Witness Protection: Moving Target

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Witness Protection: Moving Target Page 37

by Jet MacLeod

  “Well, I can.”

  “How? How can you guarantee her safety like that? How, Cole, how?”

  “Because I am the doing most of the work. I have set up everything for you. And, what I couldn’t do, I got Sanchez to do. No one at the Alphabets knows about the house, where it is or where to find you. If they try they won’t find you. If they try to track your cell usage, they won’t. It will bounce them all over the country. The house is protected. You’ll both be safe there. Trust me on that,” he told her.

  “I…I don’t know that I can.”

  “This isn’t Russia. This isn’t France. This is home. We protect our own. I am not going to let anyone hurt you. I’ve rigged the house like a safe house. It is twenty times safer than any safe house that the Alphabets could have given you.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  “Then what do you doubt?”



  “Don’t, Cole. Just don’t. I let it happen. I didn’t stop him. I couldn’t stop him. I lost her.”

  “No, you didn’t. I am right here and I am fine. Delia, you saved me,” Angie said in the open doorway to her room.

  Del spun around in the chair to face her. Blue eyes were burning into her. Del hung her head in shame and stared at the rug on the floor. She heard Angie moving into the room, but she didn’t track the movements. She didn’t know that Angie sat down in the chair next to her. She didn’t know where Angie was in the room until she touched Del ‘s thigh. As soon as she felt her hand, she turned to look at her.


  “I thought that we had hashed this out. There is nothing for you to doubt. I’ve told you that.”


  “Don’t Angie me, Del . You told me that you that would try to get over this. Are you going to actually try? You told me that you would for me,” Angie told her.

  “I am trying, Angie. I really am, but it is going to take time for me. You can’t expect me to just let it all go. I am trying though. I just…”

  “I know that it is going to take time. That is why Cole and Sanchez are going to be on our security detail for a while. They’ve agreed to stay with us, have they not?”

  “They have.”

  “Then let them worry about that.”


  “And, they you and I can worry about you.”

  “If we must,” Del answered.

  “We must.”

  Cole just smiled at them. He knew that it was his cue to leave. He gave Angie a knowing look and stood up. He didn’t want for Del to acknowledge him.

  When he was gone, Angie moved over to in front of Del . She looked up into her mocha eyes and smiled. She reached up to touch her face, but Del moved back away from her.


  “Angie, please, I just need some time.”

  “What about this morning?” Angie asked worried that she’d overstepped their bounds earlier.

  “This morning was amazing. I won’t forget that. I can’t. I don’t want to forget it. I don’t want to lose you either, Angie, but I need to be able to trust myself with you.”

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “What you are doing,” Del replied quickly.

  “Which is?”

  “Not letting forget that you okay. Not letting me wallow in pity. Not letting me forget that you love me. Not letting me forget that I love you. By not letting me retreat back into what I know.”

  “Oh, that, well, that shouldn’t be a problem,” Angie stated.

  “Good, because I need that, now in my especially that I am going to retire.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I’m glad,” Del replied.

  This time when Angie leaned up to kiss her, she didn’t pull away. She leaned forward into it. Angie smiled into their kiss as she deepened it. Del smiled because she was starting to realize that she really did need Angie to keep her balanced. Angie was her balm and made her actually feel human. She didn’t give her a purpose except for love. The mission was just a job. Angie was something completely different and Del wasn’t going to mind find out what that something was going to turn into later, even if it took the rest of her life.

  “Will you go to the range with me?”

  “The range?”

  “Yeah, will you go to a gun range with me?”

  “Will it help you?”

  “Yes,” Del said flatly.

  “Then, we will go to a gun range,” Angie replied, holding her hands.

  “I’ll get Cole to find us an outdoor range near here. Will that be okay? Or, is it too soon?”

  “If it helps you, then we can go as soon as Cole finds us a place to go. I am not going to hold you back. If you need this, Del, then we will do it,” Angie explained to her.

  Chapter 37

  Del came back into their cabin. She was sweating and she knew that Angie could see it on her. Angie looked up from the kitchen as soon as Del came in. Sanchez watched, waited for a moment, nodded at her und then left the cabin. Angie didn’t even ask her why she was so sweaty and flush.

  “Did your run help?”

  “How do you know that I went for a run?”

  “I know that face.”

  “What face?” Del asked her.

  “I call it ‘runner’s face.’ Don’t worry about it. Go take a shower and then you can tell me what Cole came up with as far as the gun range. By then, I’ll have these sandwiches ready. Don’t give me that look. You need to eat. I need to eat. So, we’ll eat together. Got it?” Angie told her brandishing the kitchen knife at her.

  “Yes, ma’am, I get it.” Del stated and headed for the bathroom.

  She felt better. The run helped her burn off some built up energy. She let out a big sigh once she was in the bathroom. She didn’t bother gathering up any clothes. She just ripped off the ones that she had on and threw them on the floor. She’d clean it all up later, but right now, all she could think about was getting in that hot shower spray and letting her muscles relax.

  In the kitchen, Angie finished her sandwiches. She thought about going into the bathroom and crawling in the shower with Del, but decided against it. She knew that Del needed some space, not too much, but just enough to think on her own. She understood that she was fighting the feelings of hopelessness and failure, but Angie would just have to help her see that she wasn’t hopeless and she didn’t fail. It might be a long process but she was willing to wait it out.

  “I don’t care how long it takes, Del, I am not going to let you walk away from me. Especially not like this, you didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right. I just wish that you could see that.”

  Angie just smiled. She knew that Del would come around. Their entire journey had been an eye opening experience for both of them. Del was learning to be human. It was a growing process and one than Angie could actually get behind. And, Angie was learning to live in the moment. She could now appreciate things that she didn’t before. She had come to realize that she didn’t need the city or the hustle and bustle of city life. It was nice. She knew how to survive in it. But, she found out that surviving wasn’t living. That was something entirely different and she was glad that she got to experience this with Delia. It was like they were both having a second puberty together. They were fumbling through the roughness that the world was throwing at them and they were better for it.

  They were stronger together now. Angie was sure of it. She just needed Del to understand that. Angie wasn’t going to hurt her. She definitely wasn’t going to kill her or try to kill her like Yulia had. She understood Del’s trust issues. It was one of the reasons that she trusted Del implacably.

  She was lost in thought when Del came back into the kitchen. She pointed at the table and Del sat down. It was utterly domestic and Del smiled. Angie joined her at the table with the sandwiches and some tea. She went to the kitchen to grab some plates, paper towels, and cups. She sat down next Del and started divvyin
g up the sandwiches between them. She then poured them both a glass of tea.

  “These look good.”

  ‘They aren’t anything special, Del.”

  “I know, but...sorry.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” Angie asked her.

  “I don’t know. I’ve said something to upset you. I didn’t mean to,” Del replied.

  “You haven’t upset me, Del. I was merely stating that they aren’t anything special. I just put them together with what we had. It isn’t like anything that you’ve made for us. This is just plain.”

  “I didn’t. Damn it all to Hell. It doesn’t matter how I reply to that it is going to be wrong.”

  “No, it won’t, Del. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can do this. Tell me what you want to say. I promise that you aren’t going to upset me.”

  “That is something that you can’t promise me. I don’t care what you say. You are a lawyer and lying is part of your job. I know better than to try and pull anything over on you. But, we both know that depending on what I say that you are going to get upset by it. It is human nature. You know that thing that you keep wanting me to have and acknowledge. I know that I am not a machine, but you have to admit that your emotions sometimes get the better of you, too,” Del stated.

  “They do.”

  “Then, I can’t say anything that isn’t going to upset you.”

  “That is where you are wrong, Del. It is the not telling me that is going to upset me. Yes, I might get upset over something that you say, but I’ll get over it. I don’t hold grudges long. It doesn’t do anyone any good to hold onto your anger. It just causes confusion for everyone around you and the anger starts to eat at your soul. An angry soul can’t love. It can’t function properly because it needs the anger to survive, not live. And, living is the most important thing, Del. You’ve taught me that.”

  “How did I teach you that?” Del asked completely confused by the turn in the conversation.

  “You showed me that dwelling in the past and waiting for things to go the way I want them to go doesn’t make it happen. I have to make it happen. I have to want it bad enough that I am willing to get hurt to make sure that happens. I have to get up and fight for what I want. You taught me that.”

  “I don’t do that, so how did you learn that from me?”

  “By being kidnapped by Rudakov and you rescuing me.”


  “No, Del, it is true. If you hadn’t come for me, I don’t know what I would have done. I was fighting to get free because I knew that you were coming for me. I knew that you were fighting your way to me. I knew that you would come for me. It wasn’t option for me to give up. I had to find a way to get myself free. I didn’t know what condition that you would be in by the time you made it to me.”

  “You doubted mv skill?” Del asked her and look a bite of sandwich.

  “No, I’ve never doubted your skill, Del. You’ve done so much for me since we left New York. Hell, Del, you saved that kid in Tennessee. I know that you are capable. I know that you can do things that I don’t want to have to think about and I am thankful for that. It isn’t that I am not happy that you can do those things, it is the fact that I know that you can do those things without thinking. It is a special skill set and not many can do what you do, Del. You know that. I know that. The world knows that and we are thankful for people like you. You take charge when it is needed. You didn’t let me suffer. You got me away from Rudakov. You saved me. You can’t blame yourself for me putting you in that position. You told me to stay in the tent. You tried to sacrifice yourself for me, but I was stubborn and I couldn’t let you do that. I won’t let you do that, by the way, so please don’t try that again. I am the one that put myself in harm’s way,” Angie told her.

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did. You gave me the pistol. You told me what to do. You gave me instructions and expectations and I didn’t follow them because he knocked you out. You don’t know what happened from the time you left me in the tent until you got to me, Del. You can’t because you weren’t there.”

  “But, it is still my fault that my past came back to haunt us,” Del replied.

  “No, it isn’t your fault. I didn’t follow directions. Rudakov became a traitor and sold you out to Ivan. Ivan was an idiot. Even I could tell that. I knew that he wasn’t working alone. I tried to find out as much as possible so that I could tell you about it when you not there. I wasn’t complacent. I was fighting in my own way, just like I knew that you would want me to do. I didn’t have my phone so I couldn’t call you, but hoped that you would find me quickly.”

  “I did.”


  “I chipped you.”

  “You chipped me?”

  “Yes, it was against your will while we were leaving New York. I knew that you couldn’t be trusted to stay put. You were known for running. So, I chipped you so I would always know where you were.”

  “I think I should be mad with you, but I am not. I understand why you did it. There is so much that I could say right now, but I am not. It makes sense to me. I can’t explain it further than that, Del. I just can’t. Will you take it out later?”

  “Take what out?”

  “The chip, silly,” Angie stated.

  “I will have it removed for you, yes. I will not and cannot do the procedure myself. I’ll get Cole to come remove it for you, now, if you wish,” Del stated and started to get up from the table.

  Angie watched her move. She reached out and grabbed Del’s hands. Del turned and stared down at her. She wasn’t sure what to do. She didn’t know if she should move or pull away. Angie made the decision for her. She couldn’t let her leave. She pulled Del into her.

  “No, you aren’t leaving. So, I have a chip in me. Do you know that it makes me feel safer, now, knowing that it is there? Well it does, and do you know why?” Angie asked her.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I know that you will be able to find me no matter what happens to me. You can save me if something happens again. I know that can protect me. I know that the chip is part of that. It will be okay if it stays inside me for a little while longer. For me, it is a failsafe. I know that you will always be close to me. I like that feeling, Del. I want you to be close to me,” she said.


  “Stop, Del. Just stop and breathe. Everything is okay. It doesn’t have to be perfect. There really is no such thing as perfection. It is something that we strive for and something that you are so desperately seeking. I don’t fault you for that. I know that it was part of the job description, but it doesn’t have to be anymore. You can still be you and not be perfect. Do you know what that is being called?” Angie inquired.


  “Normal. And, there is nothing wrong with being normal. I like normal. I’ve forgotten what it is like to be normal, but you’ve helped me. You’ve shown me what it is like to feel alive and normal again. I am not part of the system when I am with you. I am just another human on this big rock we call Earth. I am just fine with you. I am living again. Please don’t cheapen everything that we have shared because you have just done it for my safety and well-being. I might be sick if you do,” Angie told her.

  “Angie, I would never do that,” Del stated.

  She pulled Angie into her. She held her close and kissed her head. She couldn’t let her go if she wanted to and she definitely didn’t want to let her go. She wanted to hold onto to Angie as long as Angie would let her.

  “Del ?”


  “Are you ever going to tell me what Cole said to you?”

  “When?” she asked.

  “Today, during or after your run, about the range?” Angie questioned.

  “Oh, he found one that we could use. I was thinking that we could wait until tomorrow. We don’t have to go today. Besides, it’s getting late. I don’t want to be out there after dark trying to find our way back here.”

p; “Finding our way back here where?”

  “To the cabin. Where else? What did you think that I was talking about?” Del asked.

  “It’s nothing, Del . We can stay in tonight. I am sure that we could rest some more. I am sure that you need it. You need to let that bright brain of your slow down and rest. It is always going so fast and eventually it is just going to stop.”

  “Yeah, when I am dead,” Del replied flatly.

  “There is that, but you think too much.”

  “I know.”

  “Come back to bed with me. I’ll hold you. You need to rest,” Angie told her, pulling her towards Angie’s bedroom, still unwilling to let her go and leave her to her own thoughts.

  “What about the food?” Del asked as she allowed herself to be pulled into the room.

  “It’ll keep, Del. It’ll keep. I can deal with it in the morning,” Angie told her, pulling her fully into the room and closing the door.

  Chapter 38

  Angie watches her dressing. She is standing in front of the mirror staring at herself and Angie can’t make herself take her eyes of her as well. There was just something about the way Del moved. It wasn’t sexual in nature, but it was the sexiest thing that Angie had ever seen. Her gaze traveled down Del’s body to her ass. It was covered in medium blue denim. She knew that Del had forgone underwear and it just made Angie want to touch her more.

  She sat up in the bed, holding the sheet to her bosom, as she propped herself up on her left elbow. She saw Del smirk at her in the mirror as she moved on the bed. She reached into the bad sitting on the dresser and pulled out a sports bra and a black tank top. She watched Angie’s eyes through the mirror in fascination while she put them on. Finally, unable to stand her gaze, Del spun around and launched herself at the bed.

  Angie giggled as she was quickly manhandled into submission beneath the clothed Del. Her eyes danced with the possibilities of what she could do to Del in that bed, given the proper amount of time, hydration and willingness on Del’s part. It was definitely a delicious thought for her. She looked up to see Del watching her still. She gave Del her award winning smile and then burst her wanton bubble because she knew what Del need more than sex at the moment.


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