Hilda's Inn for Retired Heroes

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Hilda's Inn for Retired Heroes Page 14

by Cyn Bagley

  The mage opened his bleary eyes. He needed to shop for a few things on his list. He had had to leave his pile of gold. The undine had probably found it by now and it was in Lord Barton's coffers. Even when he could influence Lord Barton, the lord had been a cheapskate, expecting him to work with inferior tools. The anger from the last night smoldered in his chest. It was only a few coals now, but when he needed it tonight, it would be there, fueling his magic.

  The Draugr would be out there somewhere as well, hiding in a hole. A tidbit he had dredged out of his memory, losing the Grimoire was like losing all his magic, was that the Draugr would be looking for the one who made him. To be fully free with no fear of compulsion, the Draugr would have to kill the mage. Even now, as weak as he was, he could still control the Draugr a little.

  He needed that magic. There was a desperate tinge to the thought.

  Delhaven, port city

  Hilda Brant

  The same morning sun that woke the mage with such despair, brought hope to Hilda. They had stood in a circle in the early morning before the light touched the roofs, and practiced linking with each other. Stefan was a little weak, since he had never practiced magic in his life. After three hours of this Michael was satisfied.

  "It should be enough to close the damn thing," his frustration was showing. It had taken hours for Mary Rose, Stefan, and Rooso how to feel the ground. "It's like teaching at the University."

  "I don't suppose I'll be paid for this," he asked. "I guessed not." The three of them shuffled their feet. Even Mary Rose looked a little tired and subdued.

  She pulled Michael away from the others after the practice session and said, "Michael, when this is all over, you'll be staying with me."

  Michael had glanced at Hilda, then said, "Let's talk about this later."

  In the afternoon Michael would be instructing Davi on how to pull the energies together, say the spell, and weave the energies around the well. It was the hardest part of the ritual. Michael would set up the ritual with candles and marks where each person should stand.

  Michael had talked of herbs and ritual knives, but decided to make the ritual as simple as possible considering his crew was novices. He was the only one with training. Hilda had gotten into bad habits with her salamander. Most mages kept fire under a short leash. Mary Rose, Rooso, and Stefan had no training at all.

  The most difficult person to train was Davi. He was naturally magical and didn't need rituals. But to do this right he would have to work within the ritual constructed by the humans.

  Michael had been so tired after the sessions that he went straight to bed to recuperate. The rest of them had drank a glass or two of Mary Rose's best wine, then went back to training.

  So Mary Rose and Rooso were practicing their grounding. Or they said they were. Hilda suspected that a lot more was going on in Mary Rose's bedroom because she could here some groaning. She slipped by the door so that she didn't have to hear more of their ritual.

  Michael was up from his nap because he was with Davi in the dining room. As she walked in, Michael called her over, "Hilda, after lunch could you get these items." The list was simple, white candles and white chalk. "Plus the candles must be the whitest finest candles you can find."

  Hilda had her marching orders, but not until she had lunch. The bacon beckoned to her and she sighed in delight. It was more like breakfast than lunch, and she was hungry. She put two eggs on her plate, and picked up the bacon with her hands. She bit into it and hummed a little.

  She finished the what was on her plate and went for seconds. "Where's Stefan?"

  Davi answered, "He said he had to get something done before tonight. He won't be back until evening."

  Hilda exchanged glances with Michael. What was Stefan doing? They would soon find out. After the last few days Hilda wasn't feeling trusting. Still she let it go. Stefan was not the betraying type. So she made excuses.

  He might be saying goodbye to a loved one. There was no guarantee that they would get out of this alive. If they did, Hilda for one would count her blessings.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Delhaven, port city

  Hilda Brant

  The lamplighter had lit the street lamps with a burning brand. A few hours later a man's voice, a member of the city guard, yelled all's well. The sound echoed through the streets. Then the sound dipped and fell. Soon it would be time to cover the well of magic that had been the cause of contention in Hilda's life. They would start the ritual at midnight.

  Michael and Rooso had gone back to the site and with the help of a few of the retired mercenaries, they cleared off beams, ash, and rock around the well. Water was the least of the liquids leaking from the well. The well had been dug deep into the earth. It was circled by a rounded rock structure with a small roof. A rope and wooden buck were used to lift the water. Someone had spent a lot of effort to maintain this well.

  During the day, some masons came in, Mary Rose paid for the labor, and broke the well down to its parts. They left a layer of stone around the well to mark the hole. A bronze cover was made to Michael's specifications. A lot of coin was being thrown around to get this done. Without any of the parts, including the ritual, the magic could be used by anyone.

  There were eyes everywhere, so Hilda knew that Lord Barton would make his move against her and her friends that night. The mercenaries from the chapter were already gone with the disabled and the old retirees. But, Rooso assured her that he had friends who would be there so that no one would interrupt them in the middle of the ritual. When they couldn't protect themselves, there would be protection. Hilda was not reassured. There was too many moving parts and too many things that could go wrong.

  Still the work got done, and the four of them who were going to draw power for Davi had eaten, were rested, and ready for the evening's entertainment. Even Michael was satisfied with the ritual, the linking, and the preparations for covering the well.

  Hilda cornered Mary Rose, "How much coin have you spent?" Hilda was watching her closely so she saw Mary Rose look away.

  "Not that much," Mary Rose said.

  "You'll keep track of the money, and let me know what I owe you.

  Hilda had more respect for Mary Rose, when Mary Rose didn't quibble. Mary Rose nodded, yes. Just knowing that Mary Rose would let her pay this debt relieved Hilda. Not that Mary Rose would harp on it, but money owed between family could get dicey. Plus this was her well and her problem. She would pay Mary Rose back when she could.

  Now Michael was a different story, of course. Hilda had jokingly referred to him as their retirement plan. Mary Rose had just laughed. At the time Michael hadn't found it funny. But the two of them knew they would pour money down his throat if he needed it.

  Soon the group was dressed and loaded into the brothel's carriage. Hilda widened her eyes at such luxury. The carriage driver dropped them off at a road near the burnt inn. A carriage this fine couldn't stay in this area. They would be robbed, stripped, and the horses sold before anyone had an idea something was wrong.

  They stood around the well as Michael, bent over, and drew the ritual markings. He was murmuring to himself as he drew a perfect circle around the well. He took Stefan by the arm, and placed him at the north of the workings. Air.

  Michael placed Rooso, opposite Stefan at the south. "Earth" he murmured.

  Fire in the West and Water in the East. Two sisters who were opposite to each other in elements.

  As the night dark deepened, the birds twittered and fell asleep. Davi stood in the center of them next to the well, the bronze shield next to his feet. "Close your eyes," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "Think of your element." They stood around the well, linked hands, and began the slow linking of energy. First earth, then water, then air, and then fire.

  It was no surprise to the watchers in the shadows, those who wanted to protect and those who wanted to destroy, that a salamander and an undine stood next to the sisters. But when a sylph sat at the feet of Stefan and a gnom
e at the feet of Rooso, there was slight gasp. The four of them were so into their elements that they didn't notice the audience.

  When Michael softly said, "midnight," Davi started the ritual words and gestures. The power built slowly at first, and then it swept through the watchers. Some screamed and ran. The protectors stood fast, some watching inward and others facing outward.

  Lord Barton was in his study, watching the flames, when the power pushed through his chest. "Guards, guards," he yelled, and ran to the front door. His men-at-arms had also felt the power and were at his front door with his horse.

  He only had a few moments to get there before the ritual was completed. He galloped through the streets with his men-at-arms with him. He had promised that well to his undine. In only a few more moments the well would be covered. He had to get there before he lost this gambit.

  Delhaven, port city

  Black mage

  One of the watchers was the mage. He crouched behind a scorched bush and tried not to sneeze as the ash tickled his nose. The five of them had already started the ritual. He would be able to disrupt it soon, and take the well, and the wannabe mage's magic for his own. When the power began to build, he froze when each elemental appeared at the feet of the mages. The he watched Davi close his eyes, raise his arms, and started to murmur the beginnings of the spell.

  This was his chance to stop the spell from completion. If he rushed to Davi and stabbed him with the knife on his own belt, then Davi and the magic would be his. He could smell the musk of a dragon in his nostrils under the smell of ash. He could taste the magic in his mouth. The taste was of blood and power. He stood up.

  An arm grabbed him and pressed him down to the ground. He couldn't stand. He tried to look at who was keeping him in place, then he smelled the maggots and the death wafting from it. Fear immobilized him more effectively than the hand. It picked him up and now he knew. It was the Draugr that had caught him. The thing couldn't smile anymore, but it couldn't talk because of the whithered vocal chords. But still it had power. Power to talk to him mind to mind. It talked of all the things it was going to do to him. Pluck his eyes out. Taste his liver while the blood pumped. Rip his heart out and eat it in front of the mage. The mage was so terrified that he couldn't scream in his mind.

  The Draugr carried him through the streets and took a bite out of his upper arm, the flesh closest to the Draugr's mouth. Finally the mage screamed through his terror and begged for a clean death. The city dwellers peaked out of their windows, then closed the drapes and blew out the candles. Prudent men and women.

  The mage was still screaming when the light from the well, fountained outwards and upwards, lighting the entire walled city. There was silence. Then the light slowly fell back into the ground. It was over. The well was covered.

  The mage's last thought was the last sentence he remembered reading in his grimoire.

  The Draugr will kill its maker in the end unless the maker kills it first.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Delhaven, port city

  Hilda's Brant

  The quiet was deafening. Hilda had kept her eyes shut, sending her elemental power to Davi, seeing the light through her eyelids until she heard a clang of bronze as the cover followed the light down and sealed itself. She felt weak and a man with a cudgel caught her as she fell. He eased her down and she lay on the ground, Sassy sitting on her chest.

  They needed to be out of the area as soon as possible. Lord Barton had probably seen the light show and would have revenge on his mind. But she couldn't move. It wasn't that she was in pain. It was like she had no energy to lift anything, including her head. Only Michael was standing. He had commandeered a cart, and a couple of men stacked the five of them like cord word into it.

  "Can you breathe? Michael's anxious voice reached her ears. Hilda tried to say yes, but actually she was having a hard time breathing. But she didn't want him to worry. If they got to Mary Rose's brothel with Annie's healing powers, they would be okay. Annie had healing powers? Sassy agreed that Annie was a healer. She fell asleep as the cart rocked and bumped over the cobblestone streets.

  In the background she heard yelling and fighting, it seemed like a dream. She heard Annie's voice as they were unloaded and carried into the brothel. "Out, out," yelled Annie.

  The customers were running out the door with Annie screaming at them. She wondered how much this would hurt Mary Rose's business. Hilda fell asleep smiling.

  Delhaven, port city

  Lord Barton

  Lord Barton galloped through the cobblestone streets. That witch. That witch. The words echoed in his mind with the beat of the horse's hooves. He raced to the property, his men-at-arms behind him. She would pay for the well, and the trouble, and the horses. If any of them were lamed by her antics. She would be in his torture chamber soon. That witch. That witch. The words echoed in his head.

  They were half-way to the well, when the light burst into the sky. His undine revealed herself. She was holding onto him. She screamed into his ear. "Whoa, whoa," he said to his horse as he tried to stop. The horse kept running as the undine kept screaming.

  "You want to kill me," he roared to the undine. She stopped her screaming and the horse slowly stopped running. They were at the clearing where the magic had burst through the night sky. The undine hopped off the horse and ran toward the well. She touched the cover and screamed again. This time the horse tried to run back to the castle. Lord Barton jumped off, and let the horse go. It would find its way to the stables. He would have to think about selling that horse. It was too nervous.

  He stepped towards the undine. His men-at-arms were swinging and fighting. He didn't even watch the skirmish as spread from the clearing and down the next street. Soon they were all alone. The undine ran her hands on the cover, unable to open it. There were whimpers coming out of her mouth.

  "It's covered. It's covered." The undine's voice became shrill. If he could kill the elemental, he would. It showed another reason why he didn't like magic. It didn't work at his command.

  "Let's go home," Lord Barton turned around, and took two steps towards his castle.

  He heard another wail. Impatiently, he turned back to the undine. The undine stood tall and shook her head no. As Lord Barton gazed back at this beautiful useless being, she disappeared. He felt a wet touch on his shoulder and whisper, "Our agreement is void."

  Good riddance. He had an heir, he had the city, and he would turn this city upside down, looking for the witch.

  The watchers waited for him to leave, then slunk back into the shadows.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Delhaven, port city

  Mistress Mary

  The breakfast table was overloaded with food. The whores and guests mingled as they ate and chatted about last night's events. Hilda limped down the stairs. She was hungry and the food smelled delicious. She picked up a plate and listened to the chatter. Michael was sitting in a far table and a pretty girl sans makeup was talking to him. He nodded his head and ate, while she talked.

  She gave Hilda a glare when Hilda sat down next to Michael. Hilda looked at the whore and said "Scram." The girl got up and left. "How are you feeling," she didn't look at Michael because she was looking at the food and shoveling it in as fast as she could.

  "Ummm." Michael said. Hilda assumed that meant fine.

  "I'm leaving you here," Hilda said. Michael looked up from his food. Hilda continued, "After last night Davi and I need to leave soon." Michael nodded his head, yes.

  Michael swallowed his food. "I want to go with you." He stopped and looked at her.

  "You know why I can't take you."

  Michael shot back. "Have you told Mary Rose, you are leaving so soon?"

  It was Hilda's turn to look intently at her food. "She knows."

  "You didn't tell me," There was a wounded sound in his voice. What could she tell him. That she needed to get Davi out of the city because Lord Barton would be looking for him soon? He was smart enough to
figure it out himself. She patted him on his hand, and kissed his cheek. "Love you little brother."

  Just then Mary Rose sat down on the other side of Michael. She also had a loaded plate and she wasn't frowning at Hilda. Rooso must have made her happy. Hilda was ready to say something about Rooso's prowess. Mary Rose gave her that look and then said, "I ordered your horses and gear ready."

  "You need to leave today," Mary Rose continued. She chewed on a biscuit, looked up, hummed, and then took another bite. After she swallowed, she said, "Lord Barton will be looking for you and Davi, you need to be gone by then." She gave Hilda a smile, "So where are you planning to go? I don't want to lose contact with you again."

  "I need to report this to the Mercenary Guild headquarters near the Capitol. You know how to contact me."

  Mary Rose ate another bite. "And Davi?"

  "Do you have to ask?"

  Hilda finished her food. Then she reached over and gave Mary Rose a big hug. "Love ya sis." Both Michael and Mary Rose were speechless when she walked away.

  Davi was saying goodbye to Stefan, when Hilda reached his room. A tear rolled down his face. He wiped it with his sleeve. Hilda ignored it and gave Stefan a handshake. They watched him leave. "So he has a wife."

  Davi whispered yes. "He's retired. He thinks this mission will last longer than he is willing to give."

  Yes, that was the way of it. Sometimes you had to say goodbye to good companions. "Be happy for him," Hilda replied. "Let's pack." Davi followed her into the bedroom.


  "Davi," she called. "Do you have the fire bucket?"

  Davi swung the bucket. Hilda could hear Sassy laugh.

  The horses were saddled and ready to mount. Between Hilda, Davi, and Sassy, they had one saddle horse, a packhorse, and a long journey. Mary Rose had made sure that they had enough food and other supplies to reach the main city if they were careful.


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