Starcross Manor: Feel-good summer 2020 romantic fiction from the bestselling author of Love Heart Lane (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)

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Starcross Manor: Feel-good summer 2020 romantic fiction from the bestselling author of Love Heart Lane (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4) Page 18

by Christie Barlow

  ‘Now, that is a thoughtful present.’

  ‘Isn’t it just,’ replied Julia, feeling a flutter of warmth. ‘And we’ve had a long chat about business. Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to give Jack the go-ahead to begin my extension as soon as possible.’

  ‘Julia, that’s brilliant news.’

  ‘Isn’t it just.’

  ‘So, what’s changed?’

  Julia tapped the side of her nose. ‘All will be revealed very soon, but let’s just say I’ve surprised myself with my business negotiation skills.’ Julia was upbeat, the village would welcome the news that Starcross Manor was going to support all the local businesses in any way it could. Hopefully even Hamish would be won over.

  Isla pulled on the reins and turned Honk around. Julia walked at the side of them both whilst Woody ran in front, sniffing under the hedgerows as they began walking towards Primrose Park. ‘You certainly have changed your tune,’ Isla narrowed her eyes at Julia.

  ‘I think I overreacted when I first set eyes on him again. Sometimes you have to forgive and forget, and move on.’

  ‘You do. I forget I’m meant to be a grown-up at times.’

  ‘I thought it was about time I became a proper grown-up, especially with my fortieth just around the corner… and why is it I still feel twenty-one?’

  ‘I don’t feel like I’m twenty-one,’ admitted Isla. ‘I’m feeling knackered running round after two small children, a husband who is as bad as the kids. And my grandmother. In fact Martha has more energy than all of us put together. I need some of whatever she’s on.’

  Laughing and chatting away, Julia crossed on the wooden bridge that arched over the stream, whilst Honk splashed his hooves through the water, followed by Woody.

  ‘Molly’s over there.’ Julia pointed before pushing open the heavy wooden farmer’s gate leading into Primrose Park.

  Molly was the local vet from Glensheil, and she often worked closely with the vet’s practice in the village. Whilst Rory was off living his African dream, Molly had stepped in to help Stuart at the practice and cover some of Rory’s shifts.

  ‘One, two, three, four… five dogs,’ counted Isla. ‘She’s got her hands full there.’

  ‘Morning,’ shouted Julia across the park, and Molly lifted her head.

  ‘I’d wave but I have my hands full,’ she shouted back.

  Honk plodded over slowly – unlike Woody who had taken off at high speed and was now amongst all the other dogs, barking excitedly and weaving in and out of Molly’s legs.

  ‘Wow! Where have all these dogs come from?’ remarked Julia, thinking that was way too many to handle.

  ‘It’s my turn today, let’s call it a trial.’ Molly raised her eyebrows.

  ‘A trial?’ questioned Isla.

  ‘Dog-walking, it’s becoming very lucrative. We thought we’d give it a trial period over at the surgery, as an extra string to our bow, and – no word of a lie – within less than a week we are fully booked. We’ve advertised for staff, but I’m that busy I’ve not even had chance to look at the applicants yet.’

  ‘That’s a very good business,’ said Julia, knowing a friend of hers back in her old town was doing exactly the same thing and making a hefty profit. ‘Are you walking back?’ Julia nodded towards Molly’s van parked at the edge of the park.

  ‘Yes,’ she answered and handed a couple of leads to Julia as they walked. ‘I heard there’d been a flood at the B&B.’

  Julia explained about the dated sprinkler system, and that all the guests had had to be evacuated to Starcross Manor.

  ‘Starcross Manor,’ repeated Molly amazed. ‘I thought Flynn Carter was the sworn enemy?’

  Julia blushed. ‘Well, I might have been a bit harsh about him. He’s really helped me out and it gave us both a chance to clear the air. All I can say is, watch this space.’

  ‘I wasn’t expecting that. I also noticed the Boathouse will be opening soon; with that and Starcross Manor, this Flynn Carter seems to be taking over the world.’

  ‘He does, but this time it’s going to have great benefit to our little community… sometimes we just need to give people a chance. But I can’t say any more.’ Julia zipped her lips with her fingers.

  ‘Isn’t she annoying when she knows something we don’t?’ Isla joked, leaning forward and patting Honk on his neck.

  ‘I suppose that’s a bit like us knowing all about your birthday celebrations when you haven’t got a clue? I can’t wait,’ remarked Molly, teasing Julia.

  ‘Shush! Don’t say any more, Julia has no idea what we have in store for her yet.’ Isla tipped Molly a wink.

  Molly mirrored Julia’s action and zipped her lips with her fingers. ‘Two can play that game,’ she chuckled, loading all the dogs into the van. ‘I’ll catch you both later, morning surgery looms.’

  They watched Molly drive off in the van and Julia opened the gate wide whilst Honk plodded slowly towards the lane. ‘Once I’ve cleaned the vans up at the farm I’ll come over to the B&B and help you with whatever needs doing.’

  ‘Thanks Isla,’ replied Julia, extremely grateful for the extra pair of hands. ‘I’ll see you later.’

  They headed off in separate directions and Julia walked along the High Street with Woody close to her heels. The village was already alive with people. She said good morning to the multitude of street artists selling their paintings in the quaint courtyard at the side of the post office. Already, giggling children enjoying their school holidays were racing down the road clutching their fishing nets, most probably off to try and catch the fish from the brooks at the foot of the mountain. The sun was already beating down and it was going to be another glorious day in the village of Heartcross.

  With a spring in her step Julia strolled up Love Heart Lane towards Bonnie’s Teashop and admired the triangular bunting draped across the stone wall at the front. Already there were customers sat under the yellow-and-white awning enjoying breakfast. She felt good about her chat with Flynn and couldn’t wait to share the news with the villagers. Just as Julia was about to walk inside the teashop her phone pinged with a message from Flynn. ‘I’ve arranged a meeting up at Starcross Manor on Sunday evening at 7pm, do help spread the word.’

  ‘Good morning!’ chirped Rona smiling from behind the counter the second she spotted Julia. ‘A Full Scottish to eat in or take out?’ she asked bending down and slipping Woody a dog biscuit from the jar.

  ‘No offence, but I’m not sure I’m fancying a Full Scottish,’ replied Julia with her eye firmly on the array of beautiful pastries and cakes arranged in the numerous glass-domed stands on top of the counter. She immediately fancied a cinnamon swirl the second she laid eyes on them and pointed. ‘One of those to take out, please. They look delicious.’

  ‘Baked by my own fair hands this morning,’ said Rona, triumphantly slipping one inside a white paper bag.

  ‘And how are you this morning?’ Felicity looked over her shoulder at Julia as she pulled open the oven to check on the tray of sausage rolls.

  ‘All is good in the land of Julia Coleman, and it will be even better when my gas and electricity is switched back on.’ Julia gave a smile. ‘And I have news, there’s a meeting up at Starcross Manor on Sunday at 7pm. I’ve been in negotiations and there’s good news for all the villagers.’

  Immediately, Rona stopped what she was doing and wiped her hands on the tea towel. ‘Good news? What good news? I’ve already decided Flynn is going to have a fight on his hands if he thinks he’s poaching my afternoon tea clients.’ Rona gave Julia a look that meant no one messes with me. She reached down behind the counter and pulled out a sign. ‘Starting from today it will be two-for-one on all afternoon teas. Let’s see what he’s going to do about that!’ She waved the handmade sign in the air. ‘This place is prime location at the foot of the mountain, those hungry ramblers want sausage rolls, packed lunches, a Full Scottish to start their day, an afternoon tea to finish. However, if my trade is affected…’ Rona gave Julia
a wicked smile and wagged her finger. ‘I’ll play dirty if I have to!’

  ‘Rona, it’s good news especially for the teashop, trust me.’ Julia lowered her voice. ‘Your afternoon teas are going to be the ONLY ones in Heartcross.’

  Rona raised an eyebrow. ‘Really? I’m intrigued. We always knew we could count on you,’ Rona patted Julia’s hand over the counter.

  Julia had to do everything in her power not to spill the beans, but she’d promised Flynn. She felt like a fairy godmother turning everyone’s anxiety and worries into something positive. Rona’s trade for afternoon teas was about to double and the only worry she’d have was having to bake twice as many scones. ‘But I have to say, I would never want to get on the wrong side of you, Rona Simons.’

  Rona winked and slid a flask of tea over the counter. ‘Take this and go and get that B&B reopened.’

  ‘I will,’ replied Julia, rummaging for some loose change in her pocket, but Rona put her hand up. ‘On the house and no arguments.’

  ‘Thank you,’ replied Julia gratefully, grabbing the flask and the bag.

  With Woody walking at the side of her, they took off back towards the B&B. She was hoping it was good news today and the power to the house would be up and running again by lunchtime. All she needed now was a date to start her extension – this was the first step to her own little business empire expanding and she was excited. That feeling of failure that she’d had when she discovered Starcross Manor was going to be a hotel had completely evaporated. Working with Flynn instead of fighting against him had given Julia food for thought, and she had all sorts of ideas swimming around in her head.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It had been a busy day; the eerie silence of the B&B at the start of the day had been so different by the time Julia had finished and Isla had finished. True to her word, Isla had turned up at the B&B with her sleeves rolled up and ready to help, and after Flynn had dropped off all the soft furnishings, they’d worked non-stop, making beds, hanging curtains and pushing the cushions back into the covers. Within a few hours everywhere seemed almost back to normal.

  The gas and electricity had been declared safe, the Aga was back up and running, the boiler was relit and the hum from the fridge was a welcome sound. Julia smiled at Woody who was stretched out on the sofa in the kitchen like nothing had ever happened.

  ‘Hello!’ Eleni shouted up the hallway.

  ‘In here,’ bellowed Julia, flicking on the kettle.

  Eleni walked into the kitchen holding up a pint of milk. ‘Thought you might need supplies.’

  ‘You are a life-saver!’ exclaimed Julia, taking out three mugs from the cupboards and throwing a teabag in each one.

  ‘How’s it going?’ Eleni looked around, suitably impressed.

  Julia did a triumphant punch to the air. ‘We’ve smashed it, worked our socks off,’ she high fived Isla who grinned.

  ‘It’s times like this when I am thankful it’s mainly wooden and tiled floors. Could you imagine if it had been carpet?’ remarked Julia, pouring the boiling water into each mug. ‘That would have needed to be ripped up. All the curtains are hung, the clean bedding is back on the beds, and this place is absolutely spotless. It feels like we’ve done a proper spring clean.’

  ‘You are like wonder women!’ exclaimed Eleni. ‘Everywhere does look like it’s back to normal. What’s the plan? When can you reopen again?’

  ‘Hopefully as soon as possible! How’s it gone up at Starcross Manor? Were the new guests okay with the change?’ checked Julia.

  ‘Everyone is happy,’ reassured Eleni. ‘Oh, and I’ve got one more surprise for you.’ Eleni’s eyes danced with excitement as she waved her hands at them. ‘Come on, come!’

  Julia and Isla followed Eleni down the hallway towards the reception. Julia’s face lit up – there standing on the desk was a computer. ‘Oh my gosh. Where has this come from?’ she asked, wiggling the mouse and tapping on the keyboard.

  ‘Don’t get too excited, it’s second-hand, but Jack mentioned that Flynn had just bought a new computer for the office and this one was going begging. It would have only got thrown in the skip. So I asked Flynn and he said take it… so I did! Here it is!’

  ‘Wow! Incredibly generous.’ Julia couldn’t believe it, this was going to help out enormously.

  ‘What else is he throwing in that skip?’ joked Isla. ‘I think we need to take a look.’

  ‘I can ask Jack?’

  ‘I was joking,’ said Isla. ‘Let’s get that cup of tea, I’m parched.’

  As Eleni continued to fire-up the computer Isla followed Julia back into the kitchen. ‘He’s really going out of his way to look after you,’ noticed Isla. ‘First accommodating all the guests, then the dry cleaning. Jack and the lads helping with all the mattresses, now computers…’ She tilted her head at Julia. ‘Is there something you aren’t telling me? I can see a sparkle in your eye.’

  ‘We’ve come to an understanding to put the past behind us, and that’s what we’re doing.’

  ‘And I suppose the fact he is drop-dead gorgeous is something you haven’t noticed?’

  Julia could feel Isla’s eyes upon her, her amused face watching her every move.

  Trying to keep the smile off her face was a challenge for Julia in itself. Of course she’d noticed his handsome rugged looks, it was difficult not to.

  Julia managed a sarcastic smile. ‘Actually, I haven’t noticed at all.’

  ‘Really,’ probed Isla, still teasing.

  ‘The computer is up and running,’ announced Eleni, waltzing into the kitchen, ‘what have I missed?’

  Isla and Julia exchanged a glance.

  ‘Nothing whatsoever, only Julia not noticing how handsome Flynn actually is.’

  ‘Ha! I knew it!’ replied Eleni, with a grin.

  ‘We shall leave this conversation right here,’ ordered Julia flashing a huge smile, whilst shaking her head in jest.

  ‘The lady doth protest too much.’ Isla put her fingers up to her eyes then pointed them in Julia’s direction. ‘I’m watching you.’

  ‘Ha ha, watch all you like,’ laughed Julia.

  Julia arrived back home just after 4pm, after restocking her fridge and freezer with produce from Foxglove Farm. Feeling a bubble of happiness rise in her stomach, she climbed the stairs back to her own private quarters with Woody by her side. As much as the hotel was an extravagant treat, there was no place like home and Julia couldn’t wait to soak in the bath with bubbles up to her neck and a glass of wine in hand, before tucking into the sausage casserole that was bubbling away in the bottom oven of the Aga.

  After balancing her wine glass on the edge of the bath, Julia turned on the tap and took a moment to watch the warm water swirl around the tub. She added a splash of luxurious bubble bath that Callie had sent her last Christmas and lit the tea-light candles on the windowsill. This was just what she needed. As she lowered her aching muscles into water, the bubbles rose to just under her chin. With her shoulders relaxed under the warm water she closed her eyes for the next ten minutes.

  Julia thought about the water damage to the B&B, and on the whole knew it could have been a lot worse. She would never have got it up and running again so fast if it hadn’t been for all her friends and Flynn helping out the way they had, and she knew she was so lucky to have that support.

  Taking a sip of her wine, she glanced at the screen on her phone. It was an hour until she’d arranged to FaceTime Callie and discuss her imminent arrival for the upcoming birthday celebrations. Julia had everything crossed that Callie could stay for a few days, it would be fantastic to have a proper catch-up.

  Julia couldn’t quite believe that she was nearly forty – where had the time gone? A few days ago, celebrating had been the last thing on her mind, but now she began to feel excited. Feeling the water beginning to cool Julia finished her wine, climbed out of the bath and slipped straight into a comfy pair of lounge pants and a T-shirt. Once she’d ventured downstairs, she devoured the c
asserole in a matter of minutes and checked the time. There were a few minutes to spare until her FaceTime call with Callie as she settled on the sofa.

  The phone rang out for a few times before the call connected. Julia beamed at Callie. ‘Well hello there! You look… actually you look kind of harassed,’ remarked Julia, narrowing her eyes at her cousin’s image on the screen. ‘Where are you? I thought you’d be settled down with a large glass so we can make plans for the weekend.’ Julia could barely hear Callie, the background noise was loud and muffled.

  ‘So sorry, I totally forgot we’d arranged to FaceTime. It’s really not a good time,’ Callie was shouting and barely looking at her phone.

  ‘Are you okay? Have you really forgotten me?’ Julia pulled a sad face, this wasn’t like Callie at all. They always chatted for hours on their FaceTime calls.

  ‘I know, it’s just it’s full-on at the minute and I’m on my way out.’

  Once again, Julia struggled to hear her, but then could have sworn she heard someone telling Callie to hurry up. ‘Where exactly are you? It sounds like you’re at the airport or a train station, who are you with?’ Julia moved closer to the screen to try and see where Callie was but her phone kept slipping down and now it seemed like she was running.

  ‘I’m just…’ Callie seemed breathless.

  ‘Put the phone down,’ ordered a voice as someone pulled on Callie’s arm – a voice that Julia thought she recognised.

  ‘Is that Allie? Are you with Allie?’

  ‘I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you next week,’ confirmed Callie, her voice petering out with all the background noise.

  ‘You better not call me next week, it’s my birthday this weekend, and you better be here,’ Julia was beginning to feel panicky. What the hell was Callie playing at?

  ‘I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to make your birthday, but I’ll make it up to you… promise,’ came the muffled reply.

  ‘What do you mean, it’s my big birthday, you have to be here.’


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