upholstered carpet-bag. She pulled out a smoky crystal ball and carefully placed it on the table.

  “Do real psychics actually use those?”

  Peichi whispered to Shawn. Shawn just shrugged and watched as Natasha cautiously sat across from Sonia.

  Sonia studied Natasha seriously for nearly a minute before speaking. “You were born on January thirteenth, which makes you a Capricorn. People born under this sign are usually cautious and aware of what others think of them,” she began. “They are hardworking, able to get things done quickly, and gifted with good memories.”

  “This is all so true!” Natasha cried.

  “Let me see your palm, please,” Sonia requested. Natasha placed her palm in Sonia’s outstretched hand. Usually Natasha didn’t believe in astrology and palm reading, but today she wanted to believe. Believing made it more fun—and spookier, too.

  “Ahhh. ”Sonia said as she traced her nail up a crease in Natasha’s palm. It tickled a little. “Interesting,” Sonia murmured.

  “What?” Amanda asked eagerly, unable to control her curiosity another minute. “What’s in her future?”

  “See how the lines of your hand converge here at this point?” Sonia said to Natasha. “This indicates fame.” Sonia pulled the crystal ball toward her and gently laid her hand on it. She exhaled slowly.

  Natasha’s free hand flew to her chest. “Me? Famous?” Her eyes widened happily. “I bet I’ll write something that will win awards. I’ll be an award-winning journalist!” Natasha wrote for the school newspaper. The Post.

  “No,” Sonia said. “I see something more active here. It is something you are doing—something millions of people will watch.”

  “Uh-oh,” Natasha said, starting to worry. “I hope I don’t get famous for having an accident or something, and end up on the six o’clock news!”

  “No, no, no,” Sonia assured her. “No accident. Don’t worry so much. This is good fame. Is it for being in the movies? It could be...No, I see something similar, but smaller...There are lights...Yes! TV! You will be a TV star. Millions will watch you...You will shine.”

  Amanda’s eyes popped open. No way! she thought to herself. Amanda was the one who was interested in acting. If anyone in their group of friends would turn out to be the TV star, Amanda was sure that she would be the one. She opened her mouth to say something, but caught Molly giving her “the look.” Uh-oh, Amanda thought. She didn’t want to offend Natasha, but...

  “But you’re not interested in acting, are you, Natasha?” Amanda asked impulsively, ignoring Molly’s look. “I mean, I never heard you say you were and you don’t try out for the plays or anything like that.”

  “No, Amanda, you’re totally right!” Natasha exclaimed. “I’ve never been in a play and I’ve never wanted to be! I would be so nervous!”

  Sonia stared at Natasha’s palm. Then she squeezed Natasha’s hand lightly and shut her eyes, obviously concentrating. “Yes, it is definitely TV I see you there very clearly.” She opened her eyes and nodded, satisfied with her prediction.

  “Okay, if you say so,” Natasha said. She stood up slowly. Natasha was relieved that her turn was over and that her fortune hasn’t been a negative one, but she had a funny feeling...like she wanted to know more.

  “Who wants to go next?” Sonia asked, looking up at the girls.

  “I do!” Peichi said. “My birthday is November twenty-third.”

  “Ah, Sagittarius, such bright, funny people,” Sonia said. “Sagittarians are very honest. Sometimes that causes a problem when they are so honest that they don’t take the feelings of others into consideration. Be careful not to be so blunt that you offend those around you.”

  “Well, if people can’t handle the truth, that’s not my problem,” Peichi said with a laugh.

  Sonia smiled. “See what I mean? You are a true Sagittarian. Let me see your palm, please.” Peichi presented her hand, palm up, and Sonia inspected it. “Change is coming. Big change. It’s here very clearly,” she predicted.

  “What kind of change?” Peichi asked eagerly.

  “I don’t know exactly,” Sonia admitted. “Possibly there will be a new addition to your house.”

  “We just got a new pool last summer,” Peichi joked. “What’s next, a tennis court?”

  “Awesome!” Molly cheered. “A tennis court would be great.”

  “Or maybe a whirlpool,” Amanda suggested. “I’d like you to get one of those.”

  “I’ll let my parents know,” Peichi replied, laughing. She stood up from the chair.

  “Me next,” Shawn said, slipping into the chair as soon as Peichi had gotten up. Her brown eyes shone with excitement behind her purple cat glasses. “I’m April sixteenth.”

  “Aries!” Sonia said. “You are very active, aren’t you?”

  “That’s true. I’m a cheerleader!” Shawn told her.

  “You are also brave, confident, and determined,” Sonia added.

  “That’s definitely true! I was scared to try out for cheerleading, but I did it anyway, which I guess was pretty brave. Once I tried out I felt pretty confident I’d make the team, and I did make it! I practice really hard because I’m determined to be really good. Angie always says that if I keep practicing this hard, I could be one of the best on the team next year.” Amanda rolled her eyes as Shawn rambled on and on about cheerleading.

  “Well, Aries loves a compliment,” Sonia said, laughing lightly. When she looked at Shawn’s palm, her expression grew serious again. ”There are changes coming for you, too. You will worry about losing someone’s love. But no matter who does the cooking, you will always be the apple of your father’s eye.

  Shawn stared at her with a bewildered expression. What did that mean? It was eerie that Sonia had mentioned her father. A few years ago, Shawn’s mother had died after a long illness. Shawn’s grandmother and cousins lived in South Carolina and she loved them very much, but since Shawn was an only child, she sometimes felt like her father was all she had. And it was almost creepy that Sonia had mentioned cooking—how could she have possibly known that the girls had a cooking business? “What’s that about the cooking? Shawn asked. “Why did you say that?”

  “I mentioned cooking because food has something to do with what will happen in your future,” Sonia replied. “Cooking food is important somehow.”

  “Thats strange. It sounds like it must be true, but I can’t imagine what it could mean,” Shawn said, thinking hard. “I mean, it just doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “Can Amanda and I go next?” Molly asked.

  Sonia’s brow furrowed as she thought. “Its unusual to do a reading for more than one person at a time, but seeing as you’re twins...” she began.

  Amanda didn’t give her a chance to finish, but sat down next to Molly. “We were born on May twenty-seventh,” the twins sa
id at the same time. They giggled. “The twin thing!” That’s what the twins called it whenever they said or thought the same thing at the same time, which happened pretty often.

  “That makes you Geminis.” Sonia said, smiling. “How perfect—twins born in the sign of the twins. Geminis can be moody, unpredictable, athletic, independent, and they usually don’t make up their minds easily.”

  “That’s weird,” Shawn said. “Amanda can be moody and has a hard time making up her mind, and Molly is the one who’s athletic and independent. They’ve split the Gemini traits between them.”

  “Hey, how come you gave me all the bad traits?” Amanda complained to Shawn.

  “Those traits aren’t really good or bad,” Sonia said. “They’re just tendencies. Moodiness can indicate deep sensitivity or strong creativity.”

  “I am very sensitive,” Amanda said thoughtfully. “And being an actress really requires creativity. This is so cool! What will my future hold?” She presented her palm for Sonia to inspect. Sonia bit her lip as she looked at Amanda’s palm. It almost looked like she was frowning, but Amanda couldn’t quite tell because her face was down. It made Amanda nervous. What was Sonia seeing in her future? “hat?” Amanda finally demanded. “What do you see?”

  Sonia sighed. “I am seeing that in the not-to-distant future you will be faced with a difficult event. It will be a very hard time for you. You will feel like you are losing your best friend,” she said softly.

  Amanda sat back, stunned. She was sure she knew exactly what Sonia was talking about. Shawn had been best friends with Molly and Amanda ever since the three of them were small. But, since last summer, their friendship had changed. No matter what the twins did to stay close to Shawn, Shawn seemed more distant—especially since she’d made the cheerleading squad. Actually, Amanda had tried out for cheerleading, too—mostly to be close to Shawn. But only Shawn had made the team.


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