Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 19

by Robyn M Ryan

  Tom laughed. “Had no idea I’d have that effect on you.”

  Cassie batted his chest. “Holy rigatoni, you didn’t notice me self-combust?”

  “My view was, shall we say, equally enticing—especially when you lost that top.” He brushed his fingers through her hair, and Cassie saw his expression grow serious. “We leaped from friendship right into much more—like jumping into the deep end of the pool. If I’m honest, I’ve wanted to explore the possibilities for months.”

  “Surely you knew I wanted that, too? I thought you were off-limits—Andrew’s brother, Lauren’s friend, the twins’ nanny…not to mention the age difference.” Cassie saw the flicker of understanding in his eyes.

  “I didn’t want to jeopardize your job or get ‘The Talk’ from Lauren, Andrew, and Dave. Too much at risk.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “Spending time with you, getting to know you as a person, not the twins’ nanny. The more time we spent together, the more certain I knew I wanted much, much more than friendship.” He smiled wryly. “Took the chance and no one’s looked at us sideways.”

  “Lauren told me she and Caryn wondered if we’d realize our mutual…interest?…in each other.” She turned to kiss him lightly.

  Tom grasped her hand and kissed her palm. “This afternoon…You’re such a temptress, Princess Cassie.” He winked, and Cassie felt her cheeks flush. “But we need to be on the same page…I don’t do casual sex, and I don’t think you’re into it either?”

  “Correct. One hundred percent no casual sex and ideally in a committed relationship.” Her words sounded off, and she tried to explain. “I don’t mean committed in a ‘forever’ kind of way…just an understanding…”

  “That it’s an exclusive relationship while exploring where the journey takes us.” He kissed her forehead. “I’d very much like to see how…this…” Tom waved his hand between them. “…develops. We passed the ‘Let’s get to know each other’ stage long ago. Shall we see where the path leads from here?”

  Cassie cocked her head as she looked at him. “You really need to ask, doctor?”

  “Not about to assume anything, babe. You could kick me to the curb.”

  “Highly unlikely.” She wrapped her arms around his chest. “I’d very much enjoy joining you on this journey.” She didn’t speak for a moment, content to allow the happiness to swell inside her heart. Don’t make too much out of it, Johnson. He said to explore the possibilities, not commit to each other. Slow down—don’t get ahead of yourself.

  She glanced at her watch, surprised that midnight had passed. “What time do you need to report for your shifts?”

  “I’ll leave by six, so I can check on my patients and get the status of new admissions, ER cases, etc., before shift change.”

  “I need to stop distracting you then. You need some sleep. Merry Christmas Eve.”

  Tom chuckled as he drew Cassie into his arms when he stood. “You okay with staying in the house alone?”

  She shrugged. “I’m sure I can scream loud enough to wake the neighbors. Your apartment’s not super sound-proofed?”

  “No more than the rest of this house. You know, you’re welcome to stay with me.” Cassie saw the slight quirk of his mouth. “And I’m suggesting sleep, nothing more.”

  Cassie didn’t respond as she rose on her toes to kiss his cheek.

  “I’ll lock up the house and set the alarm. You change into something more comfortable. Satisfactory for you, Princess Cassie?”

  Cassie couldn’t suppress her grin as she walked backward from the sunroom. “Beyond expectations.”

  Tom awakened before his alarm sounded. He reached to cancel it, then gently moved away from Cassie, hoping not to wake her. Even though Cassie had confessed it was her first “sleepover” with a man, she’d nestled comfortably beside him. She laid her head on his chest, and promptly fell asleep. Tom? Not so quickly. With Cassie’s body pressed against his, he questioned the wisdom of his invitation. He tried to detach his mind from the sensations that pulsed through him, forcing his mind to think about anything besides the soft curves molded against his body. He finally fell asleep while mentally reviewing the status of every patient he followed in neurology.

  Cassie murmured a protest when he left her side but fell back asleep when he kissed her temple. He showered and dressed, trying not to disturb her. His shower was cooler than usual to chase away the sleep—and the image of the irresistible sprite who defined cuddling in a whole new way. He turned the water to ice cold and counted to thirty before leaving the shower. Even the air-conditioned house felt warm as he dressed.

  He quietly returned to the bedroom and gazed at Cassie. Her hair hid her face, and she now clutched a pillow against her chest. Tom resisted the urge to kiss the shoulder covered only with the thin strap of her camisole and opted to leave a note where she’d see it. Hate not spending Christmas with Cassie. Not the first time a holiday’s taken me from family and friends, but something’s different this time—pretty sure it’s my rainbow girl. I know where I’d like to take this relationship. Hope she’s on the same page.


  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day passed at warp speed. Cassie enjoyed celebrating with Lauren and Dave, and she couldn’t remember the last time she felt no stress during the holidays. No splitting time between my parents, no complaints that Dad spoils me, no emotional tug-of-war. She attended Midnight Mass with Lauren and Dave—her first—and experienced a sense of awe she couldn’t explain. Even the obligatory calls to her parents didn’t dim Cassie’s Christmas spirit. She took Lauren’s advice and ignored her mother’s attempts to make her feel guilty because she’d stayed in Tampa. Her father was boarding the cruise ship, so the one call Cassie didn’t dread ended much too quickly.

  She and Lauren laughed their way through dinner preparations, then watched football with Dave while the meal cooked. She curled up on one of the plush leather chairs where she could watch the game and enjoy one of her favorite pastimes—watching Dave and Lauren interact. Will I find that kind of love? Not the gooey newlywed love, but the playful bantering, the good-spirited teasing, and the many ways they find to make physical contact throughout the day. Lost count of the times Dave wandered into the kitchen to offer his help, then after receiving Lauren’s “No, thank you,” stole a kiss, exchanged a hug, or just touched hands. They’re so cute and happy together—please, God, let Tom and me experience this.

  Still walking on clouds after Tom’s surprise adventure and sleep-over, Cassie kept the note he’d written in her pocket. She tried to recapture the feeling of contentment found in his arms. Respected, cherished, protected, peaceful. She laughed to herself whenever she thought of his note — “No more sleep-overs…I don’t have enough self-control to resist you.” Then, next time we’ll do more than cuddle, doctor.

  They exchanged texts whenever Tom had a break. Dave teased her each time her phone pinged, alerting an arriving message. “Slow day at the hospital?” he asked.

  “Unfortunately, no. Tom said they’re seeing a lot of bike, scooter, and skateboard injuries. Most aren’t wearing protective gear. Many children…”

  “What parent allows their child to ride a bike or whatever without a helmet?” Lauren said.

  “Probably the same type who chooses not to wear motorcycle helmets.” Dave shook his head. “Hopefully, none have serious injuries.”

  “The only thing he said is that the hospital is providing bike helmets for the kids who come in—and anyone else who requests one.” Cassie shrugged. “He said they’re expecting the food poisoning and alcohol-related incidents later this evening.”

  “Don’t know how he does it,” Dave said.

  “He cares,” Lauren added. “That’s why he’s so calm and skilled.”

  “Well, I call dibs on this personal physician,” Cassie said.

  “Like we didn’t know that.” Lauren’s knowing grin softened the sarcasm in her tone.

  Cassie enjoyed cooking i
n Tom’s kitchen. Although it didn’t feature all the state-of-the-art appliances found in the house, the stainless-steel appliances were updated and sparkling like new. Cassie had asked Tom if she could spend time in the apartment while he was at the hospital. Doesn’t feel right just taking over the kitchen. Tonight’s our only chance to be alone since Andrew and Caryn return first thing tomorrow…before morning skate.

  She decided on a traditional Italian feast. Eggplant parmigiana—Tom had mentioned it as one of his favorite foods. Conscious of his desire to eat clean, she purchased organic produce, pasta, and cheese. While it cooked, she set the table, using the new holiday linens she’d purchased, and placed a red and white flowered centerpiece in the center.

  The salad tossed and waiting in the refrigerator, Cassie had just taken the garlic bread from the oven when Tom entered the apartment, startling her. “I didn’t even hear your car…”

  His kiss swallowed her words as Tom swept her into his arms. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”

  “Mm, Merry Christmas,” Cassie murmured against his mouth. “Missed you.”

  “Missed you more.” Tom’s eyes lit a tiny spark that threatened to ignite the fire smoldering deep within Cassie. “Something smells awesome. Did you cook for me?”

  “Hope you like it,” Cassie said, feeling her skin flush. “It’s a new-to-me recipe, so I have something else just in case.”

  “Smells Italian…I’ll love it. And I’m starving.”

  Starving for you. But after the long shift, Tom might just want to crash. “I…I didn’t know if you’d had dinner, but I can put it up if you planned to take a nap…go to bed…or whatever you do after working a long shift.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Coming home to find my girl right here, with a home-cooked meal, goes straight to the top of my list.”

  Cassie nodded to the table set for two. “Sit, and I’ll get everything on the table.”

  Tom glanced at the table, then at the serving dishes covered in foil. “I should serve you.” He peeked under the foil of the largest dish. “Eggplant?” When Cassie nodded, he smiled. “You remembered.”

  “I went to Whole Foods—they gave me the recipe and made sure every ingredient’s organic.” She bit her bottom lip. “If it doesn’t taste right, it’s because I can’t read recipes.”

  Tom persuaded Cassie to leave the plates in the sink after they packaged the leftovers and then led her to his apartment’s living area. He pulled her with him as they collapsed on the sofa, capturing her mouth with a kiss he’d anticipated many times during the past two days. Tom felt Cassie relax against him as she ran one hand through his hair, while the other pulled him closer to her. He wrapped his arms around her and shifted until they lay face-to-face on their sides. He brushed her disheveled hair away from her face and sprinkled tiny kisses on her skin.

  “Longest shift ever,” he said. “Thought about you constantly, Princess Cassie.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m happy you stayed with Lauren and Dave.”

  “Me, too, but I wished you could have celebrated with us. After our adventures in Disney World, I so missed you. When I woke up Christmas Eve, I wondered if everything had been a dream.” Tom watched her cheeks flush. “When I realized I’d awakened in your bed…I knew then that wonderful day was real.”

  “Hardest thing I ever did, leaving you Christmas Eve. But I promise that we’ll celebrate our Christmas properly tonight.” He watched her eyes perk with curiosity. He leaned his forehead against hers. “And no hints, so don’t ask.”

  Cassie’s contented sigh tugged at his heart. “I love your surprises, doctor.”

  Tom bit back a sudden yawn and shook his head. “I promise it’s not the company, babe.”

  She caressed his cheek gently. “Exhausted? You need to sleep.”

  “Not as long as you keep me entertained.”

  “I’ll do the best I can,” Cassie said.

  “I just need to shower first, then we can begin our Christmas.”

  Cassie lightly pushed against his chest. “Go, take your shower while I finish up in the kitchen.”

  “Can’t talk you into sharing the shower?”

  Cassie’s eyes widened as her face turned scarlet. “Maybe next time?”

  Tom chuckled as he pushed himself to his feet, then offered his hand. “Short shower, okay? Don’t spend much time in the kitchen.”



  When Cassie returned to the bedroom about ten minutes later, she found Tom sprawled face down across the bed. She leaned against the doorframe and appreciated the view. She fought the urge to trace the outline of his sculpted shoulders…the definition of his upper arms…run her fingers down his spine until it disappeared beneath his gym shorts.

  She carefully perched on the edge of the bed. Maybe I’ll let him sleep? He’s exhausted…should I just leave? Or hang out in the living area?

  She jumped and swallowed a squeal when Tom suddenly wrapped an arm around her waist. “Just going to sit there gawking?” She saw the gleam in his eyes when he pulled her against him?

  “Enjoying the view.” She let her fingers roam over his shoulders and back. “Impressive.” She tried to swallow a giggle.

  “Yeah?” He pushed her on her back and claimed her mouth. “You would deny me this?”

  “I didn’t…want…to…wake...you.” Her words punctuated soft moans that escaped with each kiss.

  “Screw sleep.” He pulled back, and his eyes searched hers. “I’ve thought about this for two days.” He lightly traced her lips. “Or we could cuddle like last time?”

  Cassie offered a shy smile. “Maybe more than just cuddling?”

  “Anything particular in mind?”

  “Maybe swim in the pool for a while?”

  Tom’s eyebrows shot up. “You want to go swimming?”

  “Not exactly…I thought maybe we could check off a box on my bucket list?” She saw the question in his gaze. “I’ve never gone skinny-dipping…Maybe?” Cassie felt the flush coloring her neck and noticed his eyes suddenly shooting sparks.


  Cassie shook her head. “Never.” She placed her hand on his bicep. “No big deal if you don’t want to…”

  “Skinny-dip with you? Hell, yes!” She watched as the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. He stood and held out his hand and led her to the French doors that opened directly to the pool deck. “Sure you want this?”

  When Cassie nodded, he lifted her into his arms and jumped into the deep end of the pool.

  Cassie swam her way to the surface, pushing her hair away from her face, laughing so hard she couldn’t speak. She splashed water at him. “Your idea of skinny-dipping?”

  “Nope, just getting into the water.” He moved beside her. “Need some assistance?”

  Cassie laughed. “I’m good—you take care of yourself.” She shimmied out of her sleep shorts and tossed them on the pool deck. Her tank top quickly followed. She suppressed the urge to giggle when she caught his expression. “What’s taking you so long, doctor?”

  Not waiting for his reply, Cassie ducked underwater and swam like a fish across the pool.

  Tom watched as Cassie swam away, her hair streaming behind her in the water. My own irresistible mermaid. Does she have any idea what she does to me? Tom discarded his gym shorts, then quickly swam to her side. He gently grabbed her arm before she could escape. “You want to play tag?”

  “Maybe shark and minnow?” Cassie lobbed back to him. “You make a fearsome shark, Doctor Tom.”

  “And the rules are…?”

  She pulled away from his grasp. “You’re the shark, I’m the minnow. Count to ten, then catch me if you can.” She plunged under the water, and Tom watched as she swam the length of the pool without stopping to take a breath. Eight, nine, ten. Now to capture this elusive guppy. He let himself sink to the bottom of the pool and hoped she didn’t see him swim underwater. He locked his gaze on those tempting legs, lightly mov
ing as she tread water. Staying near the bottom, Tom rapidly closed the distance between them. He reached for her leg, but Cassie sensed his presence before he could grab her. He heard her squeal, then scurry away from him. They repeated this sequence many times until Tom caught her and pulled her against his chest.

  “Finally, my little minnow.”

  Cassie slipped her arms around his neck, taking a moment to catch her breath. “So fun! I call shark next time.”

  “No way I’m playing the minnow…maybe barracuda?” He felt her legs wrap around his waist, and then Cassie rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Barracuda works for me. You didn’t give me a chance to catch my breath.”

  “Then, I never would catch you. So, what’s the prize, minnow?”


  “Perfect.” He boosted her up in his arms, then walked up the slope to the pool deck. “Time for dessert.”

  After setting her on her feet, Tom grabbed some towels. He folded one around Cassie, then wrapped another around his waist. “Cold?”

  “Just a bit.” Cassie reached for a towel to dry her hair. “Maybe a tad nervous.”

  Tom stepped back so he could see her eyes. “This isn’t your first time?”

  She shook her head. “I had two ‘boyfriends.’ Crappy relationships, both of them.” She looked toward the window. “So attentive and sweet—until we had sex. Then, neither one thought to take me out for an evening. Just interested in sex.” She met Tom’s eyes. “I should have known better after my first ended the ‘relationship’ a week later. Sometimes I’m a slow learner. Or horrible in bed.”

  Tom noted her embarrassed expression. “Highly doubt that, princess. There’s a difference between sex and making love. You deserve much better than casual sex.”

  Cassie’s laugh sounded forced. “Actually, my mother always told me that the only thing guys want is sex. So, I had low expectations…thought that was the norm. If I’d ever talked about those ‘boyfriends’ with her, the first thing she’d say was ‘I told you so.’”


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