Highlander's Dark Pride

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Highlander's Dark Pride Page 14

by Fiona Faris

  “I am a very different person than your former lord, sir. I intend to make this my home. If ye knew that I would protect ye, would ye choose to align with me?”

  “Of course, my lord, but can you really rid us of them?”

  “I am a soldier. Fighting enemies is what I do.”

  The man nodded. “We shall speak on it and come back to you with an answer.”

  “Do not tarry too long. The faster the manor is made secure the safer for all of us.”

  Rebecca was tired after a long day of putting on a brave face while also feeling quite accomplished when she thought about what they had all achieved.

  More and more crofters had joined them as the day went by. She and Rebecca had been run ragged trying to keep them fed and watered as best they could. It was a relief that the women turned out too, helping Frances to wash the linens and offering to make quilts out of the unusable ones.

  Emily was quick to offer them to take some of the quilts for themselves as the weather was turning colder. She hoped the gesture of goodwill would go a little way towards persuading the villagers to choose Alex over the bandits.

  Alexander had decided that he would go hunting the following day just to make sure they had enough to keep everyone in soup as they worked. Emily knew that being well-fed was a great motivator for the crofters to choose them.

  Falling down onto her bedroll, she looked up at the roof of the room they had commandeered. It was still uncomfortable for her to be here alone; not knowing what else might be lurking in the shadows. However, the addition of a feather mattress that no longer was such a welcome addition; she could not wait to luxuriate in it. It was amazing what a difference a little luxury made to her outlook. Alexander definitely deserved a reward for his thoughtfulness.

  She sighed sitting up to take her gown off. Although she was happy to sleep in a bed, she still wanted Alexander there because he made her feel safe. She hesitated for a moment before taking her shift off still feeling raw and delicate from the morning but not wanting to wait long before doing…that again.

  Emily felt as if she was quickly getting addicted to Alexander’s touch. The door opened and the man himself stood frozen in the doorway, looking at her unclothed body.

  “Oh…I…should I come back?”


  He let his eyes wander down her body and she leaned back on her hands, letting him look.

  “No reason.” He closed and locked the door behind him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Emily sat up, already feeling vulnerable as Alexander marched over to the bed, his eyes never leaving hers. He put his right knee onto the edge of the mattress, his gaze raking her body from shoulder to knee.

  “Do ye want to sleep alone tonight?”

  She frowned, eyes locked with his. “Why would you ask me that? I would not turned you away from my bed; ever.”

  Alexander sat down on the bed, without breaking eye contact. He inhaled through his nose, body slumping forward as he shifted to make himself comfortable.

  “I ken ye have not said no to me. But have ye said yes? I live in fear that I have forced ye into something ye are not prepared for.”

  Emily continued to stare wide eyed at him, waiting for him to clarify his thoughts.

  What does he mean by ‘have I said yes’? Is this some kind of trick?

  He reached out, his big hand covering her much smaller one on the coverlet. He squeezed he fingers, his blue gaze intent. “We are married truly. The marriage is consummated. But it has come time for ye to choose. Do ye want to live separate lives or are ye willing to try and make this union real?”

  Her eyes were still wide, although his meaning was clearer. She tried to gauge his level of sincerity. Emily for she had never in her life heard of a man asking his wife to choose what kind of marital relations they had. To live a life barren of familial love, simply existing side by side or - her eyes raked his body from his broad shoulders down to his muscled clad thighs - to have this.

  “I say…yes.” The last word came out in barely a whisper, but her eyes were intent on his, though hooded behind her lashes. She arched her body toward him and trusted that her message was clear.

  Alexander nodded his blue eyes lighting up as he smiled. “That’s…good. I too, say yes.”

  He surprised a laugh out of her with that statement. “Well, that’s good. Now that we have both said yes to this marriage, what comes next?”

  Alexander grinned at her. “Now we should have a nice sleep because tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us.”

  Emily could not conceal her disappointment. “Oh.”

  Widening his grin, Alexander winked. “Or we could celebrate with wine and croodling.”

  Emily’s face flamed. “That would be…lovely.”

  Presenting a previously concealed bottle of wine to her with a flourish, Alexander gave her a small bow. “My lady.”

  He produced two cups and poured them a generous measure.

  Handed her a cup he took his own as they toasted each other and drank. There was a comfortable silence in the room as they sat side by side, watching the fire dance merrily in the grate.

  “Did I tell ye that this is the first home I have had in a good long time?”

  Emily turned to him, shaking her head. “Your sister might have alluded to it but…no.”

  Alexander nodded. “Our parents died when we were very young. We lived on the streets for a long time…until I joined the Guard.”

  “That’s... heartbreaking.”

  Alexander shook his head, giving her a slight smile. “Not really. It wasna sae bad. We had each other.”

  “And now you have me.”

  “Indeed, I do.” He turned to look in her eyes with a smile. “And ye have me too.”

  “That is reassuring,” she leaned toward him, eyes on his, questioning. He answered by bridging the distance between them, laying his lips softly upon hers, seeking, trying not to take more than she wanted to give. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she opened up for him. His own hands slid around her waist, pulling her closer.

  They kissed languidly, slowly, enjoying the exploration of each other with tongue, hands, and teeth. Emily ran her fingers through his hair while his hands cupped her bottom, squeezing gently as he moaned into her mouth. Arching

  She arched against him, she brushed her bosom against his chest, urging wordlessly for him to continue. He pulled back, staring at her with pupils blown wide with desire before reaching for his breeches and pulling them, along with his stockings off in one fell swoop. His sark soon followed and then he was as naked as she was.

  Reaching for her hips, he picked her up effortlessly and deposited her onto his lap.

  “Oh…” she breathed as his hand reached between them, pushing into her without further pause. ado.

  “Oh!” Her head reached back as he thrust harder; a welcome invasion that made room for itself inside of her, in a quest to possess her.

  She had no objections.

  “Aahhh,” she moaned as he lifted and dropped her onto him with slow, deliberate care. “That feels…”


  She nodded jerkily, head still thrown back; eyes closed and mouth open, breathing hard and fast, pushing down on every thrust and rising as he pulled back. Her moans grew louder and at the back of her mind she wondered if she should be embarrassed. Was this the correct way to act? She was too busy enjoying herself to pay attention to her inner voice.

  Perhaps later.

  Her thoughts were a jumble of complex sensation and confusion. Something within her seemed to have been released by his seeking permission. She felt wanton and free, as if she might do just about anything and he would accept it. Anchoring against his neck for balance, she intensified her movements, rising and dropping with intent, seeking that core of pleasure that hit her and grew seemingly with every thrust.

  Emotion was gathering like a groundswell within her and she needed to let it out in some way; she did not
know how. Her body jerked, convulsing and his pace increased.

  “Oh lord, yes, yes, just like that.” His murmurs of encouragement were like a red kerchief to a bull. She could not see or think. All she could do was ride him like a wild animal - fast, uncoordinated, and maddened.

  “Uh!...please.” the last word was a whisper as her body swayed forward, the emotion seeming to coalesce in her vocal cords as heat seared her center. She cried out, letting go as she shook and shuddered, blinking as spots of colour appeared before her eyes. She could feel Alexander as he filled her up; her body milking him greedily, wanting to take all of it into her and make it part of her.

  “Alexander.” She whispered before fainting dead away.

  “Emily!” he cried even as his body continued to thrust and shake and spill itself into hers.

  The shock of cold water on her face woke her up and she sat up in bed, looking around in confusion. “What happened?”

  “You fainted.”

  “I did…not?” she looked at him and then down at herself, “I did?”

  “Yes.” He bit his lip, to hide his amusement but could not keep it from his eyes. She fisted her hand and hit his shoulder even as it began to shake. “Don’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m…not,” he tried to say between his laughter, “I…really am…not.”

  “Bastard!” she turned away from him, trying to sulk. But she was too happy for that and instead spread herself out on the bed, luxuriating in the feel of the soft cool cotton on her heated flesh. Alexander soon stopped laughing, his eyes raking over her heatedly instead.

  “Emily,” his heavily lidded eyes took in her nipples, peaked with cold and pleasure, and seemingly pointed at him.

  “Yes Alexander.”

  He took it as an invitation, diving forward and taking a breast in his mouth to suck hungrily. She opened her mouth to protest but let out a long moan instead, her hand gentle on the back of his head, urging him closer. His other hand flicked at the other nipple, circling it and squeezing her breast in his hand.

  “Ohhh…” she arched upward, surprised to find that she wanted him again. She felt empty, wanting to be filled by him again. Winding her legs around his waist, she silently begged him to satisfy her.

  He answered her call, ramming himself into her without preamble and taking eliciting a cry of gratification from her. He took hold of her legs, he pulled them onto his shoulders and proceeded to pound, make her his with some ferocity. She fell back on the bed, surrendering her body to him, allowing him to claim every inch of her being.

  Leaning forward he buried in response, she fell back on the bed, surrendering her body to him and let him claim every inch of her being.

  He leaned down, burying his face into her neck as he poured his seed into her. “Don’t faint again,” he whispered against her ear, his breath warm and close. She shivered, holding on for dear life. Her whole lower body convulsed as her inner muscles tightened against him, holding onto him like a vice and then gently undulating, as if seeking every last drop of spend that was in him.

  He covered her lips with his; kissing her like his life depended on it. She responded in kind, her arms tight around his neck as she pulled him as close as possible, opening her mouth and her heart to him.

  They kissed until he went soft within her…and then hard again.

  Emily found that she had a slight limp as she walked down the stairs in search of breakfast the next morning. She frantically hoped that she would not come across any of the men working in the house for they would surely know what she and Alexander had been up to. It was almost all night. She felt as if it were emblazoned across her forehead in red letters.

  In retrospect, she wished that they had been quieter. There was no way that Rebecca could not have heard them.

  Alexander got to his feet as she entered the kitchen. “Guid morning to ye, wife.” He pushed the bench back, reaching out a hand help to her, and helping her onto the seat whilst it. He bent forward, to plant a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes widened, face flaming as she looked between Rebecca and her maid, expecting a look of disapproval at such a display of affection. They just continued to eat their meal, looking unperturbed.

  Clearing her throat she nodded to them both. “G-good morning.”

  “Good morning,” the other two murmured as they continued to eat. Emily looked suspiciously from one to the other, wondering what they head heard in the night, before mentally shrugging and turning her attention to the food. “What’s for breakfast?”

  “Just some brose,” Alexander answered with a smile.

  “Oh, I see.” She pulled the bowl closer she took a taste. It was a little salty but not bad.

  Glancing up, she peeked again at Rebecca and Frances, wondering at their poker-faced silence. At the very least she expected some teasing from Alexander’s sister. Turning

  On turning back to her bowl, she caught a glimpse of Rebecca’s smirk strangely. Perversely, its presence made her feel better. She flicked a glance at Alexander, suspecting that he had instructed them both not to tease her.

  “Did ye sleep well?” he asked - the very picture of courtesy.


  He turned to face her, his blue eyes dancing. “Did ye sleep well?”

  “Er…y-yes.” She buried her head in her oatmeal, hoping her blushes would soon disappear.


  They ate the rest of the meal in silence, except for the clink of spoons in bowls. The tell-tale thump of Amos’ cane hailed his arrival and soon he and Alexander were deep in discussion about their plans for the day. Emily cleared the table and proceeded to clean up the breakfast dishes. Rebecca and Frances followed Alexander out of the kitchen. That was a relief to Emily as she was glad to be alone so that she could think.

  Last night had been a turning point for her. She felt truly that her marriage might be a good thing after all. Alexander was a considerate, attentive lover and he was doing his best to make sure her needs were provided for. If the time ever came when her sisters would have to lodge with them, no doubt he would afford them the same care. Especially since he knew how it felt to be homeless.

  Perhaps father had the right of it.

  She set the dishes to dry and then hurried off to see what else needed doing in the house.

  She was airing out the bedding and sweeping the chambers when Alexander came to find her. Pausing in

  her sweeping, she looked up at him clutching the broom like a lifeline. “Yes…?”

  “I have some news.”

  She lifted her eyebrows in imitation of him, urging him to continue.

  “It seems we are at war with the roundheads again. The peace hasna held.”

  Emily felt as if her heart had stopped. Surely her husband - and her father too - would not be expected to go to war again?

  “What now?”

  Alexander shook his head. “I dinna ken.”

  Emily moved closer to him, clutching at his sark. “You won’t leave us here alone will you?”

  Alexander’s eyes softened as his hand covered hers. “I willna leave ye. Dinna fash. If I must rejoin my regiment, I shall take ye back home to Eddingfield Hall. I only ask that ye allow my sister to stay wi’ ye.”

  “But of course I would. Still, I would rather you not go to war.” Her hands tightened on the rough cotton of his shirt.

  Alexander nodded. “I too would rather not go to war but I am at his majesty’s service.”

  Emily swallowed audibly, nodding her understanding. His big hand came up and cupped her cheek.

  “Emily,” he whispered and she lifted her eyes to him. He was staring at her mouth like a man starving. She lifted her chin just the slightest and he was soon kissing her, his tongue plundering her with intent.

  She let the broom drop as she used her other hand to pull him closer. He left a trail of kisses from her mouth to her ear, breath hot on her skin.

  Her heart stuttered and skipped, and there was the slightest trembl
e in her hands.

  “What’s this I hear aboot-” they jumped apart as Rebecca came to a stop just inside the door. She put her hand to her mouth. “Sae sorry. I didna know ye were busy.” She began to back out of the room.

  “No, it’s alrigh’. What did ye want?”

  “What’s this I hear aboot war?”

  Alexander took in a breath with a hiss.

  He was not looking forward to trying to convince his sister that staying home with Emily was a good idea. He sat on the bed, pulling Emily to sit next to him. Rebecca took two steps closer, face intent.


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