Captive Films: Season One

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Captive Films: Season One Page 9

by Jillian Dodd

  I let out a big sigh. “When I came here, I did it on a whim. I packed quickly before I lost my nerve. My goal was to see Riley again. I wanted to tell him I was sorry and that I made a mistake. I saw in the magazine article that he was still single. So I packed up and here I am.”


  “But then I got here and decided that I shouldn’t see him until I got my life together. I wanted to find a job and a place to live first. I made the decision to stay in California before I ran into Keatyn. I realized that it wasn’t just about him. It’s what I wanted. I can’t say it will be easy though. That’s part of why I wanted to get settled before I looked him up. My family will be mad when they learn I want a divorce. They love Collin.”

  “It doesn’t matter if your family loves him. The important question is, do you? You need to know the answer to that before you drag Riley into your mess. Haven't you put him through enough?”

  I lower my head. “Yeah, I have. I don’t want to hurt Riley. I never wanted to hurt him.”

  “I’m not saying you shouldn't go through with it. I'm just saying do what you want, not what you think he'd want.”

  “I don't love Collin,” I mutter. “My dad talked me into marrying him. He's the son of family friends. We went to the same college and I tried to love him. I really did. We dated, he was cute, my parents approved. Getting engaged and married was expected. I told my dad on my wedding day that I didn't think I could go through with it. I knew I shouldn't, but he told me cold feet were normal, that he was the man for me, and drug me down the aisle.” I keep rambling. Other than the kid from the coffee shop, I’ve haven’t told anyone how I’ve been feeling. “Status and conspicuous consumption turn him on. He wants me to quit my job and have kids because it makes him look stable and successful—not because he really wants them. Who knows, maybe I had some kind of breakdown.”

  “Or maybe you’d just had enough. Hit your breaking point,” Vanessa offers. “What did you tell him?”

  “Originally, I just left a note that said I came here because a friend needed me. But when I spoke to him the other day, I told him I wanted a divorce.”

  “How did he take it?”

  “He started begging. Told me he'd give up the secretary. That she was a mistake. That I was the only girl he ever loved. Whatever. I have a call with Annie Johnson tomorrow. Hopefully, the fact that's she's Riley's sister-in-law won't keep her from helping me.”

  “I can help you find a good attorney, if need be.” She looks at her watch.

  “So, I have a party to attend tonight. Why don't I show you where you'll be staying and then you can freshen up. We'll leave at seven-thirty.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “Yes. It will be a little boring, but it’s always fun to get dressed up.”

  “I didn’t bring anything formal.”

  She studies me. “I’ll have Chad bring you a selection of dresses to try on.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  As she drops me off at the guest house, she says, “One thing I wanted to tell you. You better not jerk my friends around. They graciously, and maybe a little too quickly, accepted you back into their lives. You owe them some respect.”

  “I know. And I’m very grateful to you for letting me stay here.”

  She smiles at me. “We have a lot in common. But we’ll save that conversation for another day.”

  Hotel Ballroom - Beverly Hills


  Sometimes Hollywood parties get old with the same boring food and same boring people. But it’s been more fun since Knox broke up with his girlfriend. I have someone I can party with and who can actually pay his own way. He can get into places even I can’t just because of his famous face.

  Just to be clear, I’m talking about establishments and VIP areas that money can’t buy. Not girls’ panties; I have him beat in that department. Girls want him but only the bold will approach him.

  He sets two drinks in front of us. “Did you see that chick in the yellow dress? I can honestly say I’ve never seen boobs that big up close. And they look real. Did you see them? Did they look real to you?”

  “Harder to tell nowadays. But, yes, they sag a little in a way that fake ones don’t. I think she’s blessed.”

  “I want to bless her with my dick.”

  “Keatyn said she had to work late tonight. Why aren’t you?”

  “We’ve been doing some green screen stuff. Tonight they are working on shots where she’s alone. But starting tomorrow, we’ll be doing sex scenes. Tough job lying in bed all day kissing Keatyn Douglas.” He laughs. “I remember the first time we did a sex scene. I told her in advance that I was sorry if I got hard and I was also sorry if I didn’t.”

  “Ha. I suppose it’s a double-edged sword. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”

  “Exactly. If you don’t get hard, they get pissed and think you’re not attracted to them. If you do get hard, they get pissed because you are. And depending on what’s going on off camera with the actress you are with, that can get a little dicey. Part of why I need to get laid tonight. Don’t want to go there all horny. Sex scenes are tough.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you all say that. But you’re the one rolling around almost naked with a hot chick.”

  “The worst thing ever is to have to do a sex scene with someone you’re not attracted to. It’s grueling.”

  “But with Keatyn?”

  He smiles. “I’ve never minded it. And after all these years, it’s natural between us. Easy, I guess. And when I’m basically naked in front of the crew, even though it’s always a closed set, I usually don’t get hard. But when we’re clothed, sometimes I do. Obviously, I would not be a good fit for the porn industry. Aiden has been there for some of them. That’s awkward.”

  “I’m sure. I remember when we shot the love scenes with her and Jake. I made him leave. Jake kept sneaking peeks in Aiden’s direction. It threw the whole thing off. As the director, you’d think it would be hot. But most the time the actresses’ contract is running through your head, like we can show breast but no nipple or side of the buttock only. So you’re trying to do the shots in ways where you’re not wasting camera time.”

  “In one of the scenes we’re filming tomorrow, Keatyn’s character attacks me in the shower. We will have strategically placed soap, cock socks and pasties, and nude colored underwear. All that fun stuff. I’ll be told how to hold her, where to move my face.”

  “It is all camera angles and body positioning.”

  “And damn good acting,” he adds, as he raises his glass up to toast the girl in the yellow dress. She smiles back at him.

  If you ask me, she looks like a really big bird. Her hair is even short in that style where it stands up in the back. Um, no, thank you.

  He clinks my glass. “I’m gonna go make my move.”

  “Have fun,” I say, looking around to see who else I should talk to tonight.

  I’m making my way back to the bar, chatting with an older woman about Captive Films’ movie futures program,when I see her.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  “Who, darling?” the woman asks, causing me to realize I just spoke out loud.

  “I’m sorry for cursing, Mrs. Taylor. Someone I know just walked in.”

  “Old flame?” she asks, turning toward Ariela. “Is it that woman in the lavender dress? She’s very striking. You would make a handsome couple.”

  “Excuse me, please,” I say to Mrs. Taylor. I walk straight up to Ariela and grab her arm. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

  “She was invited,” Vanessa says from behind me. “And we have dates so, excuse us.”

  Vanessa hooks arms with Ariela and leads her over to two men in suits. Handsome men, I might add.

  Oh, this is bad.

  Vanessa is a man eater.

  At least she has been since she broke up with Bam.

  And why the hell is Ariela with her? My mind is rac
ing trying to figure out how they even know each other.


  Knowing she’s on set tonight, I decide to call Aiden.

  “Dude, Keatyn is trying to ruin my life.”

  “How so?” he asks me.

  “Did she introduce Vanessa and Ariela?”

  “Oh, yeah, today at lunch. That was my idea.”

  “Your idea? What the fuck? We want Ariela to go the fuck back home, not make new friends.”

  “You may want Ariela to go back home, but Keatyn wants her to plan our wedding.”

  “When is it?”

  “Don’t tell anyone, obviously, but it’s in three weeks.”

  “Three weeks and then she’s gone?”

  “Uh, maybe.”

  “Fine, I can handle three weeks. But I swear to God, if that guy doesn’t get his hand off her ass . . .”

  “Riley, where are you and what are you talking about?”

  “Industry gala. Ariela is here with Vanessa and they have dates.”

  “Oh, boy.” I hear Aiden talking to someone in the background.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  “I’m sitting on the front porch with Logan and Grandpa Douglas. Logan thinks you should steal Ariela away from her date. Grandpa thinks you should kiss her. I think you should get the hell out of there.”

  “I like your advice the best. I’m out.”

  I end the call and look around the room. It’s times like these, I wish I were a smoker.

  Maybe I just need some fresh air.

  I walk past Ariela and step outside onto the balcony. The view is gorgeous. The lights of L.A. spread out before me. I stare at them until they blur.

  Ariela and I are lying on a blanket in the center of the lacrosse field one gorgeous fall night of our senior year. We’re holding hands and looking at the stars.

  We couldn’t see the stars like this when we were in L.A. this summer, I say.

  There are stars everywhere there—Movie stars. And, at night, the city lights are so beautiful. I really loved it there, Riley. It surprised me.

  Why did it surprise you?

  Because I’m an East Coast girl. I’ve lived here my whole life. California is so different. It’s so shiny and clean. I love the palm trees, the beach, and the weather. There’s something special about it.

  I’m going there for college. I want you to come with me.

  She rolls toward me and smiles. I’d go anywhere with you, Riley.

  I become aware of someone standing next to me.


  Silk dress.

  Smells like lilac and a summer breeze.


  “Riley, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  I turn to look at her. God, she’s beautiful.

  “Sixty seconds, no more,” I reply harshly. Why do I turn into a complete dick every time she’s around?

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I listened to my dad. I’m sorry I left after graduation and never spoke to you again.”

  “Okay,” I say. What the hell else do you say to someone when they try to use stupid words like I’m sorry that could never begin to make up for the hurt they caused?

  “That’s it? Okay?” she asks.

  “It’s my understanding that Keatyn wants you to help with her wedding. Because Keatyn and Aiden are my friends, I’m going to be cordial to you until then. But I want your promise that once the wedding is over, you will go back to where you came from. Get the hell out of our lives.” I’m starting to get pissed. “What are you even doing here if you’re married?”

  “I’m not sure, Riley. You always seemed to know exactly what you wanted to do. Who you wanted to be. Are you the person you hoped you’d become?”

  “You read the article. You know how successful I am. I’m living our dream. Without you.”

  “That’s why I’m here, Riley. My life isn’t a dream.”

  “Serves you right,” I say with a huff and walk away.

  I’m headed toward the door when Jennifer Edwards, one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars, grabs my arm.

  “Riley Johnson,” she says with an exuberant smile. She’s barely twenty-two, blonde, down to earth, a little awkward, and has a reputation for photobombing on the red carpet. “Just the man I wanted to talk to.”

  “Oh, why’s that?”

  “I heard through the grapevine that you’re getting ready to cast a project I’d like in on.”

  “Which one?”

  “Daddy’s Angel,” she whispers.

  “But it’s a television series. You’re a movie star.”

  “I know, but it sounds fun.” She takes my hand and leads me to the bar. “Buy me a drink.”

  “Drinks are free.”

  “Okay, then, take me back to your place and make me a drink. We should discuss this in private.” She looks at me and starts laughing loudly.


  She slaps my arm. “Ohmigawd, it totally just sounded like I was trying to pick you up!”

  “Are you?” I flirt.

  She rolls her eyes at herself. “I’m an idiot. I want to talk to you about the role. There are a lot of ears here, if you know what I mean.”

  I look over at Ariela, who’s looking straight at me, and can’t help but grin.

  See, Ariela? I love my life.

  I place my hand on the small of Jennifer’s back, lean toward her, and whisper, “I’m starving. Let’s drive through In-N-Out Burger, take it back to my place, and eat it in the hot tub.”

  She flirts back. “Do you have tequila?”

  “Tequila, huh? I like you already.” And I seriously do. She’s adorable, bold, and funny.

  She gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Burgers. Tequila. Hot tubbing. Better watch out or I just might fall in love with you.”

  “That, would be an honor. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Jennifer, being the goofball that she is, turns back around and yells to the crowd. “I’m leaving with this hottie! Good night, everyone. And, if you are a member of the press, I’m spending the night with him. No need to follow us covertly.”

  I’m laughing out loud as I lead her to my car.

  “Ohmigawd!” she screams loudly. This girl is loud. I can’t wait to hear what she sounds like in bed. “You have a Bentley Continental GT3-R. Do you know how rare those are?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “How did you get one?”

  “Tommy Stevens helped me.”

  “Keatyn’s step dad, of course. You’re lucky.”

  “How do you even know about a car like this?”

  “I made a lot of money doing the Sector movies. Just for fun, my friends and I started making a list of the most ridiculously expensive cars. I didn’t really want to buy an exotic car until I saw this one. Now, I’m obsessed. I’ve seen this around town. I didn’t know it was yours.”

  I open the passenger door, letting her in. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you drive her.”

  “No way!” she says, her eyes big. Then she narrows them at me. “Wait. What do I have to do?”

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  Wednesday, October 1st

  Captive Films - Santa Monica


  “Someone got laid last night,” Tyler sings, the second I come in the office smiling.

  Keatyn looks up from her paperwork and yells out of her office, “Tell me it wasn’t Shelby.”

  “It wasn’t Shelby,” I yell back. I go plop down on her pale grey suede sofa, pushing a pink pillow out of my way.

  “Why do you always throw my pillows on the floor?”

  “You sound like an old married couple,” Tyler says, dropping off my usual coffee and making a quick exit.

  “I have news,” I say, trying to contain my grin.

  “What kind of news?”

  “Your little project, Daddy’s Angel, if you could choose any actress to play the role, who would you choose?”

  “Well, th
at’s easy, Jennifer Edwards, but she’s done so many movies, I doubt she would consider television.”

  “What if it wasn’t television?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was thinking. What if it was a movie serial?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Back in the day, movies were cheap. People went every weekend to see the newest black and white films. What if we tried something radical? Big screen weekly showings.”

  “Like a television mini-series, only at the movies?”

  “Yeah, we could roll it over later to pay-per-view, and then maybe get a cable network to pick it up. We’d make money at each stop.” I grin at her, letting it sink in.

  “It’s innovative. I like it. And the script, you know I love it. But to be at the movies, we couldn’t use an unknown. We’d need a big star like Jennifer.”

  “Hey, guys,” Knox says, interrupting our meeting. He drops a newspaper on Keatyn’s desk and another in my lap.

  I read the headline.

  Jennifer Edwards’ new plaything, Captive Films CEO Riley Johnson

  “You dog, you,” Knox says, throwing another pillow on the floor before sitting down next to me. “Jennifer Edwards. You’re fucking Jennifer Edwards? Tell me about it. She’s freaking hilarious. She’s got to be crazy fun in bed.”

  Keatyn covers her face with her hand. “Tell me you didn’t sleep with her.”

  “What’s with that rule, anyway?” Knox asks. “Riley can sleep with whoever he wants. Wait? Does that mean you’re going to do a movie with her? I want in on it.”

  “You what?” Keatyn and I say at that same time.

  “She’s box office gold, just like our friend here,” he says, pointing toward Keatyn. “Whatever you’re doing with her, I want in. I’ll clear my schedule. After Trinity, of course.”

  I take the lid off my coffee to cool it down.

  “Oh, Riley,” Keatyn says, covering her mouth. “You’ve got to get that coffee out of here. The smell. It’s making me sick.”

  She starts doing that dry heaving thing again.


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