Highlander's Dark Pride

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Highlander's Dark Pride Page 18

by Fiona Faris

  Emily bent down and placed the rifle gently on the block of wood they had been using as a surface to store the extra gunpowder, flint, and steel. Straightening up, she looked at her husband expectantly.

  Her lips are so soft.

  The thought flitted across his mind as his lips trailed along her mouth. Tiny, timorous nibbles he enjoyed bestowing upon her in return for the approving sounds she made.

  His caresses became bolder yet simpler, and softer. His teeth sucked in her bottom lip and drew a sigh out of her that made him smile. His hands were buried deep in her hair. He could feel the subtle questing exploration of her tongue under his when he nipped at her lower lip and slid carefully into her mouth.

  Sucking and licking, he tasted and explored her mouth and she returned the favour. Their lips slid intimately against each other; he could taste the pickles she had eaten with her bread, even as his fingers fumbled with the many hooks on her bodice, sucking the taste right off her tongue. She moaned creating vibrations against his lips and his name escaped her mouth. He could not think of anything more perfect than this moment.

  He broke away, taking a few steps back.

  “Come, ye need to learn how to do this.”

  Emily nodded, her face falling with disappointment.

  Emily’s ears were ringing and her shoulder hurt a lot by the time the sun was setting. However, Alexander was grinning with pride, which meant Emily was glowing too. It did not matter how thick his accent became when he was tired and happy; Emily understood what Alexander was trying to convey.

  She saw the pride in the way Alexander shook her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, jostling her slightly as they headed back to the castle. Emily handed Alexander’s shotgun back as they walked so that she could dig in the pocket of her apron and pull out a cloth bag. She extracted two small loaves liberally spread with jam, passing one to Alexander.

  They ate in companionable silence as they walked along, sharing shy glances now and then.

  “Much obliged for the snack wife but I surely hope that dinner is ready when we get back. M’starving.”

  Emily laughed. “I’m sure Frances and Rebecca have something prepared. They helped me pack the food so they know it’s not enough for you.”

  Alexander smiled. “Good.” He looked off into the sunset. “Tis truly beautiful here.”

  “As beautiful as Scotland?”

  Alexander’s smile became wry. “Nothing is as beautiful as Scotland.”

  “You must take me there one day.”

  Alexander caught and held her eye. “If’n ye want to go, I shall take ye.”

  “I do.”

  They continued to gaze moon-eyed at each other until Emily stumbled on a tree root in their path. She was only saved from an undignified sprawl by Alexander’s arm, tight around her shoulders. She blushed crimson but then caught sight of the amusement in his eyes and burst out laughing. His own laughter rang out, loud and joyful and Emily realized that it was the first time she had heard him so relaxed; so happy.

  They finished the walk in relative silence, smiling softly, arms slung around each other.

  “Och, there ye are. I was just aboot to send a search party.” Rebecca said as they came in the door.

  “Weel guid news, Emily can now shoot straight. I think this calls for a toast.”

  Rebecca did a little skip and turned toward the kitchen. “I agree. Why don’t ye both sit down in that fancy dining room and Frances and I shall bring ye food and drink to celebrate this momentous occasion?”

  Alexander hesitated, eyebrow raised, but then he led his wife to the dining hall, which they had yet to use and seated her to his right at the head of the table.

  “Do you think we’ll ever entertain any guests here?” she asked.

  Alexander shrugged. “Och aye. If ye want to, ye may.”

  “I don’t know anyone around here. It would be a good way to get to know people.”

  “Ye ken more aboot tha’ than me.”

  “Well, yes I suppose that’s true. So that’s what we’ll do then. We’ll hold a dinner party as soon as they are done with the east wing. When do you think that’ll be?”

  “Weel they’re clearin’ the chimney chutes now, the hoose is free of snakes and other vermin – for now. So I suppose by the end o’ th’ week.”

  “That’s good to hear. It’ll be nice to have the house to ourselves don’t you think?”

  “But won’t ye need people to clean and all tha’?”

  “Yes, we shall need at least one or two other servants. Can we afford them though?”

  Alexander leaned back in the chair, face thoughtful. “I suppose so. We have room for them to board, we can feed them with the milk and cheese and I can hunt. We’ll be alrigh’.”

  Emily relaxed visibly. “That’s good.”

  “Did you-”

  “Have ye-”

  The spoke at the same time then both stopped, regarding each other with embarrassment.

  “You go first.”

  Alexander shook his head from side to side with a smile. “Ladies first.”

  Emily inhaled sharply. “I wanted to know what my father had to say and if he gave you any message for me?”

  Alexander straightened in his seat. “Oh, my apologies for not telling ye sooner. They await instruction from the king. In the meantime, we are to stay put.”

  “Oh,” Emily heaved a sigh, slumping with relief in her chair. “Oh. That is wonderful. And did he say anything about me?”

  “Just that he hoped I was treating ye weel.”

  Emily laughed quietly. “What did you tell him?”

  “I have yet to reply.” He reached out, covering her hand – which was resting on the table – with his. “I thought we might write together.”

  “That’s sweet of you.”

  “They are your family.” Alexander shrugged.

  “Indeed they are.”

  Rebecca walked in with a carafe of whiskey and glasses while Frances followed behind with plates of food.

  “Here we are.” Rebecca placed the glasses onto the table whilst Frances put down the plates. Alexander pointed at the seat to his left but Rebecca shook her head.

  “Frances and I did not wait for ye. We have already eaten. But ye enjoy yer supper. We’re off tae bed.”

  Alexander watched them both leave with a frown. He knew his sister well enough to know she was up to something. He turned to Emily, who was watching him with wary eyes. “Well, bon apetit.”

  The corridor was swaying just the slightest bit as Emily stumbled, frowning at her feet, wondering why they were tangling around themselves.

  “Are ye alright?”

  She lifted her head, squinting open-mouthed at Alexander as if she was not exactly sure who he was. “I beg your pardo…” the last word slowly faded in a whisper.

  Alexander grinned. “Ye’re fu’ aren’ ye?”

  “What’dyu mean by that? I can’t understand you.”

  “ You’re drunk.” Alexander declared boldly.

  Emily swayed backward, almost falling onto her bottom, but Alexander grabbed her, pulling her back. “Nooo, I’m not. I don’t get drunk.” Emily hiccupped loudly between words.

  “Och aye? Ye could ha’ fooled me.” Alexander led her carefully to their chambers, watching her feet as she had a tendency to stumble.

  “Oh yes. I am a lady and l-ladies don’t get drunk.” She could hardly get the words out between hiccups and slurring.

  “If ye say so princess.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The night brought a slight chill to Dun Alba and the windows in their chamber were still open. Both were still dressed for shooting, since they had not stood on ceremony and changed for dinner. Emily still felt overheated and lightheaded, face turned up to the heavens. So enthralled by the sky above them, she stumbled a little as she stood in front of the window. Alexander quickly turned to catch her.

  “What has ye so distracted?” he asked quietly, awa
re of the few townspeople as well as Amos still milling about the courtyard.

  “The stars,” Emily felt breathless. “They’re so much brighter out here.”

  “Ye sure ye’re not drunk?” he teased, pulling her close, his eyes bright and warm as they move over her face.

  “You’re drunk,” she poked him in the chest to make her point. “And you’re endearing.”

  He tried to kiss her, forgetting their battles for the moment but Emily dissolved into laughter and pulled away.

  “Not yet,” she reached up to run her thumb over his bottom lip. His tongue darted out, and he caught her thumb between his teeth. Her eyes became hooded and a shudder ran through her that had nothing to do with the night chill. “Alexander.”

  They had found that Rebecca and Frances had moved out of the North wing and into the South - For your privacy, Rebecca had deadpanned as she poked her head back in the dining hall to say goodnight.

  Though Emily had burned in embarrassment, she was suddenly very glad for it. They both moved simultaneously, practically falling into each other’s arms as the fire in the grate softly lit up their faces.

  “Finally,” Alexander roughly pulled off his plaid and pinned her against the wall.

  Their mouths connected in a searing kiss, eager and frantic, fueled by the whiskey and their undeniable attraction to each other. It was slipshod, a little clumsy, but since it was Alexander, it was still perfect. Emily looped her arms around his neck, melting against him and kissed him harder.

  They broke apart breathing hard and in harmony as Emily ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Your hair is so pretty,” she whispered.

  “Ye’re pretty,” Alexander mumbled regarding her with heavy-lidded eyes, his cheeks flushed with arousal as he cradled her face in his hands. “Princess, ye’re a stoater for sure, Emily.”

  He had her pinned, his body flush against hers as he kissed her breathless again. The cotton of his breeches did nothing to disguise his need for her.

  A small part of Emily - the part that probably had not stopped after her third drink - was tempted to have him take her right against the wall, but her rational self was desirous to make love on their large, comfortable bed which awaited them not two feet away.

  “Alexander,” she moaned as he dragged one hand up her torso to caress her breast over her hunting jacket.


  “Hmm?” he hummed, lips trailing over the line of her jaw.

  “We can’t do this here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because -” his thumb deliberately brushed her nipple and her voice cracked

  “we are good Christian people and our bed is right there. Making love on the wall is depraved.”

  Alexander laughed against her skin, his hot breath creating goosebumps on her flesh as he shushed her with another kiss. “Ye’re gang to be the death of me, I swear. There is no one to see but us.”

  In her inebriated state, Emily had not thought of that. Nevertheless, she dropped her voice to a stage whisper. “Take me to bed so you can ravish me properly.”

  Alexander grinned and took a step back before stooping to pick up her up. She muffled a squeak as he carried her to the bed. “Now who’s being indecent?”

  By the grace of God, Emily managed to keep quiet as they stumbled towards the bed. Once they were on the bed, though, she could not seem to stop talking. “Imagine how improper this looks,” she giggled, slightly giddy from alcohol and the headiness of wanting him. “A huge hulking Scotsman probably descended directly from berserkers, carrying me off to ravish me.”

  “You were the one giving this Scottish berserker suggestive looks over the main course at supper,” Alexander fumbled to place her on the bed without dropping her. “You’re lucky I didn’t sneak under the table and have you for dessert instead.”

  Emily flushed bright red and swatted his hand. “You are awful!”

  Alexander pulled her into his arms again. “You love it.”

  She did, Emily realized, Alexander’s lips hot and insistent on hers. She felt it now like a flame slowly burning within her heart, engulfed by it, something about the stillness of the burgeoning spring and the scent of burnt leather on his skin turned the smolder into an inferno.

  She had not said a word to him, not in words, but she hoped that her actions would negate the need to speak.

  “Alexander” she started, but then her back hit the feather mattress and Alexander dragged her bodice down to close his mouth over her nipple, distracting her, and she lost her train of thought. All she could do was whine. “Oh.”

  Alexander hummed, one hand coming up to knead at her breast while he worked at the other with his mouth. Emily’s head fell back as she moaned encouragement. Her fingers tugging gently at his hair while his tongue trailed slowly over her bosom. She kicked off her shoes as his free hand worked at the hooks of her bodice – curiously adept. His other hand dragged her skirt down over her legs and tossed it to the floor.

  “Heavens,” Emily breathed, as Alexander straightened up to rid himself of his sark. “You’re assertive when you’re drunk.”

  “The princess told me to ravish her,” Alexander pulled his shirt over his head. “I’m just following orders.”

  “Lucky princess,” Emily quipped, slipping off her bodice

  “No.” He lowered himself over her again, eyes hungry. “Lucky me.”

  He kissed her again - soft, long, and lazy. Emily was perfectly content to lose herself. Their breaths mingled, tongues dancing together as their hands explored with abandon. It was all still very new and exciting and they both enjoyed the exploration of each other’s bodies, learning each other’s sensitivities and discovering new things through the power of touch. It was thrilling for Emily to see how she had the power to make the huge Scot whine and moan, gasp and beg.

  However, at that very moment, Emily’s need, and impatience coupled with, giddiness from all the whiskey she drank, fueled her lust and made her unhappy to find he was still partially clothed and fumbled with his breeches. “Off,” her customary eloquence was lost in a sea of alcohol and Alexander’s intoxicating scent.


  “Later.” Alexander batted her hands away and sat back, reaching for her chemise instead. “There’s something I want to do first.”

  Emily lifted her hips to assist him to take it off. “Oh?”

  “I was serious about partaking of your charms in lieu of dessert.”

  Heat spread through her body at his words, exacerbated by the rapt expression in his eyes as he slipped her small clothes off and flung them to the floor. “Princess,” he murmured, “look at you.”

  He dived forward, covering her with his body before deftly rolling them toward the headboard. He positioned her so that she was half-seated in his lap, and lavished her bosom with heady kisses. His tongue trailed down her sternum and lapped at her nipples.

  Emily hummed appreciatively, squirming as his hands roamed over her hips and thighs. He was mere inches from where she wanted him the most. “Please,” she mumbled, too overcome with sudden shyness to be more specific.

  Alexander laughed, kissing her breast one last time. “Trust me, aye?” he said, and then he started shuffling down the bed.

  Emily yelped in surprise as he jostled her hip. She grabbed the headboard to steady herself, eyes wide as he pulled her hips towards him. “Alexander, what…?”

  “I want to try this,” Alexander slipped his arms between her parted legs causing her to straddle his neck. He lay flat on his back, gaze settling at the apex of her thighs, eyes lidded and pupils blown. “Alrigh’?”

  Emily blushed to the tips of her ears. She would be mortified at any other time and would already have squirmed away, but her inhibitions were at an all-time low, and Alexander’s face was flushed and wonderful in the moonlight. She so desperately wanted him to touch her that she shivered at the feel of his breath ghosting over her.

  “Are you sure?” s
he trembled with anticipation

  “Absolutely.” He kissed her inner thigh, deliberately and frustratingly close, grinned up at her when he heard her breath hitch. “Your throne awaits, Princess.”

  Emily laughed. “You’re awful.”

  “You’re perfect.” Tiliting his chin up and pulled her down against his mouth.

  He had never done this before and especially not like this, with Emily above him and in control, yet very much at his mercy. She grasped the headboard to support herself, arching her back and whining brokenly as Alexander flicked and licked, laved and sucked her into his mouth, all the while nipping at her flesh and kissing away the momentary pain.


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