Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6)

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Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6) Page 2

by Lucy Rinaldi

  He's asked me out for coffee more than once. Asked me out for dinner, a date no less, a couple times. I let him down gently every time. He's not my type, and like I said, I'm not here looking to start anything with anyone.

  I'm a damn nun, but that's how it has to be.

  “Mrs. Lowell! It's Enzo Ryker,” Enzo shouts through the door, which is open ajar. The people of this town aren't as comfortable with me yet as they obviously are Enzo. I haven't been here all that long, I'm new and it's taking a while for the elderly residents to warm to me.

  Which is odd when apparently everyone is so friendly in this town. Can't say they haven't been, but some seem a little hostile toward me.

  We walk deeper into the house. “Mrs. Lowell, are you in here?”

  “Through here, Enzo!” We quickly walk into the den. Mrs. Lowell, seventy-two years old is cradling her husband, stroking his cheek and kissing his head while telling him everything will be alright.

  His face is so pale, he needs oxygen.

  Immediately, I whip out the small oxygen tank and slip the mask over his face as Enzo checks his vitals. “Can you tell me what happened, Mrs. Lowell?” Enzo doesn't even look at her when he asks, he's too busy dealing with Mr. Lowell.

  “We were dancing. It's our anniversary. We've been married fifty-four years today.”

  “Congratulations.” I smile in her direction. Fifty-four years is a long time.

  She smiles slightly before continuing her story. “He suddenly clutched his chest, then he fell to the floor. I knew it was a heart attack right away because he's been suffering for months with chest pains. The doctor told us he needed to cut down on his cholesterol. I called you right away, Enzo.”

  “Dani, get the gurney, we need to get him to the hospital right away.”

  We're a lightning team, Enzo and me. We have that old man in the ambulance and arriving at the hospital in less than ten minutes. We do our usual handoff, but where we'd usually leave right away and check the ambulance for our next call, it's time for a break. Enzo leads me up the cafeteria and orders us both a coffee.

  I'm not surprised to see his wife walking toward us with a smile on her face. Enzo is already out of his seat, arms open, his wife walking right into them. Enzo and Paige have been married for a little over four years, and they're so in love it's almost nauseating.

  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against love and all that, but I'm not the kind of girl who men love, who they'd do anything for, even die for if it was required of them. I'm not stupid, I don't live in fairytale land wondering when my prince will come along and save me. I don't need saving, I'm a strong woman in every sense of the word. I don't need a man for anything.

  “Hi, Dani.”

  “Hey, Paige.”

  I watch her take a seat as Enzo grabs her a coffee. “Busy day?”

  I shrug. “It's not too bad.”

  Although I'm thinking about your best friend's brother and what his body might look like out of his clothes.

  I could just scream right now. I don't understand why I'm thinking about him so much, I don't even know him! He was dressed and smelt like he'd been working out for hours, yet he made my whole body tingle like crazy.

  I can't explain it because I just don't understand it. I've never felt electricity spark through my body from a simple touch of someone's hand before.

  “Paige, can I ask you something?” She nods.

  I look over at Enzo, he's next in line. I want to ask her this before he comes back. I'll never hear the end of it if he finds out.

  “I met Della's brother today.”

  A smile broadens her face. “Greg, huh?” I roll my eyes but nod my head. “What do you want to know?”

  You don't need to be cocky about it!

  I shuffle forward in my seat to get closer, not wanting anyone to hear me. I'm so pathetic. Who cares who hears me? I only want to know what she knows about him. Whether or not he's a psycho or not. It's not like I'm asking her to set up our marriage.

  Marriage. I shudder at the thought.

  “I was just wondering about him. I've heard his name before but no ones ever said anything about him.”

  “About who?”


  I widen my eyes at Paige but she's already telling Enzo as he sits beside her that I was asking about Greg.

  He smirks at me. “So, you are interested.”

  “Not like that, Enzo. I was just curious. I haven't heard much about him since I've been here, yet all his siblings live here and talk constantly. I just wondered if he'd been estranged from them and that's why they don't talk about him much.”

  “Sure.” He chuckles around his coffee cup.

  “Greg is a private person,” Paige tells me as she pulls at her purple scrubs, pulling the top straight. “He lives in Seattle, runs the law firm he owns there with Kory.”

  “Wait, he's a lawyer, too?”

  Paige nods.


  “He went through something a few months ago that changed his life.” Enzo grabs her arm and shakes his head. I narrow my eyes at them and the way they're silently communicating.

  What the hell are they saying to each other?

  Enzo looks at me and sighs. “What he went through isn't our story to tell. But he's a good guy. He used to have a rep for sleeping with women, many women.” He laughs.

  I don't care about that shit, everyone has a past. I'm not the kind of woman who thinks a man shouldn't have a past, I doubt there are many men out there who don't have one. Hell, I have one.

  “But he hasn't been that way for a good long time. He likes his privacy, doesn't go out much, etc.”

  “I see.”

  So, he's a private person, doesn't go out much, he's sexy as hell, makes my body tingle just thinking about him, and...

  Enzo snapping his fingers in front of my face brings me out of thought. I'm not embarrassed. I learned a long time ago that being embarrassed is pointless. “Think she's got it bad already, baby.”

  “Shut up, Enzo.”

  “Oh, my god,” Paige laughs. “I think you might be right. But I have to go back to work now.” She kisses Enzo and then turns to me. “He's a good man. You could do worse.” With that, she's gone.

  Little does she know that I've had worse, much worse. Not that anyone in this town will ever know about the worst man in my life. At least, I'll do my damnedest to make sure they don't find out. But this thing with Greg, his whole privacy thing. I wonder why he's that way. I wonder what his story is.

  Not that I can befriend him and try and find out his story when I don't want anyone to know mine. We're all entitled to our secrets. Just as long as those secrets don't hurt those around us.

  * * *

  Today turned out to be busier than either Enzo or I expected. Three more callouts and then a callout that had every firefighter and paramedic sent over to Turners Pass. A huge industrial fire. Arson. Typical.

  The trouble with small towns is that there aren't enough firefighters to go round. Thank god we managed to call in twenty from surrounding towns.

  Three hours it took to put out, a further two to investigate. I could have gone home but Enzo is top of the chain under the lieutenant. He may not have wanted the job himself but he's always there to lean on, and he didn't want me going home alone when something like this can crush a person. Death is never easy. Trust me.

  There were three casualties. Two men and one woman, all working the night shift in the packing warehouse. One man died on route to the hospital, his injuries too severe to save him. The other two patients were alive when they arrive at the hospital and still are to my knowledge.

  It's always heartbreaking when someone dies, but there's no use in putting feelings into it, it won't change anything. It's hard, but we have to shut ourselves off to it all. Sometimes, it's not that simple. Like when we rescue a child and it dies, then it's really hard to shut it out. I haven't been on a callout here where a child has died yet. And I say yet because
there's always the possibility. I'm not stupid to the world I work in.

  Enzo finally let me go home, but only after I sat with everyone else involved while a counselor talked to us about how we were feeling. I didn't cry like most did. It's not that this stuff doesn't affect me, it's just that I know there's not much point. Many would say crying helps get it all out, and it does, sometimes. This just wasn't one of them.

  I shower away the day and the soot from my body, watching the dirty water being sucked down the drain. I'm tired but I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep at all. I can't really afford not to, I have to be back at work in six hours for a debriefing on the events of what happened tonight.

  Once I'm dressed in pajamas, shorts, and tank because it's too damn hot for anything else, I make myself a quick sandwich and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I'm not even hungry but I know I need to keep my strength up. I can't go skipping meals when I have the chance to eat them. It's all too easy to do when you're busy with work.

  I'm finally crawling into bed. With only four hours before my shift, I need to try and grab a couple hours sleep. I don't know what's going on with me, but I need to sort myself out. Joel isn't here, he won't come here, he can't find me. Or at least, he won't find me yet. I hope.

  But I can't live my life looking over my shoulder every single day. Even though I know that's the safest way to live, I just want a normal life. In the time I've been here, I've felt more normal than I have in a long time.

  I'm going to have to face it sooner or later, but for now, I need sleep.


  “I met the new girl in town the other day,” I mumble around a bite of an apple. I've just got back from my run. It's become a nice habit this past week. I feel a hundred times better.

  “Oh yeah?” My brother turns to face me. He's about ready to leave for work, but little Echo isn't feeling very well today and she wants daddy. He lifts her in his arms. Her little head is tucked under his shoulder, her eyes closed. She looks kinda hot.

  “What's her story?” I've been intrigued by the beautiful Dani since the moment I saw her. There's something about her that has me wondering what the hell I've been doing all my life wasting my time on women who meant nothing and who I meant nothing to.

  Not that I've been sitting thinking about a relationship with the woman, I don't know anything about her. But I'd like to get to know her. Boy, would I like to get to know her. And yeah, I do mean in a sexual way. What I wouldn't give to have a piece of that.

  Yes, I'm well aware that I'm still an ass deep down when it comes to women and how I see them. But there's no one on this earth that can ever say I've ever mistreated a woman, never have I hurt one. I'm not that man.

  My brother gives me a curious look before smirking. “Why you so interested in Miss Ashford?”

  I shrug. “Just am.”

  “There's not much I can tell you.” He strokes Echo's back as she groan's. Baby girl is definitely not well at all. “She moved into town about eight months ago. Transfer from California. No one knows the reason she transferred. She lives on Foster Street. Little house on the corner that stands alone?”

  I nod. I know where that is.

  “She lives alone, isn't married, no kids, I'm guessing her family lives in California. She's friends with all the girl's but doesn't hang out with them much. That's probably down to how many hours she works, to be honest.”

  “So she's single. Interesting.” I throw my apple core in the trash.

  “Ready to get back in the game?”

  “I might just be, brother. I might just be.”

  Miss Ashford is just my type. There's no harm in asking her if she'd like to get coffee with me. Not exactly a date, but it's a start. I want to get to know her. I'd like us to be friends.

  Sure, I don't know her, but what better way to do so?

  Knowing my luck lately, she'll turn me down flat and make me look like a complete fool. Can I handle that right now? After all the shit I've been through this past year, am I really ready to get out there and put myself on the line, even just to be friends with a woman?

  I don't know that I am. I do know that I can't stay here forever, I need to get back to Seattle, back to my job. But the thought of that turns my stomach every damn time I think about it. My brother dragged me back here to kick me into touch. I wasn't doing so good there for a while.

  As crazy as it seems, being back home hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Yeah, I wallowed for a month. I think I needed it after months of pretending nothing happened. But I'm feeling much better. Yes, I've lost a lot, a hell of a lot. But my life didn't end when my ex-wife walked out on me, left me for another man, taking the son I loved more than life itself with her.

  “Doesn't look like I'm getting into work today.” My brother sighs.

  “Why don't you let me take care of her today? I'm not doing anything.”

  He looks at me for a moment, then at little Echo. She's asleep on his chest. “You sure?”

  “I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't. Let me just grab a quick shower. I'll be five minutes.”

  It's three minutes before I'm done. Body and hair washed, dressed in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I'm already in the den, taking Echo from Kory and promising him that I'll call if she gets any worse.

  She's fussy for a while, so I give her some baby medicine. It does the trick and she's soon hungry. I make her lunch, a cheese sandwich and a glass of juice. Not what I'd normally give a child for lunch, but it's what she wants, and she can have anything right now as long as she's feeling better.

  Once she's finished eating, I give her a cool bath to wash away the germs. Then I dress her in a little pink pair of shorts and t-shirt, her white sandals, and blow dry her blonde hair before tying it up in pigtails. I'm taking her to the park, she needs some fresh air.

  We walk, it's not far. Okay, a ten-minute walk, and I carry her most of the way, but she's happy enough.

  “Gweg? Sank you.”

  “For what, baby girl?” I ask while pushing her a little higher on the swing.

  “Look after me. I love you.”

  I smile and tell her, “I love you, too, Echo.”

  “Suits you.” My face drops as I catch eyes with the beauty in front of me. I hadn't noticed anyone walking toward us. I should have, it's not like this playground is very big. Echo and I are the only ones here. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.”

  “You didn't.” Is all I can muster. She really is beautiful, even dressed in her paramedic uniform.

  She looks at me for a moment.

  Why the hell am I just staring?

  And why didn't I notice I'd stopped pushing Echo's swing?

  She smirks, comes closer, and crouches down in front of Echo. “Hey, pretty girl.”

  “Hi.” Echo giggles.

  “You having fun with your uncle?” Echo nods her little blonde head. “That's great, baby.” I watch, intrigued as they hug. I didn't know Dani knew Echo. Which is stupid when this is a small town and she works with Enzo. Of course, she'd know my niece.

  “I thought you'd be working.”

  She looks up at me and smiles. “Been thinking about me, have you?”

  I swallow hard. Why the hell do I feel so nervous around this woman? “I just meant, you're wearing your uniform.”

  That smirk has my stomach churning and my cock hardening. Damn. There's something mysterious about this girl, something I can't put my finger on. She's strong, that much is obvious. I like strong women, independent women. And this woman is so attractive to me right now. She's wearing not a lick of makeup on her beautiful face, she's all natural from her head to her toes.

  I want her so bad!

  She kisses Echo's head and gets to her feet. “I was at work, it's my break. I saw you over here with Echo, so I thought I'd say hi. It's quite a shame that you haven't been thinking about me.”

  “Why's that?” I cross my arms over my chest, pulling my shoulders back.

  “Because I've
been thinking about you, Mr. Harper.” Lip between her teeth to hide her smile, she backs away from me, looking me up and down. “Such a shame.” She keeps walking backward away from me.

  “Wait!” I call after her, she simply smiles, turns her heel and walks clean away. And I'm left here wondering what the hell just happened.

  No woman has ever been so forward with me before. Literally, no woman. Never met a woman so forward and bold in my life. I like it. I really like it.

  “Come on, Echo, there's somewhere we have to be.”

  I drop Echo off with my sister Callie. She's not at work today as the kids are off school for break. She's only too happy to watch Echo. Baby girl loves Callie's kids, Todd, Robyn, and Donovan. Todd and Robyn are twins, eight years old. Donovan is four. Echo will be just fine.

  I make my way toward the firehouse. I'm a man who knows what he wants, and I always get it. I want Miss Danika Ashford. I won't wait around for someone else to catch her eye.

  I notice Enzo next to a fire engine washing it. Big job for one man, but he does it will a smile on his face. I've never known him smile so much.

  “Hey, Enzo, how's things?”

  “Fancy seeing you here.” He smirks while turning to face me, dropping his washrag in the bucket of soapy water at the same time. “Looking for something? Or someone, should I say?”


  “Is Dani around?”

  “Dani, huh?” He scratches his chin with his thumbnail.

  “Is she here or not?”

  God, what am I doing here? I'm chasing a woman I know nothing about. Since when did I get so nervous about talking to a woman? I'm so out of the game I no longer know how to even ask a woman out for coffee.


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