Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1)

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Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1) Page 8

by LC Taylor

  “Hurt the whole time……?’ His eyebrows shot up as it hit him, “Oh My God. Was that your first time? Shit…” Jensen jumped up and paced the floor. “Jensen! Why are you freaking out?” I sat up, pulling the sheet around me. “Dylan, tell me, was that your first time having sex. I thought….,” he rubbed his brow, shaking his head.

  “What’s the big deal? Would you have stopped if you knew? Are you disgusted about me being a virgin?” I turned away from him hiding the tears forming in my eyes. “Dylan,” Jensen grabbed my face, “Baby, God no – I wouldn’t have made love to you in the shower like that, not for your first time. I should have been gentle, gone slower,” he sighed.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me Jensen. What we did was amazing. I loved everything about the shower…. and the bed” I said looking away from him, my cheeks turning red from my humiliation. “Don’t turn away... I’m so sorry baby, I didn’t realize. I figured with you being eighteen and all, you’d done this before, I didn’t realize I was your first.” he kissed me. “No. I told you in the shower – It was a first for me. Boys haven’t really been interested in me,” my eyes filled with tears.

  “Don’t cry, Dylan. You’re mine now. I’m honored I was your first. It makes this, us, special. You’re beautiful and other men are idiots for passing you by. I love you, more now than I ever thought possible. I know it’s crazy, considering the short while we’ve known each other…. but for shifters, the bond is instantaneous, it’s forever – we… just know. Dylan, You Belong. To. Me,” he kissed the tears from my cheeks.

  Chapter 21

  Grabbing his head, I kissed him back. The love radiating from him sparked my primal urge. Shoving him to his back I straddled him, pinning him beneath me. “I love you too,” kissing him as I ran my tongue down his neck, covering his chest in kisses. I licked his nipple teasing it with my tongue as I swirled it, biting the soft flesh, eliciting a deep growl from him.

  “Jesus, Dylan you drive me insane.” I watched him through hooded eyes as I continued to trace his body with my tongue. I reached his hip and sucking and licking playfully. He bucked his hips towards me, and I giggled. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what I was doing but knew I wanted to taste him – to feel him in my mouth.

  I ran my fingers down the inside of his thigh and back up, making my way towards his already hard cock, I wrapped my hand around it, giving it a slight squeeze as I licked the precum from the tip. “Dylan, you don’t have to do that” he moaned, “I want inside you.” I didn’t wait for him to respond and swallowed his entire length. Licking from bottom to top, sucking and moving my hand, I squeezed as I continued to swallow his sex.

  “Dylan, please. I’ll explode if you keep doing that” he tugged on my hair, urging me to move up. Glancing up at him as I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, I sucked with a loud pop and pulled my lips from him, “Ok.”

  I crawled my way up his body, pressing my mouth to his and kissed him passionately. I was already dripping wet for him, clutching his member in my hand I slide myself down his length wrapping my sheath around him. He moaned, closing his eyes and grabbing my hips. I moved against him, rubbing my sensitive bud on his pelvis. I reached around grabbing his thighs for balance as my movements grew faster with need.

  “Oh fuck, Dylan. Slow down baby or I won’t last,” he groaned. I couldn’t slow down, edging towards my release. The sensation of grinding against his pelvis was too good. Jensen grabbed my hips and bounced me up and down on his length, shoving himself deeper as he did. “Oh God” I screamed, “Jensen, don’t stop…. please!”

  “Not yet baby,” Jensen grinned, “I want to fuck you from behind.” He grabbed my hips and flipped me over, pulling me to my knees. Positioning himself behind me, he spread my legs. Licking my crease from top to bottom, lapping up my juices as he did. Watching him over my shoulder was erotic. He fingered my slit, eliciting guttural moans of ecstasy. He pulled his fingers from my wet center and sucked them as I watched.

  “I’m going to fuck you now” his carnal smile drove me wild as he slid his cock into me. “YES Jensen, PLEASE,” I begged – needing to feel him. He pulled me against his chest, so I was on my knees, his cock moving in and out of me. Holding on to his neck, I rested my head on his shoulder. He palmed my breast and sucked my neck. His hand slid down and found my sensitive nub, brushing it, calling out my orgasm. I screamed as I came hard around his cock.

  “Dylan, to seal our bond,” he moaned into my ear, “I need to bite you…right here?” He licked the curve of my neck, sucking and nipping me. “Yes. Jensen. Do it, make me yours. I can’t hold on much longer.” His movements became faster, and he licked the soft spot where my neck met my shoulder. His cock was tightening inside me, “Cum with me baby,” he reached around touching me.

  “Oh god, Jensen. There – don’t stop,” every nerve ending threatened to explode. “Let go, baby,” growling into my ear was all it took. I tightened around him, screaming his name, as I bit down. His cock pulsating as his seed filled me, his teeth sunk in. The heat coursed through me, opening me to every emotion Jensen felt. Our heartbeats syncing into one rhythm, I felt his essence wrapping around mine. The Gods themselves had woven our souls into one; we belonged to each other. As my climax reached its end, I collapsed panting. “Jensen, that was amazing!”

  “The mating bite intensifies our union; it makes us one with each other. I promise it will feel like that every time we make love, especially if you let me bite you again,” he kissed the mark left by our bond, “we’ll be connected in so many ways because our souls have joined,” Jensen sighed and shook his head. It seemed like he regretted consummating the bond with me, and was realizing too late, “I’m sorry baby, I got carried away. I should’ve waited.”

  “Why? Are you afraid you won’t want me down the road, and now you’re bonded you think you fucked up?” I questioned him feeling doubt invade my mind. “Dylan, that’s not what I meant. I should have talked to you first. Given you some time to adjust to this whole life first. But you do something to me, I lose control around you,” he said nuzzling my neck. “I meant what I said; I love you – FOREVER.”

  “Jensen, I haven’t felt happy since my parents died, I thought life would never be good again. I stopped feeling – I was dying inside…. but now, I feel whole. You are my breath, my world.” I smiled at him at I bit his chest, “I just hope you realize what you’re getting.”

  “What I’m getting? I ‘m getting you silly... And I can promise I’d never get tired of you, here in the bed, or anywhere. I’ll love you always, even in death,” he kissed me, “now, let’s get dressed so we can get something to eat and practice shifting – for real this time.” He stood and held his hand out to help me up. I laced my fingers in his and let him pull me to him. I wasn’t counting on this to happen, I didn’t know what I was expecting – but deep down, I knew he wouldn’t let anyone, or anything hurt me. He kissed me before pulling on his shirt. “Meet me downstairs?”

  “Yeah, let me get dressed. I’ll be down in a few.” I kissed him on the cheek before he turned and walked out my door.

  Chapter 22

  After a quick shower, I threw on some shorts and a tank top and headed downstairs to the kitchen. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the love bird finally coming out of her sex-induced coma,” Kai chuckled as she shut the fridge. “Kai,” Cassandra’s tone was full of warning as she turned to face me, “Dylan, I am glad you and Jensen figured everything out. I’m happy to call you family.”

  Turning pink from the blood rushing to my face, “Thanks, I think. Where’s Jensen? And is there anything to eat in here, I’m starved,” my stomach grumbled in agreement. “Yes, there is plenty of food on the table. You’ll find your appetite is larger now you are a shifter, and with the mated bond, you’ll be even hungrier,” Cassandra winked at me and walked to the table, “Jensen will be back in a little while. He had to run out for some things.”

  “Dylan, you’re so red... Are you feeling ok?” Kai’
s expression was quizzical. “I’m fine,” I snapped, regretting it immediately, “I’m sorry, it’s embarrassing that everyone knows Jensen and I’ve had sex,” mortified I tinkered with the plate on the table.

  “Dylan, honey, don’t worry about it. It’s natural and unavoidable. Plus, at some point, Kai will experience the mating bond, and you can give her crap,” Cassandra snickered, tossing a towel at her daughter.

  “I am never bonding with someone. NO way am I gonna be stuck with one person for life,” Kai took a swig of her drink. “You can’t be serious Kai. No way will you say that when you meet your soul mate. You can’t; you don’t understand what it feels like. There’s no way you can avoid it, no matter how hard you try,” I poked her. “Whatever you say, but I’m serious. There isn’t anyone out there for me anyway, so I’m not worried about it!” Kai quickly made her way from the kitchen.

  I got a weird tingling sensation in my body. I was feeling anxious and then angry, the sudden force of emotions caused me to lose my breath. “Dylan, are you ok?” Cassandra asked, moving to stand closer. “I dunno, I got this weird feeling all the sudden.” I began to pace. The overwhelming need to find Jensen hit me, “Where exactly did Jensen go?”

  I started around the table towards the living room. “He ran to the house to gather a few things and scout your property to practice shifting. What is it, Dylan?” Kai was on her feet now coming towards me. “It’s weird; I have this urge to go find him. Like he’s in trouble or something…. I can’t shake the uneasiness, I gotta find him.”

  “What you’re feeling is normal…. kind of. It’s the mate bond allowing you to sense him,” Cassandra grabbed me, “listen, with your bond, partners can sometimes feel what the other is going through – sometimes you can figure out where he is if he’s in trouble. Close your eyes and try to have your wolf call out to him,” she said.

  I paced a few times and stopped. I couldn’t shake the anxiety. I squeezed my eyes closed and called out to him in my mind. I’m not sure how long I stood there, but everything went suddenly quiet. It felt like I was in a dark room with no windows or light anywhere, blinded and trapped. The sound of shouting was muffled like it was woven into the background. Focusing on the voices, my vision cleared, and several men shouting and pointing came into focus.

  I couldn’t understand what I was seeing, but as one of the men stormed away, the old barn at the park came into view. Whoever these men were, they had Jensen tied to an old water spigot in the ground just off the barn. I could see the blood from the restraints biting into his skin. He was going in and out of consciousness, I gasped for a breath and stumbled as I felt his pain rush through me.

  “I got you” Kai grabbed me and helped me sit down. “What it is, did you see something?” Cassandra was moving towards me on the couch. “He’s hurt. Some men have him tied to a water spigot out at the old barn at the park. It’s off trail that’s not used as often. I don’t understand, what was he doing there? I thought you said he went to grab things” I was crying and trying to make sense of the situation. “He wanted to scout the property for somewhere special to practice shifting, somewhere secluded for the two of you,” Cassandra paced back and forth.

  “Well we have to go, he needs us,” I stood and walked towards the door. “No, Dylan, we can’t go alone. It wouldn’t be safe. We need help; we have no idea who these men are, or what they want,” she stopped me. “I’ll call Tessa; she may know someone who can help us. Dylan, promise me you will wait for us to get help – you can’t rush out there and risk getting hurt. Plus, you don’t even know how to shift yet…. it would be too dangerous, ok?”

  “Yeah, ok. But call Tessa, he doesn’t have much time. I can’t lose him; we just found each other.” There was no way I was going to sit and do nothing. Someone had taken the man I loved, and that was not sitting well with me – I could feel his pain, his fear, and I needed to do something. Turning to face Kai, “Teach me to shift.”

  Chapter 23

  She gaped at me, “What? No – no way Dylan…. Jensen will kill me. He was so excited to share that with you. Nope, not helping….” she turned her back to me. “Well…. he isn’t here, and he needs our help. I can’t very well do that if I can’t shift, can I? Kai, you gotta help me. I feel like crawling out of my skin here,” I rubbed my arms trying to ebb the sensation working its way through my system.

  “That’s your wolf. She wants out to protect her mate. Ugg…ok, fine. Look we can’t do this outside. It’s not safe until we know what’s going on or who those men are. Let’s clear the living room for space,” she pushed the couch against the wall, “don’t just stand there, help me.” I pushed the chair out into the hallway and moved the table against the opposite wall. Once we had the room fairly empty, we stood facing one another. “Ok. Are you ready?” she had an air of humor when she checked my readiness to shift.

  “Um. Wait, what happens to my clothes?”

  “Well, the magic that’s responsible for making us shift, also makes the clothes disappear,” Kai glanced me over, “as long as you don’t have on too much. If you are wearing several layers or a winter jacket – well that will shred.”

  “Oh, so that night Jensen found me, he was a wolf and shifted back before getting near me... right?”

  “Yeah, that’s how he found you so easily. Your scent drew him to you.”

  “Wait, scent? Is that what I smell every time I am around y’all? I mean, you have a similar one to Cassandra and Tessa. I didn’t notice before, but now I can. You, Cassandra, and Tessa all have smelled minty.”

  “Wait, does Jensen smell different to you?” Kai asked. “Yeah. He smells like the sea breeze blowing through the pine trees. Hold on, doesn’t he smell like that to you?” I furrowed my brow at her.

  “Um, no. He smells like that minty one you mentioned earlier. Whatever the cause, your sense of smell is enhanced. Just like your speed, vision, strength, and hearing. But it will be even more enhanced when you are in wolf form. Which is why we should practice.”

  “Ok. What do I do?” Kai spent the next hour helping me shift between my wolf and human form. At first, it was confusing trying to call my wolf out. She said to close my eyes and envision my wolf. It didn’t seem to work at first – but then I realized I’d sprouted fur. I peeked down at my feet, rather paws, and lost my balance.

  It’s ok Dylan, just take it slow.

  I looked up with wide eyes, seeing Kai on four paws, hearing her, my head was frightening. She was beautiful, she had black fur that made her brilliant green eyes stand out, and she was larger than an ordinary wolf.

  Holy Shit, I’m a wolf! I can hear you, and this is so weird!

  I stood, admiring myself in wolf form. I was covered in jet black fur, except for my paws. It looked as though I was wearing silver colored socks.

  Kai, why does it look like I have on socks?

  Humm, not sure. We can ask my mom later. Ok, let’s practice and see what you can do! Remember how I told you your senses would be supercharged, well your mate bond will be too. Try and call out to Jensen’s wolf. See if he’ll answer you.

  I closed my eyes calling out to Jensen’s wolf. Sensing his breathing, I could tell he was hurt. His wolf was whimpering in the recess of his mind, and I could scent the metallic odor of blood. Jensen was still unconscious, making it difficult for his wolf to connect with mine fully.

  He is still unconscious. I can’t see where he is anymore. I smelled blood, and his heartbeat sounded as though it’s slowing down. God Kai, he needs me. He doesn’t have much time.

  NO! Her wolf darted in front of me, blocking my path to the door. Dylan, we should wait for the others. It’s just too dangerous for us to go alone.

  Tessa and Cassandra entered as if on cue. “Kai, Dylan, shift back. We have information to share,” Cassandra said.

  This time the shift was instant. One minute I was my wolf, the next I was standing next to Kai. “Wow, Dylan you’ve mastered the change beautifully. Jensen will be happy,” Tes
sa smiled with a somber expression.

  “Ok. Tessa contacted a friend of hers that lives in Flint Lake. Apparently, their Alpha knows we are back, and he believes that’s who has Jensen.”

  “Wait. Are you telling me those pricks have kidnapped Jensen? Why? What do they think they’ll get from taking him?” Kai was furious. Tessa turned to face me. She looked scared and on the verge of crying.

  “Dylan, they want you, honey. They know you’re mated to Jensen, and they took him to get to you,” she said through tears. “Why me?” my emotions were at a breaking point, I couldn’t stand there much longer knowing Jensen was hurt.

  “Sit down sweetheart,” Cassandra directed me to the couch, “there’s more. We’ve learned something about you...Something that makes you even more special, something powerful.”

  Chapter 24

  “Isn’t being a shifter enough? What more can there be?” I sighed shaking my head. “Dylan……did you notice anything different about yourself when you shifted into your wolf?” Cassandra asked me.

  “No. I don’t think so…. Wait – my fur. Was it different? Kai, don’t you remember, my fur was black, except my paws – they were silver like I was wearing socks,” looking at my feet as I remembered what I looked like in wolf form, “But how does that make me special?”

  “Honey, it’s not the coloring that makes you special. Well, not entirely. It confirms what we were told,” Tessa furrowed her brow, looking to Cassandra, “Help me out here Cass,”

  “Ok, here’s the thing... Dylan, you’re not just wolfen you have something even more powerful in your blood.”

  “More powerful?? What else is more powerful than being able to shift into a freaking wolf?” I turned and plopped on the couch, “Cassandra, how do you know this?”


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