Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 11

by Robyn M Ryan

  He nodded before he pushed back his chair and touched her shoulder lightly. “I’ll look forward to that. I’ve planned to call you for weeks.”

  “Life gets busy. Totally understand.”

  “Call you soon.”

  “Whenever you have time.” Cassie hoped her smile reached her eyes. “Good seeing you again.”

  As Cam moved across the room, Lauren nudged Cassie. “Well played.”

  “Honestly? I don’t care if he calls or not. His ego can’t handle rejection.”

  Dave caught her eyes. “Do I need to have a chat with him?”

  Cassie laughed. “Don’t bother, Dave. I haven’t encouraged him.”

  Lauren slipped her arm around her shoulders for a hug. “You deserve better.”

  Cassie smiled, wondering again if Lauren suspected she was crushing on the doctor living under the same roof.


  Andrew persuaded Tom to stop by Center Ice before heading home. “You know Caryn, Kelly, and Terri host that meeting for the spring Monte Carlo Gala. You get back too early, and they’ll decide you need to take part in the ‘Date with a Suns Bachelor’ live auction.”

  “Right.” Tom didn’t hide the sarcasm. “First, I’m not a Suns ‘bachelor,’ and second, I’ll probably work that evening.”

  “I don’t think the date’s confirmed,” Andrew countered.

  “I’m sure I’m working, don’t worry. Told you, I don’t think it’s a good idea to mingle with the players outside the arena.”

  Andrew slapped his shoulder as he opened the door. “Just one drink to celebrate the win, bro. Don’t worry about the team—they probably won’t even notice.” He led the way to the private room at the back of the bar. “You can hang out with the Martins while I complete my assistant captain duties. Cassie’s here, too.”

  Tom shrugged, the hesitation disappearing when he spotted the girl with light brown hair with the Suns’ blue highlights. Maybe not such a bad idea. “Go take care of your responsibilities. I’ll grab a beer and hang out in friendly territory.”

  He picked up a couple bottles of beer at the bar and offered one to Dave when he reached their table. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Of course not. Good to see you, doc.”

  “Lauren, Cassie, can I get you anything?”

  Cassie patted the chair beside her. “I’m good.”


  She pointed at the second margarita before her. “I’m more than okay. Sit down and relax.”

  “I didn’t know you went to the post-game celebrations,” Cassie commented as he pulled his chair beside hers.

  “I don’t. I grabbed a ride with Andrew, and he said he needs to make an appearance.” He rolled his eyes as Cassie laughed.

  “So, he dragged you in here?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Can’t shirk those Assistant Captain duties,” Dave joked. “You won’t see me wearing an A on my uniform.”

  “So, he says.” Tom glanced around the area, focusing a moment on Chance Gagné. “Example. I come in here and see a player several weeks post-concussion tossing back beers. Do I find a subtle way to remind him he shouldn’t be drinking, or do I pretend I didn’t notice?”

  “Okay, why don’t you and Cassie take those seats across from us?” Dave suggested. “Then you won’t see anything you shouldn’t. Problem solved.”

  Tom shook his head as he pushed his beer across the table and helped Cassie stand. “Out of sight, out of mind. Whatever.”

  “You really don’t want to be here?” Cassie spoke quietly as they walked around to the other side of the group of tables.

  “The present company makes that a difficult question to answer,” Tom said with a smile. “But, overall, no, I don’t believe in socializing with players I might have to remove from a game.”

  “But what about Dave, Steve, John…”

  “We’ve been friends long enough, and they get the importance of erring on the side of caution if there’s a chance of concussion. Most of the others, I don’t normally socialize with—and I don’t want to muddy the waters.”

  “Like don’t socialize with people you supervise in any job. I get that.”

  Cassie loved the way his hand rested against her back. He must know how he affects me…there goes my heart skipping a beat again. What if I just turn around, step into his space, then just show him what he does to me?

  She saw his lips hint at a smile as Tom pulled back the chair for her. Did he sense what I want to do…a neurologist mind reader? Cassie saw Lauren watching them with a pensive expression as they sat at the table.

  When Cam Camden called the following day, Cassie tried to mask her surprise. “Cam? What’s up?”

  “Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed seeing you last night. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t been in touch before.” Cam’s tone projected sincerity.

  “Busy schedule,” Cassie commented. “No problem.”

  “That’s not an excuse. But I’d like to change that—Amelie and I are hosting a small get-together tonight. Casual. Mostly younger guys on the team and friends.”

  “Tonight? Don’t you guys leave town tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon. Really, this is a casual gathering, nothing special.”

  Cassie hesitated, “I don’t know if Caryn and Andrew have plans.”

  “It’s last-minute and spur of the moment, but that’s the way we roll.” He paused a moment. “I think you’ll enjoy the evening.”

  That voice—sounds so persuasive…but sincere? Should I give him a chance? Do I even want to? What if Tom’s not working tonight? I’d rather see him…

  “I’m not sure, Cam. It’s last-minute…I need to check with Caryn. Can I call you or Amelie back? What time does this start?”

  “We’re flexible. Come early and beat the traffic, or late and miss the traffic. Everyone else lives in this area,” Cam said. “Or, I could pick you up. Amelie wants to see you.”

  “If this works out, what can I bring?”

  “Just yourself.”

  “Okay. Let me talk with Caryn. I’ll let you know.” Cassie ended the call and thought about the unexpected invitation. Her mind took her back to the day she met Cam at the kickoff for the anti-bullying campaign. Can’t deny the instant attraction. Then no contact for six-seven weeks until the wedding reception. Said he’d call…Then radio silence until now. Do I even want to go to his party?

  Cassie wandered to the pool deck to watch the twins’ swim lesson. She laughed quietly as Danny resisted Andrew when he tried to steer him back toward the steps. No fear in that boy. Jenna doesn’t allow Caryn to step one foot away from her. Even with the life vests providing plenty of support, Jenna clung to Caryn’s arm and resisted putting her face in the water. Danny had mastered blowing bubbles in one lesson. The instructor had predicted he’d swim like a fish before long. Maybe this week?

  She snapped some photos with her phone after she sat on the edge of the pool. She AirDropped an adorable shot of Andrew and Danny to Caryn. Mr. Stubborn resisted all efforts to return to the steps until Andrew whisked him out of the water and held him like an airplane as he walked back to the sloped entry. Danny laughed and demanded more, pointing toward the water.

  “Not now, bud. Swim lesson’s over.”

  Cassie scrambled to her feet, grabbed a towel, and reached for Daniel. “I can take him. He’s a little fish, isn’t he?”

  Andrew shook his head with a smirk. “More like a baby shark.”

  Wow, he looks so much like Tom with that smile. Makes my heart beat more quickly, just thinking about Tom. Do I really want to go to a party when I might see him? She wrapped the towel around Daniel, containing his attempts to resist and avoiding the kicks from his chubby legs.

  “Hey, tiger, you don’t want to hurt Miss Cassie.” Andrew wrapped a towel around his waist and took the squirming bundle from her. “Did he kick you?”

  “No, I’m learning his moves. Though, you may have a future martial ar
tist on your hands.”

  Caryn laughed slightly as she carried Jenna from the water. “That, we don’t need.”

  Cassie reached for a towel for Jenna and wrapped it around her as Caryn spoke with the swim instructor. Cassie pressed her lips against the cheeks peeking from within the fluffy wrap. “Did you have fun, Jen? Let’s get you changed while Mommy’s busy.” She glanced at Andrew as she walked past him. “Give me a few minutes, and I can give him a quick bath along with Jenna.”


  “What would I do without you?” Caryn asked fifteen minutes later after Jenna and Daniel settled in for their later-than-normal afternoon nap.

  “They’re adorable. The difference in their strength is noticeable now—especially over these last few weeks.”

  “He’s more than compensated for being the runt at birth. Can you believe Jenna weighed a pound heavier than Danny at birth? Their next checkup should be interesting. I think he’ll jump to the ninetieth percentile in both weight and height, while Jenna remains around the sixtieth.” Caryn chuckled as they walked from the darkened room. “And I worried Danny would always be smaller.”

  “No worries now, that’s for sure. Takes after his dad, I think.”

  “Let’s hope so.” Caryn glanced at Cassie. “Did you make plans with Lauren or Amelie tonight? Take advantage of the last quiet evening before the road trip begins tomorrow?”

  “Not yet. Surprise—Cam called a little while ago and mentioned a party at his place. That was unexpected.”

  “Do you want to go?” They walked toward the kitchen as they spoke.

  Cassie shrugged. “Not sure. I said I needed to check with you. Actually, I hope I can take the twins, and you and Andrew can plan a romantic evening?” A teasing smile crossed her face. “Is this that long road trip?”

  “Five games. We’re not going anywhere tonight, Cassie. Andrew wants to spend as much time as possible with our love bugs,” Caryn said. “When you’re married a few years and add children to the mix, a quiet evening at home together is our idea of romantic. So, make some plans.”

  Cassie laughed. “Lauren says she and Dave chose a romantic evening at home, too. I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel with the newlyweds.”

  “I’m not pushing you out the door, Cassie. But I can promise you a quiet night around here. Tom’s meeting a friend of ours for dinner—the nurse who helped me during my pregnancy emergencies.”

  Cassie felt her heart fall with a thud. “That’s Katie, isn’t it? The one who moved?”

  “Yes, I’ll see her tomorrow. She’s just in town a few days to get some paperwork processed at the hospital. She will not believe how big our little angels have grown.” Caryn touched Cassie’s arm. “Make plans if you want to go out—or enjoy the evening with us. You’re part of our family.”

  “Thank you,” Cassie said, wishing she could capture the warmth washing over her. “I love your family.” She paused for a moment. “Maybe I’ll go to the party for a while…I don’t know. I haven’t seen Amelie in a while.”

  “Cam asked you as his date?”

  Cassie shrugged. “Don’t think so. ‘Come early, come late, just an informal gathering.’”

  “If you feel any hesitation, don’t go. We may take advantage of some time without Drew’s peanuts,” Caryn encouraged. “But, if you want to go, take an overnight bag in case you and Amelie want some girl time. Just don’t go because you think you need to give us privacy. When we close the bedroom door, that’s our special time.”

  “Thanks, Caryn. I’ll think about it and check-in with Lauren. I’ll let you know once I figure it out.”

  Cassie lay back on her bed and debated if she wanted to accept Cam’s invitation. He suddenly wants to see me. Why now, after all this time? Just because he saw me last night? Has he forgotten the rude accusations when he thought I’d taken Amelie clubbing and encouraged her to drink? Is this “typical Cam” attention?

  But no need to hang around here tonight. Tom’s out with his ex—they’ll probably realize how much they miss each other. There goes that fantasy. That’s all it is, really. Tom knows I’m still trying to decide “what I want to do when I grow up.” Wake-up call? Time to stop fantasizing about my hot hockey doc?

  Impulsively, she grabbed her phone and pressed Amelie’s number. Her friend’s greeting lessened her disappointment…make that reality check.

  “Cassie! Cliff said he invited you to our get-together tonight—can you come?”

  “Who will be there?” Cassie asked. “He said you just decided to have a few friends over?”

  “Yes, we used to do this all the time at home. You’ll know a lot of the guys—some rookies on the Suns, their dates, oh…Chance is coming, too!”

  “Seriously? So, he’s going to…chaperone…the young guys?”

  “Highly unlikely,” Amelie giggled.

  “Everyone’s coming with a date?”

  “It’s not like that, Cass. Just a bunch of friends hanging out. Please say you’ll come.”

  Cassie asked, “What time?”

  “As soon as you can get here, Cassie. I could use some help to get things ready. Cliff thinks all he needs is a cooler filled with beer and bags of chips. I told him we needed to up that game. We just placed a ginormous order, and I sent him out for mixers, beer, and wine.”

  “So, you’re the one putting this party together? Casual?”

  “Definitely. Please come as soon as you can. Bring a bag in case you stay overnight. Then you won’t need to worry about enjoying a few drinks!”

  Cassie had already pulled a pair of skinny jeans from the closet to pair with a crop top. She didn’t plan to spend the night but packed a change of clothes and toiletries in her backpack, along with one of Dave’s Suns T-shirts—just in case.

  Cassie touched base with Lauren to fill her in on her plans.

  “That sounds like fun, Cass. About time you went to a party!”

  “Sounds like Cam invited some younger players…Guess who’s Amelie’s date?”

  She heard Lauren’s quiet laugh. “Don’t suppose it’s that sexy French dude she was…let’s say very cozy…with the other night.”

  “Could be the same.”

  “Can we give you a ride?”

  “You guys going out tonight?” Cassie tried to keep the skepticism from her voice. Lauren’s laugh proved her correct.

  “Eh…no. We will enjoy our private spa.”

  “So…why are you asking if I need a ride? I have my car.”

  “Cassie, we’ll gladly take you—and pick you up. I know you don’t enjoy driving at night. Plus, relax and enjoy an adult beverage or two…just like everyone does in college. Seriously, Cass.”

  A rush of love for her aunt filled Cassie’s heart. “I know you would, Lauren. I’ll be fine. Not planning to drink. If I do, I’ll stay over with Amelie.”

  “If you change your mind and you need a ride home, call me. Promise, Cassie.”

  “Promise, but please don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It’s just a casual get together.”


  Hours later, Cassie watched the constant stream of people crowd into the large condo. So, this is casual, Chez Camden? Just a “few” friends? He’s barely spoken to me since the first guests arrived and obviously takes his role as host seriously. He set up a bar on the huge kitchen counter, and Cassie thought he may have missed his true avocation as a bartender. She raised her eyebrows and cocked her head when he walked toward her, a red Solo cup in hand.

  “Let me know what you think.” His lips quirked slightly as he handed it to her. “Prepared especially for you.”

  She sniffed the strawberry-scented drink. “Smells yummy. What’s in this concoction?” So far, she’d drunk only soft drinks and water, but the festive atmosphere had pulled her under its spell.

  “I call it a CassieRita—heavy on the strawberry mixture, light on the tequila.” His silver-grey eyes reflected mischief. “I know you’re not a big drinker—hope you like it.”

/>   “I guess I need to try it, then?” Cassie sipped the liquid. “Hmm…yes, very good. You sure this isn’t plain strawberry punch? A VirginRita? My compliments to the bartender.”

  “Extra punch for your drink.” He rested his hand against her lower back and urged her forward. “Let me introduce you to some guests.”

  She knew many from the occasional games she’d attended in the suite or had met in the family gathering area afterward. Others worked with Caryn and Lauren on their promotional schedules and social media, and Cassie remembered meeting them when they stopped by the house. She stopped to chat with Amelie and Chance.

  “Enjoying your free evening? Chance, Cassie is Lauren and Dave’s niece—and Andrew and Caryn’s nanny. They have the cutest twins ever,” Amelie said. “I hope you’re enjoying our party?”

  Amelie’s smile shone brightly, and Cassie guessed that she’d enjoyed at least a few of the strawberry margaritas. “You need to give me your brother’s secret recipe. I could drink these all night.”

  Cam peered into her nearly empty cup, then drew her closer to his side. “Refill?”

  Cassie swallowed the remaining liquid and handed the cup to him. “Yes, please.” Her borderline anxiety in the crowded room lessened. Perhaps she’d relax enough to enjoy the party after another of Cam’s special drinks? Can’t hurt. Couldn’t taste any tequila, maybe just a splash. Tastes like strawberry punch.

  Cassie perched on a stool near the counter, content to people-watch while she sipped yet another “special margarita.” She suspected Cam had upped the tequila in this one and reminded herself to drink slowly. A water bottle sat beside her also, so for every few sips of the margarita, she drank water. Content, she felt a slight buzz, but nothing more. Amelie and Chase had disappeared a while ago. She didn’t see them leave, but they could have slipped out or gone back to Amelie’s bedroom.

  She shivered when Cam came up behind her and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “Having a good time? Still enjoying my ‘CassieRitas,’ or would you like to try something different?”


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