My Ex Boyfriend’s Daddy

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My Ex Boyfriend’s Daddy Page 12

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Yeah, for prostitution.” I reiterated my previous point with a quick nod of my head. “That caused a few divorces—and a spike in business for my firm.”

  The joy of being the biggest firm in a fairly small town—if you get arrested or divorced, we’re you’re one-stop-shop.

  We continued walking through the museum, and while there were a number of things that piqued Phoebe’s interest, they weren’t as captivating as the exhibits we had already walked through. We stopped for lunch at the museum cafe where we were able to get the modern equivalent of historical dishes—unfortunately they sounded better on the menu than they tasted. There wasn’t much left to see after lunch, but we decided to finish it anyway just so we could say that we got our money’s worth. We could have probably stayed longer if we wanted to really dive into some of the exhibits, but Phoebe seemed to have gotten her fill. I was kind of happy about that because my feet were reminding me that I didn’t normally spend that much time on them.

  “We’ve got a couple of hours to kill before our reservation.” I glanced at my watch after we returned to the car.

  “Can we do something that doesn’t require walking.” She looked over at me and smiled.

  “You need a break too?” I laughed. “If someone who is used to spending all day on their feet in a restaurant is hurting, then I don’t feel so bad.”

  “Yeah, that was an awful lot of walking—especially between exhibits.” She let out a sigh.

  “They need to install a trolley or something.” I nodded in agreement. “Alright, well—we could just go to the restaurant and sit at the bar. If they have a table open up before our reservation, I’m sure they’ll be happy to give it to us.”

  “That sounds good.” She leaned her head against the seat. “I had fun. Thank you so much.”

  “I had fun too.” I nodded. “Here, give me your feet—let me see if I can make your walk from the car to the restaurant a little easier.”

  “Surely it isn’t that long of a walk.” She raised an eyebrow but shifted in her seat.

  “Nah, but I don’t think you’re going to argue.” I pulled off her left shoe and started rubbing the bottom of her foot.

  “Nope!” She let out a groan and smiled. “I won’t argue at all.”

  I massaged Phoebe’s feet on the way to the restaurant and managed to work some tightness out of the both of them before we arrived. She was very relaxed when the car finally stopped, but still leaned over for a kiss before we got out. I checked on our reservation and found out they weren’t that busy at that time of day, so we were seated immediately. I was kind of glad we didn’t have to wait because I didn’t eat much at the cafe. My feet weren’t as sore after I stopped walking, but my stomach was letting me know that it was unhappy with my decision to leave so much food on my plate—even if it wasn’t that good.

  “I feel like we should do something after dinner, but I really don’t know what…” Phoebe reached for her water and took a sip. “And where is our server? I need something to drink besides water.”

  “Maybe they don’t have as many people working right now since they aren’t usually busy.” I shrugged. “Is there anything you would like to do tonight?”

  “A movie wouldn’t be bad—I’m just not in the mood for the theater.” She sighed.

  “We could always go back to The Grand and watch a movie.” I saw our server approaching as soon as I offered, so Phoebe didn’t get a chance to answer.

  I really wasn’t in the mood for whiskey, and my throat was parched, so I just ordered a beer. Phoebe seemed to be right there with me because she asked for a wine spritzer, which was normally served ice-cold. We had waited so long that we both knew what we wanted to eat, so we placed our orders before the server left.

  “A movie in your hotel room, huh?” She narrowed her eyes. “You wouldn’t be trying to lure a defenseless young woman back your hotel under false pretenses…”

  “You’ll be safer there than you are in your own neighborhood.” I nodded and laughed. “Plus, it’s technically a suite, so there’s plenty of room.”

  “My neighborhood isn’t that bad.” Her head snapped back as if she was pretending to be offended. “Sure, I might have to hurdle a crackhead on the way to the office in the morning, but that’s just New York City!”

  “I don’t think it is.” I shook my head quickly.

  “I’m joking. Yeah, we get the occasional vagrant from time-to-time, but I’ve never had any problems.” She shrugged, and a grin spread across her lips. “I guess I could go back to your hotel room—I do trust you and everything.”

  We left the restaurant hand-in-hand. It was still early—the sun hadn’t even gone down yet. Despite Phoebe’s humorous insinuation, I really was inviting her back to my hotel room to watch a movie. The only ulterior motive I had was that I wanted to spend more time with her. She wasn’t in the mood for the theater, and neither of us were in the mood for more walking. A nice movie would be relaxing, and if we wanted another drink, I had a mini-bar that could take care of that. We could even get room service if we wanted dessert.

  “You know, I pass by this place every now and then, but I’ve never been inside.” She looked up at The Grand when we arrived.

  “It’s a nice place, but a bit pricey. I’ve been thinking about renting an apartment since it looks like I’m going to be here for a while.” I took Phoebe’s hand, and we walked into the lobby.

  “Really?” She raised an eyebrow. “I think we have a few openings where I live—we could carpool. Or Uber-pool? Is that a thing?”

  “I believe you just made it one.” I laughed and nodded. “If I get an apartment, I’ll probably look for something closer to the office.”

  “Is that a nice way of saying that you think my apartment building is a shithole?” She looked back at me once we got to the elevators.

  “We already covered this.” I pulled Phoebe into the elevator once the doors opened and immediately kissed her.

  We were still kissing when the doors opened, and they almost closed before our lips parted. I managed to a pretty impressive one-handed retrieval to get my key card out of my wallet while we walked and swiped it as soon as we got to my door. We barely got the door closed before our lips were right back where we wanted them to be—pressed together. I pushed her towards the couch since it was the closest piece of furniture, and we tumbled onto it. My hands traced her curves, and I felt the desire flooding through my veins. Her touch told me that she didn’t want to stop, but I was finally forced to let our lips part so I could gasp for air.

  “So about that movie…” She exhaled sharply.

  “Right.” I nodded and lifted up.

  Maybe she did want me to stop…

  Chapter Eighteen


  I didn’t think it was possible for my head to be an even bigger mess than it was when I was trapped in angst-ridden agony over my feelings for Arlo. I knew my hormones were still working overtime, but I didn’t care—I was willing to let them drag me into something that I had never done before. I didn’t want Arlo to pull away from me, but I still threw up a barrier because I needed a second to catch my breath and think about what was happening. I hadn’t told him that I was still a virgin, and that was definitely something we needed to discuss before our clothes started coming off.

  How do I tell him something like that? Do I come out and say it? Do I hint at it?

  “Would you like a drink?” Arlo motioned towards the mini-bar.

  “Sure, that would be great.” I smiled and nodded.

  “Why don’t you look for a movie while I pour?” He handed me the remote and walked over to the mini-bar.

  “Okay, I can do that.” I turned on the television.

  I may have ruined the mood…

  Based on the discussion we had when we went to the theater, I knew Arlo liked movies that were realistic with a touch of mystery and suspense. I used to lean towards horror movies when I was younger, then I fell into a rom-com period d
uring high school but finally settled on thrillers as my visual drug of choice. We had found a compromise with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood when we went to the movies because there wasn’t anything else that stood out. I hoped we could find something that we both liked with an entire movie library to choose from. Arlo returned with our drinks before I found one, but we finally settled on an older movie that neither of us had seen—Before I Go to Sleep.

  “I was expecting you to suggest something historical.” Arlo looked over at me and sipped his drink.

  “I’ve watched a few movies here and there, but when I’m in a history mood, I like to read about it.” I shrugged. “I have been meaning to check out a series or two—those might have enough hours to do the time period justice.”

  “Ah, so you don’t devour all the Jane Austen stuff?” He leaned forward to put his drink down and chuckled.

  “I’ve watched a few.” I nodded. “I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with them or anything. I like the ones about the royal families—at least those try to be accurate on top of entertaining.”

  “Makes sense, I suppose.” Arlo turned his attention to the screen.

  The movie was pretty captivating, but I found myself getting distracted by Arlo. I wanted to be in his arms. I wanted to feel his lips one mine while his hands moved along my body—but I was struggling internally. I grew up reading books about men that just took what they wanted, and it was something of a secret fantasy—one that didn’t even come up in the stupid game I played at Monica’s house. I wasn’t scared of what could happen with Arlo. I was scared that he would stop if I told him that I was a virgin.

  I’m not going to be able to resist him forever, and it’s probably better if I tell him now.

  I moved closer to Arlo as we continued to watch the movie, and he put his arm around me. That felt nice—I really did need closeness and companionship. I traced his hand with my fingers, leaned my head against his shoulder, and slowly worked up enough courage to move my hand to his leg. He seemed apprehensive at first—probably because I got nervous when we first arrived at his hotel room. After a couple of minutes, he seemed to relax and quickly lost interest in the movie. He pulled me into a tighter embrace, and his lips crushed mine. The desire quickly flooded my veins again, and I knew I was going to have to say something immediately or risk ruining the mood for the second time in one night.

  “There’s something I need to tell you…” I looked up at him as soon as his lips moved away from mine.

  “If you don’t want to keep going, I understand—I’m not trying to pressure you.” He tilted his head. “I’m trying to read the signals. Maybe I’m out of practice…”

  “No, you’re not misreading anything.” I shook my head quickly. “I’ve just—never been with anyone before.”

  “Really?” His face twisted into a look of surprise. “Wow, no wonder you hesitated. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I not saying that I don’t want to.”

  “I will completely understand if you want to wait. I know this is still kind of new…” He squeezed my hand and pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “It doesn’t feel new.” I looked up at him. “And I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to stop…”

  “Are you sure?” Arlo narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Yes.” I lifted up, and our lips crashed together.

  More than I’ve ever been sure of anything.

  I truly didn’t want him to stop—that was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted him so bad that my entire body was buzzing with excitement. Arlo just did something to me—something that I couldn’t easily rationalize, but it was just so right that I wanted to spend an eternity in his arms. He had been so good to me when everyone else treated me like shit, and that caused me to form a bond with him that couldn’t be broken. I didn’t anticipate it becoming romantic, but I would have shouldered that suffering with a smile on my face if I had known it would be the catalyst for the moment we were in.

  “I’m not going to settle for just one night with you.” Arlo’s lips moved to my ear. “I want so much more than that.”

  “So do I…” I exhaled sharply. “I know we both fought it, but I’m done saying how wrong it is—I just want it to be right.”

  “It is.” Arlo pulled me into a tighter embrace. “It always will be.”

  Arlo held me in his arms and stood up from the couch. Our lips seared together as he carried me to the bed. My back hit the mattress, but his lips didn’t leave mine. His hands move along my body until he made it to the bottom of my t-shirt. His fingers twisted around the fabric, and he started pulling it off. The seal of our kiss was broken for a moment so he could remove it, but his lips were against my skin before it hit the floor. His hands felt so good—his lips made fire shoot through my veins—the desire got stronger, and I could feel the same frenzy resonating from him. His craving was as strong as the one that gnawed at me.

  “I’m going to make you feel so fucking good tonight.” Arlo removed my bra started kissing my nipples, which made them turn to hard nubs against his tongue.

  “I always feel good when I’m with you.” A light moan echoed in my throat.

  “Then I’m going to make you feel even better.” He lifted up and smiled before pressing his lips to my abdomen.

  Arlo kissed his way to the top of my jeans and started to unfasten them. Feeling his hands against the curve of my hips while he pulled them off was so damn hot that it caused me to shudder. I pushed my shoes off as soon as my jeans reached my ankles and then they slid to the floor at the foot of the bed. Arlo kissed his way up my legs—along my inner thighs—and then teased the spot where my panties touched my skin. The satin was already soaked—but it felt like it got even wetter when he twisted it around his fingers. A couple of threads popped before he started to slide them down my thighs. The heat had reached a boiling point, and it felt like the air around us was sweltering.

  “You’re so damn beautiful.” Arlo’s hands moved along my inner thighs, and then he pushed them apart. “You’ve been in my head so many nights—I’m scared to blink because it might cause me to wake up from this dream.”

  “Then don’t let me blink either…” I exhaled a long sigh.

  Arlo’s lips seared to my skin, and he kissed his way along my pelvis until I could feel his breath on my clit. It was so sensitive that that was enough to make me squirm. Arlo’s tongue flicked against the hood, and a burst of excitement rushed through my body, which caused my back to arch against the bed. Arlo kissed and teased my pussy-lips until the origin of my wetness was against his tongue. He pushed the tip inside me and flicked his tongue a couple of times before moving back to my clit. His fingers pushed the hood to the side, and I felt his tongue against the delicate nerve endings.

  “That feels good, Daddy—oh god—I mean Arlo.” I felt a sense of dread ricochet along my spine, and I immediately winced.

  Why did I say that? Why did it feel right until I heard it leave my lips?

  “You can call me Daddy if you want.” He flicked his tongue against my clit. “But you’re not going to feel like a little girl tonight.”

  “That definitely isn’t how I feel.” I exhaled sharply.

  I didn’t mean to call him Daddy, but once I recovered from the shock, it did sort of turn me on. It was so hot that I couldn’t resist saying it a couple of more times as his tongue sent pleasure coursing through my body. It didn’t have the same meaning it used to—it wasn’t just a joke that made me laugh—something about it felt as right as what we were doing. Our dynamic wasn’t conventional, and our relationship was as forbidden as it could be, even if he was the one in a million that was perfect in every way for me.

  “Don’t stop—please don’t stop!” I dug my nails into the quilt and squeezed it in my fists. “That feels so good!”

  Arlo’s tongue was gentle but intense, and when the pleasure really began to soar, he made it move faster to keep pace with my e
xcitement. I could feel a pressure building up inside me—similar to what I felt when I touched myself—but it had more force behind it. I was lost in a fever of lust and trapped in desire that was ready to consume me. There was no way that I could hold back, even if I wanted to. My body craved the release so bad that my skin simmered in the sweltering heat between us. All I could do was give in to it.

  “I’m gonna come!” My head rolled back against the mattress. “Daddy, you’re gonna make me come!”

  The orgasm began like a ripple that immediately turned into a tsunami. The pressure released and sent currents of bliss through my veins that overpowered all of my other senses. I writhed on the bed because the pleasure shooting through my body made my clit even more sensitive, but Daddy held me in place—he didn’t let go and didn’t let me pull away. His tongue caused the orgasm to peak so hard that my eyes rolled back in my head. The peak built until it made another quick bubble of pressure to replace the one that had popped—then I orgasmed for a second time. Arlo’s tongue still didn’t slow down, and another orgasm followed the second with more intensity than I thought my body could handle.

  “Daddy, please…” My mouth opened wide, and a loud whimper echoed. “I can’t take anymore!”

  “You can come for me—at least one more time.” His tongue paused for a second while he spoke, then he started to move it slowly, just like he did when he started.

  I didn’t feel like I could, but his tongue felt good once my last orgasm began to fade. It was only a matter of seconds before I realized that he was right. The pressure started to build, but it was a little more muted—his tongue wasn’t moving fast enough to send me over the edge. That changed quickly once I started to moan, and he realized that I was getting close. His tongue swirled in quick circles around my clit until I gave him the orgasm he was after. It felt like I had truly reached my limit after that, and Arlo must have sensed it because his tongue pulled away, and he kissed his way up my body until his arms were around me.


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