Empire of the One (Wine of the Gods Book 14)

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Empire of the One (Wine of the Gods Book 14) Page 35

by Pam Uphoff

  Ohse shifted uncomfortably. A captain from the Criminal Investigations side of Interior. Good man, commendations and a promotion in the pipeline after his breaking up the Fire and Sword bomb plot. "The beacon has a model and ID number and, it’s engraved with ‘Property of the Department of Interdimensional Security and Cooperation.’ The battery is unfamiliar, with trademarks, model numbers and so forth. All the wording is in Formal Historical English. We can’t find the manufacturers. Or have not yet found them."

  "Department of . . . Are we still sure Endi is from Forty-two?"

  Director Agni was sitting quietly in the back. His tendered resignation had been refused. He was a deeply unhappy man. As much with himself as his Directorate. His subdirectors had been a bit overprotective of their turfs, dismissive of work done before their arrival, had cancelled ongoing research that the former subdirectors had prioritized. They had apparently been reamed. And physically threatened, according to some complaints. The subdirectors of Intelligence and Target Forty-two were too busy to complain. Or possibly too ashamed. Lots of old records from Forty-two were now being gone over in excruciating detail. Both in XR and Interior.

  Apparently there were only seven surviving agents of all the people sent to Target Forty-two, so many years ago. One Info had been reassigned after being injured not long after his assignment to Forty-two. Two were still with the directorate, in minor positions, following psychiatric treatment upon their return from Forty-two. The last Info Agent was out in the field, and the old post head had retired and proven difficult to locate. Interviews with the two men available had produced much sweating and memorized Correct Answers to Mental Health Tests. Two women, one of them one of the very rare female Action Team leaders and her former aide, had been interviewed. Both had been dismissive of the Natives. Sneered at the very idea of them as powerful magicians.

  The current Agents were being recalled for interviews. And new orders.

  Agni nodded. "Our reports on the Earth's gate anchor is that it is quite large, a complete circle. Of course, we've only seen one. On Target Forty-two."

  Izzo brought up a picture of three different sets of DNA. "Endi Dewulf's origin is a whole different tangle of yarn. We now have so many conflicting test results that it rather gives the impression that he can influence, or even change genes at will, so our ID may be yet another false trail."

  Inre was in the back of the room, nodding slightly. Urfa sighed. I'm going to have to read the detailed debriefing. Did his captors actually discuss Endi, and or politics in Inre’s hearing?

  The boy's report on his captivity was being closely held, the gate he'd come through was gone. One help us, another World with Gates, and possibly an organized group of dimensional travelers. With a security department.

  Between that and all the reports on Target Forty-two that I never realized existed, let alone that I needed to read . . .Why the One Hell did I want this job?

  Urfa looked down at a copy of Endi's "scandalous" magazine cover picture. Experts were analyzing every scar. I think he was telling the truth about being in that battle. And now we know which side he was on. Yet he turned around and saved the President's life. "I expect the other governments of Target Forty-two didn't appreciate being left holding the blame for my predecessor's invasion of Earth. Earth must have returned the favor and taken over."

  Exterior Director Agni jumped in. "No. Our few agents haven't seen much Earth involvement on Forty-two. Really. But perhaps the Earthers used genetic material from there to produce some agents who could get into our society. Some of the Auralians certainly have the magical ability to do mental modeling, I remember the reports on a man named Paxal Gold. However, with Akja leading them, the conspirators hardly needed outside assistance in that." His eyes strayed to the DNA scans. "Is the Earth able to do genetic engineering in situ, change his skin one way, and his genitals another? Or is their process unstable, producing drops and additions in random parts of the body?"

  Urfa shrugged. "I'm wondering about their reported magic abilities, if that included major physical injury repair. The doctors report that Endi apparently physically, telekinetically, repaired several major blood vessels, and only then fast healed over the repairs. Same with his intestines. He was just finishing that up when they got him to the ER. Now his bones and nervous tissue are regenerating without error. Without treatment. He had serious lower spinal injuries, they're healing perfectly, and very quickly. The doctors are a bit spooked; they are comparing his healing to our micro assembly techniques. They themselves are doing nothing. They are standing by with the Methalformaline, not wanting to interrupt the process. They're under orders to administer it at the first sign of returning consciousness. However, my point is, I don't think the Earth could train anyone in magic usage at all, let alone something so complex. Endi was trained in very precise, delicate work. Instinctive brute force usage is all that Earth would have to offer, in my opinion."

  Agni nodded. "True. And he was One damn well trained to fight. He had a solid mental shield and was swapping another shield from physical to light absorptive and back at need. He tossed fireballs in at least three limited spectral ranges. His slash was totally controlled, no collateral damage at all. He held to an amazingly high Speed for the whole fight, and held a shield piercing spell on his sword. I've never seen anything like it. Those young war party bravos couldn't touch him. One of them wised up and waited until he was under both a fire ball and mental assault and finally shot him." He leaned back and huffed out a sharp breath. "I’ve recalled the Info Agent who was on Forty-two in the early stages of exploration. He won’t know Dewulfe, but he may be able to help us understand the culture." He scowled at the magazine picture. "At least he didn't morph."

  Urfa raised his eyebrows.

  "I'll send you that report as well. Although I still think it was all impressed memories."

  "What about the other people associated with Endi?" Urfa looked back toward the geneticists.

  "We collected samples from that shop and did an in-depth analysis. Perhaps I should mention that the Target Forty-two power genes are close enough to the One Gene and the Priest gene, that a less rigorous scan identifies them as our genes. Field scans can't catch future spies."

  That got a stir from the listeners.

  "We will try to correct that problem, but if they can change genes, even that is not going to be reliable." He shot a glare in Agni's direction. "Well, now that we have the original analyses of Target Forty-two genetics, we can sort out these people. The one girl was definitely Endi's sister. Woman number two is a typical Target Forty-two Witch, one dominate power gene linked to a sexual selection gene on one X chromosome. The other man is typical of what they call wizards. A single power gene on the X chromosome, that second allele that is extremely close to our Priest gene. The last woman is just fascinating. She has one X chromosome that is typical witch, and one X with the One gene. With enough radiation damage elsewhere that we think one of her parents is from here. We're doing DNA comparisons with personnel that have served on Target Forty-two." Dr. Etli frowned. "Of course, from what I’ve heard here today, there may be another dimension traveling world. Or a group of them. Advanced enough to do genetic engineering, which ought to be way beyond that medieval level society."

  Urfa sighed. "An organized trans-dimensional . . . something. That could be either better or worse than a third dimension traveling civilization. One Damn me."

  "Anything else to bring up?"

  Xiat nodded. "We’re analyzing the contents of Endi’s pocket flask, that he claimed was a healing potion. And trying to figure out where that sword of his came from. Meter long, double edged straight blade with a fuller. Much heavier than a sports rapier. I suspect it’s typical of Target Forty-two. But how the One Hell did he suddenly acquire it in the middle of the battle? Bad enough that dueling blades got past security. In his verbal attack on Director Agni, the night before the assassination attempt, he mentioned one of the attributes of the Natives: invisibi
lity spells. If this is an example . . . I still don’t see how he could dance with so many women and not have anyone notice a thwacking great invisible sword." She hesitated. "Unless he's got something along the lines of a bubble of the new prophets."

  Urfa rubbed his face. "Just like in the worst movies about the Warriors of the One. Right. I’ll assign you, first and foremost, to study the Forty-two magic and figure out what Endi did, and what his people are capable of."

  "Izzo, Glue, keep looking through the Forty-two data for . . . One damned if I know. Anything. Agni, concentrate on connections with Earth, and who made those gates."

  Another tap at the door. "Sir? Dewulfe has woken up."

  Urfa and Xiat exchanged glances and rose. Agni followed, Izzo on his heels.


  Izzo stopped where Urfa signaled. The guard post that had been set up in the middle of the hospital wing had monitors for the six video cams in Endi's room.

  " . . . tell you where it's still numb. You don't need to keep poking me with that, oww! Pin." Endi's voice was strong, but perhaps a bit rougher than normal.

  The Dark Horse Company medic put in, sotto voce on the com circuit, "Endi still has large numb areas on his legs. His heart rate increased to normal and he regained consciousness over about a two minute span. The docs hit him with the methalformaline immediately."

  Izzo frowned. "No traction, for his spine?"

  "Took it off a couple of hours ago. There's still a backboard glued on. No twisting allowed."

  Lieutenant Uhsa nodded. "He spotted the cams all over the room, and just shrugged. All the medical equipment seems to bother him. He didn't seem familiar with routine things like taking his blood pressure."

  "You know, actual food would be nice." Endi was eying the lady in white who was listening to his breathing.

  "Shh. Take slow deep breaths."

  He took two. "And a bath. Or shower. Anything involving hot water and soap sounds really good." He looked longingly at the tiny privy and bathing room tucked in the corner. "How long have I been here? A week? A month? An hour? A healing sleep can last a year or more, but is usually sporadically broken for eating and elimination purposes." He looked worriedly at the IV drip. "Surely it hasn't been years."

  "I'll ask the doctor about a bed bath."

  "I'm . . . ignorant of the medical practices here. What are those tubes feeding into my bloodstream?" His hands flexed, as if he were trying to gather power. Nothing happened, of course. "Deliberate suppression of magic. Just for me, or does everyone get this, so they don't mess up what the doctor is doing? Medgician or whatever you call them. My own stuff is doing a good job, judging by the pain of your pin test." He looked worried and watched closely as she took his blood pressure.

  "And real food. Ask the doctor about real food. News would be nice, as well. What is the date?" He broke off as Urfa stepped up to the open door.

  Urfa eyed him, then walked in. "So, you want to tell me about your buddies' plan to kill the President?"

  "They were neither buddies nor even acquaintances. I have no idea what their plans were, as Arlw's collapse in the gym broke their compass before they got down to business."

  Urfa sighed. "I've got five geneticists arguing about a dozen theories about you. Are you from Auralia?"

  Endi clearly thought it over. Shrugged.

  Hopefully deciding that honesty won't hurt, at this point.

  "Right World, wrong country. I'm from the Kingdom of the West."

  "And what were you doing with a pack of Native Halfers? Did Earth bring you all here?"

  "Are you still talking about the assassins? I wasn't with them." He hesitated. Braced himself for bad news. "Is the President all right? Paer?"

  "Fine. I lost four guards. And several badly injured. Not to mention the civilians who were in the wrong place when spells, bullets and lasers started ricocheting. Now tell me about Earth and your government."

  Endi tried to control his breathing. His expression.

  Out in the corridor, Izzo tried to suppress empathy. He's not going to ask about Rael. She is a vulnerability he dares not hand Urfa. And however cruel, no matter his heroics, we will keep him off balance and anxious. He's an enemy spy.

  Endi took a deep breath and continued. "We attempted contact with the Earthers, hoping to patch up the unfortunate impression your using Auralians to attack Earth has no doubt left. The only ones we've found were the marooned soldiers, both the ones you lot captured when Pax moved their gate anchor and the ones left behind in Asia. Plus a few deep moles they think are hidden. We figured that once the Earth opened contact, those chaps would put in the good word. "But it hasn't happened yet."

  "Are you saying that the Earth is in contact with your government?"

  "You've got spies there, Urfa. You'd know if we were cozy with Earth. Ask Agni about it. I know he's disloyal, but he can't be completely incompetent."

  "So how did you get here?"

  "With our own gate, of course. Once we became aware of the possibilities of cross-dimensional travel, we started looking into making them ourselves."

  "That was less than forty years ago. I'm impressed that you could build one in that time frame, given your Medieval tech."

  Endi clicked his tongue reprovingly. "You lot utilized the gate you tripped over to attack us. And I know you took a good look at it before you sent the troops through. All done with magic." Endi let a bit of a smirk show. "I've always wondered what happened with the dinosaurs."

  "Dinosaurs?" Urfa was having trouble keeping his face unrevealing.

  "Yep. And I dare say you still have that gate, don't you? Study the hell out of it Urfa. And think before you start a war with the people who made it." Endi's eyes were glazing. He fought it for a minute. "Take off those inhibitor drugs. I can heal damn near anything. Myself and your injured guards, for starters."

  Urfa frowned. "We can't trust you. Damn it Endi, you are working with our worst enemy."

  "You attacked us, not the other way around, Urfa. And Earth attacked us in a terror over the Oners beating them to control of the World. Why don't the both of you just go away and leave us in peace?"

  "We can't let Earth have your abilities. Or those gates."

  "Paranoia wins again. We are not working with Earth. If they show up and attack again, we'll trash them again. So this is a good time to try some diplomacy. I can arrange it, if you want to send an ambassador. Or send more spies. But right now, sleeping for about a year is normal for us when we've been badly injured. I'll probably wake up enough every two or three days to eat, although with that thing maybe not." He waved at the IV bag and tubes.

  "What makes you think we'll let you . . . " Urfa stopped as Endi's face went slack and the heart monitor started beeping in distress.

  A team of doctors rushed in, then slowed and examined him. "Pulse back down to forty. Muscle tone relaxed but within the normal range, reflexes weak, pupils reactive . . . He's back into what, for lack of a better description, we're calling a healing coma."


  "No sign of forced entry, no legitimate entry logged or showing up on the security recordings." Captain Ocna glared at the sheaf of papers from the President’s desk. "No bio-contaminants detected, no toxins. It’s eight pages of linen and wood pulp paper, the writing is all organic ink. That appeared out of thin air."

  "Damned nice calligraphy." Idlo sighed. "I scanned it and sent it to the President. It’s basically a list of every single thing we’ve done to them, listing names and dates, and telling us that because of our previous hostilities, if we declare war on them, they will take it seriously. It also has a brief summary of something they called the Geneva accords, and told us that if we held to them, so would they. I looked it up, it’s a pre-nuclear war treaty, basically saying neither side will deliberately target civilians, murder, starve, torture or rape prisoners of war, and so forth."

  "Very civilized of them. The Prime Councilor received an identical packet, in an identical fashion." Urfa scow

  "On the last page, they got around to threats. Top of the list was a permanent gate to Earth."


  "Well, that was impressive." Signs of Endi waking up had brought Urfa to the hospital at a One bedamned early hour. The sun wasn't even up yet.

  Endi raised an eyebrow, and surveyed the room. "No tubes?"

  "After two weeks, we decided to try starving you as a way to wake you up. Nothing else worked." Urfa scowled. "That didn't have the doctors upset. More upset."

  Endi stretched, wincing, and forcibly opened his hands. "Ouch. On the other hand, the numb spots seemed to have gone away. And no back brace." He rolled onto his side and curled up to stretch his back. "God I hate rehab. Ow, ow, ow."

  "Most of the people from your World swear by the Old Gods. What are they, and why don't you do likewise?"

  "Studying up on us? One thing we argue about, about you lot, I mean, is whether your Prophets came from the same place we did. From your history, it seems like the Prophets showed up about fourteen centuries ago, and have interbred to a limited degree with the native humans since then. Now, my people—all of them—came from Earth. They were exiled after World War Five, coincidentally about fourteen centuries ago, due to some extreme prejudice against the genetically engineered. But, you see, the last generation of experimental children were very powerful magic users, specifically they could subconsciously manipulate the random factors that were messing up the early experimental gates. The last thirteen were hard wired into the gate controllers, to stabilize the gates enough for colonization, and eventually, the Exile. But they rebelled. They did something to the dimensional interface so that it scooped them up as well, with the last group of exiles, and dumped them on our World.

  "The media, back then, had sarcastically referred to them as gods. And on the new World, the name stuck. They were very open to the collective subconscious, and in their traumatized, brain damaged state they were warped into archetypes. The collective beliefs of fifty thousand genetically engineered and weakly magical people.


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