Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 13

by Robyn M Ryan

Time stopped, both lost in the embrace…until Tom’s phone pinged with an incoming text. They reluctantly pulled away from each other, Tom letting his palm rest against the side of her face. “I’m sorry, Cass. I’ve thought about that first kiss so often…I shouldn’t have. The last thing I want to do is take advantage of you.”

  Cassie shook her head as she pressed her fingers against his lips. “No, you didn’t…that’s what I’d call a dream.” She paused, then continued in a subdued tone. “I know we can’t do this, Tom. Working for Caryn and Andrew…”

  “And you’re Lauren’s niece,” Tom added. “I know all the reasons I shouldn’t kiss you…and then I look at those eyes, and those intentions cease to exist.” He hugged her and pressed his lips against her forehead. “I’ll walk you in, then head out.”

  “Thanks for listening. I really needed that.”

  “Anytime, hon.” He took her hand and guided her toward the door. “So, you going to tell me who starred in your dream before it turned into a nightmare?”

  Cassie laughed, and he saw her blush. “Nope, that stays my secret, doctor.”


  Several days passed before Tom’s shift—shifts—ended. The flu had hit staff and as the ER found itself under-staffed, Tom stayed until there was adequate coverage. He paused when he entered the house and saw Cassie seated at a table on the pool deck, papers spread across the surface. He hadn’t seen her since they’d shared their second “forbidden kiss” that stuck on replay in his brain.

  He barely remembered his last free evening—the catch-up dinner with Katie. He’d returned home early, only to find Cassie had taken the evening off to go to that party over at Camden’s.

  He suspected Cam had purposely given Cassie stronger drinks than he’d promised. She didn’t need to tell him. He also “knew” Cam was the man who’d tried to take advantage of Cassie. He experienced the same burst of anger he’d felt when she’d confided in him. Luckily for both of us, he’s out of town for a while.

  He pushed through the door to the pool, returning Cassie’s bright smile when she saw him.

  “Hey, stranger,” she greeted. “Where have you been hiding?”

  “Long nights at the hospital. I signed on to back up the residents this week, plus staff shortage. Thankfully, that ended today.” He nodded toward a chair at the table. “Can I join you?”

  “You have to ask?”

  “Where are your hair colors?”

  Cassie shrugged. “Too time-consuming. I need to concentrate on plans after this gap year.”

  “Well, I officially lodge a protest. It’s definitely worth the time.” He saw the sparkle in her eyes as the faint flush crept on her face. “Are these the universities you’re considering?”

  “Just the one in Tampa. Lauren and I visited it a few weeks ago. Looking at their Early Childhood Education or Communications majors.”

  “Both sound good. I’ve heard it’s a top school. I’m sure Caryn hopes she can keep you at least part-time.”

  Cassie sighed as she leaned on her elbow. “I’d be happy continuing full-time indefinitely. Just trying to keep my mother happy.”

  Tom squeezed her shoulder. “Parental pressure is tough. Just remember, it’s your life, you’re an adult, and you don’t need to conform to any arbitrary timeline. As much talent as you have, I can see you doing anything you want.”

  “Thanks, Tom.” Cassie glanced away before she asked the question that had stuck in her mind over the past few days. “So, how was your reunion with Katie? I forgot to ask when I had my meltdown.”

  “Not a meltdown, Cassie, just a talk between...um…friends. Anyway, It was good to catch up with Katie. She’s happy living close to home and reconnected with a former boyfriend from high school.”

  “Oh…Sorry?” A slight questioning smile crossed her face.

  Tom shrugged. “Why?”

  Cassie averted her eyes. “Weren’t you guys in a relationship before she moved?”

  “I’m not sure what to call it. Yes, we got together when our schedules allowed; I guess you’d call it exclusive. Honestly, neither of us wanted to try the long-distance thing.” He smiled when her eyes met his. “I think Caryn was more disappointed than either of us. They became close when her doctor hospitalized Caryn with bed rest.”


  “Nah, we were already friends. But relationships are tough when both people work in medicine.” He leaned back in the chair and glanced at the papers strewn across the table. “Can I help you with anything? Do you have what you need to apply?”

  “Don’t know. Lauren said she’d help me with the student VISA. I need to check if I have to take those SAT or ACT tests.” She made a face. “Hate thinking about it.”

  “Don’t until you know for sure. Your tests from secondary school may be all that’s required.” He paused a moment. “If you need to take either of those tests, I can help you study. I had a friend in Toronto who wanted to go to Boston College. She got the study guide, and I worked through it with her.”


  “That was a long time ago.”

  “I’ll welcome help if I need test scores.” He saw her rueful smile. “Not a terrific test-taker.”

  Tom watched as she gathered the papers and organized them in a folder. He pushed aside his desire to kidnap her to his apartment. Maybe it’s worth the risk? Maybe we’re missing out on something special. Or I could quickly screw up her plans, her job, and her future. He pushed back his chair to stand. “Let me know if you need my help, okay?”

  He thought he caught a gleam in her wide hazel eyes. Could she read his thoughts? But Cassie merely replied, “Count on it…friend.”

  Ouch…Friend-zoned…I should feel relieved, right? He swallowed the disappointment—irrational; he knew—and returned to his apartment.

  Amelie persuaded her brother to leave the keys to his car with her during a long road trip and offered to help Cassie and Caryn with the twins. Cassie felt irritation that she called Caryn first instead of checking with her, but Caryn told her she could decide.

  “I don’t have a problem with it, so long as you don’t feel Amelie will cause a distraction,” Caryn said.

  “She might, but my focus is on the twins only.” Cassie made a face. “Though, she said yesterday that this road trip really makes her feel lonely. Guess with Cam and Chance out of town, her social life has taken a huge hit.”

  “It’s up to you, Cassie. I can tell her I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Caryn said.

  Cassie caught Caryn’s eyes. “I hate Amie’s home alone, and I have you, Terri, Kelly, and Lauren. Selfish of me?”

  Caryn hugged her with a laugh. “Don’t guilt-trip yourself. With the guys gone, I expect we’ll see more of Lauren, Kelly, and Terri.”

  “I’m okay with whatever you think’s best.”

  “How about this–I’ll invite her over tomorrow. Lauren and I are slammed with work, so perhaps an extra pair of hands will come in handy. We can see just how much Amelie’s willing to help? Are you comfortable with that?”

  Comfortable? Can I see her interacting with my love bugs…or am I just worried she’ll start flirting with Tom if he’s around? Selfish much, Cass? Remember who kept you from driving after that party…

  “Okay,” she answered finally. “I have some reservations, but as long as you’re home, we can try it.”

  “Cassie.” Caryn waited until Cassie looked at her. “I have no problem playing Mama Grizzly. Take that off your worry list.”

  Cassie giggled at the thought. “I hope you never go Mama Grizzly on me! Okay, sure, why not? I’ll try to share Jenna and Danny.”

  “How much you share’s totally up to you, Cassie. The twins may raise their own objections. The pediatrician said they may start rejecting new faces—common at their age. I’ll call her back and set a few ground rules. First and most important, she needs to clear it with me before dropping in. Neither Drew, nor I want anything to distract you when you’re ru
nning after two stubborn speed-crawlers!”

  This time Cassie hugged Caryn. “I agree, definitely. Thank you—you’re the best, Caryn.”

  “Blame me if it ever comes up.” Caryn met Cassie’s eyes. “You know, I always wished for a large family—brothers and sisters. Lauren’s been a sister for a long time. Now I feel I have two with you.”

  Cassie blinked back the sudden tears. “I’ve always wanted a sister. Thank you.”

  Daniel and Jenna had mastered crawling and now darted across the floor in a flash. They both pulled themselves to a standing position and then cruised along the side of the couch. Cassie enjoyed the determination on both of their faces and tried to comfort them when they lost their balance and plopped to the floor. Caryn told Cassie that their stubbornness and determination was all Andrew and warned that impatience would soon follow.

  Those thoughts ran through Cassie’s mind as she played on the floor with the twins the next day. Unusually active—even for them—both kept her busy, giggling when they tried to venture past their play area. When they began crawling in separate directions, Cassie suspected they’d invented a new game. She almost called Caryn to watch but remembered the conference call that had started an hour earlier. Her office door remained closed, indicating the call had continued longer than expected.

  Cassie spread out on the floor, enticing the escape artists to use her as a climbing wall. It didn’t take long for them to discover how to make Cassie laugh, and the three giggled so hard no one heard the quiet knock on the door. Suddenly Amelie joined them on the floor.

  “What are you doing, Cassie?”

  “Trying to distract them. Danny and Jenna learned some new escape skills this morning. They’re a hoot. How are you, Amie?”

  “Good. I hate these road trips. Really miss my guy.”

  “How is Mr. Gagné?” Cassie asked as she grabbed Daniel before he could make a break for the kitchen.

  “God, I miss him, Cass. We talk every day, but it’s not the same. Although, FaceTime’s providing some interesting evenings.” Amelie grinned, watching Cassie’s attempt to corral the twins.

  “Can you hand me that box of teething biscuits on the counter? That should settle them in one place for a while.” Cassie glanced at Amelie once Jenna and Daniel sat quietly, gnawing on the thick biscuits. “So, you say FaceTime’s entertained you?”

  Amelie leaned back against the couch. “Chance is just as sexy and gets my body responding just listening to him. Almost as good as having him right beside me.”

  “Sexting?” Cassie guessed.

  “OMG, yes! When he tells me to do something…it’s like he’s the one touching me.”

  Cassie laughed and slipped her hands over Jenna’s ears. “TMI! Don’t corrupt my little angels.”

  “I doubt they understand a word.”

  “Still, G-rated around them, please! I don’t want their first word to be ‘sexting.’”

  Amelie laughed, shaking her head. “You’re nuts, you know that?” Without waiting for an answer, she nodded toward then pool. “Mind if I catch some rays by the pool?”

  “Help yourself. I need to feed these guys lunch.”

  “So maybe you can join me when they nap?”

  “Maybe.” Cassie got each squirming baby settled and strapped safely in a highchair and then gave each a handful of Cheerios to keep them happy while she prepared the lunch. Caryn joined her shortly and began assisting her.

  “Where’s your extra set of hands?”

  Cassie nodded toward the lanai. “Working on her tan.”

  Cassie heard Caryn’s sigh. “So, not much help with Jenna and Danny?”

  “Not yet. Amelie’s watched but hasn’t interacted with them. That’s okay. Danny and Jenna have a new trick—they take off in opposite directions. I swear they pre-plan it!”

  “I wouldn’t doubt that. Sometimes, I think they already have that twin communication thing going.”

  “I can ask Amelie if she and Cam had their own secret language.”

  “With those two, nothing would surprise me.”

  After she and Caryn put the tired and cranky duo in their cribs for a nap, Caryn handed Cassie the baby monitor. “I’ve got another conference call. But with any luck, they’ll sleep a couple hours. Why don’t you relax by the pool, too? Help yourselves to whatever you’d like for lunch—or order out. My treat.” Caryn pointed to the credit card on the counter.

  Cassie asked Amelie if she would like a sandwich or salad. “Caryn’s chicken salad is super delicious. Everyone wants her recipe.”

  “Sure, that sounds good, Cassie. It’s just perfect out here. Could you grab a Coke or water for me?” Amelie flipped on her stomach and closed her eyes. “So relaxing.”

  Cassie didn’t comment as she walked back to the house. Wow, she and Cam must have grown up with cooks and maids. No offer to help. Sure, she’s a guest, but she could at least volunteer. Sighing, she quickly put together a platter of sandwiches, fruit, and fresh brownies. She gathered utensils, paper plates, napkins, and a selection of cold drinks and took them to the deck, setting up the table at the end of the pool. Amelie didn’t move while she brought out the food and drinks, so Cassie allowed the tray to drop a few inches to make a sound. The monitor! Cassie returned inside to grab the monitor, smiling when she heard the babies softly snoring as they slept.

  She called Amelie when she reached the table. “Lunch is served.”

  Her guest looked over her shoulder. “Be there in a few. Don’t wait for me.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. Don’t worry about that. She smiled in surprise when the door opened, and Tom stepped into the lanai. “Lunch break?” she greeted. “Perfect timing.” She waved her hand toward the table. “Hungry?”

  “Always…is that chicken salad?” His brown eyes met hers speculatively.

  “Caryn’s specialty. Plus, brownies.”

  “It will be worth doubling my laps today.” Tom’s smile caused Cassie’s heart to beat faster. Hope he can’t hear it. Tom nodded at Amelie in the corner at the end of the pool. “Is she not joining us?”

  “She said not to wait, she’d be over in a few.”

  “In that case…” Tom pulled back a chair for Cassie, then sat beside her. “Wasn’t expecting this when I walked in.”

  “Tom, you know I’d make lunch for you anytime…so long as you handle breakfast and an occasional dinner.”

  Tom recounted a humorous story concerning an intern that set off Cassie’s giggles. “How did you keep a straight face, doctor?”

  “Sometimes, it’s difficult. I had to take a break—though, I remember being in the same situation when I was an intern.” He looked up to see Amelie standing behind Cassie. “Ready to join us?”

  “You bet. I didn’t think you’d start without me, Cassie.”

  Tom watched as Cassie bit her lip and forced a smile. “I’m sorry, Amie. I misunderstood. Please, join us. Caryn’s chicken salad is famous.”

  “Oh, this really looks good.” Amelie placed a sandwich on her plate and opened a bottle of water. She turned her attention to Tom. “Day off?”

  “Worked last night. Full moon, which meant a crazy night in the ER.”

  “That’s not an urban myth?” Cassie asked. “Do weird things really happen when there’s a full moon?” Her hazel eyes reflected mischief. Tom responded with a wink.

  Amelie laughed. “No vampires—or is that the wolfman?”

  “Not that I’ve seen, but you can google and read many supposedly true full-moon ER stories.” Tom sipped his water as he watched her reaction. Amelie pouted just a bit.

  “So, no fun stories from your experience, doctor?” She cocked her head with a teasing smile.

  “Nah, most of the patients I see have some kind of head injury. What’s on your agendas today?”

  “Staying one step ahead of my munchkins,” Cassie said. “Hey, Amelie, did you and Cam have that secret twin language? I swear Danny and Jenny are communicating.” She told Tom about th
eir sudden “escape” plan.

  “We do, actually. Sometimes it’s more like I tune into Cam’s thoughts and vice versa. That was not helpful in secondary school,” Amelie said and laughed. “Even in Paris, he always knew when I was having a rough day, homesick, or out with a hot guy.” She shook her head. “I did not appreciate him jumping into my head whenever I kissed someone. Major mood destroyer.”

  Cassie joined her in laughing. “Is he still bugging your mind here in Tampa?”

  Amelie smiled coyly. “I found if I just jump into his head once or twice, he’s ready for a truce. I know it sounds bizarre, but it’s hard to explain.”

  Cassie looked at Tom. “I think your nephew and niece have that gift. Watch out.”

  He smiled at the animated sparkle in her hazel eyes when she talked about the twins. Anyone can see she loves them like her own—and the feeling’s definitely mutual.

  On cue, two squawks sounded on the monitor. Cassie jumped up. “I need to get them before they disturb Caryn’s conference call.”

  “Need a hand?” Amelie asked.

  Tom watched as Cassie hid her surprise. “Come on.”

  He stood to clear the table. It didn’t take long, and after he’d put everything away, he returned with a cloth to wipe the table. He moved the monitor, pausing for a moment to listen to Jenna babble. Wonder who will speak first? And that first word? “Dad,” if Andrew has anything to say about it. He’d caught his brother frequently trying to coach them. Not at all embarrassed, Andrew had shrugged with a grin. “You don’t think Caryn does the same thing?”

  Amelie’s voice caught his attention. “Cassie, before we take them out, can I ask you a question?”


  “Tom—is he…”

  Tom quickly muted the monitor, not wanting to eavesdrop, hear the question, or Cassie’s answer. He placed the monitor back on the table and returned inside the house. Just give Jenna and Danny a kiss and catch up on sleep. He pretended not to notice Cassie’s flushed cheeks and took Daniel from Amelie when he held his hands out toward his uncle and squealed.


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