Starcross Manor: Feel-good summer 2020 romantic fiction from the bestselling author of Love Heart Lane (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)

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Starcross Manor: Feel-good summer 2020 romantic fiction from the bestselling author of Love Heart Lane (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4) Page 7

by Christie Barlow

  ‘I’ll make that room my first priority after breakfast.’

  ‘Fabulous, thanks.’ Woody bounded ahead into the kitchen and began frantically scratching at the back door. ‘Hold on Woody, let me get the keys.’ Julia grabbed them from the dresser whilst wondering what the hell had got into him. Woody was now barking and jumping up at the handle. Turning the key in the lock Julia finally opened the door and was startled to see Alfie staring back at her.

  ‘You gave me the fright of my life.’ Julia brought her hand up to her thumping chest.

  ‘Sorry, sorry, I don’t normally lurk around people’s back doors. Honestly!’

  ‘That’s good to hear,’ Julia smiled. ‘What can I do for you? I’m assuming Polly hasn’t chucked you out and you don’t need a bed for a night?’

  Alfie gave a little chuckle. ‘No, I’m just a little curious about the village meeting tonight.’

  Julia opened the door wide and Alfie stepped inside. ‘What do you know about Flynn Carter?’

  ‘Not much, to be honest, even though some of the contractors I know have worked for him. They said he’s a decent guy. Apart from that, all I know is he’s a property tycoon, worth millions allegedly,’ replied Alfie.

  ‘And did you know Starcross Manor was going to be a hotel?’

  Alfie raised an eyebrow. ‘A hotel? No, all I knew it was a sealed-bid auction.’

  ‘What’s a sealed-bid auction?’ interrupted Eleni, tying her apron around her waist.

  ‘It’s a type of auction in which bids are not viewed until the auction date. The bids are literally sealed, often physically in an envelope and they are all opened at the same time and the highest bid wins. From what I heard… off the record of course… Carter paid thousands above the actual worth, which means by hook or by crook he wanted Starcross Manor. He obviously knew the potential of the place,’ revealed Alfie, checking his watch. ‘But turning Starcross Manor into a hotel he would have had to jump through hoops. It’s not my department but I can check if everything has gone through for you when I get to the office.’

  ‘Would you?’ asked Julia gratefully, thinking if it hadn’t gone through it may give them some bargaining power somehow.

  ‘Of course, I’ll ping you over a text when I get to work. Is this what the meeting is about?’

  ‘Yes, I’m worried Alfie, that the hotel will put this place out of business. I can’t compete with a five-star hotel.’

  He nodded his understanding. ‘I see your point.’

  ‘Thanks Alfie.’

  Julia closed the door behind him and looked pensive. ‘Maybe, if all the regulations aren’t in place there may be something we can do.’

  Eleni laid out the sausages in rows in the large aluminium tray and slid them into the Aga. ‘Let’s not worry about anything now, breakfast is nearly ready and the meeting will be here before we know it.’ Eleni paused. ‘I know I’ve just said let’s not worry about it, but do you think I need to look for another job?’ she probed, stirring the baked beans in the pan on the stove.

  It was like Eleni could read her mind, because that very thought had been worrying Julia too. If things became tough and Julia lost business she wouldn’t be able to afford to keep Eleni on. But Julia needed to stay positive. ‘It will be okay, because I’ll make it okay. If there’s one thing I know about Heartcross it’s that our community are always supportive of each other. If that hotel put me out of business they’d run Flynn out of town first.’

  Eleni gave a chuckle. ‘I’ve got visions of Drew and Fergus chasing Flynn across the bridge into Glensheil. “Stay off our patch and don’t come back!”’

  After tying on her pristine white apron around her waist Julia was about to join Eleni when her phone pinged. Quickly glancing at the screen she saw it was a text from Alfie. Her eyes quickly scanned the message, revealing information that Julia didn’t want to read:

  ‘Flynn had everything in place from fire regulations, insurances to TV and music license etc.’

  For Julia, tonight couldn’t come quick enough.

  Three hours later, after breakfast was served, the dishes loaded in the dishwasher and the bedrooms spick and span, Julia found Eleni sitting outside sketching at an easel in front of her. Julia watched her holding up her pencil in the air, then watched as she altered the branches of the willow tree on the drawing in front of her. She blew away the eraser debris then sat back.

  Julia admired the sketch. ‘You have a real talent, you know.’

  Eleni looked up and shielded the sun from her eyes. ‘My grandfather was an artist.’

  ‘And that’s where you’ve got your talent from,’ said Julia, still admiring her work.

  ‘I usually draw places I want to visit, my bucket list is getting larger by the minute.’

  ‘And where is next on the bucket list?’

  ‘New York City, maybe, if I play my cards right.’ Eleni gave a little smile. ‘Oh and before I forget, whilst you were in the shower, we’ve had a cancellation. Mr Jones, his business trip was postponed at the last minute, which means we have a spare room if we get any enquiries.’

  ‘Oh bugger,’ replied Julia. ‘At least there will be the cancellation fee.’ Woody circled around a couple of times and lay down at Julia’s side but as soon as he spotted a squirrel running across the garden he was off, lolloping across the grass. He looked defeated as the squirrel disappeared up the old oak tree, and mooched about at the edge of the brook.

  ‘Do you hear that?’ asked Julia.

  Eleni sat up straight. ‘I can’t hear anything.’

  ‘Exactly! I’m going to enjoy five minutes before I head over to the town.’ She smiled, clasping her hands across her stomach and tilting her face up towards the sun.

  The peace and quiet was short lived. ‘Service!’ The old-fashioned bell in the reception area was ringing out. ‘Service! Anyone there?’

  Julia sat bolt upright in the chair. ‘Who’s that? I don’t recognise the voice.’

  The bell rang a second time as they hurried up the hallway. Eleni stopped dead as she saw the man standing at the desk, leaving Julia bumping straight into her. ‘What are you doing?’ she exclaimed, smoothing down her top.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Eleni’s mouth dropped open. ‘Andrew Glossop, I’m a huge fan of yours.’ Eleni side-stepped past Julia and outstretched her hand. ‘Welcome, welcome, do you need a room?’

  ‘Andrew Glossop…’ Julia mused, as she scrunched up her forehead. He was striking, the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks, with his blond tousled hair, his eyes deep ocean blue, and a prominent jaw.

  ‘Oh my Gosh, Andrew Glossop, celebrity chef off the TV. Hi, I’m Julia, owner of the B&B,’ she said feeling a little star-struck. ‘I love your programme, the road-trip around Italy was brilliant.’

  Andrew was looking amused. ‘Thank you, it was a fun programme to make. Have you by any chance got a spare room just for a couple of nights at most?’ he asked looking hopeful.

  ‘Yes!’ They both enthused in unison then looked at each other and smiled.

  Julia stepped behind the reception desk to take down some details. She couldn’t quite believe that Andrew Glossop was wanting a room in her very own little B&B. ‘Breathe,’ she told herself, feeling her hands shaking as she began to load up the booking page in front of her on the computer.

  ‘I just need to take down a few details and payment, if that’s okay?’

  ‘It is, thank you. I didn’t know if you’d have any room at such late notice.’

  ‘Luckily, we’ve had a cancellation. Can you get the key for room four please?’ Julia put on her posh voice and Eleni raised an eyebrow.

  ‘I can,’ she replied, opening up the key cupboard at the back of the reception area.

  ‘It’s a lovely quaint place you have here,’ noticed Andrew, looking round before handing over his credit card.

  ‘Thank you,’ replied Julia, still not quite believing that Andrew was standing in front of her. She was dying to ask what b
rought him to Heartcross, but the first rule was never to pry into a guest’s business unless they volunteered the information. But Eleni had clearly forgotten this when she blurted, ‘Why are you here? What are you doing in Heartcross?’

  Andrew willingly answered. ‘I’m working, I have a new job here for a short while,’ he said, slipping his credit card back into his wallet. ‘And I’m so glad I was talked into it… those mountains and the scenery are breath-taking. It’s a little different from London.’

  ‘A job? Here in Heartcross?’ quizzed Julia. What job could Andrew Glossop be doing here in Heartcross?

  But before Andrew could answer, the B&B door swung open and in walked a smiley Flynn Carter.

  A surprised Julia was taken aback. Flynn’s hazel eyes sparkled as he greeted Andrew like a long-lost friend.

  ‘Andrew!’ Flynn stepped towards him, his greeting over-familiar as they thumped each on the back. ‘I’m glad you’ve found it. Was there any room at the inn?’ Flynn gave Julia a wide beam.

  Goodness, he was attractive with his huge hazel eyes, flawless olive skin and a mass of auburn hair. His crisp white short-sleeve shirt complimented his tan perfectly, thought Julia.

  ‘Yes, we have a room,’ Eleni stepped in. ‘So you two know each other?’ Eleni asked the question that Julia was dying to know the answer to.

  ‘We do! And when Flynn persuaded me to become the head chef…’

  ‘You didn’t need much persuading,’ interrupted Flynn.

  ‘You’re right, I needed a change and you sold me Heartcross.’

  ‘Head chef…?’ quizzed Julia.

  ‘My right-hand man.’ Flynn rested a hand on Andrew’s shoulder. ‘This Michelin Star genius is going to run the main restaurant up at Starcross Manor and we are interviewing for staff tomorrow.’ Flynn looked pleased with himself. ‘We are going to put this place on the map.’

  Julia realised at this point Flynn was being honest, he wasn’t hiding the fact Starcross Manor was going to be a hotel because she knew you certainly weren’t going to need a Michelin Star chef for a retirement home. ‘Congratulations!’ remarked Julia, trying to take it all in.

  ‘That’s brilliant news, so where will you be staying on a permanent basis?’ probed Eleni, handing the room key over to Andrew.

  ‘I’m around for approximately six months unless I get talked into staying longer. I’ve got a room up at the manor house which will be ready in a couple of days, it’s being decorated today then I’ll be living in.’

  ‘Nice work if you can get it,’ chipped in Eleni.

  ‘It is.’ Andrew picked up his holdall then looked towards Flynn. ‘This was a good choice by you.’

  ‘I told you, and it’s walking distance to the Manor. It’s a great location and a great B&B,’ Flynn looked towards Julia with a warm smile. ‘Great place you have here.’

  ‘It most certainly is all of those things, but I’m a little biased.’ Julia was completely surprised that Flynn had recommended the B&B – surely these weren’t the actions of a man who wanted to put her out of business. It really was a nice thing to do and Julia was beginning to wonder whether she’d over-reacted and got the whole situation wrong.

  ‘The weather is gorgeous out there, any plans for this evening? Maybe you could both join us for a drink?’ Flynn looked between Julia and Eleni.

  It was safe to say Julia was not expecting this invitation. Flynn was being warm and friendly and her plans for the evening involved telling the village that everyone needed to be wary of this man. Maybe she should have gone to chat with Flynn first before calling the meeting and now she was feeling a tad guilty about it all.

  ‘That would have been lovely, but we have plans this evening,’ she replied, stepping out from behind the reception desk. She touched Andrew’s arm. ‘Would you like to follow me? I’ll show you to your room.’

  Julia led them down the winding hallway. She glanced over her shoulder to see that Flynn was following them. He stopped now and again to admire the walls that displayed intricate artwork.

  ‘This artwork is amazing, you’ve kitted this place out with such style.’ Flynn gave Julia his nod of approval.

  ‘She’s amazing, isn’t she?’ chipped in Eleni. ‘Julia has a flair for interior design.’

  ‘I agree, this whole place has such a good feel about it,’ continued Flynn.

  Julia felt a slight blush to her cheeks – not only was he recommending her B&B, he was now complimenting her on her interior design. She was feeling addled yet proud that Flynn had noticed.

  ‘Aww, behave,’ she replied, waving off the compliment. This just didn’t seem to be the same man she thought she knew.

  They continued to follow her down the small steps that led to a cosy reading corner – a pew, arrayed with soft furnishings, overlooking the gardens and back patio. She paused outside the communal sitting room. ‘This room is for all guests to use at any time. Feel free to open the patio doors onto the garden. Usually guests gather here between 7 and 8pm, for an hour of interesting conversation, finding out where people have come from and what they do for a living, but I kind of think everyone may recognise you.’ Julia turned towards Flynn. ‘I’ll show Andrew to his room, there’s tea and coffee over there if you wish to grab a drink. Eleni will show you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ replied Flynn stepping into the sitting room.

  Andrew followed Julia up another small flight of stairs. ‘Any plans for the rest of the afternoon?’ asked Julia, putting the key in the lock.

  ‘We are going to head over to Starcross Manor so I can inspect my new kitchen and then maybe grab some food in the local pub,’ he answered, stepping into the room and placing his holdall on top of the bed.

  ‘Sounds like a perfect afternoon. Here you are, room four.’

  Bedroom four was a simple rustic room featuring a beautiful four-poster bed, the white walls and minimal decoration allowing it to stand out. A goose-down duvet with Egyptian cotton linen added elegance and charm, and was dressed with pale blue scatter cushions.

  ‘This is a magnificent room, and what a view.’ Andrew stepped across the oak-beam floor towards the window and stared out across the acres of lush grasslands. The beauty of the mountains standing proudly in the distance. ‘I really wasn’t expecting this. How many rooms do you have here?’

  Thinking fast on her feet, Julia turned the question around. ‘Not as many as Starcross Manor – that would maybe be around sixty?’ Julia knew she was fishing for information.

  ‘And the rest,’ revealed Andrew, still looking at the scenery. ‘110 rooms in total,’ Andrew said as he pulled his ringing phone out of his pocket and glanced at the display. ‘Sorry, I need to take this.’

  ‘Of course,’ Julia nodded and her heart sank as she closed the door behind her. 110 bedrooms, how was she ever going to compete with that? She could hear Andrew chatting away as she took the staircase back towards where she’d left Eleni and Flynn, but they were nowhere to be seen. Stepping out onto the patio Julia was surprised to see Flynn sat next to Eleni, looking through her sketch pad. Eleni was smiling and they were locked in conversation.

  ‘What have I missed?’ asked Julia, feeling a little left out, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

  Eleni looked up. ‘Flynn thinks some of my sketches are amazing and I should transfer them onto canvas. He thinks I might be able to sell them.’

  ‘You are very talented,’ agreed Julia.

  ‘I would like to think I’m well up on my art,’ admitted Flynn, holding Julia’s gaze. ‘And you are talented, Eleni.’

  Eleni was beaming in pride and shut the sketch pad. ‘I might just think about that.’

  ‘You must, you can’t let that talent go to waste. Maybe you could think about selling them in the shop up at Starcross Manor?’

  ‘Shop? What type of shop?’ Julia questioned.

  ‘A giftshop-cum-newsagent. Kind of like what you’d get in a motorway service station.’

  Julia turned his words over i
n her mind, a separate shop within the hotel complex would have a massive effect on Hamish’s newsagent’s.

  Flynn turned back towards Eleni. ‘I am being serious, put them onto canvas and there’s a possibility I might even buy some to hang on the walls up at Starcross Manor.’

  ‘I will, I’ll think about it.’ Eleni was gushing. ‘Thank you.’

  Julia could see the excitement on Eleni’s face. On one hand she was happy for Eleni if she managed to sell her artwork, and the hotel would have lots of passing trade, but on the other hand, was this just Flynn trying to get everyone on side? She was just a little wary of his sentiment.

  ‘I’m all set,’ Andrew appeared and was walking towards them while Flynn stood up and admired the view from the garden.

  They watched Woody, who was now paddling in the brook – but as soon as he spotted a newbie in the garden he began racing towards Flynn and Andrew. With his tail wagging he launched his wet paws all over Flynn’s shorts.

  ‘A man’s best friend,’ remarked Flynn, giving Woody a fuss.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Woody get down… get down,’ Julia repeated, but Woody took no notice whatsoever.

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s only water. I think he likes me.’

  Flynn looked up towards the back of the B&B. ‘Great spot you have here, lots of land. I bet business is good.’ He swung a glance towards the mountainous terrain. ‘It’s estimated 150,000 climb Ben Nevis each year. Heartcross Mountain must be similar figures, which leaves a hell of a lot of hikers traipsing through the village.’

  Julia knew since Heartcross had been catapulted into the news, after the bridge had collapsed, that tourism had increased tenfold. She knew that at the moment, her little business was booming, but with 110 bedrooms becoming available soon up at Starcross Manor that could change overnight.

  ‘Yes, there’s always hikers, it’s what makes this place so special, and some come back year after year.’

  ‘What do you offer here? Hot tub? Bar?’ Flynn snagged a glance around at the garden.

  ‘Old-fashioned bed and breakfast, no frills, but yes we do have a small bar.’

  ‘And planning permission granted too. You must feel excited about your plans.’


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