Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

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Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World Page 1

by Russell Brunson


  “Expert Secrets is the map that will allow you to turn your specialized knowledge, talents, and abilities into a business that will work for you! This is one of the shortcuts of the new rich.”

  —Robert Kiyosaki













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  ISBN 978-1-68350-458-0 paperback

  ISBN 978-1-68350-459-7 eBook

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2017902207

  Cover Design: Rob Secades

  Illustrations by: Vlad Babich

  Cover Photography: Dan Usher

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  To Deagan Smith, who reignited my passion for marketing during a dark time in my journey, when I almost threw in the towel. I’m so grateful that your inspiration gave me a second chance.

  To the experts I’ve met in my life who helped me to become who I am today. Many of you have had a huge impact on my life in wrestling, religion, business, health, and my relationships. Thanks for being willing to contribute so I could grow.

  And to my amazing kids, Dallin, Bowen, Ellie, Aiden, and Norah, who have given me a reason to try to make this world a better place. Your future is what drives me today.




  What Is Expert Secrets?


  The Two Types of Expert Businesses


  Secret #1 The Charismatic Leader / Attractive Character

  Secret #2 The Cause

  Secret #3 The New Opportunity

  Secret #4 The Opportunity Switch


  Secret #5 The Big Domino

  Secret #6 The Epiphany Bridge

  Secret #7 The Hero’s Two Journeys

  Secret #8 The Epiphany Bridge Script

  Secret #9 False Belief Patterns

  Secret #10 The 3 Secrets


  Secret #11 The Stack Slide

  Secret #12 The Perfect Webinar

  Secret #13 The One Thing

  Secret #14 Breaking and Rebuilding Belief Patterns

  Secret #15 The Stack

  Secret #16 Trial Closes


  Secret #17 The Perfect Webinar Model

  Secret #18 The 4-Question Close (For High-Ticket Offers)

  Secret #19 The Perfect Webinar Hack

  Secret #20 Email Epiphany Funnels

  Secret #21 Epiphany Product Launch Funnels


  Secret #22 Fill Your Funnel

  Conclusion:Your Invitation



  “Expert Secrets is the map that will allow you to turn your specialized knowledge, talents, and abilities into a business that will work for you! This is one of the shortcuts of the new rich.”

  by Robert Kiyosaki

  You have something special inside you. Something you know. Something you do. Something you can teach. You are already an expert. We all have this something special inside of us and, if we use it right, we can change the world—and become rich in the process.

  Information is a powerful tool. It can be used to attract interest, increase desire, demand attention, and sell. But information alone isn’t enough. It’s the skillful application of the right information at the right time that can change your life.

  If you aren’t familiar with my work, I teach a system called the Cashflow Quadrant. I explain that you are in one of four places in your work life. You’re either an employee (E), you’re self-employed (S), you own a business (B), or you’re an investor (I). Most of us start out as E, and some never leave this stage. To become financially free, though, you must move through the quadrants and get to the business and investor stages as quickly as possible.

  Information is how that’s done. Information that’s already inside you. Think about it. What do you know? What can you teach others?

  My Rich Dad Company is essentially an expert business. I offer financial education through a variety of products, programs, courses, and mentorships. It started with CASHFLOW, a simple game that transforms lives with the lessons it teaches. Then we expanded into lectures and books and coaching platforms. My information business grew organically. I didn’t have a step-by-step plan. Thanks to this book, you do.

  In Expert Secrets, Russell Brunson has masterfully laid out the steps to becoming a thought leader and building a following of people who will pay you for your information. You can literally start from zero and by the end you will have your own profitable business. He gives you the concepts, the scripts, the technology—everything. And by the time you finish this book, you will naturally be in the third quadrant. You will be a business owner.

  Russell has compiled decades of study and distilled the process down so you can succeed no matter where you’re starting from. And you can do it all based on what you already know, even if you don’t feel confident just yet.

  As Russell explains in this book, “regular” businesses can use the Expert Secrets process to create and sell information, too. Doctors, dentists, professional services, and even retail stores can all use what they know to create useful information that attracts customers. In fact, if you attach an information business to the front end of your existing business, you can reduce your customer acquisition costs to practically zero (and even get paid for every new customer that enters your world).

  If you’re an employee, you can use the Expert Secrets process to set up your own business quickly.

  If you’re self-employed or run a small business, you can use the Expert Secrets process to grow that company.

  And because expert businesses are some of the most profitable businesses in the world, you’ll be able to take the profits from your company and become an investor. That is how you build true wealth.

  You’ll read case studies in this book that show how real people just like you have moved through the quadrants at incredible speed. In fact, you might just
skip a quadrant or two.

  In the past, there were incredible technical and financial hurdles that had to be overcome in order to move through the quadrants. If you were an employee and wanted to start your own business on the side, you either hired a web designer or learned how to do it yourself. You either hired a copywriter or learned how to do it yourself. You either hired someone to run your shopping cart or learned how to do it yourself, all of which was expensive and time-consuming.

  But when you use this book with ClickFunnels (a software tool Russell created that we use in the Rich Dad organization), you’ll have all the tools you need to handle the complex technical aspects of running an expert business as well! You don’t need to pay tens of thousands of dollars to designers and coders anymore. The financial and technical barriers have been removed so you can focus on sharing your message with the world.

  People often ask me, “What does it take to make money?” My answer is that it takes a dream, a lot of determination, a willingness to learn quickly, and the ability to use your God-given assets properly.

  Then they ask, “How do you do that? What’s the path?”

  Expert Secrets is the path. You hold in your hand the step-by-step roadmap to turning those assets into wealth and prosperity.


  Take action.

  And enjoy the ride.

  Robert T. Kiyosaki


  I wanted to start by giving a very special thanks to Daegan Smith. A few years back, he had a conversation with me about “belief” and what’s possible when someone truly believes in something. We then started talking about how we could create that true belief in the minds of the people we were trying to serve. That one conversation took me on a journey that lasted over five years and has resulted in this book. You will see many things I learned that day and over the next few years from Daegan woven into these pages. Without his ideas, this book wouldn’t have been possible.

  I want to thank Perry Belcher, for helping me understand new opportunities and status, Dan Kennedy for teaching me how to use character and communication, Michael Hauge for showing me story structure, Blair Warren for his work with persuasion, Jason Fladlien for teaching me how to break and rebuild belief patterns, and Armand Morin for creating the stack. Those concepts created the foundation this book was built on.

  I’m so grateful for my Inner Circle members and people inside of our “Funnel Hacker” community, who are willing to take these crazy ideas and test them in literally hundreds of different markets. You’ve given us the ability to test things at scale in a way that has never been possible in the history of direct response marketing. We’re able to see what things work in which markets, and make adjustments based on that feedback. This book is infinitely better because of your real-world, in-the-trenches testing of these concepts.

  I also know that none of this would be possible if it weren’t for my team here at ClickFunnels—Todd Dickerson, Dylan Jones, Ryan Montgomery and the rest of the development team—for building ClickFunnels and continuing to make it better every day. This platform is what has given entrepreneurs like me the ability to get our messages out to the world. John Parkes, Dave Woodward, and the rest of our marketing team for helping us to get ClickFunnels and this message into the hands of every entrepreneur in the world. Brent Coppieters and his support team for creating the best possible customer experience for our entrepreneurs. And everyone else who is helping to serve our community. There are so many amazing people who are part of the movement we are creating here at ClickFunnels, it would be impossible to name them all.

  And last, I want to thank Stephen Larsen, for being a constant sounding board during this book project. Without your excitement for this book, it never would have been completed. And Julie Eason, for dedicating the better part of a year to help me write this book…twice. If it weren’t for you, this would still just be a bunch of random thoughts inside my head.

  Thank you.


  Expert Secrets is the second half of a journey you have already started. Something you experienced in your life started you on this path, which caused you to want to become more. You started to read books, study, and experiment with the things you learned, and by doing so you have become who you are today, an EXPERT.

  But as most experts soon find, no matter how much personal development you achieve, there will be a point where you can no longer progress. The only way to continue to grow is by helping others become like you. Yes, true growth and fulfillment comes from your contribution to others.

  Your message has the ability to change someone’s life. The impact that the right message can have on someone at the right time in their life is immeasurable. It could help to save marriages, repair families, change someone’s health, grow a company or more…

  But only if you know how to get it into the hands of the people whose lives you have been called to change.

  Expert Secrets will help you find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader…

  Expert Secrets will show you how to build a mass movement of people whose lives you can affect…

  Expert Secrets will teach you how to make this calling a career, where people will pay you for your advice…

  As Sir Winston Churchill once said:

  To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.

  Your message matters, and this book is your figurative tap on the shoulder.


  I had just gotten married earlier that year, which meant I was one of just two married guys on the Boise State wrestling team. It was spring break and all of our friends had jumped into their cars to make the six-hour drive to Vegas to celebrate. But Nathan Ploehn and I were stuck at home because the beautiful women we had married earlier were working hard to support their jobless, wrestling husbands.

  I was a sophomore at Boise State University. For months leading up to spring break, I had been studying marketing and learning how to sell things online. At that point, almost everything I tried failed. I tried selling on eBay and made a little bit of money, but not enough to cover the shipping and listing fees. I tried selling things on Craigslist. I tried becoming an affiliate.

  Nothing seemed to work, and I was a little desperate to figure out something that actually made good money. It’s funny looking back now. I didn’t set out to become a potato gun expert, but that’s exactly what happened.

  On the third day of spring break, after we’d watched about a dozen movies, we decided we had to get out of the house and do something. That’s when Nate said, “Hey, we should make a potato gun.”

  I had heard of potato guns before, but I’d never actually seen one. He told me how you could make them by gluing PVC pipes together. When they’re dry, you jam a potato down the barrel, spray hairspray into the chamber, create a little spark, and shoot them a few hundred yards! I was so excited I could barely contain myself!

  There was only one problem—we didn’t know how to make one.

  So we found some websites that had free potato gun plans. During our research, we found out a bunch of interesting things. We learned you had to have the correct barrel-to-chamber volume ratio or your potatoes wouldn’t shoot very far. We found out the right propellant to use, the correct pressure for the pipes, and lots of other important details. We also learned how to keep ourselves safe (meaning which kinds of pipes and propellants would blow up and which ones wouldn’t). It didn’t take long before we knew a ton of great information about potato guns.

  Armed with this information, we were ready to make our first gun. So we went to Home Depot and bought the pipes, glue, barbeque igniters, and other things we needed. We spent the next few days making the gun and, when it was finished, we found
a secluded location and started shooting it. We had one of the best times of our lives. It was so much fun!

  We spent the rest of that week making more guns, trying out other plans, and even creating some designs of our own. During that week, we learned more about potato guns than 95% of the world would ever know. In fact, you might say we became experts.

  The next Monday when school started back up again, I remember sitting in a finance class wishing I was out shooting potato guns, and I had a flash of inspiration. I thought, I wonder if anyone else besides me searched for information on how to make potato gun plans last weekend. There are places online where you can see how many searches in Google are happening each month. So I went to one of those websites, typed in the keywords “potato gun”, and found that over 18,000 people that month had searched for the phrase “potato gun plans”!

  At that time, there were no products, no plans, and no other experts out there teaching people about potato guns. There was a lot of free stuff, but nothing for sale. It occurred to me that this was my chance. This was my opportunity to become an expert in potato guns, and to sell my advice. I figured I knew about as much as any other “potato gun expert” out there, so all I needed to do was create a product and sell it. I called Nate and convinced him to help me record a demo of us making potato guns. We borrowed a little video camera and drove up to Home Depot.


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