Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

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Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World Page 17

by Russell Brunson

  I start my promotions on Monday and keep pushing hard until Thursday before the webinar. I send emails. I drive Facebook ads. I work with joint venture partners, and a whole bunch of other activities that drive traffic to my sign-up page. Whatever I can do to get people onto this live event, I do. When the webinar starts, I stop all promotion because the rest of the week is about converting those prospects into buyers.

  Every market is different, but I like to spend only $3–$5 per webinar registrant. If the costs are getting above that, then my landing page isn’t right, my message isn’t interesting, I’m targeting the wrong people, or something else is off. As your costs climb higher into the $7–$8 range, it becomes challenging to stay profitable on the front end. Here are my personal goals for this funnel each week. Your goals may be different, but this will give you an idea what to shoot for.

  $3 Per Registrant 1,000 Registrants Per Week ($3k Ad Spend)

  25% Show-up Rate (250 People)

  10% Close Rate @ $997 (25 Sales / $25k)

  Double Sales on Follow-Up Replays (Additional $25k)

  With that formula, I’m putting $3,000 a week into ads and making back $50,000 a week in sales, while adding 1,000 new people to my list! Those are the goals each week. Some weeks, we don’t get the full 1,000 registered; other times we’ll get 2,500 people or more. But setting that as the goal and doing a webinar every week (yes, the SAME webinar over and over again) is the recipe for new consistent leads and cash flow into your company.

  So each week I do a LIVE webinar selling people on my new opportunity. I spend Monday through Thursday morning promoting that webinar to get as many people as possible to show up on Thursday night. I present the webinar live on Thursday night and make my special offer. Then I show replays on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At midnight Sunday, I take down the offer for those who had registered. Then I start again on Monday filling my event for the upcoming Thursday. That’s it. That’s the whole model.

  The next question I get from people when I explain this to them live is, “But Russell, inside of ClickFunnels, I can create an automated webinar. Can’t I just automate this so I don’t have to do it live every week?” And my answer is yes…eventually—but right now, you HAVE to do it live.

  I recommend presenting the webinar live a few dozen times (at least) before you ever automate it, and here’s why: My Funnel Hacks presentation has made me over $10 million dollars within the first year. The first time I delivered it, I did it at a live seminar and was able to close 33% of the people in the room. Not too shabby, right?

  The next day, as I was leaving the event, one of the attendees who heard the presentation told me she loved it, but since she was a coach and didn’t have a supplement to sell, she couldn’t use ClickFunnels.

  I gave her a puzzled look.

  She pointed out that all the examples I had showed were people selling supplements, but she didn’t have one. I told her that I use ClickFunnels for my coaching business, and showed her a few of my funnels. She got so excited, she ran back into the event and grabbed two of her friends. They all filled out order forms and handed them to me before I left the hotel. I closed three people who hadn’t signed up before!

  This interaction showed that my presentation wasn’t perfect. So on my flight home, I tweaked it by adding a few more slides showing different funnels and giving examples of how other industries can use ClickFunnels.

  The next week, I did the presentation live to about 600 entrepreneurs on a webinar. When it was over, we had sold about $30k, which wasn’t too bad. But I knew it should have been more. I had to deliver the webinar again in a few hours to another group of entrepreneurs, so I tweaked it again. I exported all the questions people had asked, reviewed them, then changed my slides based on the questions they had during my presentation. I saw all the spots where I had explained things wrong or didn’t give enough detail or flat-out missed things people actually wanted.

  Four hours later, I delivered this revised presentation to about 500 entrepreneurs, and this time we sold $120k live! I repeated this same process 60+ times over the next 12 months—doing a live webinar, exporting questions, and adjusting the presentation.

  It’s probably why one of my friends and conversion experts, Joe Lavery, said this after watching my presentation:

  So yes, eventually I will suggest that you automate the webinar, but not at first. You need to get people’s feedback, make changes, and perfect your webinar. It’s more work, but the result could be worth tens of millions of dollars to you over time.

  Now I’m sure some of you saw that I’m spending over $3,000 per week on Facebook alone to get people into my webinar, and got a little nervous. Don’t worry about that now. In Secret #22, I will be showing you ways to fill your funnel with the right people who are ready to buy. There are methods (like the Facebook strategy) that cost money, but there are other ways that you can get people to attend your webinars for free. When you are spending money, start with a lower ad budget at first. Run your webinar a few times to get the kinks out and know what conversion rates to expect. Then you can spend more money on ads because you’ll know what kind of return to expect.

  In the beginning, all kinds of things could happen. Facebook could mess up your ads. Your webinar software could fail to record or function right. You could lose power in the middle of your broadcast. Things happen. Sometimes no one even shows up at all!

  It’s important not to get discouraged. Stick to the plan, and work it week in and week out. The beginning can be rough for some people. Don’t quit! It won’t be long before you start hitting consistent numbers. Now that you know the model, let’s take a look at the funnel you’ll be using to move people from registration through the purchase.


  Coming up in Secret #22 (Fill Your Funnel), I’ll show you how to get people into your funnel, but for now let’s look at the actual funnel itself, starting with the registration page. I wanted to share a few things you should do on your registration page to get the most people to register.

  The key to a high-converting webinar registration page is… CURIOSITY.

  That’s it. If your registration page isn’t converting well, it’s because you’re showing people too much and they assume they know the answer. If they think they know what you’re going to talk about, then they won’t register or show up. If they can’t figure out what it is without registering, then you’ll get them to register AND show up.

  The headline I showed you earlier, “How to __________ without __________”, is typically the key to getting people to register. Here is an example of the type of headline I used on my Funnel Scripts webinar:

  Sometimes I tweak my headline to increase the curiosity factor. This is the main registration page we used the first year for the Funnel Hacks webinar.

  I want you to notice a few things about this page.

  1. The picture makes NO sense. When you look at it, you have no idea what it is or why I’m doing it. It arouses curiosity. Find a picture of you that’s kinda related to the topic but kinda strange to help increase your conversions dramatically. I do NOT recommend putting video on a webinar registration page. Rarely (if ever) will it beat a strange image. But if you do a video, be sure to test the page without a video as well.

  2. The headline builds a TON of curiosity.

  My Weird Niche Funnel That’s Currently Making Me $17,947 Per Day…And How You Can ETHICALLY Knock It Off In Less Than 10 Minutes!

  This headline gives you a hint about the presentation, but it leaves SO many unanswered questions.

  • What niche is it?

  • Is it really possible to make $17,947 per day?

  • Can you really ETHICALLY knock it off? How?

  • In just 10 minutes?

  3. The page uses urgency and scarcity. Nothing gets people to act (register, show up, and buy) better than urgency and scarcity. These are your secret weapons—use them.

  STEP 2: SE

  After people register, we take them to a thank-you page where we give them the basic information for the webinar. On this page, I DO like to include a video, with me talking about why I’m so excited for the webinar. They NEED to feel my passion for the subject or they won’t show up. Remember, the registration page is about curiosity. The thank-you page is about your passion and excitement for what they are about to experience on the webinar.

  One of the biggest secrets about the thank-you page is that you can (and should) use it to sell people something! We call this a “self-liquidating offer” or SLO. There are a few reasons you want to include this offer here.

  1. Self-liquidating offer means it liquidates your ad costs. That’s right—often you can completely cover your ad costs from the product you offer on your thank-you page. That means everything you sell on the webinar is pure profit!

  2. If they buy something that complements what the webinar is about, they are more likely to show up live.

  3. Buyers in motion tend to stay in motion, unless you do something to offend them. That means if they buy from you BEFORE the webinar, they are a lot more likely to buy from you ON the webinar.

  I like my SLO offers to be lower ticket, usually $37–$47 or a free (or $1) trial to a membership site. When we launched the Funnel Hacks webinar, we decided to give away a free trial to ClickFunnels on the thank-you page. (Honestly, it was more of an afterthought, but we did it anyway.) Looking at the stats from the first year of following this model, more than 15,000 people have created ClickFunnels trials from that link, and over 4,500 are still active. If you do the math, we have over $450k a MONTH in recurring cash coming in just from our thank-you page!


  Between the time someone registers for the webinar to the time you deliver it live, there are about 10 million distractions that could keep them from showing up. If you’re not careful, the people you paid for with advertising won’t remember who you are by Thursday.

  So during the in-between time, I send registrants videos to help introduce them to my philosophy, get them excited about the webinar, and presell them. For me, each of the videos is pre-selling them on one of my 3 Secrets. Remember, each of the 3 Secrets is tied to a false belief pattern. So I make a video talking about that belief pattern, and then tell them that the webinar will help them discover why that isn’t true, and why the opposite IS actually true. Don’t answer the questions, just increase the curiosity for what they’re going to learn on the webinar.

  The main concern people share with this sequence is “But what if they register on Wednesday and they only get one or two of the indoctrination emails before the webinar?”

  Here’s the thing—the indoctrination sequence is NOT essential to the sale. It’s an amplifier. If they only see one video and then they attend the webinar, that’s okay. Videos 2 and 3 may come after the webinar, and that’s fine. Don’t stress about it. Oftentimes one of the indoctrination emails is the thing that gets them to watch a replay or to purchase after the webinar is over.


  The reminders start on Wednesday. Just send quick emails and / or text messages that say something like: “Hey, don’t forget we’re talking about __________ LIVE tomorrow at __________.” People don’t always read every email, so I like to send one the day before we go live, one the morning of the webinar, one an hour or so before we start, another about 15 minutes before, then a final one that says, “We’re live—join us!”


  I like to present my webinars on Thursdays. Others might prefer Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but that matters less than following the pre-webinar indoctrination series, the Perfect Webinar script, and the follow-up sequences. For the actual webinar, here are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. The webinar should be about 90 minutes long. The first 60 minutes, you focus on breaking and rebuilding their false belief patterns. This is typically the hardest part for people to get right. They try to teach, they try to share cool stuff, and they don’t understand why they don’t get lots of sales. The core teaching is identifying their false belief patterns. If you do this right, the product will sell easily. If you do it wrong, you’ll struggle. Review the Perfect Webinar section a dozen times until you master the section on belief patterns.

  2. The last 30 minutes is the pitch. You deliver that with the stack, and add in the closes. When the 90 minutes is over, I usually spend the remaining 15–30 minutes for Q & A, closing people between each question.

  3. The best time of day for your webinar depends a lot on your market. I schedule my webinars during the day because most people in my market are entrepreneurs who usually have more freedom over their schedules during the day. Other markets where people have 9–5 jobs usually require nighttime webinars. So WHEN you present the webinar will depend on your particular audience.

  4. I like presenting my live webinars on Some of my friends use WebinarJam or other software. Each system has pros and cons, so you have to figure out what’s best for you.

  5. Typically, about 25% of the registrants show up on the webinar. If fewer than 25% attend, focus more on the indoctrination sequence, sending text message reminders before the webinar, emails one hour before the webinar, and again 15 minutes before. You’ve paid a lot of money to get them registered, and you’re going to have to push hard to get them to show up.

  6. When I transition from the content to the pitch, I check how many people are still on the webinar, and I base my closing stats on that number. So if I have 250 people who are still on the webinar when I start the pitch at the 60-minute mark, and I know that I typically close 15%, I’ll probably make about $37,500.

  What will your close rate be? At first, it will probably be pretty low. That’s why you need to do it live so many times. When you have a 5% close rate, you have a good webinar and are likely going to be profitable on the front end. When you get it to 10%, then (I believe) you have a million-dollar-a-year webinar. When you get above 10%… Well, I’ll just say that at 15%, we did just shy of $10 million the first year. So it pays to keep refining your conversion rates by tweaking and presenting live presentations.


  As soon as a webinar is over, we shift focus to the replay campaign. Some people get REALLY intense with their replay campaigns, but the basics are urgency and scarcity. That’s what gets people to take action. I usually DOUBLE my sales between the time I end the webinar and when we close down the offer Sunday at midnight.

  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you will deliver follow-up emails including the webinar replay link. The first day, I talk about what a great response we had on the live call and offer them a chance to watch the replay…if they access it quickly. When the cart closes, the replay link disappears as well.

  Sometimes in my follow-up sequence I’ll send a PDF cheat sheet (similar to CliffsNotes) that briefly summarizes what we covered in the webinar or even a PDF version of my slides so they can see what we covered in the webinar. Some people are more visual learners who prefer to read text over watching a video. People are busy and they may not have time to go watch your 90-minute presentation—but they WILL scan over your PDF. In this email, I also remind them that the offer is only live until Sunday. These few days are all about amping up the urgency and scarcity. If people think they have all the time in the world to buy, they won’t.

  On the last day, I send a couple of emails reminding them that the cart closes at midnight. I recap the main reasons they should buy and leave it at that. It’s amazing how many people will hit the Buy button one minute before midnight!


  Sunday at midnight, it’s time to close the cart. The offer is done, and the Buy buttons are deactivated. That’s it. You’ve completed your Perfect Webinar funnel.


nbsp; Monday morning, you start all over again with Step 1: Driving Traffic. Each time you go through this process, you will improve. You’ll figure out different ways of presenting that get more people to buy. You’ll answer more questions. You’ll fine-tune your ad targeting. The point is to never stop after one try—ESPECIALLY if you had disappointing results.

  No one showed up for Liz Benny’s first live webinar. She had a few hundred people registered, yet for some reason no one showed up. She had spent months preparing, and not a single soul attended. But she didn’t give up. She kept refining her process. And she wound up making just over a million dollars in her first year.

  Would that be okay with you? If you knew you could make six or seven figures in a year, would you keep going in the face of disappointment? Yeah…me, too.

  What happens if you get great results from your first live webinar? Should you automate it and move on to something else? No! This is a huge mistake people make—automating too soon. I ran the Funnel Hacking webinar 60+ times before we finally decided to automate it. One full year of the same webinar, week in and week out. Some weeks I did it 5 or 6 times. In fact, to this day I still do it live a few times a month.

  By the time we finally automated it, that presentation was as tight as it could be. We had every objection covered. We knew exactly how to get traffic. We had just the right follow-up sequences. And now it’s all down to the numbers. Because we spent so much time perfecting the webinar, we get predictable results from the automated version.


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