Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6)

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Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6) Page 7

by Lucy Rinaldi

  I need to shower. I can't let the girls smell sex on me. I wouldn't know what the hell to say to them. God, I'm not sure they wouldn't kill me.

  I pull myself off the bed, my legs and my clit shaking. He really fucked the life out of me. I pull on the bathrobe and leave the room, ready to head to the shower.

  But I gasp to see Paige and Callie standing right outside the door waiting for me. Both women look angry as all hell, both stand with their arms folded around themselves defensively.

  What the hell am I supposed to say to them? It's obvious they heard me and what I did in that room with that man.

  “Erm, hi...”

  Oh smart, Dani, way to look guilty.

  “Hi?” Callie rolls her eyes at me. “I can't believe you'd do something like that! Does my brother mean nothing to you?!” She's yelling so loudly people are beginning to stare.

  “Your brother means everything to me.”

  “Oh my god, how can you say that? He means nothing to you! You just proved that by showing us just what a slut you really are!”

  “We heard everything, Dani,” Paige tells me with disgust in her voice.

  I get why they're angry, but they won't let me get a word in. “If you'd let me explain...”

  “Don't!” Callie yells. “Nothing you say will mean anything.”

  Okay then.

  But if they'd just listen to me... “We're leaving!” I look at Paige, pleading with my eyes for her to just listen to me. “You do what you want.” She wraps her arm around Callie's shoulder, trying to calm her. She looks like she wants to hit me.

  “So you won't...”

  “Just shut up!” Callie yells, and my mouth instantly snaps shut. Not through fear, but for the fact I'm so shocked by the way they're talking to me. I can't force them to listen to me if they don't want to, and I won't make any more of a fool of myself than I already have.

  I'll give them time to calm down, then I'll explain things to them, and they'll see that they got the wrong end of the stick here today.

  “After everything my brother has been through, he finally feels ready to move on, to open his broken heart to you, and you do this to him!”

  “I didn't...”

  “Dani, for fuck's sake!” Paige yells under her breath. “You've been caught red-handed, don't stand there trying to worm your way out of this. Fuck, and I was rooting for you!”

  “Just stay the fuck away from us. And stay away from my brother!”

  I will not stay away from him, not for anything. I understand why Callie and Paige would be angry, but they could have let me explain myself!

  My face is on fire, everyone is staring at me. Just how many people heard me in that room?

  With my head hanging down in shame, I rush to the changing room. I shower as quickly as I can, get dressed, and then get the fuck out of there.

  I'm not going to cry or anything, but I am angry with myself, I knew they'd hear something. They were in the rooms either side of mine, for Christ's sake! The walls aren't very thick, but I got lost in the moment, and now everything is ruined.

  Callie and Paige hate me, and no doubt they'll tell all of our friends, then they'll all hate me and someone will tell Greg, and... Ugh! What a fucking mess. How am I meant to live in Oak Springs with these people now?

  Why couldn't I just have been strong and pushed him away from me?

  I have no one to blame but myself for this shit.

  Story of your life, Dani.


  It's been a long couple weeks. I've been sorting everything so I can move home permanently. I have so much waiting for me in Oak Springs. I may have said I never wanted to move back, but since meeting Dani, I don't know, I want to be where she is. There's nothing but work for me in Seattle now.

  Am I stupid wanting to be with Dani so badly after just a couple months of knowing her?

  If I am, I don't want to be right. She is it for me, I have never been more certain of anything in my whole life. She's perfect, everything I ever wished for in a woman.

  But I haven't heard from her at all this past week. I've tried calling and texting, but she never answers nor replies. I'm worried because she'd been acting strange the week before, distant and wanting to get off the phone as fast as she could.

  I need to call in and see her. If she won't answer my calls, then she'll answer the damn door and talk to me. I hope.

  I got a call from my brother last night after I asked him to check on Dani for me. I couldn't settle until I knew she was okay.

  Who better to check on my girl than my brother?

  He told me that he hadn't seen Dani, but what Aimee had told him had bothered him greatly. More than anything had been his words. He also told me that none of the girls were talking to mine. They hadn't spoken to her since they'd been to the spa together.

  I was confused because they all seemed to get on really well. I couldn't understand why they would just stop talking like that.

  Kory said it had started with Callie and Paige. They'd stopped having anything to do with Dani at all, and even Enzo wasn't happy with her. Their working relationship was strained and he couldn't bear to work with her any longer. Enzo wants a new partner, but no one was available to take Dani's place with him.

  It angered me like you wouldn't believe. What could have happened for everyone to turn against Dani? She's always gotten on with everyone, especially Enzo and Paige. Why on earth would they turn their backs on her like this? Because I don't believe for one second she's done anything that would warrant this kind of behavior.

  Kory knows why, but wouldn't tell me over the phone, which annoyed the hell out of me, but he told me we'd talk about it as soon as I got home. Which, of course, made me suspicious.

  The minute I walked through the door, I was greeted by the solemn faces of my brother, Aimee, Callie, Hudson, Paige, and Enzo.

  Not sure why it would take six of them to tell me what's going on. But it becomes very obvious when Kory forces Callie to tell me what happened that day at the spa. What happened to make all of our friends turn against the woman I love... Fuck, I really just said that!

  “This is hard, Greg. I don't want you to hurt you, and I know how much you like Dani, but I can't let you go through this again.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I haven't even had the chance to change out of my suit and they're pelting me with whatever shit is bugging them right now. I've removed my jacket and tie, and that will have to do for now. Even if I'm not comfortable.

  “When we went to the spa, we all got a massage. All of the masseuses were women but for one. None of us wanted him, we weren't comfortable. So we basically forced him on Dani.”

  Sounds about right, especially for Callie. I know she'd never allow another man to touch her unless he was her doctor.

  “Paige and I were in the rooms either side of Dani's.”

  Callie looks to Paige for help, who then picks up where my sister left off with a sigh. “We heard noises coming from her room, strange noises.”

  Both women are quiet for a moment, I just stare at them while drinking the beer from the bottle Kory handed me. I'm not going to make this easy for them.

  “Tell him.” Aimee urges.

  Callie swallows hard. She's nervous and frightened by what my reaction might be to what she's got to tell me. She has no reason to be afraid, I'm not Kory, I won't explode and trash the place.

  “She had sex with the guy, Greg!” I raise my eyebrow. I'm not shocked by what she's telling me. Just amused. “Paige and I heard everything. It was like listening to porn she was so into it!”

  “We confronted her when she came out of the room looking guilty as sin.” Paige continues. “She didn't even deny it.”

  “Did you give her the chance to get a word in? Or did you just yell at her and walk away?”

  “Are you actually sticking up for her?” Enzo asks me, shocked.

  I place my beer on the table and get out of my seat. “You're all t
he worst friends there is.”

  “We are your friends!” Kory yells. “I am your brother, and I know you're falling for her, that's why I won't stand back and let another woman make a fool out of you!”

  “You've all made fools out of yourselves!” I yell in retaliation. I can't believe they've all outcast her like this. “You've outcast my girl because of what you think happened. Not one of you asked her what really happened in that room, you just assumed and then spread gossip around, making damn sure everyone thought the worst of her!”

  “You're delusional!” What the fuck this has to do with Enzo, I don't know.

  “And you're supposed to be her friend! Her partner! The one person she's always been able to rely on. The one person who's been there for her from the beginning, knowing she has no family here whatsoever. Yet you were the first to cast her aside. Even wanting a new partner. I can't even imagine what that's done to her, knowing how much she cares about you.”

  “I honestly can't believe you.”

  “What the fuck can't you believe, Callie?”

  Yes, I am yelling at my sister, but I can't believe all that she's done. How could she think the worst of Dani?

  Okay, as my sister, I understand she'd think the worst, she wants the best for me. I'd be the exact same if this situation was flipped. But they didn't even give her the chance to explain herself.

  “That you're so blasé about this!”

  “I already know what happened in that room!”

  “She told you?” Kory looks confused.

  What's so fucking confusing about this?

  “And you just forgave her?!” Callie yells.

  I rub my forehead with my fingertips. I'm getting a headache.

  “Greg?” I turn to Aimee. “We are your family. We've already watched you struggle once thanks to a woman who didn't deserve you. We don't want to see you hurt again. Especially by a woman we all trusted. A woman who didn't even care what she did in that room while we were all there.”

  “That's noble of you. But I think you all proved to Dani that there really is no one in this world she can trust.”

  I can sense their frustration with me and my refusal to believe what they're saying, they think they're talking to a brick wall.

  They're not, I can hear them, I just can't believe who they've all turned into.

  “She didn't need to tell me what happened in that room because I was the man in there with her!”

  Every eye in the room widens, shocked looks etched on their faces as they look at each other then back to me.

  Is it really so damn shocking?

  I knew Dani would be in Seattle, I wanted to see her, to be near her. Is that such a crime?

  Maybe I shouldn't have snuck into that place, paid the guy off, then fucked my girl like a damn whore, but it had been days since I'd been near her. I was dying without her. I needed... Fuck it!

  “I paid the guy to give us some space. I figured as you were all in Seattle I'd surprise her. I missed the fuck outta her. I'm sorry you guys heard us, but tough shit! You should have asked her for the truth, instead of jumping right in and branding her the way you did. You should have let her speak! But no, you all treated her like shit and left her alone in a town where she has no one! Well, she's got me, and I'm going over there to her.

  “I suggest you all think of a way to grovel and ask for her forgiveness. You better beg that girl like you have never begged anyone in your lives for anything. Because if I lose her because of you all, I swear to god, you will all regret it. Shit, I thought better of you all than this.”

  “Greg, we're sorry.”

  “It's not me you need to apologize to, Callie.”

  She nods her head, tears falling from her eyes.

  I don't care right now that she's crying, I care about finding Dani and apologizing. This was all my fault. I thought it was all so romantic, surprising her the way I did, igniting the spark in our relationship, keeping it burning.

  It all fucking backfired!

  I need her to know how sorry I am, and I pray I haven't lost her through this because if I have, no one will be safe.

  I can't lose her now that I've found her.

  She is everything to me.

  She's brought me so much happiness.

  Hell, she brought me back to life. I don't even know that I was ever living until I met her.

  Everything about her is sunshine.

  If I'm having a shitty day, all I need is to hear her voice and everything is instantly better.

  It's crazy, I never thought anyone could brighten my life the way Dani does. That smile of hers could part the clouds on a dark day and force the sun to shine brightly.

  The whole time I've been away from her, I've missed her. Every moment, I've thought about her. Just thinking about her brightened my mood. Thinking about her always makes me smile.

  I had a tough client the other day, who I wanted to tell to go to hell. In the past, I would have.

  Dani popped into my head, her beautiful smile, her sweet voice, and I was instantly calm, helping me get through the meeting with ease.

  I cannot lose her.

  I have to make this up to her somehow.

  I have to make her see how sorry I am for what I've done.

  Then those she thought were her friends better damn well do the same.

  A quick shower and change of clothing, a trip into town to pick up a few things, and I'm on my way to Dani's place.

  Please forgive me, baby, I don't know what I'll do if you don't.


  I have never felt this lonely in my life. Even running from Joel and living in solitude for most of the four years I've been running never had me feeling this lonely.

  Having all of my friends – and I use that term loosely – turn against me has been horribly hard. They shun me when they see me, literally throw me dirty looks and turn away from me like I'm a piece of filth.

  For the first two days after the spa fiasco, I tried to talk to Callie and Paige, to make them listen to the truth, but nothing I did would make them give me the time of day.

  Then last Tuesday at work, Enzo snubbed me, wouldn't talk to me unless it had to do with whatever job we were on. He'd snap orders at me like he was my boss and make me look stupid in front of patients.

  Obviously, Paige had told him what happened, which meant Callie probably told her husband, too.

  It hurt so much when Enzo wouldn't listen to my side of things. I tried so hard to tell him the truth, but he screamed at me about what a slut I am and how he never expected something like that from me.

  I could have yelled the truth at him, but what would have been the point? He'd made his mind up about me and what happened, and it didn't seem like anything would change his mind in that instance.

  Sure, yelling the truth would have shut him the hell up, shocked him, made him apologize profusely had he believed me, and I almost did yell, I'll be honest about that. But a call came through, I had a job to do, yelling at Enzo Ryker would have to wait.

  At least they all kept it to themselves, well, within their social circle at least. It seems no one else in town knows anything, no one else treats me like a cheating whore, at least.

  I'm assuming if Greg's mother knew she'd string me up by my ankles and use me as a piñata. Plus, she asked me to lunch last week. I thought that was it, she was going to give me what for. But it was actually a pleasant afternoon. But her constant praise of my commitment to Greg began to get to me.

  When I left, I felt my heart shatter. Even though I did nothing wrong, the man I slept with in that room was my own boyfriend, I felt like shit.

  I can take people hating me, I'm used to it. I can take the name calling, I've heard and been called every vile name there is. But I can't take working with my best friend when he treats me like a vile slapper.

  I couldn't even bring myself to tell Greg what's been going on. I thought I could get it sorted and everything would be back to normal before he came home, e
ven hoped I'd never have to tell him about this. He's been working so hard and I didn't want to drop this problem on him, he just doesn't need it.

  The constant ignorance from the girls and the sniping from Enzo is wearing me down. I can't face anything right now. I've stopped taking Greg's calls because I couldn't trust my emotions not to overpower me, and there's no way I want him to hear me crying.

  I'm a strong person, believe me, I am. I've been through too much shit in my life to be weak. But this whole thing has really gotten to me. I have cried at night, alone in my bed when everything around me is silent. All I've wanted was to call Greg and beg him to come home and make this all go away.

  But I'm not a child, this isn't school, and I won't go running to my boyfriend because the other kids are being mean to me. I can fight my own battles.

  In all honesty, I thought Callie would have told Greg what she thinks happened by now. But as he never mentioned anything in his calls, and I know he would have if he knew, I realized she hadn't said anything, so I didn't either.

  Maybe I should have, none of this would be happening if I had. Greg would have put everyone straight, and everything would be okay again.

  I'll end up insane if I keep going over this shit.

  I shouldn't be ignoring Greg like I have been. This isn't his fault, he wasn't to know his sister would hear us and think the worst of me. All he was doing was showing me that life with him will never be boring, always romantic and spontaneous. And come on, the whole experience was out of this world. I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it.

  Lora warned me to stay away from Greg if I knew what was good for me. She threatened me, and I said nothing in response.

  Why the hell wouldn't I say anything to defend myself?

  Because she caught me off guard and I was frozen and stunned by what she'd said to me. She'd always been calm and placid before that moment in time.

  Truth is, I can't even blame her for it. If anyone ever cheated on my brother there would be hell to pay. And from the way everyone talks, I can tell someone hurt Greg badly in the past. They're all just worried about him and want to protect him from further harm. I can't be mad at them for that.


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