Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 27

by Robyn M Ryan

  “That’s what all our doctors said.” Caryn kissed Jenna’s forehead, then laughed softly. “In fact, someone wanted to swim today, believe it or not. He pitched a bit of a tantrum when I told him no.”

  “I believe that absolutely. I’d say Danny has a lot of his dad’s personality in him.”

  Caryn agreed with a laugh, then sobered. “How’s Cassie?”

  “Not good…repentant, assumes responsibility, overwhelmed by guilt. She’s having difficulty trying to process everything.”

  “Does Cassie accept it was just an accident? I certainly don’t blame her. Does she know that?”

  Tom thought for a long moment. “She blames herself…Nothing I say changes her mind.”

  “I need to see her, preferably with the twins. I will eternally be grateful to her for saving Danny’s life.” Caryn’s eyes filled with tears. “The house feels so empty without her.”

  Tom started to respond but stopped when his brother entered the room.

  “Nice job, Caryn,” he said. “Perfect idea to make this a playroom.” Andrew turned to Tom. “I know I haven’t thanked you, but I can’t tell you how much it meant that you coordinated everything once Danny arrived in the ER.”

  Tom shrugged. “You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you guys. I’m thankful Daniel doesn’t appear to have any lingering effects.”

  “Not even coughing,” Caryn added. “He wants back in the pool, Drew. Don’t know how I feel about that.”

  “We’ll double up on the swim lessons. I’m more concerned he’ll be afraid of the water.” Andrew glanced at a backpack he held. “Here are some textbooks and notes Cassie left. Will you get them to her?” he asked Tom.

  “Of course.” Tom gently returned the squirming toddler to the floor before he accepted the bag. He set it on top of the toy shelves and pulled out the top book. Calculus? He opened the cover, looking for a name. Nothing. He set that text aside and looked at the next. Basics of Accounting. Obviously not Cassie’s books.

  “Anything wrong?” Caryn asked.

  “These aren’t Cassie’s. There’s no name, but I know she’s not taking either of these courses.”

  “Don’t worry about that now. I’ll look at the books later,” Caryn said, stifling a yawn. “Are you working tomorrow?”

  “Short shift. What did you decide about the All-Star Game and your bye-week plans?”

  “We’ll keep our plans unless the pediatrician doesn’t want Daniel to travel,” Andrew replied. “We have an appointment in the morning.”

  Caryn’s voice sounded wistful. “I was so looking forward to you and Cassie traveling with us.” Tom saw her glance at Andrew, who maintained a neutral expression.

  “Yeah, that resort sounds amazing. I’m glad you’re sticking to your plans. Take a week and just decompress,” Tom said. “Why not leave Danny and Jenna with me? Then you can truly relax.”

  “Why don’t you just come with us?” Andrew asked.

  Tom shook his head. Was that a challenge in his tone? Does he really think I’ll go alone when Cassie was included in the original plans? “Sorry, brother. A week in paradise sounds tempting, but I can’t do that to Cassie.”

  “Of course not,” Caryn replied. “We’ll enjoy just having our peanuts with us, Drew. A family vacation. But now it’s bedtime—for Danny, Jenna, and me.”

  Andrew lifted Danny as Caryn stood with Jenna in her arms. Tom began to collect toys, but Caryn waved her hand. “Leave them…that’s the nice thing about a playroom. We just shut the door.”

  Tom slipped the backpack over a shoulder. “Pretty sure I can guess who left these.”

  Caryn glanced at him. “Amelie? She enjoys studying by the pool. Just put them on the kitchen counter, Tom. If she doesn’t realize it, I’ll call her tomorrow.” Tom saw speculation spread across her expression. “I wonder if she stopped by to help Cassie yesterday?”

  Andrew’s laugh conveyed no humor. “Amelie help? More like Amelie distracts.”

  “Drew…” Caryn warned as she glanced at Tom. “Did Cassie say anything about Amelie coming over yesterday.”

  “She mentioned it.”

  “I assumed she did since she came to the spa to tell me about Daniel.”

  “Did she take you to the hospital?” Tom questioned.

  Caryn shook her head. “The girls took me. Amelie was too distraught. I told her to go on home.”

  “I can drop these books off tomorrow on my way to work.” Tom started to say something further, but after glancing at his brother kept his opinion to himself.

  “I’ll call Amelie and let her know you’re coming by tomorrow,” Caryn said.

  “Warn her, please, that I’ll be there early…around six.”

  Caryn nodded with a smile. “Absolutely.”

  Tom saw Andrew watching him. He waited to see if he said anything, but after a beat, Andrew turned and followed Caryn to the nursery.

  Tom arrived at the condominium early and waited in the lobby. Caryn said Amelie had promised to meet him at six o’clock, so Tom took advantage of the extra time to think through the questions he intended to ask. Maybe she’ll volunteer the information that she was at the house when Daniel fell into the pool? It’s the only explanation that makes sense. If she came over to help Cassie with the twins, did she use the pool deck for a study break? What could she add to Cassie’s account of the near tragedy?

  Not sure what he expected, but he never imagined Amelie would emerge from the elevator, a bright smile on her face, and dressed for success.

  “Hi, Tom! Thanks for bringing these—I thought I’d have to tell my professors I left them at home.” Her smile came across too bright—flirtatious?—too happy for Tom’s mindset. “Danny’s fine? No after-effects?”

  “Ready to take on the day.”

  “That’s a relief,” Amelie said with a laugh. “I love those children so much. How’s Cassie today? She sounded overwhelmed last time we spoke.”

  “I haven’t seen her today.” Tom paused a moment. “Do you know exactly what happened? Were you there?”

  “Yes...One second we were playing with the twins. We’d had such a wonderful day…Jenna pretended I was a climbing wall. The next moment Cassie screamed for me to call 911…It was…frightening,” she said with a visible shiver.

  “So, you didn’t see him go out by the pool?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know how he got out there…It’s all a nightmare.” She paused and look at Tom with a small smile. “I thought I’d go over today, to see if I can give Cassie a hand with the twins.”

  “No need. She’s not working today.”

  “Too distraught?”

  “Yesterday was hard on her.”

  “I know—so scary to see Danny like that.” Amelie shuddered.

  “But you don’t know how Daniel got to the pool? That door’s always locked…maybe you left it open after you did your homework?” Tom nodded toward the backpack. “Found your books on the table near the pool.”

  “Tom, I don’t think I left the door open. Maybe I did?” Amelie shrugged. “Either way, it was unintentional, no matter who forgot to lock that door.”

  “Were you distracted for a few minutes? Possibly using your phone?”

  She glared at him. “What are you implying?”

  Tom leveled his gaze to meet hers. “That there’s more to the story than appears? I intend to discover exactly what happened yesterday.” He held her eyes for a long beat. “I need to get to the hospital. Thanks for meeting me at the crack of dawn.”

  “No, thank you for bringing these books. Maybe I’ll see you later.”

  Tom didn’t reply; just nodded and turned to leave. She says the right words, but her body language disagrees. No eye contact while she spoke about what happened. Didn’t seem that upset—definitely not, compared to Cassie. Maybe she doesn’t feel any responsibility or remorse? Or relieved that Cassie’s accepted the blame?


  Cassie set her alarm early to b
eat the traffic Friday morning and drove to the campus. She hoped to change her status to full time and apply for student housing. Her mood lifted when she opened the moonroof and felt the sun warming her face as she drove. She wanted to get her Plan B in place before she spoke to her parents, especially her mother.

  Cassie hadn’t decided what or how much she would disclose but wanted her plans solidified as quickly as possible. Then her mother could not insist she return to Vancouver. Or try to insist…I won’t go back now. Why should I? I’m an adult. I’m not asking for money. She can’t treat me like a child forever. So, why do I worry about talking to her? I can choose what information I share…and what I keep to myself. She’s my mother, but I’m not an immature teenager she needs to control.

  Cassie returned to Lauren and Dave’s feeling unsettled. She couldn’t switch to the full-time student classification until registration opened for the summer semester. Then she could apply for student housing. IF I pass algebra. Big if…When she entered the house, Cassie found a note from Lauren. “With Caryn, checking in on our love bugs.” When will I see them again? Probably not for a long time.

  Her positive thoughts quickly disintegrated, replaced with sorrow and guilt. How can I stay here and never interact with Jenna and Daniel…knowing that I’m not welcome in their home…that I’ve put both Lauren and Dave in an awkward position? And even worse for Tom… She hoped that moving on campus would give her enough distance. Caryn and Andrew wouldn’t have to look at her and be reminded of the afternoon that Danny nearly drowned.

  She searched online for an apartment, but anything near campus obliterated her budget. Maybe I should just use the money and go to Europe? See Paris, London, Rome. Maybe interview for an au pair position—I won’t have any references…can’t give Caryn’s and Andrew’s names. Choose a second Plan B—follow Lauren’s example and move to Toronto for the university?

  She curled up on a lounge chair in a sunny corner of the lanai. She refused to dwell on her remorse. She made the horrific mistake…she needed to accept the consequences and move on. Life doesn’t promise second chances.

  Cassie fell asleep and awakened to the sound of voices coming from the kitchen. Jenna, Danny babbling? Dreaming? Then she heard Caryn’s voice in a conversation with Lauren. Caryn’s here with the twins? She hesitated to make her presence known. I’m the last person Caryn needs to see.

  Hearing Danny and Jenna’s happy voices splintered her heart; she had no expectation that she’d interact with them soon…or ever again. Cassie willed the tears not to escape and said a quick prayer that neither Lauren nor Caryn would notice her. She shut her eyes and tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

  Reaching for her earbuds, Cassie hoped to escape within her music. She selected a playlist she and Tom often listened to and was about to insert the earbuds when she thought she heard Amelie’s name. Caryn mentioned her? Curious, Cassie strained to listen to the conversation.

  “Has Amelie seen Cassie today?” Caryn asked.

  “Not that I’m aware—unless they crossed paths on campus. Why?”

  “She stopped by the house, offering to help with the twins today. When I said we’d given Cassie some personal time off, she immediately volunteered to fill in as long as needed.”

  “Including your trip to St. John?” Cassie heard the hint of sarcasm in her aunt’s voice.

  “Yes, especially the trip to St. John. I told her I’d consider it, then discuss it with Drew.”

  Cassie’s heart plunged. Amelie watching the twins at home frightened her, but the thought of her keeping up with Danny and Jenna on a beach in St. John spelled a disaster just waiting to happen. I can’t let that happen. Caryn knows how distracted Amie gets—Surely, she won’t seriously consider taking her to St. John’s.

  She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Should she interfere? Caryn said she’d discuss with Andrew; would he consider it? Not from what he said about her after the accident…But, under the circumstances, he might.

  Cassie drifted back into a light, dreamless sleep. She gradually realized that someone had joined her. Opening her eyes, she smiled when she saw Lauren.

  “Wow, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. What time is it?”

  “Mid-afternoon. You needed the rest.” Lauren affectionately brushed Cassie’s hair away from her face. “Caryn brought the twins to visit. She hopes to see you.”

  “She does?”

  “You bet. I didn’t realize you’d come home after class. You’re tucked away in this corner…almost invisible. I just happened to look at the bird feeder and noticed you.”

  Cassie pushed herself to a sitting position and absently pulled her hair back into a low ponytail. Lauren held out her hand to help Cassie stand. “You don’t need to ask if Danny and Jenna want to see their ‘Ca-Ca.’”

  Taking a deep breath, Cassie wiped her palms against her jeans and walked with Lauren toward the great-room. Her thoughts ranged from excitement over seeing the twins, to fear that Caryn would echo Andrew’s anger, to hesitation. Should she mention her reservations about Amelie?

  Danny spied Cassie first. His face lit up, and he babbled “CaCa” while holding out his arms toward her. Cassie looked at Caryn. “May I?”

  “Of course, Cassie. Absolutely.”

  Cassie scooped Daniel into her arms. “Danny,” she choked as tears flooded her eyes. She laughed when Daniel grabbed her hair, then patted her cheeks. She felt Jenna using her legs as a climbing wall, so Cassie sat down so she could hug both. “I love you both so much,” she whispered.

  Caryn knelt beside them so she could wrap her arms around Cassie. “Thank you so much for saving Danny,” she said in a whisper. “I can never adequately express my gratitude.”

  “But I didn’t keep them safe.”

  “Accidents happen, honey. You didn’t panic. You reacted perfectly.”

  “Can you ever forgive me?”

  Caryn smiled as she cupped Cassie’s face with her hands. “There’s nothing to forgive, Cassie. Please believe that. Do not blame yourself—it could have been me, and I would have had to wait for 911 to begin treatment.” She shook her head. “After the bye-week, I’m taking the same courses you did.”

  Cassie brushed tears from her cheeks. “I didn’t notice the door was open. I let Danny get out to the pool.”

  Caryn held up her hand. “And Drew should have had that fence installed weeks ago. I should have insisted he take care of it. All three of us could assign blame, but that accomplishes nothing. Daniel’s alive and healthy, the only thing that matters.”

  “And his doctor okayed him to travel?”

  “One hundred percent okay. We leave for Miami this evening.”

  Cassie smiled. “That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you.”

  Lauren pointed to Daniel and Jenna—each had fallen asleep leaning against Cassie. “Adorable.”

  “I should get them home. Just one more thing, Cassie,” Caryn said. “I can’t apologize on Drew’s behalf. Whatever he said came from extreme stress, fear, and feeling helpless. I know that’s not an excuse, but please try to let it go. Before long, he’ll regret what he said and apologize.”

  “He doesn’t need to apologize. I understood what he said and why. I wouldn’t want to trust me with your love bugs, either.”

  “I have confidence in you, Cassie. In his heart, so does Drew.” Caryn paused a moment. “I hope by the end of next week he processes everything and understands that despite our best efforts, accidents can happen.”

  Cassie shrugged. “I hope you can enjoy the All-Star festivities.”

  “Drew has a friend he played with in Toronto. They have teenage daughters. We might ask them to babysit. Also, Amelie volunteered to travel with us.”

  Cassie tried to maintain a neutral expression as she met Caryn’s eyes. “Keeping an eye of both these angels might get overwhelming…” She looked at Daniel, cuddled by her side. “Maybe Tom can get the weekend off.”

  “I won’t accept Amelie’s o
ffer. We’ll meet his friend’s daughters; everything will work out.”


  Tom shook his head and tried to keep any frustration from his voice. “Cassie, unless you’ve changed your mind, we’ll head down the Gulf Coast to Fort Myers this evening or tomorrow morning, and we’ll spend the week on Sanibel Island.”

  “How could I change my mind, Tom? A week with you—all to myself.”

  “So, why are you encouraging me to go to the All-Star weekend first?”

  Cassie hesitated. Tom read the indecision in her expression. “I feel…horrible about spoiling Caryn’s weekend. Now, she might not have the chance to attend all the activities.”

  “I don’t think you need to worry. A friend of Andrew’s plays for the Panthers and has teenage daughters. I think they’ve already discussed babysitting.”

  “She’s not considering Amelie, is she?”

  “I think Amelie offered to help.”

  “And you’re asking me to babysit the babysitter?” Tom couldn’t contain the smirk that crossed his face.

  Cassie swatted his arm. “Hardly. If you go, there’s no reason for babysitters. I don’t think Caryn’s seriously considering Amelie.” She took a deep breath. “We talked for a while this morning—she brought Jenna and Daniel to see me.”

  Tom sat down on her bed and patted the seat beside him. “I know they were thrilled to see their Aunt Ca Ca. Cassie, what’s up with Amelie?”

  He watched Cassie bite her lip and avert her eyes. “I underestimated her, eh…distractibility.”

  Tom laughed softly. “Babe, I think everyone’s aware of her short attention span. Anything in particular?”

  “If I tell you something, will you promise to keep it confidential?”

  “That would depend, Cass. Do you trust me to use my best judgment?”

  “Y..yes, but I really don’t want…this…to get back to Amelie. Or have it look like I’m using her as an excuse. I’m not,” Cassie stammered. Her eyes held his, and Tom brushed his hand against her cheek. “She’s not a very responsible person with the twins…”


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