WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours

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WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours Page 18

by Holly Fox Vellekoop

  Assured he was alone, and certain the box was evacuated, he relaxed and dug a shifting hole with a metal blade and placed the empty receptacle inside. He covered it over and thought about the future should someone find it. Someday, some archeologist will dig this up and attach an interpretation of the ancient civilization who crafted it and what its purpose was. He always enjoyed the way others misinterpreted the In Situs’ leavings in this space.

  Jocka used the edge of his digging tool to effectively cover the concealed container. A clinking metallic noise in the surrounding sand caught his attention and he tapped the blade against the buried item. Certain it was something substantial, he began to dig. As the desert fell away from the object, he recognized it to be an ash receptacle similar to the one he’d just buried. Jocka struggled but managed to pull it free from its resting spot and opened it. The container was empty. How many of these are out here? He stabbed his blade into the ground at another spot, without results.

  In a frenzy, Jocka moved around the box he had just covered, stabbing and twisting the tool into the sand for signs of more ash containers for remains. Finding nothing further, he picked up the vessel he had found and turned it over and over, looking for some sign of when and by whom it was buried there, in exactly the same spot Marva had chosen for today.

  Faint sighings and whispers continued until the aide closed the box and reburied it. He felt energy from somewhere or something, nudging him away from the burial spot. He tried to calm his racing heart by sitting down and thinking about Marva, before passing back to his own dimension.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Corona had called a gathering of the Korsa in the university lounge for what she believed to be an important discussion of a troubling situation with the In Situs.

  “Flora and Fancy have been visiting me less frequently,” Corona said. “And they keep making excuses as to why I can’t pass into their dimension. I think I may have family there and want to see them. At one time, they promised me I could. Now, I don’t know if it’s ever going to happen.”

  “I was telling Stanley the same thing,” Sarah said. “Flora’s been to see me just twice in the past two weeks, and neither time did she suggest we pass over. When I asked if we could, she said maybe later because her area was unstable right now.”

  “We could do it without them,” Stanley said, raising his voice. “I’m not afraid.” He looked at Corona to see if she was impressed.

  “Keep your voice down,” Corona said. “We don’t want the Zeros hearing us.”


  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Sarah said. “Flora and Fancy told us we should never cross over without them. It could be dangerous. Just sayin’…”

  “Aw come on,” Stanley said. “It might be fun going there on our own. Doing what we want. Riding the energy field wherever we want to go instead of where Flora wants to take us. Corona said they showed her how to use the transport device when they visited her one time. She could do the driving.” He smiled at Corona. “That’d be awesome.”

  “Maybe Flora’s in trouble or something and needs us,” Corona said. “I’ve been thinking about going without them, too. Just to see what’s happening there, for my own peace of mind. I think I know enough about getting around to stay out of danger.”

  “I don’t know enough,” Sarah said. “And I don’t think either of you know enough, either. All we understand about that place is what we’ve been told. The In Situs may try to hurt us. Or worse.”

  “They’re harmless,” Stanley said. “Flora told me no weapons are allowed in their dimension and the Homelings have no power there. So what’s there to worry about? I say we cross over tonight.” He looked from Sarah to Corona, lingering a little longer to observe Corona’s reaction. “Well, who’s with me?”

  “I’m willing,” Corona said, becoming aware of Stanley watching her. “Flora won’t give us the independent coordinates needed for us to leave from anywhere other than my home. She said Helper will teach us sometime, but with the trouble the In Situs are having right now, it probably won’t be soon.”

  “I can meet you later tonight at your house. It’ll be okay with my parents,” Stanley said. “I’ll tell them we’re going to work on an educational project. They just won’t know it’s an In Situ project.” He was grinning broadly at the prospect of their plans. Getting some time alone with Corona wouldn’t be so bad, either. He thought she was smart and brave and cute. Not like Sarah.

  “Oh all right, I’ll come, too,” Sarah said. Seeing the surprise on her friends’ faces she said, “Well, I can’t have you two having all the fun, can I?”

  Stanley and Corona turned their heads her way.

  “I won’t like it,” Sarah continued. “And I won’t pass over. I’ll stay in your room Corona in case you need me or something.”

  “Then it’s set,” Corona said. She held her hands out for her friends and they each placed their palms against the others,’ sealing their decision.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Since the deaths of the humans at the camp, Marva was suspicious and watching everything even more closely than usual. The humans were murdered with no real evidence as to how it occurred although it was suspected to be related to the ventilation equipment. She still didn’t know for certain who knew the facts about what had happened. Her insiders were absorbed with processing the evidence with reports about everything coming directly to her. The camp was large, presenting an overwhelming task for those involved.

  At Flora’s home

  Fancy settled into a chair that had extended itself for her. “What’re we going to tell the hybrids? We can’t keep putting them off like this. As smart as they are, they’re going to get suspicious. Especially Corona.”

  Flora went to the brightly lit wall and touched it. A large exterior opening appeared. She was careful how close she got, not wanting her neighbors to see her watching them.

  “What are you looking for?” Fancy asked. She attempted to get up but changed her mind. She was exhausted and needed rest time from the All’s constant commands of requesting she spy on others for them. The prospect of their confiscating a much larger home and presenting it to her for her efforts made the tasks more inviting.

  Like the other Passers, Fancy was putting in extra shifts monitoring the comings and goings of the Homelings and any other groups the All deemed to be subversive at most, suspicious at the least. Communication waves throughout the community captured most of the activity, but there were places unobserved that troublemakers could congregate without being seen or heard. And some of the waves that went around corners and over rooftops were malfunctioning. This concerned the leadership.

  Flora closed the wall opening and sat down near Fancy.

  “I think we should tell the Hybrids the truth,” Flora said. “They might be too young to be hearing such news, but if we’re to keep their respect and confidence, we must tell them what happened. It’s going to be a terrible blow for them. Unlike us, most humans care about what happens to one another. And we need to tell Corona we still haven’t discovered anything about her grandparents.”

  Fancy looked closely at Flora. “There are many humans unaccounted for in Corona’s dimension. Her grandparents are just a few. Thousands go missing every year. Children, the elderly, babies, couples and singles of all kinds. Where are they going? Who has them? They can’t all be victims of the criminal activity in their own world.” She was perplexed. Someone has these people.

  “I don’t know,” Flora said. “It could just be related to their own universe and have nothing to do with here. After all, they have criminals, child molesters, political groups and abusers who steal people all the time for their own selfish pleasures and gain. Those missing people don’t have to be gone because of some activity here. They could be part of their own problems there. However, we saw the pictures Corona had which came from her grandparent’s camera, That was definitely tied to something going on here. One of our own is passing
over there. They had to be using an assistive tool for humans to pass. What are you thinking Fancy?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I hope to find out.” Fancy stood up and went to the wall and touched it, causing the opening to appear once more. She leaned in to get a better view of Golden’s backyard. There were a dozen Homelings and even more Travelers congregating there, going in and out the back entrance, stopping at times to communicate back and forth. Fancy strained to see who was involved. She recognized most of the ones she could see. There were a few who had wraps over their bodies, covering their heads, making themselves unidentifiable. “Filthy Travelers,” Fancy mumbled aloud.

  Flora approached the opening and peered out. Two in the Homelings group had her attention. They looked familiar. She was struggling to remember where she knew them from. She strained to get a better view and remembered how she knew that pair, Raney and Sondo. When the congregants turned to look her way, Flora pulled back and closed the opening. She looked over at Fancy.

  “What?” Fancy said. “Did you see something?”

  “No, nothing,” Flora said. For now, she was not saying what it was. She kept her thoughts to herself. Raney and Sondo. The twins. They looked identical, dressed alike, sometimes finished each other’s sentences and had one big thing in common. They were both killers for fun. Use to be involved in the Passer program years ago until they were caught killing a Hybrid in their own home. Got involved with the Travelers as one of their enforcers. They weren’t heard from for a while and now they’re hanging around this group. There could only be one reason for that. These murderers are called up to do something they really enjoyed - killing things. Anything. Anyone. Anytime. They’ll do it your way or their way.

  Fancy asked again, “Tell me. What’d you see?”

  Flora, changed the topic. “Let’s go see Corona and her friends soon. We’ll take Helper with us and have a discussion with them about what’s happened here.”

  “Why not now?” Fancy asked. “With all that’s going on, we should go as soon as we can.”

  “I have too much to do and I’m tired. I need to rejuvenate. Like you and some others, I’ve been doing extra work for the All and need restored.” She yawned and stretched out.

  “You’re right,” Fancy said. “We’re both exhausted.” She felt better, realizing Flora wasn’t suspicious about anything, just tired from all the activity.

  Flora made a mental note to tell Marva about the twins being seen with the Homelings.

  Fancy asked, “When we meet with Corona and her friends, will you tell them what’s happened or should I?”

  “We’ll explain it together,” Flora said. “Before we go see them, I’ll ask Marva how she wants us to handle it. Because of the trouble our next trip may be the last time we see those three for a long time. I’m going to miss them. Corona especially.”

  “It’s not good to develop feelings for those of other dimensions,” Fancy said. “Look what happened at the human camp. Knowing and interacting with the humans made it difficult for some In Situs when the humans were murdered. It shows weakness.”

  Flora became alert when Fancy used the word ‘murder’ but showed no emotion. “I don’t feel close to them. I believe Corona has more potential than any of us realize and I’d like to be the one who learns about her gifts. Right now, I think I need to rest. I’ve more to do for Marva tonight after I meet with her. You and I can discuss this further when I’m restored.”

  “I need a break, too,” Fancy said. “All this activity has drained my reserves” She glided to the wall, pressed the door area and stepped through it. She took a look back and noticed that Flora, eyeband dimming, had drifted off into her respite.

  When Fancy closed the door from the outside, she made sure to press the outer skin so Flora’s entire home was covered. She smiled, assured Flora couldn’t look out without removing that layer. If the outer color changed, she’d know Flora was watching her.

  Flora waited a moment after Fancy left and got up and went to the wall. She pressed an area where there was no outer skin in place. A small area, just enough to see through, appeared. I still have one or two tricks others don’t know about. Flora pressed her eyeband to the small opening.

  Fancy was seen gliding to Golden’s yard, looking back at Flora’s home and then over at the Homeling and Traveler congregants.

  Flora saw Fancy pushing Raney and Sondo to go inside.

  The twins held hands and moved forward.

  Flora sent a private message on the board, went out the back entrance of her home through another hidden opening, and rode to her meeting.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  At Corona’s home

  “My aunt and uncle have been asleep for awhile now,” Corona said. “They won’t awaken.”

  “I’m still not going with you,” Sarah said. She adjusted the shift she was wearing in case something happened and she needed to cross over. “You did a good job on these, Corona. They look like the real thing an In Situ would wear. Cool that you made them out of burlap. They look real.”

  “Thank you. They’re pretty simple to make. Just wait here to be ready to help us if we need it. If we do, one of us’ll come back for you.”

  “If we leave from here, we’ll be sure to end up in Flora’s living room,” Stanley said. “What’ll we do if she’s there?”

  “Let’s tell her we’re worried about her since we haven’t seen her lately,” Corona said. “And, we can say we came to check on her. We’ll apologize for doing it without her permission. Then, we’ll just come back here. How’s that sound?”

  “I like that,” Sarah said. “Maybe I’ll go with you after all.” Her confidence was growing. I’m brave enough to do this, she lied to herself. She changed her mind and decided that was foolish. Just as quickly, she entertained the idea of joining them.

  “Are you sure?” Corona asked. “I don’t want you to do something you really don’t want to do. But we’d like you to be with us.”

  “I’m going,” Sarah said. “Yep. I’m going.”

  Corona brightened. “Good. I think it’ll be better if we all go. We can watch out for each other. It was a great idea of yours Stanley, that we wear these shifts. That way, we’ll be less noticeable to the beings. If they see us, maybe they won’t be so suspicious. Maybe some of them won’t know we’re not supposed to be there.”

  “Yeah,” Stanley said half-heartedly. “I don’t really like myself in this thing. Oh well. I’m just glad it goes down past my calves. I’d feel really stupid if it stopped at my knees or something.” He brightened. “I’m wearing my favorite sneakers, though, so it’s okay.”

  Corona and Sarah looked down at Stanley’s prized sneakers.

  “Nice.” Corona said.

  “Yep, I’m going for sure,” Sarah said, ignoring most of what Stanley was saying.

  Stanley liked the idea of having Sarah back in the room just in case she was needed - back where he couldn’t hear her complain. Two humans would be harder to spot than three and being together with just Corona would be nice. Because he didn’t want to hurt Sarah’s feelings, he said to her, “I’m glad you’re coming along.”

  Corona offered to pass over first and come back and give the ‘all clear’ if Flora’s house was empty. She moved to their familiar passing spot in a corner near her window. Crossing her arms and exercising her brain, she was gone in seconds. There was barely a ripple effect.

  Corona arrived at In Situ without any problems. She entertained the idea of going by herself again in the near future and not telling anyone.

  Stanley and Sarah waited.

  Back in the room, Sarah became concerned. “What if something happens to her?What’ll we do? How’ll we ever explain all this?”

  “Nothing’s gonna’ happen to her,” Stanley said. “Corona’s a smart girl. She can get herself out of trouble. She can do anything.”

  “Yeah, but what if something happens to her?” Sarah said again.

  Stanley sighed.
  In a few minutes, Corona returned through the fold.

  “Flora’s house is dark inside. I looked around and the place was empty. If we hurry, we can pass over and get out before any of them know we’re there.”

  They took turns entering the other dimension, arriving easily in Flora’s home.

  “It’s darker in here than when we came before,” Sarah said in a whispered voice

  “That’s ’cuz the walls aren’t lit,” Stanley whispered back.

  Sarah gave him a look of exasperation at his stating the obvious.

  “What?” he replied. “What?”

  “Stay close to me and we can try to get out the back entrance without being seen by Golden and any others if they’re watching this house,” Corona said. She moved toward the wall and touched the spot where the back door opened. A membrane covered the outside of the building, keeping the trio from leaving.

  Sarah touched it briefly and pulled back.

  “What’s that?” Stanley asked. He leaned forward to feel it.

  “Don’t touch it,” Corona said.

  Stanley backed away.

  “It looks like a filmy covering of some sort,” Sarah said. “We shouldn’t touch anything we don’t know something about. It could be dangerous. Something could happen to us.”

  “Then why’d you touch it, Sarah?” Stanley asked.

  “I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know it was there.”

  “Give me a minute to think,” Corona said. She allowed herself to concentrate through the deep recesses of her gray matter, felt electricity shooting through her, finally bursting into her enlarged corpus callosum. She closed her eyes and opened them abruptly. “Over here,” she said to the others. Corona moved to the secret back doorway Flora had used earlier. She touched the wall and an opening appeared through both the wall and the mystery membrane.

  “How’d you know that?” Stanley asked.

  “Yeah. How’d you know that?” Sarah said.


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