The Chariot: Brothers at Arms

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The Chariot: Brothers at Arms Page 11

by Desiree Lee

  Evelia gave out a shriek. Julio jumped. “Michelle! I didn't expect to see you here!"

  "I can tell, Julio.” The vampire kept her voice calm, even. Just when she thought she couldn't hurt any worse, seeing Julio come home in the arms of another woman cut a wound deep in to her heart.

  "Who the fuck are you?” Evelia asked. Her surprise gave way to irritation.

  "Evelia, thanks for the ride home. Here, take some money and call a cab. I need to get inside.” Julio fumbled for his wallet.

  "Keep your fucking money, Asshole. You could have told me you were coming home to some slut."

  Michelle gritted her teeth. So this was the ex-girlfriend, the one Julio had created the artwork to help usher out of his life. What was he doing with her? He had betrayed Michelle and her House, then ran back in to the arms of his ex? Now he was trying to save face by sending the woman away? “Watch who you call a slut,” Michelle warned.

  "Yeah? Or what? You wanna have a go of it?” Evelia let go of Julio and took another step toward Michelle.

  "Fuck! Evelia just go! Please!” Julio held his hand out to the door frame to steady himself. “This isn't what it looks like Michelle.” His breath was tainted by the stench of alcohol.

  "It isn't? I could swear it looks like you betrayed me,” her tone was cold.

  He frowned, then looked back at Evelia. “I can make it from here. Thanks. Just ... just go.” He pulled away from her and walked toward the door. “Please, Michelle, come in. I need to talk to you."

  "What is there to talk about? You've obviously made your choice."

  Evelia stopped and gave a smug leer. “Yeah, that's right. He made his choice. Me."

  "Fuck off, Evelia!” Julio roared. “Just get the fuck off my property! I'm fucking over you. I am so over you!"

  Michelle was confused. She didn't understand what was going through Julio's mind. Was he back with Evelia and trying not to let it on? Was it something else? He seemed to be really adamant about getting rid of the woman. Her glare at Evelia nearly shot daggers as she watched the woman pull a cell phone out of her purse and start dialing. Michelle did not move an inch as Evelia walked out to the curb, waiting for her friend to come pick her up. Once it was obvious that the troublemaker was leaving, she followed Julio inside. Michelle tried as hard as she could to keep cool and let Julio say his piece, but it wasn't enough. Once inside, she exploded.

  "What the hell was that all about Julio? How could you choose Pierre? How could you do that to me? I thought I told you about him! I thought I warned you! Do you realize what you've done? Of course you don't. You're fucking piss drunk!"

  Julio stood there, flipping on the light, not interrupting her tirade. Once she had paused, he looked her in the eye. “I'm drunk but not so drunk that I don't know what's going on. I just couldn't drive home safely. It was just a coincidence that Evelia was in the club. She offered to drive me home. That was it, nothing more.” He wasn't sure why he had to defend himself to Michelle, but it felt right to do so. “I did what I had to do Michelle. I had to choose Pierre's side."

  "Why? I don't understand Julio. Did Luke coerce you?"

  "Pierre wants to end the war. He's tired of fighting,” he laid it straight out, not answering her question. “François doesn't. François has been in control for what, 100 years now? He keeps perpetuating this cycle of death and violence. Pierre wants that to end and this is the only way to help him. This is the only way to save you!"

  Michelle had a sharp retort prepared but the words refused to leave her tongue. Her expression showed her confusion. “Save me?"

  "If the fighting continues, you could be killed. I can't have that on my conscience Michelle. I can't let that happen to you."

  "You...” it was starting to dawn on her. “Pierre wants to end the war? How does he propose to do that?"

  Julio shifted nervously for a moment. “I don't know if I should tell you because you'll take it right back to François. I really don't want to undermine the end of the war."

  Michelle frowned. “Are you serious about this Julio? Is that the real reason you chose Pierre?"

  "Honest to goodness, Michelle. If I had thought there was another way, I would have taken it. I really don't believe François wants the fighting to end. I can't be party to that. I can't help him kill more people."

  "What if Pierre is lying to you?"

  "I don't think he is."

  "But, what if..."

  "Then I will admit that I made a mistake. Just trust me here Michelle, please. I don't want to fight, especially with you."

  "I came here to tell you goodbye,” she admitted.

  "No, no goodbyes.” Before she had a chance to reply, he pulled her in to a kiss.

  The taste of Jack and Coke was still on his tongue but Michelle didn't care. She was going to die soon so why not enjoy these final moments with the man she had grown to love?

  Julio was obviously on the same page as she was. His hands groped her, fingers moving down to unbutton her pants. He pushed them down then slid his hand between her legs, cupping her mound. Two fingers probed upward into her and Michelle gasped at his touch, though the kiss never broke. He fingered her clit then slowly withdrew his hand, pressing his hips forward, his erection evident through his jeans.

  Her hand moved between them, caressing his hard bulge. She tried to push her impending fate out of her mind, at least for a little while.

  Julio lifted her up, carrying her to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him. He laid her on the bed then removed her shoes, tossing them on the floor. He pulled her pants and panties down the rest of the way, pushing them aside.

  "Hey, give me something to do here too,” she purred.

  "Soon, soon,” he promised. He walked along the side of the bed, moving within her reach.

  Michelle wasted no time in unfastening his pants, pushing them down. She pulled on his briefs, sliding them over his hard cock, smiling wickedly as she exposed just the head. Her fingertips teased the sensitive tip.

  Julio shuddered at her touch, in a good way. He closed his eyes and stood there, letting her touch him at her whim.

  "Get on the bed. Let me get your boots off.” She whispered the order, but with enough authority that Julio had to obey.

  Of course he wanted to obey that order. He climbed up on to the bed beside her and she moved to give him more room. She unlaced his boots and tossed them off the bed. One hit the wall with a loud thud. She then pulled his pants and underwear off the rest of the way.

  Julio laid on his back, letting Michelle take things in hand. He was far more sober now than when he'd first got home. His cock ached for her. His desire burned deep within. He had expected her anger, but not her arousal. Sex had been the furthest thing from his mind earlier, but now, nothing else mattered. He needed her, nothing more.

  Michelle straddled him and leaned over, nipping at his neck. She kept herself poised above his shaft, not taking him inside yet. She wanted him so badly, but she wanted to torment him a little first. Her fangs grazed his throat, not breaking skin. She knew how he felt about her biting him and would not subject him to it unwillingly.

  Julio gasped. “Does the bite really feel that good?"

  "Yes,” she whispered and dragged one fang across his skin again.

  "Do it. I want to know what it is like."

  "You're sure?” She wondered if the alcohol had loosened his inhibitions and thought he might regret this choice tomorrow.

  "Yes, go for it.” While the alcohol had probably lowered his resistance to her womanly charms, he did have curiosity. He wondered what kept people like Rebecca coming back for more. He had to experience it at least once.

  Michelle needed no more urging. She sank her fangs in to his throat, tempering the bite with enough hormone in her saliva to make it pleasurable for him. She couldn't explain scientifically why that worked. She only knew that it did. To help ease him in to his first bite, she lowered herself on to his hard length at the same time. He pene
trated her while she penetrated him.

  Julio jolted from the sudden surge of pleasure. He felt her moist warmth envelope his cock and thrust his hips upward, deep inside. Now he understood. Now he could see what made the thralls the way they were. This could get addictive, very quickly. He'd never had an experience as fully encompassing as this. Every nerve in his body was alight. If his body hadn't still been under the effects of alcohol, he probably would have come by now. Instead he grabbed her hips and pulled her downward, meeting every one of his thrusts. His hips bucked in a strong rhythm, delighting in her every time.

  Julio was not the only one delighted by the motion. Michelle felt him fill her completely. She moaned in to the bite as she felt his thick head tantalize her g-spot, spiking an orgasm. She kept her fangs in, though did not drink deeply from him. She was not biting to feed, only to arouse. Her inner muscles clenched around his cock as he pumped inside her. She knew she would die soon, but she would die happy. She had a chance to make amends.

  She felt him quicken the pace, heard his ragged breath in her ear and knew he was close. She bit down a little harder, knowing it would set him over the edge.

  Did it ever! Julio had never been brought to such a powerful orgasm. Michelle hadn't lied to him. The bite was pleasurable. He regretted not asking for it sooner. His fingers gripped her hips so tightly that if she were mortal, she would probably have bruises. He wasn't trying to hurt her, he simply didn't realize how strong his grip was, fueled by the intense pleasure that filled his body. Soon, his grip loosened and his body stilled, save for the panting.

  Michelle withdrew her fangs, using her power to heal up his neck without a scar. She slid off of his waning cock, curling up next to him. Julio pulled her close. “I was afraid you'd never talk to me again,” he admitted in a whisper.

  "I was afraid you didn't want to see me again either and that's why you chose Pierre,” she replied.

  They were both jarred by the sound of a golf clap coming from the doorway. Michelle gasped and pulled the blanket up to cover her and Julio sat up quickly, more quickly than he should have. He was mostly sober, but not fully. They looked over to see François leaning against the door frame. Neither knew how long he'd been there, watching them.

  "Now this is an interesting twist. Did you plan to defect from my House too, Michelle?"

  "No!” she vehemently denied the accusation.

  "Your lover has chosen my brother. You knew this. You knew of your failure so you thought that by offering yourself to him, that he'd usher you across to some measure of protection?"

  "It's not like that François,” she shook her head. “I love Julio, but I fell in love with him before he made the choice."

  "Protection? What do you mean protection?"

  "Michelle didn't tell you?” François looked genuinely confused. “She didn't ask you to save her?"

  "Save her from what?” Julio's expression darkened.

  "Julio, don't...” Michelle whimpered. “François, don't do this to him. Please."

  "Do what, Michelle?” Julio looked at her then back to François. “What are you both hiding from me?"

  "Michelle failed her duty. Her task was to capture the Keeper and ensure that he chose my House. For her failure, she will be punished."

  "What sort of punishment?” Julio growled.

  "The punishment for that failure is death."

  "No way! No fucking way!” Julio started to get up, stopping just short of exposing his privates. He reached slowly for his briefs, lying haphazardly on the other side of the bed.

  "That's why I came to see you Julio. I came to say goodbye."

  "No. This is just wrong Michelle. Tell him why I did it! Tell him why!” Julio slipped the briefs under the blanket, putting them on. He didn't care that it was obvious what he was doing. He didn't mind if Michelle saw him naked but to be having an argument with the master vampire while in the nude was rather unsettling to the Keeper.

  Michelle just shook her head, blinking back tears.

  "Indulge me,” François said sardonically. “Why did you choose Pierre?"

  "He wants to end this war, François. He is tired of the fighting, the killing. I think somewhere, deep down, you must be too. You are brothers. I never had a brother but if I did, I don't think I could spend my entire lifetime hating him."

  "You know nothing of our situation!” François retorted.

  "I know it's over a woman. You two have this vendetta over a woman! Is she really that much to both of you?"

  François bristled visibly. “She was worth everything to me."

  "Well it sounds like she was worth everything to him too. She's gone now. That's sad, but no matter how much you and Pierre fight, no matter how many people from your Houses die, it won't bring her back. You two have something in common. You both loved the same woman. Why can't you each take some comfort in the good memories of her and end this animosity?"

  "It is not that easy,” François’ tone seethed with anger. He was angry with Michelle for not being around when he was ready for her, and for failing to sway the Keeper. He was angry with Julio for choosing his brother's side. He was also angry with himself because he realized that Julio's words rang true. He'd devoted two and a half centuries to hate. “There is no turning back now."

  "Pierre thinks there is and I believe him. If I am proven wrong, so be it, but I think in the end, this will save lives on both sides. That is why I chose Pierre. I did it because I wanted to protect Michelle. If the fighting continues, she could die. I had to protect her from that. So yes, she came to me for protection, she just didn't know it. Don't blame her."

  "She is to blame. She failed her responsibility. She will get what is due."

  Michelle started to stand up to go to François. She did not want to leave Julio's side, but she knew her role in the house. François was right. She had failed. She was fully aware of what the consequences were.

  Julio put a hand up to stop her. “Don't go Michelle. I won't let him do this to you."

  "You have no choice, Julio,” her voice cracked.

  Julio quickly slid open the drawer and pulled out a gun, leveling it at François. “Go. Just get the fuck out of here or I'll blow your fucking head off. I don't want a fight with you François, but you are not harming Michelle. You broke in to my house. You are trying to take away the woman I love to execute her and I won't let you do that."

  "Do you think a gun can kill me?"

  "I think a Mag-Safe .45 round to the head will, yeah. You won't have a head left.” Julio squeezed the button on the grip, activating the laser sight. He had a dead-on shot at François’ head. “I want you to go and never come back here. If you come back for her, I'll fucking kill you.” Julio stood up, adjusting his stance so that the laser never left François’ head. “It's almost dawn. What is your choice François? Dead or return to the safety of your house?"

  François stared at the Keeper. He noted the intensity of Julio's look. The Keeper wasn't lying. “You have won this battle, Keeper. Mark my words though. My House is no longer safe haven for either of you. If Pierre will not accept her, nobody can keep her safe. Not even your action hero façade will be enough.” He stepped backward slowly, signaling his retreat.

  Julio followed him to the door, keeping the gun at the ready until François had left. Once he was sure that the vampire was not coming back tonight, he lowered the gun and locked the door. He turned to go back in to the bedroom, but Michelle had followed him. “I'm sorry if I scared you."

  "Would you have shot him?"


  "To save me?"


  Michelle quaked. The thought of watching Julio shoot François disturbed her. She could see the emotion in Julio's eyes. She could see the love. How could she fault him for wanting to protect her? She was the vampire, far stronger and more powerful than this mortal man, yet he still stood up to save her life. He was ready to kill for her. Nobody had ever felt so strongly about her before. “I love you,�
�� she whispered.

  Julio slipped his arm around her, ushering her back in to the bedroom. He put the gun away in the drawer, then turned and pulled her in to a tight embrace. “I love you too Michelle. Don't worry. We'll make this work somehow. I'll talk to Pierre."

  "I think Luke will poison his mind against me."

  "Then maybe I'll have to go bad-ass on Luke too,” he chuckled, still holding her.

  She giggled and reached her hand down to swat his ass. “Mmm no, this is a very nice ass. Not bad at all."

  "You're a brat.” Julio kissed the top of her head. “It's almost sun up though. We need to hit the sack. He let go of her, albeit reluctantly, and shut the bedroom door.

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  Chapter Ten

  Julio awoke before sunset. He showered and shaved, then ate breakfast before Michelle got up. He knew he had to talk to Pierre today, but did not want to leave Michelle home alone in case François did not heed his warning and returned. Maybe he could call Pierre and ask if he would permit Michelle sanctuary in his House. He walked outside to the mailbox, grabbing the mail. Flipping through the envelopes, he found little to interest him at first. “Bill, junk, junk, junk, wait. What is this?” He recognized the same, uniform printing that had been on the envelope the card had arrived in. The envelope was postmarked from Sacramento. He took it inside, sitting at the table. He had half a notion not to open it. It's probably the list of Keepers, he thought. He finally did open it up, pulling out several pages. A couple of the pages were the list of Keeper families, with strict instructions not to divulge the information to either House. There was more. Julio read on and then dropped the papers. “Son of a bitch!” he cursed loudly. “This changes everything!"

  He took the paper in hand, pacing back and forth in the dining room. “Why didn't he say something? Shit, this is too important to keep secret! What the hell was he thinking? I can't do anything until sundown,” he sighed. He put the list back in the envelope and stashed it in the same secret place he stored the card. He left the other papers out on the table. He had to talk to the brothers. They needed to know this. He knew that he could not go to François first. He would heed the vampire's warning. It was probably better that he showed it to Pierre first anyway.


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