Ryze Series: Books 1 & 2

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Ryze Series: Books 1 & 2 Page 35

by N. Isabelle Blanco

“Losing it yet?” Crius asks.

  “As a matter of fact . . . no. I can hear all the sins from afar but I’m not seeing them.”

  “I can smell the mating on you. Kinda disturbing.”

  “I know. And you’re sounding like Cyake.”

  “You wound.”

  “Stop being a smartass and I won’t compare you to your brother.”

  “Seriously, though. She focuses you, it’s obvious. Surely she’s committed some sort of crime in the past and yet you don’t feel the need to punish her.”

  “She did nothing out of selfishness. If you had read her mind, you’d know this.”

  Crius shrugs. “I’m pretty sure that even if she had, you and your buddy would still be too enthralled to hurt her.”

  We both duck as a large piece of rock comes down right behind us. Pounding footsteps can be heard above. I pulse out a Gnetica around us as smaller rocks crumble and fall.

  “You’re one to talk about buddies. Need I remind you of the buddy you have locked inside you?”

  Crius glares at me and seems like he’s about to retort.

  Footsteps, slow and methodical, sound out. The colors of our auras become lost in a burst of multi-colored light that matches Existence’s eyes.

  That motherfucking show off.

  “Evening, gentlemen. If creatures like you can be called such.”

  Crius and I come to a stop. We lock stares, Crius rolling his eyes before turning to address the newcomer. “If anyone can be considered a creature, it’s your odd ass. And maybe Nylicia, too. But that’s neither here nor there.” His stare narrows in Zexistr’s direction, watching for any reaction to the mention of Nylicia.

  Existence approaches us, his feet gliding an inch above the stone floor. His arms are crossed behind his back. “Have you seen her? If you do, can you tell her, yet again, that I’d like a word with her?”

  I press my lips together. The day you lay eyes on that female, is probably the day your life will end.

  And by extension, all of ours.

  Usually, it’s an effort to even stare at Zexistr when we’re near each other. Even before Evesse caused Mavrak to break free, there had been moments when all I could see was what Zexistr accidentally—but selfishly—did in his past.

  I take the lead as we continue walking. “Why are you here Zex?”

  “Lux has a message for me. Always a pleasure.”

  “No. Because you’re a suicidal ass that loves to be around me when I’m like this.” I incline my head before turning away and heading on. “Consider yourself lucky I’m more fixated on someone else.”

  “Is this whole ‘soul ass-whipping’ thing so important?” Zexistr asks.

  Crius sighs. “I’ve been wondering the same thing.”

  These fucking assholes and their mental communication. Of course, Crius already informed his brother of why I’m here. I pray for patience, knowing that until either of those males find themselves in my position, they aren’t going to understand. I’m barely making sense of it, and I’m the one experiencing it. “I’m in fucking Hell. The biblical Hell, of all places. Not the original hell, but the worst of them all.”

  Crius scoffs at my claim.

  Footsteps pound above us again, this time followed by high-pitched shrieks. “Apparently, we’ve come right as some kind of torture-orgy or pathetic escape plan is taking place.” Crius and Zex laugh right before something lets out an ear-piercing scream. “I value my peace above all else, yet I’m here in this cesspit. Now, I ask you, how important is it?”

  There’s a moment of silence behind me.

  “Pretty gods damned important,” Zexistr agrees.

  “He’s out of control regardless. I still think he should head straight for Evesse. She’s newly turned and suffering without him.”

  I exhale roughly at the reminder, wondering if bashing Crius’s face in won’t be enough to assuage my current need for violence. “Why aren’t you running to the female that needs you?”

  “She’s not mated to me.”

  “Would you go if she was?”

  “Hell, yes. Before my heart could take its next beat.”

  Because then Crius will have a surefire guarantee that his female can’t betray him. Holy shit, he exemplifies the term trust issues.

  Frustrated, I decide to try another tactic. “What would you do if you could get your hands on Maleksoraniel’s soul and make him pay for what he once did to Dimithinia?”

  I practically hear Crius come to a stop behind me.

  “You know where his fucking soul is?” His tone promises the type of violence that makes what I’m about to do seem like nothing.

  It also makes it quite clear that he’s still searching for that soul, millennia after its mortal death.

  Zex growls, a low and nasty sound. “Keep moving or I run you over.”

  “I’m as big as you are, Existence. I’d like to see you try. Zeniel, answer my question.”

  “You said it, I’m Existence. I can run over whatever the hell I like, little brother.”

  I barely check the urge to slam their heads together. “It truly is like dealing with two Cyakes.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Zeniel. That’s not what I asked. Do you know where that piece of shit’s soul is?”

  “No, Crius. I don’t. My point is, if you could get your hands on his soul right now and punish it, wouldn’t you? Especially if it meant making you calm enough to be near the woman? Actually, do I have to remind you what I stumbled upon when I went to get you?”

  “What’d you stumble upon? What’d he do now?” Zexistr’s tone is drenched in curiosity.

  Crius rushes forward and shoulders me roughly out of the way. “Move. I’ll get you that soul in the next few minutes, tops.”

  Zexistr laughs.

  I dust myself off once more and nod. “Much obliged. Do hurry, will you?”

  Less than a minute later, we appear in front of a gigantic, black stone mansion.

  Renentr resembles an ancient palace.

  Hades’ in his realm is . . . well, its architecture would come to influence Greek temples.

  Lucifer’s resembles a precursor to a gothic fortress, complete with spiraling towers and conical roofs. It stands on the highest peak, its tallest tower almost touching the stone ceiling above our heads.

  Below us are the many layers of Hell, a spiraling “road” that branches off into other roads, each twisting further the lower they go. I turn away from it all and follow the others into Lucifer’s castle.

  The King of Hell is waiting for us inside his office, his back to us as he faces floor-to-ceiling windows that look out over the entirety of his domain.

  “Existence, brother of mine, as much as I like to see you, your aura literally stinks up the place, even in your current state. It’s all about death down here, and you’re just so alive.”

  “Everything exists because I do. You continue to exist because of me. Stop complaining.”

  “And I’m supposed to be grateful that I continue to exist?” Lucifer turns around, his red eyes landing on us. Amusement shines in the red orbs despite his words. “There you have it. If the rules really did apply and the stories were one-hundred percent true, my oldest brother would have a permanent place in my deepest pit. Never-ending hubris.”

  “Something you’re well acquainted with, Hell.”

  Lucifer ignores Zexistr’s remark, his face melting into a smile for Crius as he walks into the room.

  “How are you, fort’em?” Lucifer asks, using the old language word for brother. “Why does it take Vengeance needing a soul for you to come back here? I’ve received visits from all of my brothers, but you refuse to indulge me.”

  Crius steps forward calmly. “Guilt is a bitch I’d rather avoid. I’m sure you understand what I mean.”

  The brothers give each other a quick one-armed hug.

  “No excuse. If mom were alive, I’d sic her on you.” Lucifer claps Crius on the back, and then turns to me. “I’m feeling
magnanimous. You can have the soul.”

  I don’t even bother asking Lucifer how he knows. “What’s the catch?”

  “None.” With a shrug, Lucifer taps two fingers on his black desk. “His soul is still attached to Hell, even if I allow you to take him out of here. And I know what you’re capable of, Vengeance. I know that you will make him suffer even more than my minions could. We’ll be feeding on that suffering.”

  I shrug, which should surprise me. Three weeks ago, I would have panicked at the thought of allowing Mavrak to cause that much harm. Now, my desperation to get back to Evesse makes it easier for me to simply agree.

  “You got it. Thanks.”

  The Lord of Hell inclines his head graciously. An Aristi appears in his hand. “Evesse wasn’t his only victim, and he did worse to the others. Just a little reminder.”

  “I’ll take care of him. Trust me.”

  “Good.” Lucifer throws the Aristi at me and I catch it. “Ah, one of the actual perks of this position: Getting to see karma being dealt out repeatedly.”

  Zexistr smirks. “How empathic of you.”

  “Every soul here committed horrific crimes while alive.” Lucifer gestures to the floor-to-ceiling windows, his stare once more taking in the vast monstrosity of his domain. “If I have to suffer, trapped here, having billions of them suffering as well is just a minor perk.”

  Crius’s jaw clenches.

  “I expect us to have drinks eventually, Crius. I’ll make sure Hades comes,” Lucifer says. He braces both hands on his grotesquely large desk, watching us. “On to you, Existence. Nylicia left a message for you. She said she had a vision. In it, she saw you, the wheels of destiny. And she saw Karma.”

  I stiffen.

  Zexistr scowls at Lucifer. “In what way?”

  “That’s the funny thing. She said she can’t really remember. She just recalls the association.”

  Crius’s glare matches Zexistr’s.

  “Why will she not meet with me?” Zex’s voice trembles with fury.

  Lucifer remains straight-faced, his demeanor giving away nothing. “I honestly have no idea and she won’t answer when I ask.”

  Frustrated, Zex shakes his head and turns away, staring at the wall.

  “Crius, have you seen an uprising in the number of your minions plotting against you?” Lucifer asks.

  It’s Crius’s turn to tense. “Yes . . .”

  Lucifer claps happily, as if everything in the Universe has been set to rights. “Then I say we all agree on the obvious. Existence is about to have his ass handed to him in some way or form. And war is being declared on all sides. Happy times.”

  No one knows what to say to that. Not that there is anything to say. We all turn to leave when Lucifer speaks up again.

  “As for that Karma, Zex. I’m sorry brother, but it seems to be coming for you again.”

  “You said that she told you nothing else. What aren’t you telling me, Lux?”

  “What I was forced to promise to keep to myself, brother. Nothing more. You know I can’t break those kind of promises. And stop fucking calling me Lux. I hated the fucking Romans. You all know this.”

  It isn’t lost on me how Zexistr reaches for the dark necklace around his neck, his fist curling around it.

  Nor is it lost on me how Crius’s stare is glued to his brother’s back.

  Crius knows. I don’t know how Crius found out, but he knows what Zexistr did—and who was the unfortunate victim on the other side of his actions.


  – Enzyria


  I ’m depress—

  Nope, that isn’t right. I’m aggravated.

  I’ve spent hours on end sitting in an ice sheet created by my own body, and when that fun little experience ended, the switch was flipped on my fucked-up internal thermometer.

  I’m a tough ass. I’ve gone through hell and back in my life, barely shedding a tear in years. Sadness was felt, sure, but then promptly discarded in favor of more practical shit. Like action.

  The Evesse I was before I died would have laughed at my current predicament. Or else she’d curse some motherfuckers out before waltzing away with her head held high.

  Now . . . now I’m sitting in my room, as I have for the last week, all by myself. Soleria and Ismini tried to spend time with me, but I have no clue how speak to them.

  I’m angry. Broken. It hurts so bad, so deep down, that each breath grows more and more difficult.

  A hot tear, just another among many I’ve cried in the last few days, slides down my cheek. Pissed off, I wipe it off my face.

  I’ve taken to browsing online. It’s as mind-numbing as I’m gonna get, I suppose. I’m currently looking at the world’s most expensive phones. No clue how I got onto this specific page, nor do I care.

  One of the phones on the list catches my eye. I re-read the price tag and the description. The entire outer case of the phone is made of marble; a high-tech smartphone encased in my favorite stone.

  Man, if there’s anything I want more than my mate that’s it.

  I wish I knew how to materialize it. I could just ask one of the others, but it would be fuckawesome if I could just snap my fingers and—

  Holy shit!

  A tiny spark of energy comes to life on the desk just to the left of my laptop.

  I blink and turn my head. The energy stretches out into tendrils that interconnect, forming a square. No, not a square. It’s. . . a long, thin rectangle.

  I blink again and the energy disappears, but not before I realize what I was looking at. It was the exact shape of the phone I was just thinking about. I’m sure of it.

  Man. Maybe I can materialize it on my own?

  For the next half hour, I speed read through all kinds of information on how a smartphone is built.

  Once I think I have a pretty good grasp of it, I let go of the mouse and sit up straighter, focusing on the spot where I saw the energy. I push everything but that phone out of my mind and imagine one being formed right before my eyes.

  With a flash, the energy comes back to life, and that’s exactly what begins happening. I watch as the white lines race and come together, forming first the board and chips of the inside of the phone. The wires come next, followed by the touch screen, the inner casing . . . and finally, the marble.

  Mouth hanging wide open, I sit back in the chair, staring at my shiny new phone. Almost disbelieving, I reach out and pick it up.

  Yup. Solid. Real.

  I press the power button. When it turns on, I’m so fucking ecstatic with my newfound skill that I want to jump up and cry out in happiness for the first time in days.

  Why wasn’t I told it would be that simple? Yeah, my one attempt to dematerialize Sol weeks ago didn’t go that well, and I still struggle to do it to myself, but I have a million things I’m dying to own!

  Weapons. Weapons. Must have.

  The door to my room slams open.

  I jump in my seat.

  Ismini stomps her way inside, her expression set in stubborn lines that I know all too well.

  “You.” Ismini points her little finger at me and looks ready to lay the beatdown. “Get the fuck up.”

  “Excuse me?” I have seen Ismini angry before, but this is totally different. Her white, purple, and light blue aura is exploding in all directions.

  “Get the fuck up. I’m done with you locking yourself away from us. You’re going to spend some time with me right now.”

  A warm surge of pride runs through me. It seems that being immortal has fully unleashed my best friend’s backbone. Lips twitching, I place my new phone back on the desk.

  “Are you freaking smiling right now? Seriously? Do you want to get smacked? I said get the hell up.”

  Any pride I’m feeling disappears. In the blink of an eye, I’m out of the chair and in front of my best friend.

  We both cross our arms at the exact same time and glare at each other.

  Then we glare at each othe
r some more.

  I have no idea who moves first, but one moment we’re staring each other down, and the next we’re wrapping our arms around each other and holding on tight.

  “You worried the hell out of me.” Ismini presses her cheek to mine and somehow pulls me closer.

  I just hold her, my throat too tight to speak.

  “We freaking make it back after that, and then you lock yourself in here, refusing to speak to me,” Ismini scolds, her voice watery. “You jumped in there after me. Do you have any idea how that feels? What the memory keeps doing to me?”

  “It’s not like you haven’t had a god keeping you nice and distracted.”

  Ismini clearly doesn’t appreciate my joke because she pulls back just enough to scowl at me. “We died together, you fucking bitch. Stop joking about it. I freaking love you. Sol loves you. You’re too important for us to just stand back and ignore the fact that you’re in pain.”

  Seeing the tears pooling in Ismini’s eyes triggers my already too-sensitive tear ducts. I wipe another tear away before it can fall. “I’m sorry. I’m just so . . . this isn’t me.”

  Ismini lets me go and grabs my face, forcing me to look at her. “I know. Trust me, I know. My R’mann had every intention of killing me for another woman when I first mated to him.”

  “Speaking of that.” I sniff. “You seemed perfectly fine with her presence the other day.”

  Ismini shrugs one shoulder. “She’s fuckawesome.”

  What the hell?

  “Fuckawesome. Really?”

  “Even Sol thinks so.”

  I try really hard not to be hurt by that. I really, really do. “So I’m out for a few weeks and you two bitches decide to replace me with the woman you died to bring back.”

  Ismini shoves my shoulder lightly. “Shut up. It’s not her fault. And you’re irreplaceable, whore, so stop talking shit.”

  Irreplaceable. No denying that that one word is more than enough to mollify me. “Still, you seemed a little too cool with her being there.”

  “My male is mine. Only mine. For eternity. Besides, she’s been through shit, and she’s in love with Crius.”

  I have never met the God of the Underworld, but I’m still surprised to hear that. “So she seriously has no feelings left for Dyletri?”


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