Welcome To Corbin's Bend

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Welcome To Corbin's Bend Page 12

by Thianna D

  After locking the door behind him and turning the ringer off on the phone, he followed her, pulling off his shirt and kicking his shoes off as he followed her trail of clothing toward his bedroom. When he reached his room and did not find her, he looked in the bathroom. Not there either. "Char?"

  "In here!" she called and, surprised, he followed her into what could be a nursery or office, but in his house, was a research room.

  Walking inside, he leaned against the wall and watched her. This room was his ode to spanking. He tested all new implements in here, and there was an entire armoire full of them. There was only one actual spanking bench here now, though through the years he had had many. In this room, he had taught many of the people he mentored how to swing for maximum effectiveness without harming their target. But since moving to Colorado, he had never brought a woman inside this room just for him. Seeing her stand in the middle of the room gazing at the posters that covered the wall made him smile. Her mouth was open in a soft "O" and her eyes were alight with passion. All around them were posters of men and women in the throes of a passionate or loving spanking, all from the same artist.

  They turned him on whenever he looked at them, and, by her expression, he could see she felt the same way. Her eyes slid toward him and she smiled. "They're beautiful."

  "Aren't they? I've been collecting them for years." Standing up from the wall, he walked over and stood next to her, his hand lightly rubbing along her overheated bottom. She gasped softly but did not pull away. Keeping up the movement, he gazed into her eyes. "So beautiful. I need one of you up there."

  Her eyes lit up with passion and she turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Fuck me."

  Growling with need, he yanked her close. "Let's go to bed."

  "No," she whispered, shaking her head. "Here." She pulled back and walked over to his leather spanking bench. She needed no encouragement to climb up on it, placing her knees and arms in the braces and settling herself along the top. Damn, but she was a vision. Removing his pants and underwear, he tossed them to the side and walked up, trailing his fingers along her back.

  "Mine," he said firmly and growled when she moaned in response. Damn she was perfect for him. "Never change, Char. Never."

  She looked over her shoulder at him and winked. "What are you waiting for?"

  Grinning, he was suddenly very glad he had been a Boy Scout and was always prepared, as he pulled a condom from a small bowl that sat nearby. After gloving up, he pulled her cheeks apart, groaning at the wetness that coated her lips and thighs. "You've started without me."

  She giggled. "That paddle hurt like hell. But… I think you spanked me stupid. It also turned me on."

  "Mine," he said louder, grasping her hips and lining himself up. His eyes drifted across her soft round globes, which were just a soft pink now, and he could feel the slightly evil grin that lit up his face. "It turned you on?"


  As he thrust inside of her, he slammed his hand down upon her rump. Her scream quickly turned into a moan and as her back arched, he pulled out; as he thrust back in, he hit the other side.

  "More! More, Brent!"

  Encouraged, his hand came down as he fucked her hard and fast, his hips smacking hers every other second as he drove harder and harder, chasing their combined orgasms. Little cries left her lips, not of pain but of blissed-out pleasure, and he intensified each smack of his hand and each plunge of his cock. As her pussy convulsed around him and she let out one long wail, he slammed in once more and stilled, breathing hard and fast as he came, filling up the condom and realizing he hoped for the day he wouldn't have to wear one anymore.

  Damn, to enter her body without latex. To feel his skin rub against hers and to know his cum was painting the inside of her beautiful body. A low moan escaped his lips as he bent over her, kissing the top of her spine. "So beautiful," he murmured, grasping the condom and pulling out. After disposing of the rubber, he helped her off the bench, pleased to see her skin was now a nice rosy blush.

  Exhausted from pure ecstasy, she smiled at him but her legs were not able to hold her weight. Picking her up, he carried her to his bed, tucking her under the covers and climbing in behind her to spoon her comfortably. "I love you," he said into her ear, happy to say the words he had been feeling for weeks.

  "Love you, too," she yawned back before her breathing deepened into sleep. Wrapping his arms around her, he felt a huge grin cross his face. Maybe introducing her to his family at New Year's wasn't such a bad idea.


  Leaning against the fence, Brent watched the kids play in the community pool. Since they had opened it for the season it had been packed every day, and he could not stop the smile on his face as he watched one of the boys dive bomb into the deep end while the girls squealed and paddled out of the way. He could not keep his gaze on them for long, though. Naturally, his eyes moved to the right and rested on the beautiful woman sunbathing in the corner, her nose covered in heavy sunscreen – something Char absolutely abhorred – while one hand held a soda and the other rested on her rounded stomach.

  While most of the women were lying around in bathing suits for one of the last hot days of the season, his beautiful lady was wearing shorts over hers. He barely held in the grin at the reason why: he told her to wear sunscreen, she conveniently forgot, and the games began. Her ass was a delightful shade of fire-engine red right now and by the way she squirmed every few minutes, every adult in the place knew why she was slightly covered up. Well, at least they partially knew why. Because of how low she carried their baby, the doctor had suggested vaginal sex would be a bad idea, but had given the thumbs up for anal – something that had made him and his woman happy. Turned out Char went absolutely crazy with desire when he even touched her little rosebud, let alone entered it, and as she was already turned on from an intense spanking… Well, she was having a hard time sitting down for two reasons.

  "Gloating looks good on you."

  Turning his head, Brent grinned as Jason walked up and leaned on the fence next to him. "Can't help it."

  "You two decided to marry yet?"

  "No. Char still is a bit gun-shy on the whole marriage thing because of that asshole former fiancé of hers."

  Nodding, Jason looked around, waving his hand as Rose waved his way. "Well, just so you know, it's about damned time, my friend. And Bethany, I hear, is thrilled there is another un-married DD couple who isn't planning a trip down the aisle."

  "Oh, I'm planning it. Just waiting for her to catch up."

  Chuckling, Jason smacked him on the back. "Come on downstairs. Let the ladies have their time without us."

  After one more look at Charmagne, Brent turned and followed the older man.

  "Know what you are expecting yet?"

  "A little girl." Brent was thrilled. He had already driven Char nuts with changing the guest room into a nursery. Soon after the New Year, they had decided to live together, and he gave up his home in the development and moved in with her. She was not sold on giving up her autonomous rights as a home owner and he could understand why, but they had bartered back and forth and she now paid a small stipend to the development for full coverage for emergencies if she were to need the police or a fireman. One of the best things about moving into her house was that she had never taken the time to do anything with the second floor. Without any other plans for it, his spanking room now took up most of it, and they were continually adding to the pieces he'd brought with him.

  To his relief, Char had been able to handle the teasing from his family when she met them. So well, in fact, that they adored her and had given him their approval almost instantly. When he told his mother she could expect her next grandchild come fall, she had squealed and, before he was even done painting the nursery, had come up to visit with tons of toys she could not pass up.

  He would always remember the look on Char's face when the development had a house-warming party for the two of them once they moved in together.
She always tried to appear put-together, and at first their gifts had made her tear up at their thoughtfulness. Until the spanking implements began to make their appearance. Her look of utter lust when they pulled out a smooth leather slapper had made him laugh.

  "Thought of any names yet?" Jason asked, pulling him out of his thoughts as they reached the basement where the majority of the men were on this fine Saturday.

  "A few. We've nixed all the ones we've come up with so far. She wants something utterly unique. I want something simple and straightforward."

  A snort from his right made Brent turn, raising an eyebrow at Calbert. "What?"

  "Don't you know yet? Let her have her way with naming the baby. If you don't, you will still end up calling the baby by whatever nickname she comes up with anyway."

  "It's true!" yelled a voice from the back.

  "And," Calbert added, a twinkle in his eye, "If it's a truly abhorrent name, you can always remind her that it was a bad idea."

  "Like weekly!" Benjamin suggested from his spot next to Jonathon, who grinned. Seeing the two together made Brent smile. Benjamin's announcement during the holidays that he had officially retired from the military had been a big change for the two of them, one that suited them both just fine.

  "Yes, but Jyashanna Laire?"

  "What the fuck is that?" Lelo asked, handing him a glass of scotch. "I don't think I could even spell it."

  "That's what she wants to name our little girl."

  "What name do you want?" Jonathon asked.

  "Kayla Rachelle."

  "Remind her that Laire could easily become Liar to a little kid," one of them suggested. "Just imagine the teasing."

  "Well, we still have a few more weeks to iron it out," Brent said, sitting down and putting his feet up on the wooden coffee table. "She isn't due till the end of the month."

  "Which means you probably have till sometime in October," Marcus laughed, walking over to sit down across from him. "First babies are notoriously late."

  "Not mine," Laurent grunted from the opposite side of the room. "He came on time."

  "Don't go wandering off next time," Marcus reminded him sharply.

  "No worries. I won't."

  "Brent!" The yell from one of the kids had him look up.


  Pounding feet hit the stairs and Danny, Darla's son, pelted into view, water still dripping off him. It was obvious he had not even tried to dry off when he got out of the pool.

  "Mom says to come quick. Char's water broke."

  "Here we go!" Marcus said, standing up, and the two of them ran up the stairs. Char stood right outside of the doorway to the clubhouse, Kelli and Venia at her side.

  She looked up and grimaced. "Looks like baby girl is coming sooner than we expected."

  Watching Brent was all Char could do. His head was bent over their little girl and he was singing softly to the little cherub as he sat next to her. The hospital bed was uncomfortable, but then again, so was the birth. After examining her, Marcus had insisted they go to Denver as the umbilical cord was showing signs of wrapping around the baby's throat. That had terrified Char and Brent. Thankfully, the doctors there had kept watch, and as the labor progressed, the problem had righted itself, and she had given birth to their daughter just after four that morning.

  Now they were just waiting for the doctor to come in and give them the all clear so they could head home.

  "All right," said a kind voice, and Char smiled at the nurse. Cassidy had been with them all day and had been a great help so far. "I have all your paperwork here, but first, do you have a name yet so we can get her birth certificate completed?"

  Brent looked up from his cooing and just smiled. "You choose, Honey."

  She shook her head as he went right back to staring at the little girl in his arms. He seemed mesmerized. Char had the feeling that, in about fifteen years, Brent's awed face would be deep in a scowl as he faced all the boys who wanted to date his little girl. Charmagne loved odd names. Maybe because she herself had one. The name Jyashanna Laire had been created by the combination of other names she loved and she could just imagine calling the little girl Shanna. But she also knew Brent was not thrilled with that particular name. Taking a deep breath to let things go that just did not matter, she turned back to Cassidy. "Yes, her name is Kayla Rachelle Carmichael."

  As Cassidy left to go turn in that information, Brent whispered, "Thank you."

  Turning, she smiled. "That's okay. You got to name her. Now I get to tell you when to back off when a boy wants to take her out."

  He blinked and a twinkle began in his right eye, quickly spreading to the left. "Oh, no. Of course with our luck, it will be one of the Brents and I'll be having a talk with my namesake. That will be weird."

  She giggled and squirmed a little. "My ass hurts."

  "Well, if you had worn the sunscreen…" he reminded her. "Your mommy is stubborn," he whispered, tapping Kayla on the nose. Looking up, he grinned. "And you realize we probably still can't have vaginal sex for a month or so. You'll be too sore." Char supposed she should be annoyed he was already thinking about sex with her, but to be honest, she was thinking the exact same thing. "Think we can find a babysitter for a few hours a week?"

  "I'm thinking yes," he said firmly, making her smile. "What do you think, little Kayla?" he asked. "There's a whole community of aunts and uncles to dote on you."

  "Especially Benjamin and Jonathon. They're both so excited for us."

  He flashed her another one of his grins. "Boys will have to get past them too."

  "Oh, dear lord. Poor Kayla."

  Chuckling, he leaned over and kissed her. "As soon as the nurse is back, let's go home, Baby."

  Looking up into his warm, happy face, a feeling flowed through her that she realized was fully connected to the man sitting next to her, something she had never felt until she moved to the little community of Corbin's Bend. Bliss. She had finally found the bliss she had been searching for.

  Reaching over to squeeze his hand, she nodded. "Let's go home."

  Thianna D

  Thianna D is an author of erotica and erotic romance, many of her books either domestic discipline or BDSM in nature. She loves to write about the emotional aspects of these kinds of relationships.

  Finding Their Bliss came about from her fantasy about a perfect community where spanking and loving discipline were the norm. She was thrilled with nine other authors joined in to create the Corbin's Bend series, a set of erotic spanking novels and novellas.

  She hopes you have enjoyed Finding Their Bliss and that you will check out the other Corbin's Bend books coming Summer 2014.

  Keep up with Corbin's Bend at www.corbinsbend.com.

  Don’t miss the entire Corbin’s Bend Series!

  Welcome to Corbin’s Bend

  Return to Corbin’s Bend

  At Home in Corbin’s Bend

  Corbin’s Bend Homecoming

  Love in the Rockies

  Exile to Unity

  Tara Finnegan

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Tara Finnegan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Finnegan, Tara

  Exile to Unity

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-4324

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blus
hing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  June. Dublin, Ireland.

  Angela O'Brien was ashen as she left the courthouse. She gripped her husband's hand tightly, hiding as much of her face as she could from the reporters. She would speak to no one. Her tall, brawny husband looked solemn as he brushed aside photographers. She'd had to fight her dismissal, absolutely had to. It was wrong. No-one should be sacked from their position as a result of their intimate relations within marriage. It was nobody's business but theirs. Even if she had won, she probably would never have gone back to work as a teacher as she was now Ireland's most infamous person. The shame would have been too much. Besides, she and Jim had the wheels in motion for a move to the United States before she had even allowed her teacher's union to take the case on her behalf. She knew the fallout would be mortifying, but she still had to stand her ground on principle.

  What she hadn't expected, though, was a full re-enactment of that dreadful night. The night her son was born prematurely as a result of their stupid, reckless behavior. Ange had discovered she liked sex a little on the rough side, and Jim had gleefully coaxed her to explore it further. Shortly after they had found out they were expecting a second child, they decided to have a weekend in London before they were twice as tied. A visit to Ann Summers sex toy shop had resulted in all sorts of purchases, including spanking paddles, wrist and ankle cuffs, and nipple clamps. Ange's hormones were running riot and she had been horny as the devil and Jim was just being Jim, a dangerous combination to let loose in an adult shop. She warned him at the time that they were for use after the birth. By the time Ange was thirty three weeks pregnant, they had burned a hole in their packaging after three months festering in the wardrobe.


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