stockyards, 255, 302
and Transcontinental railroad, 153, 155
Tremont House Hotel, 182
Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railroad, 335
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad (Burlington), 70, 168–169, 171–172, 199, 246–247, 305, 335, 349
gas-engine trials, 310
prestige services, 310–312, 325, 328
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad (Milwaukee Road), 236, 287
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, 70, 204
Chicago & Alton Railroad, 71, 183–184, 250
Chicago Great Western Railroad, 310
Chickamauga, Battle of, 103, 113, 114
Chief, 313
Chimneys, bulbous, 43, 144
Chinese laborers, 141, 142, 143, 144–145, 146, 150, 151, 160, 162, 177
Chisholm Trail, 148
Cincinnati Daily Chronicle, 89
Cinders, 75, 144, 278, 287
Circuses, 227
City of Portland, 312
Civil War, US, 89–119, 290
bridge destruction, 106, 109, 110, 112
death toll, 118
railway destruction, 104–106, 109–112, 114–115
and railway expansion, 121–124
railway raids, 109–112
root causes, 95–96
and Southern railways, 90–94, 99–105, 111–113, 115, 122–123
and train robberies, 202–203
Class I railroads, 349–350
Cleveland, Grover, 236
Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula Railroad, 122
Cody, “Buffalo Bill,” 169
Coffin, Lorenzo, 198–200, 206
Colfax, Schuyler, 157–158
Commuter services, 211, 275–279, 299, 329–330, 335, 345, 350–351, 352–354
Conductors, 79–80, 229, 326, 329
Conrail, 348–349
Constitution, US, 11, 32, 304
Construction companies, 38
Convict labor. See under Labor
Cooke, Jay, 177
Cooper, Peter, 21–22, 41
Corbin, Austin, 277
Corinne, Utah, 143
“Cornfield meets,” 194–196
Corning, Erastus, 67
Corpses, 188
County, Albert J., 297
Cowboys, 148–149, 173, 179
Cowcatchers, 41–42, 43, 82
Crane’s Patent Pile Driving Machine, 59
Crédit Mobilier of America, xxiii, 136
Crocker, Alvah, 166
Crocker, Charles, 131–133, 141–142, 144, 147, 151–152
CSX, 349, 350
Cugnot, Nicolas, 14
Cullom, Shelby, 256–257
Cumberland Valley Railroad, 181, 213
Cummins, Albert, 295–296
Curr, John, 3
Dalton gang, 202
Daniels, George, 265, 269
Darrow, Clarence, 237
Davis, Jefferson, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 117
De Luxe, 301
Debs, Eugene, 235–236, 237, 246
Declaration of Independence, US, 1
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, 268
Delaware & Hudson Canal, 17, 56
Delaware & Hudson Railroad, 20
Delmonico, 189
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, 173, 174, 221
Denver Zephyr, 312
Derailments, 42, 43, 75, 80–81, 81–82, 110, 161, 192, 193, 195, 196, 206, 247, 256, 323
and Native Americans, 149–150
and robberies, 202–203
See also Accidents
Dexter, Samuel, 125
Dey, Peter, 137–138
Dickens, Charles, 73–74, 75–79, 207
Diesel, Rudolf, 310
Diesel locomotives, 297–298, 309–314, 316, 317–318, 324–327. See also Locomotive technology
Dining cars, 188–190. See also Carriages
Dix, John, 135
Dodge, Grenville, 138, 141, 143, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 157
Dodge City, 173, 179
Domeliners, 328
Double-manning, 325–326
Douglas, George H., 53, 78–79, 82, 105, 111, 156–157, 179, 194, 207, 318, 324, 342, 353
Douglas, Stephen A., 31, 85
Dowd, C. F., 219
Drew, Daniel, xxv, 238, 239–240, 241, 242–243, 244, 249, 259
Dripps, Isaac, 41–42, 44
Dubai, 357
Dunkirk, New York, 57, 125
Durant, Thomas, xxiii, 134–138, 147, 151–152, 155, 156, 157, 176, 224, 244
Dynamite, 159
Eastern Railroad (Massachusetts), 77
Edginton, Edward, 169
Edwards, John Newman, 204–205
Effie Aflon, 86
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 304, 332
Electric Air Line Railroad, 282–283
Electrification, 46, 274–275, 285, 286–288, 297, 299–300, 309, 310, 324. See also Locomotive technology
Elevated railways, 244, 273, 278–279
Elmira Branch, 333
Emergency cords, 80, 203
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 51
Eminent domain, grants of, 26–30, 47
Empire Builder, 328–329
Empire State Express, 264
Enterprise, 7
Erie & Northeast Railroad, 61
Erie Canal, 8, 19, 23, 53, 67, 69, 182
Erie Railroad, 18, 30, 68, 70, 80, 85, 168, 181, 191, 335
and Civil War, 90, 105, 121–122
and Conrail, 348–349
construction, 53–65
“Erie War,” 239–244
financial difficulties, 53–55, 58–59, 308, 323
laborers, 55–56 (see also Labor)
New York terminals, 58
piling experiment, 46, 59, 63
and railway barons, 239–244, 247, 249
and telegraph, 63–65
track gauge, 59–62, 201
and Van Sweringen brothers, 299
workforce and management, 229–230
European railways, 159
Euston Station, 14, 286
Evans, Chris, 205
Evans, John, 147, 148
Factory production, 228
Farmers. See Granger movement
Farmers’ Alliance, 257
Farrer, T. C., 264–265
Fast Flying Virginian, 265
Fencing, 42, 81–82, 191, 270
Ffestiniog Railway, 174
Field, Ben, 183
Fillmore, Millard, 57
First World War, 261, 269, 270, 288–292, 293–296, 321–322
Fish, Stuyvesant, 249, 250
Fisk, Jim, 157, 241–244, 247
Fitch, John, 5
Fitchburg Railroad, 166
Flagler, Henry Morrison, 35, 225–226, 288, 302
Flewellen Hospital, 116
Florida East Coast Railroad, 225
Florida Railroad, 103
Ford Model T, 283, 284, 306
Fort Laramie, Treaty of, 129
Fort Sumter attack, 97, 98, 119
Fosse Way, 2
Fourth of July specials, 35
Four-Track News, 269
Foxwell, E., 264–265
Franco-Prussian War, 171
Franklin, Benjamin, 220
Freight services, 82–83, 197, 198, 213–214, 300, 306, 307, 315–316, 319, 321–322, 322–323, 326, 327
collapse and turnaround, 345–351, 355, 357–358
competition with passenger services, 350
French Revolution, 233
Fuller, William, 109–111
Fulton, Robert, 7
Fulton Chain Railroad, 224
Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, 69, 70
Galton, Douglas, 47–48
Garfield, James A., 157–158
Garrett, Franklin, 118
Garrett, John, 104
Gas-engine locomotives, 310
General, The, 110–111
General Electric, 286
General Motors, 310, 311, 330–331
George, Henry, 252–253
Georgia Central Railroad, 195
Georgia Railroad, 49, 93
Gettysburg, Battle of, 108
Glacier National Park, 270
Gordon, Sarah H., 19, 30, 78, 79, 89, 99, 163, 165, 217, 355
Gould, George, 259
Gould, Jay, xxv, 188, 234–235, 238, 241–244, 246, 247, 250–251, 259, 278
Grand Canyon, 270
Grand Crossing intersection, 194
Grand Trunk Railroad, 287
Granger movement, 255, 256, 257, 272
Granger railways, 70–71, 168, 346–347
Granite Railroad, 17
Grant, Cary, 266
Grant, Ulysses S., 113, 151
Grasse River Railroad, 224
Grasshoppers, 169
Great Chatsworth Train Wreck, 256
Great Depression, 302, 303, 306, 308–309, 314, 316, 317, 322
Great Northern Railroad, 177, 178, 235, 246, 249–250, 270, 272, 287, 288, 300, 301–302, 316
Great Southern Mail Route, 162
Great Southwest Railroad strike, 234
Great Wall of China, 141
Great Western Railway, 59–60, 219
Greeks, ancient, 2
Greenwood & Augusta Railroad, 164
Greyhound Lines, 303
Grierson, Benjamin, 111
Groundhog Days, 276
Gunpowder, 38, 55, 139, 142, 167
Guns, railway-mounted, 116
Hamilton, Alexander, 62
Harding, Warren, 307
Harnden, William F., 82–83
Harpers Ferry, 94–95, 109
Harriman, Edward, 248–250
Harrison, Benjamin, 200
Hartford & New Haven Railroad, 167
Harvey, Fred, 209
Haupt, Herman, 66, 105–109, 112, 114, 117, 166, 290
Havana Special, 226
Hayes, Rutherford, 234
Hayne, Robert, 91
Hearst, William Randolph, 237
Hell on Wheels towns, 143, 148, 179
Hemingway, Ernest, 226
High-speed rail, 351–352, 359
Hill, James J., 177, 235, 246, 272, 300
Hoboes, 205–206, 317–318
Holbrook, Stewart H., 20, 22, 34, 56, 57, 66–67, 82, 111, 199, 205, 219, 220
Holliday, Doc, 173
Homestead Act, 130
Hood, John, 114
Hoosac Tunnel, 165–167, 287
Hopkins, Mark, 131
Horse Soldiers, The (film), 111
Horseshoe Curve, 66, 105
Hospital trains and ambulance, 115
Housatonic Railroad, 83
Hoxie, Herbert, 137
Hudson River Railroad, 85, 240
Hudson tunnels, 287
Humming Bird, 335
Huntington, Collis P., 131, 151, 250
Huntington, Henry E., 282
Hurricane Agnes, 333–334, 338
ICC. See Interstate Commerce Commission
Illinois & Michigan Canal, 69
Illinois Central Railroad, 39, 85, 87, 117, 168, 249, 250, 299, 353
Immigrants, 169–173, 206–208. See also under Labor
Indian railways, 74
Indian wars, 147–150
Indiana Central Railroad, 113
Indianapolis, Crawfordsville & Western Railroad, 282
International News Reel Company, 315
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), xxvi, 199, 212, 248, 257, 259, 262, 271–272, 348, 356
and “Big John” case, 346–347
and First World War, 288, 289, 290, 292
and interwar period, 295–297, 299, 305–306, 317
and railway closures, 334–335, 339, 342
Interurban railways, 280–284, 330
Irish laborers, 55–56, 139, 141, 151–152, 160. See also Immigrants
Iron imports, 33
Jackson, Nelson, 303
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,” 101, 104
Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Halifax Railroad, 225
James-Younger gang, 202, 203–204
Janney, Eli, 197, 198, 200
Japan, 315, 357
Jefferson, Thomas, 62
Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, 113, 203
Jensen, Oliver, 224
Jessop, William, 4
John Bull, 41, 43
Johnson, Andrew, 141, 151
Johnson, Lyndon B., 326, 336, 341
Johnston, Joseph, 101
Judah, Theodore, xxiii, 128, 130–132, 134–135, 137
Julesburg, Colorado, 143
Kansas City Times, 204
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 148–149
Keaton, Buster, 110–111
Kelley, Oliver, 253, 254
Kemble, Fanny, 74
Kentwood & Eastern Railroad, 317
King, William, 85
Klondike gold rush, 307
Knights of Labor, 234
Kornweibel, Theodore, Jr., 39–40, 123, 164, 186
Labor, 38–40, 159–160
convict labor, 38, 39, 164–165, 225
immigrant labor, 38, 39, 40, 160 (see also Immigrants; Irish laborers)
slave labor, 22, 25, 38, 39–40, 47, 91, 94–96, 102, 123, 163–164
and Transcontinental railroad, 139–149, 143–144, 146, 150–152
Labor unions, xxv, 231–238, 251, 262, 288, 322, 325–326, 329, 336
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, 168, 194
Lamps, kerosene, 81
Lancaster Turnpike, 11
Land grants, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, 33, 35, 85, 96, 129, 135, 144, 148, 175, 177
Laramie, Wyoming, 143
Lee, Robert E., 95, 108, 116
Lehigh Valley Railroad, 256, 334, 338, 348
Level crossings, 42, 47–48, 192, 311
Lewis, Isaac, 64
Lewis, Roger, 342
Lincoln, Abraham
and Civil War, 96–100, 105, 106, 113, 122
funeral cortège, 183–184
and Rock Island incident, 86–87
and Transcontinental railroad, xxiii, 128, 130, 135, 138, 201
Lindbergh, Charles, 315
Little Schuylkill Navigation, Railroad, and Coal Company, 23
Liverpool & Manchester Railway, 16, 18, 59, 74
Loading gauges, 44, 183. See also Track gauge
Locomotion, 16
Locomotive technology, 13–17, 20–21, 40–46, 196–198, 297–298, 327. See also Diesel locomotives; Electrification
Loder, Benjamin, 55, 57
London Underground, 278, 285
Long Island Rail Road, 35, 277–278, 285, 287, 329–330, 345, 358
Longstreet, James, 113
Lookout points, 78
Los Angeles, 175, 176, 281–282, 330–331, 352, 354
Louis XIV, King, 4
Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 87, 93, 111–112, 114, 162, 204, 335
Lucin Cutoff, 288
Luxury and prestige services. See under Railway Travel
Lykens Valley Colliery, 286
Madison Southern Railway, 317
Mail-order brides, 172
Mail-order goods, xxv, 218
Maine Central Railroad, 334
Manassas Gap Railroad, 101–102
Manhattan Railway, 278
Mansfield, Josie, 244
Mark Twain Zephyr, 312
Martin, Albro, 12, 56, 259, 290, 335
Martineau, Harriet, 75
Martinsburg Raid, 104
Masterson, William Barclay “Bat,” 173
Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, 17
McAdoo, William, 291
McCallum, Daniel, 105, 106–107, 117–118, 230–231
McClellan, George, 106
McClellan, Jim, 343
McDowell, Irvin, 101
Mees, Paul, 331
Mencken, H. L., 323
Mennonites, 171–172
oliner trains, 341
Mexican-American War, 89–90
Michigan Central Railroad, 70, 82, 122, 194, 245
Military Railway Service, 322
Militias, 173, 233–234
Miller, Alexander, 283
Miller, Ezra, 197, 222
“Millionaire’s Express,” 277
Milwaukee Road. See Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad
Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad, 49
Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad, 189, 334
Minor, D. Kimball, 154
Minot, Charles, 63–64, 65
Mississippi & Missouri Railroad, 134–135
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 234, 308
Mitchel, Ormsby, 109
Mobile & Ohio Railroad, 85, 87, 162
Mohawk & Hudson Railroad, 23, 44, 60, 67
Monster, 44
Mont Cenis Tunnel, 166
Morgan, David P., 330, 334
Morgan, John, 111–112
Morgan, John Pierpont, 188, 224, 246–248, 259, 260
Mormons, 146–147, 151
Morse code, 65
Mountfield, David, 246
Mussel Slough tragedy, 253
Narragansett Pier Railroad, 210
Narrow-gauge railways, 174
Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, 113–114
National City Lines, 330–331
National Road, 12
Native Americans, 171, 217, 270
attacks from, 147–150, 154, 202
and land issues, 37, 54, 127, 128–129, 179–180
New Deal, 308
New Haven Rail Road, 194, 210, 336, 341
New Jersey Railroad Company, 17
New Orleans, 7
New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (Nickel Plate Road), 298
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 167, 286
New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railroad, 248
New York & Harlem Railroad, 23, 52, 58, 240, 241, 274
New York & New Haven Railroad, 167
New York Central Railroad, 70–71, 168, 219, 270, 298, 333
and Civil War, 121–122
construction, 47, 66–67, 67–68
electrification, 286–287
financial difficulties and merger, 286, 308, 335–337
and First World War, 292
and interurban railways, 283–284
prestige services, 264–267, 308
and Vanderbilt takeover, 182, 238, 240–241, 244, 248
New York City
elevated railways, 244, 273, 278–279
Erie Railroad terminals, 58
Grand Central Station, 245, 286–287, 358
Grand Opera House, 244
health and public transport, 358
Penn Station, 260, 285, 358
railway electrification, 286–288
Staten Island ferry, 240
and Transcontinental railroad, 153
New York State, 30–31, 54–55, 59–60, 68, 192, 286–287, 330, 345
New York Sun, 157
New York Times, 167–168
New York Tribune, 83
Newcomen, Thomas, 5
News butchers, 74, 207
Newton’s Station, Mississippi, 111
Niagara Falls, 256, 270
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