Pretty, Twisted Lies: A friends to lovers standalone

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Pretty, Twisted Lies: A friends to lovers standalone Page 12

by Emily Bowie

  I look back at the man. “Dead or alive?”



  His pine-like smell wraps me up before I can feel his strong arms around me. Breathing him in, I close my eyes, settling back into his chest. “I’ve missed you.” It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen him. Turning in his arms, he picks me up, and automatically I enclose his hips with my legs.

  He playfully bites my neck, making me giggle before kissing me hard.

  I can hear the clearing throat of someone behind us, but we both ignore them, finishing our kiss and welcoming the little audience. Turning, I see a librarian, not impressed with our little show.

  The library has become my sanctuary. It’s the only place I get to be fully alone. My parents don’t trust how I’ll act in a school, leaving me to finish high school online. I spend most of my days here. My goals are to graduate early, get a job, and move out.

  “Missed you too, bookworm.” His gold-flecked eyes darken as they become fixated on my mouth. A low simmer begins to build inside me. I’ve missed him so much.

  The librarian grabs our attention, pointing to the quiet sign. Keeping me in his hold, he kisses me. Not a small, chaste kiss for the public, but a full-on deep kiss. We’re both breathless when I reluctantly begin to pull away, our foreheads resting on each other.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  I can’t tell him no, wanting that feeling Kiptyn always gave me in Three Rivers. Outside on the curb is one of his motorcycles. To my surprise, two helmets sit on the back.

  “How long are you able to stay?” I know trips up here are a huge time commitment, and he’s busy growing his business. I liked it better when I was in Texas and I could see him almost anytime I wanted.

  “I’m here until you get sick of me.” He leans in behind me, placing a soft kiss to my shoulder. Lifting the helmet up, he places it on my head, doing the strap up for me.

  “How do I look?” I pucker my lips, striking a pose for him.

  “Fuckable,” he answers before placing his helmet on and straddling the bike.

  He stops in front of the Country Music Hall of Fame. “What are we doing?” I ask him, and he grabs my hand.

  “I thought we’d go check out where you’ll be in a few years.”

  He melts my heart. He always has a way of doing this. “Where should your star go?” he asks as we start walking over the names of so many of my idols. “They might have to make a special place for me,” I tease.

  “You’re right, because after you, everyone will seem insignificant.”

  “You’re biased.” I tap his chest. He only grunts, pulling me toward the iconic building. Being included in here would be a dream come true.

  “We need to decide where your glass image collection should be.” I can’t help laughing at his enthusiasm.

  “I would be honored to be anywhere near Reba, or Carrie, or anyone.”

  “Girl, you need to be more demanding.” Walking to the entrance of the museum, he stops. “Close your eyes.”

  People are walking past us, some giving us a look, wondering what we’re doing. Trying to ignore them, I do as he says. “If you could pick anyone, who would you be by?” he asks again.

  “Reba. I love her. She can sing, act… I believe she is in general very talented and a down to earth person. I want to be like that,” I answer honestly.

  “You are like that.”

  I crane my neck to look up at him, and all I can think is how much I love this guy. This tattooed, motorcycle-riding, rough man. I occasionally worry he’s hiding himself from me. I see the people he interacts with; I think he skirts the line of the law, yet to me he is this sweet, kind man who loves me more than anything.

  I often suspect I’ll never find myself another Kiptyn. No one will ever love me as much as he does. I know I will never be able to love anyone like I love him. Before him, I always felt like something was missing.

  “You keep looking at me like that and I will find a place to bend you over.” He has a half smirk, loving what he does to me. “And I’m trying to be a gentleman here and take you on a date.” He winks at me.

  Without warning, I hug him. I don’t expect dates and never really thought about it. The fact that he did proves to me how wonderful he is. Not that I needed a reminder.

  Going through each of the display cases, my inner child comes alive, basking in everyone’s story of how they came to be.

  Kip and I begin a game where we pretend to personally know each person on display.

  “I remember when Shania came to me, asking which costume she should wear. I told her this one, but she was determined I was wrong. It wasn’t until she asked five more people she agreed,” I say, pointing to one of her dresses on display.

  I have never laughed so much in my life. Everything I had ever dreamed of in a first date, he exceeded.

  “Thank you for this.” I lean into Kip’s side, our hands linked together. A genuine, swoon-worthy smile that reaches his eyes stares down at me.



  18 years old


  Our house is packed with people I don’t know, all for me. They’re here to celebrate me graduating. My parents playing the dutiful parents who love their daughter, while I play the beautiful but silent daughter who’s agreeable. It’s boring and stuffy as hell.

  “Kellie, come play the piano for us,” my mother requests, showing off for her friends.

  I smile, nodding while I get pats of congratulations as I walk over. Everyone has stopped, and their attention is gathered at the piano, the focal point of the room.

  Sitting at the white and black keys, I play my parents’ favorite piece, knowing it will make them happy. The happier they are, the less they focus on me. I’m hoping I can sneak out of here before the party ends.

  When I stop, the room breaks out in clapping before my father silences everyone with the ting of his glass. “We wanted to say we are so honored for all of you to share in our celebration of Kellie.” He looks around the room, every eye on him. My father thrives in atmospheres like this. I prefer to stay on the outskirts and blend in.

  “Kellie.” He looks now to me. “Your mother and I are so proud of you. Not only did you finish with honors, but you finished before the year ended.” His hands go into his pocket, producing a set of car keys.

  Every gift comes with compromises. This isn’t a free gift because my parents love me. But no one else knows this. The crowd gasps, and I fake my eyes widening and gasp before I come to hug my parents. They walk me out of the house with the rest of the crowd. It’s like one of those ridiculous scenes from my big Sweet Sixteen television episodes that show outrageous birthday parties, but this is for my graduation. A beautiful red vintage Corvette is waiting for me. The funny thing is, I have no idea how to drive standard, not that they put any thought of that into their gift.

  I do my part, sitting in the driver seat, looking excited for a car I’ll never drive.

  “Kellie,” Mr. Preston’s deep voice comes out strong. I step out of the car. Noah and his parents are in front of the crowd. “We have seen you grow up in front of our own eyes. You are like the daughter we never had.” Noah walks toward me with a small gift-wrapped box. “We just want you to know how proud we are of you.”

  As I take the box from Noah, he gives me a kiss on the cheek. Unwrapping it in front of everyone, because that’s what this crowd does, there is a beautiful thin gold chain with a music note on it, encrusted with diamonds.

  Noah takes it from me, placing it around my naked neck. Now I know why my mother made me take my necklace off before the party.

  “Thank you,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear before going to give the Prestons a hug.

  Before long, everyone is back inside making connections, being sure to talk to all the right people. The whole act is suffocating.

  Walking out into our back yard, I slip off my heels, allowing my feet to walk flat on
the grass. The sprinklers must have just gone off, as the grass feels wet under me.

  “Congratulations.” Kiptyn’s deep voice comes from behind me.

  Immediately, I jump into his arms. I never expected to see him tonight, making this the best gift anyone could give me.

  “You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” His voice is a low rumble at the shell of my ear.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  Kiptyn’s fingers trail from my cheek, down my neck, until my necklace hangs loosely on one finger. “Who gave you this?”

  “The Prestons.”

  “You mean Noah?”

  Going on my tiptoes, I place a soft kiss on his lips. “It was all for show. It means nothing.”

  He grunts, clearly not believing me. “Ever wonder why your parents keep pushing you two together?”

  “Can we not talk about him? I haven’t seen you in a month.” I kiss the side of his mouth. “The only man I care about is you.” I place another kiss on the other side of his mouth.

  “Sorry, I get crazy when I haven’t been able to see you in such a long time.”

  “Let’s go inside.”

  He looks down at me, indecision on his face. “One look at my tattoos and your parents will have me arrested for burglary.”

  Both of his arms are now fully detailed in color. Beautiful, intricate tattoos flow perfectly, making his skin a masterpiece. He’s not too far off from the truth. My heart breaks that people don’t see him the same way I do. I want him to be included in this part of my life.

  “You know I don’t care what people think.” My heart twists for us, and I try to cover it by going up on my tip toes and kissing the side of his mouth. I stare up at him in the shadows of my back yard, his body tense as he considers what I’m asking him. All I can think about is how much I love this man, and hope my parents don’t embarrass him. I’m not naïve, I know that my parents are intense and have a gold spoon shoved up their asses. I pray that they see how happy he makes me and for once do something right for me. “Ten minutes, then we can do anything you want.”

  His face softens when our eyes lock. He has this look of longing, that’s guarded. It’s rare when Kiptyn allows anyone to see his vulnerability. We stand hand in hand, and I hold my breath while I wait for his response.

  Him coming in would mean so much to me. I hate that we have never allowed our relationship to leave the Three Rivers bubble that we built it upon. This would solidify that we can make it for the long haul. I need something more to cling to when I don’t see him for weeks or a month on end, and this would prove to me that we are continuing to step forward.

  It’s the way he looks at me that has my heart fluttering. “Damn, you look beautiful.” His voice softens as he pulls me into his chest, my tiny body engulfed in his large frame.

  “Ten minutes,” he concedes.

  I squeeze him tight, knowing what I’m asking isn’t easy for him.

  “Thank you.”

  His two fingers move my chin up so we’re looking at each other. “I would do anything for you.”

  I pull his hands stepping back, my body tugging at his unmoving frame. Slowly he takes a reluctant step forward.


  All I need to do is to say yes to Kellie and she makes me feel like I’m her white knight. Not that I could ever deprive her of anything she asks for.

  Soft classical music comes from the small castle-like house, reminding me I’m nothing like the people inside. I already know the outcome of this. They will take one look at me and throw my ass out, leaving Kellie distraught and crying. The thought wrings at my chest, but the way her face lit up when I said I would come softens the blow at least for now.

  Stepping inside I immediately notice the wide-eyed shocked looks, their facial expressions twisting at the likes of me. Kellie sees none of it. Her steps are prancer like as I do this one wish of hers. She can’t see it but she’s better than every asshole in here. It’s people like this that have helped carve pieces of my soft heart out leaving hardened black sections in its wake.

  She leads me until we enter a large area with a piano at its focal point. She doesn’t stop until we are in front of a badly dressed label guy.

  “This is Noah, Noah this is my Kiptyn.”

  My eyes narrow on him and he chokes on his colorless drink not expecting my arrival. It doesn’t take long for my recognition to begin to take place. A chill sinks into me, deeper than any before. My back straightens realizing she’s just stunned the shit out of the two of us. I watch as he looks around, probably hoping to find the Suit, before schooling his features.

  I extend my hand and he reluctantly glances at it before shaking. Kellie looks beside herself, if only she knew we had met once before.

  “My hand too dirty for you?” I ask Noah when he wipes his hand against his pants.

  Kellie nudges me, and I force my smile.

  “Who’s your friend here?” A strong voice says from behind me. My muscles go stiff, as Kellie and I partially turn toward the person.

  “Rich Dare,” Kellie’s father introduces himself. The same man who has walked into my bar many times over the last few years. The same man who likes to wear his thousand-dollar suits into my run-down building. I’m speechless as my world begins to spin. Rich is the Suit. The Suit is Kellie’s father. How the hell had we overlooked this?

  It’s not hard to see the disproval on his face, this time I’m not certain if it’s for Kellie or for my presence here.

  “Dad, this is Kiptyn McGrath,” Kellie is beaming while the three of us would love to do nothing more than to murder each other.

  It all begins to make sense. Each time I saw Kellie after the summer it was shortly after the Suit. She was the reason why he was in Three Rivers. My gut turns as I put more clues together. He is the reason why I was asked to kidnap Kellie. She’s the bait to get Rich to do whatever the Guarantor needs.

  “I love your suit, Rich.” I taunt him, starting to find my bearings. Bending down I give Kellie a soft kiss on her lips to show Rich a little taste of who I am to his daughter.

  Kellie doesn’t miss a beat, melting into me, before I keep her snug next to me.

  “Kellie, stop embarrassing yourself,” he scolds, his eyes darting around the room. We have everyone’s attention.

  “Why don’t you take your friend outside before your mother sees you?”


  “Kellie it’s fine,” I mummer into her ear, keeping my eye on Rich. Dipping my tongue out, I touch it to the lobe of her ear before giving her a gentle peck. The rage in Rich’s eyes is satisfying. “We’ll have more fun outside anyway. I still need to give you my gift.” I wink enjoying that Rich is trying to keep his expressions static.

  I leave their house with a feeling of satisfaction, until I’m forced to look into her eyes and remember I’m not the White Knight she believes I am but the villain in her story.

  I’m reminded of the deal I made with the devil. Each day, I wait for the call to tell me to kidnap Kellie. I know the waiting game very well. It’s only to get your prey to relax, slip up. I had no choice but to accept. I start to kiss up her neck, needing escape from those blue gems.

  If I said no, they would have killed me on the spot. Then they would have hired someone else to kidnap her. My only option was to say yes.

  Each look she gives me is one of full trust. I don’t deserve it, yet I fucking thrive on it.

  Continuing to kiss along her neck, I can feel her willpower fading as she relaxes not caring where we are.

  “Are your panties wet for me?”

  Her hands press against my chest, her palms feeling my hardened pecs. I keep one hand on her lower back, holding her in place, while my other hand feels the soft fabric of her dress up along her collarbone until I use both hands to rip the necklace off her neck.

  “What are you doing?” She tries to straighten herself, but I keep our bodies touching and place the necklace in my pocket.

  “The only jewelry you’ll be wearing is from me, not another man,” I speak into her hair, my breath moving the loose strands against her shoulder.

  Inhaling, she smells of vanilla and cherry. My two favorite scents. I hate that she still lives here. I want her in my warm bed, where I would have an easier time protecting her. She has no idea how valuable she is… to more than just me.

  She tries to pound on my chest. The only thing she succeeds in is making me harder for her. Pinning her arms behind her back with one hand, I dip her dress down until I start to see the top of a nipple. She loves it; I can see how her eyes dilate, her breaths becoming short pants.

  No one can see us in the back, and I plan to use it to my full advantage. Moving her dress farther down, my head bends, taking her stiff nipple into my mouth. I take my time before doing the same to the other one, and then I pull away.

  “Now, can we go, so I can try to do something romantic?”

  She opens her mouth, and, just by her look, I know it’s going to be something feisty. Before she can get a word out, I slip my tongue into her mouth, demanding a kiss, reminding her that she is mine, and I will be showing her my graduation gift.

  By the time I remind her of all this, her hands are holding onto me to keep her steady. Her body is drunk off me, and I love every second of it. Without requesting, I right her dress before pulling her along the shadows as we leave.

  I can feel her excitement as soon as she sees my bike. Her steps become lighter, bouncier.

  “I should have known you’d have a new bike.”

  I bring up a helmet. It’s all pink and girly. She cocks an eyebrow at me in question.

  “This isn’t the back roads of Three Rivers anymore. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if you got hurt from my stupidity.”

  She does a little pose as I look her up and down. Her playfulness makes my dick hard. I would love to do nothing more than bend her over my bike. I still just might.

  Digging into the small bag on the back, I hand her some shoes. “I’m not letting you on with those shoes.” I nod to her heels.


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