The Ink Romance Series

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The Ink Romance Series Page 23

by Bridget Taylor

  “Leslie, I can’t stop. I can’t.” He grabs onto the mounds of my rear again, using the thick flesh. “Leslie! Fuck! Leslie, I love you.” He shouts as his hips stutter, spilling his thick cum inside me. One spurt and that is all it takes for me to orgasm. I felt gushes and gushes of liquid squirt out of me, and I don’t know if it was him spilling out of me or if it’s me.

  “Kane,” I whisper his name like he is my saving grace, which I guess he is. He has saved me.

  He slowly rides out the rest of his orgasm by stroking his cock languidly inside me. He collapses on top of me, kissing the bumps of my spine, replacing the cold memory of what Chase did. His lips ghost over my shoulders, making my skin come alive again from his sweet gestures.

  He doesn’t disconnect us, even though his shaft is softening. We just lay there listening to each other breathe as we drift off to sleep.

  And this time when I wake up, I wake up to Kane’s blue eyes instead of a cold untouched bed.

  Chapter 13


  I watch Leslie sleep with the covers laying just above her waist revealing all that beautiful skin. It makes me hard just looking at her, but she needs the rest and I need to make a few calls. The first call I make is to my attorney. His phone rings while I start making pancakes for me and my girl.

  My girl.

  “Mr. Bridgeshaw, is everything okay? I wasn’t expecting your call,” he says groggily like I just woke him up.

  “Who is it, Stanley?” A woman with a sugary-sweet sex-dipped voice says in the background.

  “It’s a client, sweetie. I’ll be back.” Sheets rustle letting me know he is going to another room for privacy.

  “How can I help you, Kane?”

  “Well Stanley, I want to share my accounts. I need to add someone, then I need you to get a bank card for them. Can you do that?” I go through him for everything because since I have the ‘Bridgeshaw money,’ so it’s called, I go through protected measures.

  “Kane, are you sure about this? That’s billions of dollars even split. Do you know this person well?” he grumbles at me.

  “Who I add or why I add them, and how I decide to spend my money, isn’t up to you. What you are hired for is to make sure we are protected. This is going to be my wife, and I want her to be treated the same as you would treat me. Do you understand?” I hiss.

  He sighs, “I do. I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to lose everything over some ass.”

  “What did you just say?” I seethe. I could foam at the mouth right now with how I much I want to beat this guy to a pulp.

  He swallows. “I apologize, Mr. Bridgeshaw. It won’t happen again. What is her name?” I hear the click of pen, ready to take down any information.

  “You better watch your mouth or next time I won’t be so forgiving. I can ruin you,” I hiss. “Her name is Leslie Benton. Send two cards: one with her name, one saying Leslie Bridgeshaw. I want her to have it when we get married.”

  “How do you know she will take your name?” he jokes trying to save the relationship.

  “I just do.” I hang up on him. How did I not see he was such an asshole?

  I flip the pancakes and make my next call to Duncan, the guy that I bought the land from where shops are are located. “Mr. Bridgeshaw! What can I do you for?” Happiness lingers in the old man’s voice.

  “I was wondering if you had any more land with great views? I want to buy it.” I take a swig of orange juice.

  “Actually, I do. It’s near the shops. Best view in town, if you ask me.” He grunts and his wife yells in the background, saying she won.

  “I’ll take it. Send me the bill and when you come back from vacation, I’ll pay you in cash. Congratulations on your winnings.”

  “All right then. Bye now.” Right before Duncan hangs up, he hoots and yells, telling his wife he knew she could do it.

  I take the pancakes off the griddle and call my best friend Dylan. The phone rings for a few seconds. “Kane, my man, what’s up?”

  Dylan sounds like he is walking outside with how the breeze is coming through the phone. “I’m going to ask Leslie to marry me.” I decide to cut straight to the point.

  “Well, that’s great, but do you think she is ready for that? Does she trust you?”

  “After what happened last night? Yes. I want her forever man. I need her forever,” I whisper.

  “All right, well, congratulations. I’ll see you soon, all right?” Dylan hangs up, and I look at the phone. That’s unlike him.

  My phone beeps, and it’s a text from Dylan.

  Wasn’t sure if she was in ear shot, but the shelter has been vandalized. I’m starting wonder if you guys should move locations…

  I turn off my phone and squeeze it with so much force, the screen cracks.

  When is my girl going to get a break?

  Ink Trusts


  Leslie was slowly healing from her fear that Chase was lurking in the shadows. Nightmares and panic attacks would have eaten her alive if it wasn’t for Kane. He was being the friend she needed, but not the lover she wanted. She wanted Kane to replace the tainted touches Chase left behind, but Kane wanted to earn her trust by being what she needed not what she wanted.

  After life slows down, it would only make since for something else to wreck in their lives. When Kane realizes he had a brother from his Dad’s affair, his whole world turned upside down. He finally felt as if he wasn’t alone anymore, and he swore to himself he was going to do everything he could to protect what was his.

  When a threat from his brother’s past makes itself known, can Kane live up to his promise to protect? Or will his effort to earn Leslie’s and Evan’s trust break?

  Chapter 1

  "You're joking right, Leslie?" David ran his fingers haphazardly through his hair, which made it stick up in the air. He paced in the living room in front of Molli and me. I understood his concern…kind of.

  "None of this starting happening until Kane moved next door. Everything has changed since then. You have been threatened." David started to count on his fingers. "You’ve been beaten, nearly died in a fire, and have almost been raped." David's voice hitched and he put his hand over his heart. "Do you know what that would have done to me? You can't be with Kane anymore. He isn't good for you." He shook his head. "I forbid you to see him again." David paced until I thought there would be a groove in the floor before he stopped to gaze with those worried eyes at me.

  Fury pumped through my veins, but before I could say anything, Molli stood. "You have no right to demand that, David. I understand your fear, I had it too, but you can't make her do this. If anything, it wasn't even Kane's fault she was in danger. Chase was a fucking nutjob who would have hurt her sooner than later anyway. Kane was an innocent bystander in all this. You can't blame Kane for Chase. That isn't fair!" Molli yelled at David, which made my ears hurt.

  “Oh yeah? Fine. We won’t blame Kane. What about all the other times he hurt her? You remember that, Leslie?” He pierced me with his brown-eyed gaze. “You would have to since you were the one left used.” He sneered at Molli, trying to make his point.

  Tears threatened in my eyes as I tried to keep my emotions together. I stood. "You aren't wrong, David. Kane has made his mistakes, but so have I. I made him feel unworthy in different ways than he did me. I went out with Chase and Logan. I led two men on just so I could prove a point to Kane. You can't blame him for his mistakes when he has made up for them," I whispered.

  “Are you kidding me?” David pointed to the bruises on my arms and face. “Do you remember those bruises? I bet those aren’t the only ones. I bet you have them all over your body because Kane wasn’t there when Chase attacked you.”

  "You're right, but you were. It would be like me blaming you for Chase taking me right underneath your nose!" I screamed as tears flowed down my face.

  My chest heaved as I stared David down. He looked like I had struck him across the face. For a moment I felt like th
e worst human being on the planet, but what did he expect me to do? He was standing there, blaming everyone but himself, not that I accused him because I wasn’t. The way he was throwing blame around on everyone besides himself wasn’t fair. I didn’t think anyone was at fault except Chase.

  The room temperature dropped making me start to shiver. I didn't like fighting with David. He was my best friend and I didn't want him to think I was throwing what happened in his face, but I needed him to realize it would be just as easy to blame him for what happened instead of the correct person.

  He hung his head and whispered, "You don't think I know that? You don't think I don't think about what happened every single day? If I would have just looked out for you more? If I had never left your side? If I would have just followed you to the bathroom to make sure you were safe?" David had tears running down his face and it broke my heart. I hated to see him struggling over something that was beyond his control.

  I stepped towards him. “David, I don’t blame you. I don’t even blame myself. I only have hatred and anger towards Chase. I see him everyday every time I look in the mirror. I remember how he hit me.” My right cheek throbbed as I was remembering the pain Chase put me through that night.

  David’s shoulders shook as he cried. “Yes it was! It was all my fault. If I would have just paid more attention none of that…” He pointed at my face. “…would have happened.”

  I ran to him, throwing my arms around him as he cried. "We can't live life off what-ifs, David. So many things could be said for what might have been different that night. What if we didn't go out? What if I didn't go to the bathroom? What if Chase would have found me anyway? There are too many variables." Cupping his damp cheeks with my hands, making him look at me with his tear drowned gaze, I said, "It isn't your fault. I promise you." Little droplets fell one after the other down his face, and he shook his head. He slid his arms between us to push me away gently and he started walking to the front door.

  “David! Where are you going!” Molli shouted as the door slammed. The vibrations shook the walls, traveling up my body through my feet. Before I could process any other emotions, David came back slamming the door. He stopped with his hands on his hips, sighing and walked back out, once again slamming the door.

  “What just happened?”

  “Molli, I have no idea.” My nose sounded runny from crying.

  David came back through the door again, not bothering to close it this time. He stood looking at me as a breeze made the door hit against the wall. My best friend looked disheveled opening and closing his mouth like he was wanting to say something. He chose not to and walked back out the door again, causing me to giggle.

  “Oh, David," I laughed as he came through the door again. This time he stomped his feet and closed the door with care. He slid down the massive piece of wood with his eyes shut. David had torment written on his face, and at this point, nothing I could say or do would help the situation.

  Molli and I walked over to him, mimicking his pose. We slid down the door, both of us flanking his sides. I laid my head on his shoulder as Flamingo came and laid down at our feet and Lily plopped down, putting her head on Flamingo's neck.

  “David, what happened was something no one could predict? Please don’t blame yourself. I don’t blame you. I don’t blame Kane. Please, stop blaming yourself.” I sighed. Flamingo whined as if he could feel David’s pain.

  "I don't know how to let it go, Leslie. The guilt I carry is too much. If Kane didn't get here in time, Chase would've…he..." David hid his face in his hands and sobbed. Molli rubbed his back as he let his pain go. The cries were therapeutic as he freed the guilt and turmoil he had been feeling since Chase attacked me.

  “I'm so sorry!" David cried out as Flamingo sneaked his nose under his palm, so David's hand was on his snout. He whined and licked David’s hand as he scratched his head. Flamingo, the best boy in the entire world, wiggled his way onto David's lap to place his head on David's shoulder. It looked like Flamingo was hugging David and it was the sweetest thing ever. David sighed and wrapped his arms around Flamingo.

  “It’s okay, Davey. I love you. I know you wouldn’t have anything happen to me deliberately.” I patted his jean covered leg with my hand. "I guess it's true what people say about animals being therapeutic."

  David sighed again. "Thanks, Flamingo."

  Flamingo barked and waggled his tail as if saying everything was going to be okay.

  “Do you really hate Kane that much?” I whispered. The house was surprisingly quiet even with my thirty dogs outside.

  “He really isn’t that bad, Davey,” Molli praised.

  David pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "I don't think he is bad. I think you could do better. A part of me thinks he is using you, but then I see how he looks at you and it makes me second guess the part where he’s a dirty dog."

  Flamingo growled.

  “No offense, Flamingo.” David patted his side, but Flamingo turned his nose up obviously ignoring David’s attention.

  "Your dog is human." David scratched his beard. "Anyway, maybe Kane isn't all that bad, but he hasn't been all that great either. It was so difficult to see you hurt. You know that. Could you imagined how I felt seeing you hurt? Or you, Molli?" David cupped her jaw with love while he tapped my leg. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the obvious affection between them. Molli closed her eyes and continued to soak up his love like a sponge.

  “You guys are my family. You know how hard my life was. I’ve never had anyone. I’ve always been on my own and a part of me doesn’t like Kane for selfish reasons.” He scratched his head like he wasn’t sure he wanted to continue.

  “Selfish reasons?” I looked at him with confusion.

  "Yeah, he takes you away from me. I never had a family before you and Molli. Growing up in foster care, it was lonely, and you know what happened with my last foster family. It took a part of me I thought I'd never get back. And then when I finally got to college and I met you guys in the dorm, I finally felt like I had a reason for being on this earth.”

  “You guys don't even know how close I was to ending it all. I didn't want to live anymore. Why? I had no friends, no family, no one to count on, I didn't have anything. The only thing I had were in my classes, and what kind of life was that? But then you guys sat next to me in psychology, and my life changed. You changed my life. You and Molli were my reasons to live, and finally, after years of having nothing of my own, I did. I had you guys. You guys were mine. You guys are mine. And to have this guy come in and treat you how he does. He threatened my family. He threatened to take you from me, and I can't be without you guys." He shook his head, tears slowly dribbling down his face as I let his words sink in.

  "David…" I choked on a sob. He needed to know that Kane didn't and would never take me from him. "David, yes I love Kane, and yes maybe I'm not around as much, but he would never take me from you. You are my family. You are my brother. You know this. I couldn't be who I am without you." I threw myself at him, giving him bear hug.

  “You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that,” he whispered into my shoulder. His voice was muffled, but I could still understand him.

  Flamingo wiggled his way between us whining again. He licked David’s chin, making that lovely smile appear that had been gone lately. Lily was just sitting there on Molli’s lap, snoring and looking adorable.

  "Okay guys, I'm not trying to ruin the moment, but Lily weighs a ton, and it's making my legs go numb. I don't want to move her because she is so damn cute, but really, my legs tingle. Can we get up?" Molli asked. Her hair was still in a messy bun, but no matter, she always looked like a natural beauty. It was no wonder that David was in love with her.

  “Yeah, it’s time I man up and apologize to Kane.” David closed his eyes, hitting his hand against the door.

  “He would appreciate that.” I intertwined our fingers together. We didn’t get up to move.

  “Yeah, I know because he is
so fucking great,” he mocked.

  You know what? Kane was fucking great, and he was great at fucking.

  Win, win.

  Chapter 2

  I decided to surprise Kane with lunch since he was not only working hard, but working hard to gain my trust. He seemed to have been working overtime on that and it was time to show him I appreciated him regardless of whether I was scared. So, I was going to make his favorite. Today, I was going to slave over the stove, (insert woman in kitchen joke), and make my way into his heart! Isn't that what they say? A way to a man's heart is through his stomach?

  Well, don't I have a treat? This morning I baked freshly made white bread, went to the local deli while that was cooking, and got fresh cut roast beef, his favorite. Now, I was slicing the lettuce, tomato, pickle, and spreading a light chipotle mayo on each side of bread. Grabbing a pair of tongs, I carefully picked up the pieces of roast beef and piled them high on the bread. He liked his sandwiches nice and thick, so I was going to deliver the best damn sandwich he had ever had. Next was the green romaine lettuce, juicy red tomato, slices of pickles, and a few bean sprouts for added crunch.

  After placing the piece of bread on top of this beautiful award-worthy sandwich, I cut it in half, wrapping each piece in wax paper. I proceeded to make five other sandwiches because I knew Riggs, the new artist, would want one. I bought crispy salt and vinegar chips and put it in his brown paper lunch bag.

  Yep, I'm brown paper bagging him. He could get over it. They fit everything perfectly. I placed a few frozen ice packs in a cooler and set the beer I probably shouldn't have bought in it. The bottles clanking made me wince, sending a sharp stab through my head. I don't know what it is about those damn things, but they are like nails on a chalkboard.

  “Oh man, if he wasn’t already in love with me, he will be after this. Right, Flamingo?” I looked over at my handsome boy, who just grunted as he plopped on the floor and closed his eyes.


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