Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey

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Risky Move: Tampa Suns Hockey Page 35

by Robyn M Ryan

  “Really not my style—but you, my dear, could definitely pull off this look. I have a pair of Jimmy Choo’s I bought for this dress—also only worn once.”

  Cassie shook her head. “This dress is beautiful—elegant, but fun.”

  “And it will showcase those long legs. Très chic—and sexy,”

  Lauren offered several other dresses, but Cassie tried on the first and waved off the others. “I love this, Lauren.”

  “Let’s see the shoes,” Lauren said.

  Cassie slipped on the four-inch stilettos and tried to walk without wobbling. “How do you stay upright?”

  “Look at the mirror. There’s your incentive. Keep them on and practice—be careful not to get a blister.”

  Cassie hugged Lauren. “You’re the best. If I get wobbly, I’ll just walk very, very close to Tom.”


  Lauren rapped on the bedroom door and pushed it open. “Rise and shine, birthday girl!”

  Cassie shook her head as she sat up and brushed the hair away from her face. She smiled when she noticed the bed tray Lauren held. “What did you do? I forgot it’s my birthday.”

  “Your twenty-first birthday, Cassie! Today, you do nothing but relax. Everything can wait for another day…except your dinner date with my favorite doctor tonight.” She set the tray on the bedside table. “Blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip muffins, a mimosa.”

  “Yum, my stomach’s rumbling.” Cassie pushed the covers back and got to her feet. She hugged Lauren before going into the bathroom. “Thank you, Lauren, all my favorites.”

  “Don’t take too long—those chocolate chip muffins are calling my name.”

  Cassie returned, refreshed by splashing cold water on her face, brushing her teeth, and running a brush through her hair.

  “Yay, I’m twenty-one,” she laughed as she passed a chocolate chip muffin to Lauren. She set the tray on the bed and indicated for Lauren to sit opposite her. Cassie plucked a fresh blueberry from the top of her pancakes and popped it into her mouth. “You’re the best, Lauren.” She sipped the mimosa and offered it to her aunt. “I thought I’d feel different today—like a ‘grown-up.’ I can legally order a drink in Tampa, and I think renting a car’s possible.”

  Lauren chuckled as Cassie enthusiastically tackled her pancakes. “I have more if you’re still hungry.”

  “We’ll see after I lick the syrup off this plate. I’ll save the muffin for later so I can appreciate it properly. This was a great surprise!”

  “I wanted to be the first to welcome you to official adulthood.” Lauren passed a card to Cassie. “Just a little celebratory cash from Dave and me.”

  Cassie first read the card and the comments written by each. “You guys always give me leaky eyes.” When she looked at the check, Cassie started to shake her head. “It’s too much.”

  “No, you deserve every penny. Buy something extravagant, pay for books and tuition, pick out something special for your new home. Guilt-free money, Cass. Just spend it on something that makes you happy.”

  Cassie reached for her aunt and enveloped her in a hug. “I love you, Lauren. You’re my aunt, my sister, and on occasion, my mother. You helped me shed that protective bubble where Mom tried to stash me.”

  “You know, she loves you very much and did everything she could to ensure you stayed innocent and safe. But you grew up and became your own person. You’ve matured so much since you moved to Tampa.” Lauren chuckled as Cassie’s phone rang. “You can let Tom think he wished you a happy birthday first.”

  Cassie scrunched her nose at Lauren as she reached for the phone. “Is this my favorite physician?”

  “Hope so. Happy birthday, Princess Cassie. I’d have preferred to awaken you with a kiss. Owe you one later.”

  “Just one?” Cassie couldn’t contain her giggle. “Maybe one for each birthday I’ve had?”

  “And then one to grow on, I suppose.”


  “Not a bit.”

  Tom’s voice sounded so seductive that Cassie wished she could drive to the hospital to collect a few of his kisses. “Do you think you’ll get to leave at four this afternoon?”

  “I have back-ups for the back-ups. We’ll have our special dinner.”

  “No hint where we’re going?”

  “Nope, a surprise for my rainbow girl.”

  Lauren had booked a spa day for both, complete with mani-pedi, facial, massage, hair styling, and make-up.

  “I’ve never felt so pampered,” Cassie said.

  “Once a month, Cassie. It always lifts my spirits, and I get that guilty pleasure when Dave realizes where I’ve been. Lights his fire every time.”

  “Uh-oh, poor Tom!” Cassie closed her eyes, enjoying the foot massage. “Have you brought Dave for a couple’s massage?”

  “Oh, Cassie, we had one in our suite on the cruise. Absolutely incredible. We didn’t leave the room for the rest of the day.”

  “I do like the sound of that.”

  Cassie laughed nervously as Lauren helped her dress. “I feel like an imposter. The makeup, the hair, this dress—I can’t believe it’s me.”

  “A beautiful ‘imposter,’ then. Adding the turquoise highlights was brilliant. It’s like your hair reflects your dress.”

  When the doorbell rang, Cassie steadied herself with the headboard to slip into the stilettos. “Say a prayer I don’t face-plant.”

  “You won’t.” Lauren handed her the small white beaded bag. “Enjoy tonight.”

  Dave knocked on the bedroom door, and Lauren quickly opened it. “Almost ready. Did you offer Tom something to drink?”

  Cassie saw him give Lauren a “Give me a break” look and giggled. “Just a few minutes,” she said. “I need to find my balance with these shoes on.”

  “You look beautiful, Cass. Absolutely breathtaking.”

  “Thanks, Dave. Please tell Tom I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Cassie walked back and forth across the room until she felt steady on her feet. “The downside to wearing flip-flops, sandals, and sneakers every day.”

  “Just like a runway model,” Lauren said. “Ready to make your debut?” When Cassie nodded, Lauren kissed her cheek. “Enjoy, birthday girl.”

  Tom might have ended up on his rear if he weren’t seated at the counter. Cassie caught the periphery of his vision before she completely turned the corner. She always stirred his heart with her beauty, but at that moment, she morphed into an angel, a true princess. He allowed his eyes to rove up and down as she walked toward him. Cassie’s eyes glistened, and she clutched the tiny white purse.

  He met her halfway. “Happy birthday, Princess. You won’t break if I hug you?”

  Cassie shook her head. “Please…I need a hug.”

  Tom quickly complied, kissing her temple as her fresh citrus scent intoxicated him. “You’re stunning, babe,” he spoke softly into her ear. “I’ll enjoy undressing you later.” She pressed against him with a soft sigh, cut short by Tom’s sweet birthday kiss. “Ready?”

  Cassie stepped back and took her time admiring her doctor in a perfectly tailored suit. “You clean up very nicely. My handsome prince.”

  “At your command, milady. Ready for a twenty-first birthday celebration?”

  Tom drove half-way downtown before he suddenly felt the pocket inside his coat. “Damn it.”

  Cassie watched as he began to check his other pockets. “You’re looking for…”


  Cassie heard the aggravation in his voice. “You keep your hand on the wheel, sir. I’ll check.” She flashed a smile as she patted the other pockets on the jacket, then unsnapped her seatbelt so she could reach both of the pants’ pockets.

  Tom gently guided her back to her seat. “Buckle up. Don’t look out your window. The guy in the car beside us enjoyed your…eh…display a bit too much.”

  Cassie felt her cheeks flaming. “I forgot about my dress. Did I really give a show?”

  Tom maneu
vered into a left turn lane, then stopped at a red light. “No comment.”

  Cassie saw the smirk on his face as he glanced beyond her. “Just keep looking at me, babe.”

  Cassie patted his arm. “I’m calling bullshit.”

  “For what?”

  “You’d let some random guy look at me and do nothing?”

  “I did push you back into your seat. You want me to go road rage on the guy?” Tom struggled to keep a straight face.

  “Well…you could have at least flipped him off.”

  “Honey, I guarantee he thought this woman with a gorgeous ass in the air was doing more than checking my pockets.”

  Cassie covered her face, the mortification suddenly a million times worse. “Just tell me when that car is gone.”

  Tom did a U-turn with the left turn signal and headed back home. “And now you’re in the clear.”

  Cassie peeked at him through her fingers. “Please say you were teasing me.”

  Tom’s tone sounded robotic. “I was teasing you.”


  “Don’t worry about it, babe. Our secret, okay?”

  Cassie saw the mischievous smile and shrugged. “Whatever you say, doctor.”


  “Shall I wait for you in the car?” Cassie looked at Tom when he stopped his car in the driveway.

  “Nope. You stick with me—don’t want you reaching for something in the backseat or if you drop your purse on the floor by my seat. I think I left the wallet on the counter—talked with Andrew and Caryn before I left.”

  He offered both hands to help her stand. “Okay?” he asked as she grabbed his arm until she stopped wobbling in the stilettos. Cassie nodded, and Tom slipped his arm around her waist as they approached the front door. The house looked unusually dark.

  “Did they go somewhere?” Cassie asked, blinking her eyes against the dark. “Looks like blackout shades in there.”

  Tom shrugged. “Maybe they want extra privacy—or everyone crashed early.” He slipped the key into the lock and opened the door. Cassie hung back, waiting for Tom to flip the light switch. He kept his hand against her lower back and guided her forward.

  Tom held her hand in his as he reached for the switch. Cassie blinked her eyes against the bright light then staggered against Tom when the room exploded with shouts of “Surprise!” and “Happy Birthday!”

  “Oh my…” Cassie gazed around the room with wonder. Lauren, Dave, Andrew, Caryn, Terri, Steve, Kelly, John, Amelie, Trevor…Amanda, and her grandmother. She blinked back tears as she looked at Tom. “How?” she croaked.

  Tom kissed her quickly before the crowd overwhelmed them. Caryn hugged her and took her other hand. “Welcome, birthday girl.”

  Caryn led the way to the great room, transformed into an exclusive restaurant. Cassie tried to look everywhere at once. Flowers and candles on each table, glittering white lights overhead, countless greetings with hugs…Cassie’s head began to spin. She clutched Tom’s arm, and then attempted to contain the tears when her father hugged her.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “And in the same room as your mother,” Trevor spoke softly into her ear. “Nothing could keep either one of us away from our daughter’s twenty-first birthday party.” He kissed her cheek. “We’ll talk later. Go share some love with your mom.”

  Tom guided her the few feet to where her mother and grandmother waited.

  “Happy birthday, Cassie. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.” Her mother whispered in her ear. “And your young man’s absolutely delightful.”

  Cassie suppressed her tears until she hugged her grandmother. Her family had come—all the way to Tampa—for her birthday celebration. Something she had believed existed only in her memories. Lauren handed her tissues.

  “You didn’t suspect?”

  “Never. My heart’s beating so fast, my head’s spinning.”

  “Breathe,” Tom said quietly. “Let’s get you seated.” They looked at Caryn, who grinned and pointed to a table set for two in the center of four round tables. Cassie laughed through her tears.

  “You surprised me, doctor. I still can’t catch my breath. Everyone I love is here…” She looked around. “My love bugs. Where are they?”

  “Coming out in a few minutes,” Caryn said. “They took a late nap, but they just woke up.”

  Tom pulled a chair back. “Sit and catch your breath.” He accepted two glasses of champagne and handed one to Cassie.

  “How did you manage this?”

  “Lots of help—everyone in this room loves you.” He swiped his finger under her eyes. “My parents send their love—said they will see you soon.”

  “I…I’m overwhelmed…never dreamed…” She leaned toward him while grasping his hand and tried to pull him closer. Tom stood and moved to her side of the table to claim his kiss. “Thank you is not enough…where did you leave your white horse?”

  “At your castle.” He kissed her forehead, then returned to his seat as servers went from table-to-table distributing flutes of champagne. “Enjoy every moment tonight. Your turn to shine.”

  Tom glanced about the room and caught Andrew’s eye. His brother nodded, confirming that all the guests had received champagne. He lightly tapped a spoon against the crystal and stood. He caught Cassie’s eye and winked before he spoke.

  “Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate an exceptional woman who has captured the love of many new friends. Cassie knew Lauren and Dave before moving to Tampa, but almost a year later she’s managed to wiggle her way into the hearts of everyone here. First, let’s raise a toast to Cassie on her twenty-first birthday—she’s brought sunshine and joy into our lives. Happy birthday, Cass!” He clicked his glass against hers, their eyes locked as they each took a sip. Tom waited until the room quieted and stepped closer to Cassie, guiding her to stand beside him.

  “The day we met, you had beautiful pink highlights in your hair. I can see you now, navigating the crowded terminal at the airport looking for Lauren. Remember, I had to convince you I wasn’t a serial killer before you’d leave with me?” He heard Cassie’s laugh, and the warmth of love filled his body.

  “I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you that day, Cassie. I stayed in denial because I didn’t want to explain to your aunt, my brother and sister, and ultimately your parents how I fell for my best friend’s younger niece, my brother’s nanny, and a beautiful girl just beginning her journey as an adult. That’s the stuff you read in romance novels—and that’s a general ‘you’ because I haven’t read any of those books. But many of you have taken the time to remind me of those facts.”

  He stopped a moment for a sip of champagne. If her eyes strayed anywhere but his face, she’d see the anticipation on many expressions. “Once I explained that I’m not ‘really old’—actually Andrew’s younger brother—we first became friends. Sometime during the past year, we realized that our friendship had grown into something much more profound. Cassie, you’re my best friend, my confidant, my sunshine when it rains, and the woman I want to hold when I come home after a double shift. You’ve changed my life in the best possible way.” Tom touched her cheek when Cassie closed her eyes against the tears that gathered.

  When she opened them, he’d taken one knee and grasped both her hands. “Cassie Johnson, I love everything about you. You’ve claimed a huge chunk of my soul—and you are my future.”

  Cassie covered her mouth and choked back a sob when Tom reached in his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. “Will you join me on a lifetime of adventures? Will you marry me?”

  Tom may have been the only person to hear her response, but there was no mistaking her intent when Cassie launched herself into Tom’s arms, crying and laughing at the same time.

  Tom gathered her close. “She said, ‘Yes.’” Cassie bobbed her head in the affirmative, then Tom slipped the ring on her finger. Cassie placed her hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss that erased any doubts.

Neither appeared aware of the applause, whistles—or anything except the kiss, the love they shared, and the promise of a lifetime of adventures they’d explore together.


  Cassie gazed at the Gulf as it brightened in the predawn glow. Her wedding day. The two-year engagement sometimes felt like an eternity. Still, the images of her twenty-first birthday celebration and Tom's proposal flowed through her mind as clearly as that night.

  Earning her certification in early childhood education opened a vast array of opportunities. But when Tom mentioned he noticed that the hospital’s on-site Child Learning Center for employees had several job opportunities, Cassie applied. She’d begun training in May, but after the wedding and honeymoon would accept a managerial position. She loved the prospect of traveling to work with Tom, when their schedules meshed—added opportunities for lunch or break time together.

  First, she would cherish every minute of this beautiful dawn. She yearned to share the moment with Tom, but after deciding to include a few customs, they agreed not to see each other after the rehearsal dinner until the sunset wedding ceremony. Tom even has a suite in a distant section of the resort—shared with Caryn, Andrew, and the twins. Dave and Lauren share my suite…I know Lauren will steady my nerves…but if I could see Tom for one minute. She needed another of the kisses that snatched her heart. When they parted late last night—early morning—she had to blink away tears.

  Lauren scheduled an active day…beginning with a bridesmaid brunch. As Cassie’s Matron of Honor, Lauren hosted the meal at a shady outside terrace overlooking the Gulf. Caryn, plus both mothers, Tanya, and Cassie’s grandmother comprised the rest of the guests. Then an afternoon at the spa for “the works,” as Lauren called it. Mani-pedi, facial, massage, makeup, and hair. Then back to the resort for dressing and finally the ceremony.


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