Ghostly Attachments (Haunted Series)

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Ghostly Attachments (Haunted Series) Page 15

by Alexie Aaron

  “How will that happen?”

  “I’m not sure. I think that maybe Gerald knows a guy…”

  “That knows a guy…” Mia rolled her eyes and Bev laughed so heartily that the two lovebirds broke their mutual trance and looked her way.

  “Your mentor is a fascinating woman,” Brian said, observing Sabine’s friends indulging in a few laughs.

  “She is one of a kind,” admitted Sabine. “She is more than a mentor, she has become my family.”

  “Like a mother?”

  “Oh no, don’t let her hear that,” Sabine cautioned. “Let’s say sister. Bev has issues with age and nurturing.”

  “My sister is more like a mother,” Brian said softly. “Sabine, I am not as I seem here.”

  “We all change our personas to fit our feelings about ourselves, Brian.”

  “I wish it were just that.” He looked out over the water and back again, filled with resolve to tell her all. “My corporal body is racked with an illness that has all but paralyzed me. I can no longer walk on my own, and my lungs have to be suctioned several times a day or I will drown in my own fluids.”

  Sabine looked at the knight and tried not to show pity. She didn’t want him to feel less. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I want, I hope, I mean, okay, I want us to be friends after we return. I think that maybe we have more than traveling in common,” he said bravely.

  “I hope so, because Bev has forbade me OOBing until Sire is taken care of.”

  “So you’ll visit me?”

  “I would love to as soon as my body stabilizes. Bev said it may take some time. Be patient, Brian, I will call you, or we could text. Can you text?”

  He smiled and replied, “I can text.”

  “Good, then it’s a date,” Sabine said as her eyes opened wide.

  “What is it?” he asked worried.

  “I’ve never had a date before,” she giggled.

  Brian chuckled and said, “Me neither.”


  Mike’s jaw dropped. His mouth hung open like a grouper. “What the fuck is this?”

  Beth walked up behind him. “I believe we earthlings call it a trailer.” She dropped her satchel and knocked on the door.

  “I mean, where did it come from?” Mike looked at the air-conditioned trailer that filled the Hofmanns’ driveway.

  Beth, irritated at her knock going unanswered, opened the door and stuck her head in. “Hello?”

  “Dudes!” Ted’s voice came from behind them, causing Beth to jump.

  Mike turned his head to the tech and back to the trailer. “Where?”

  “Let me translate,” Beth offered. “Mike wants to know where the trailer came from.”

  “Kansas City, but I believe it was customized in Houston.”

  “Very informative,” Beth said.

  “Thank you.”

  Mike ran his hand over the control panel and released an awning. As it slowly unwound he asked, “Who?”

  “Gerald sent it,” Ted explained. “Didn’t like the idea of us camping out, I guess. Go on in, check it out, and then come to the command center. You will not believe the footage we have! This is going to put PEEPs at the top of the heap. We may even get an invite to Comic-Con!”

  Beth shook her head. She’d rather be taken seriously in the scientific community, but Comic-Con was cool. She followed Mike aboard the trailer, and as he headed to check out the bedroom, she laid claim to the table and set up her laptop on it. No more hunched over sitting in a lawn chair. This was a place she could comfortably work. She had phone calls to make and research to continue.

  Mike walked back, methodically opening every cupboard and drawer. “I want one.”

  “I’m not sure our budget is large enough for this baby,” Beth commented as she rose from the table. “Come on, let’s see what the boys have been up to while we were roughing it at the motel.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Mia opened her eyes to see Ralph hovering over her. The concern etched into his features eased. “Hello, my darling, welcome home,” he said softly.

  She reached for him, and he put his arms around her and hugged. “Aunty Ralph, there’s no place like home.”

  He laughed and released her, “You scamp. I hope this is the last of you scaring the wits out of your uncle Benny and me.”

  “Oh, I’ve had enough OOBing for a while, I assure you,” Mia lied. She couldn’t wait to see what else she could do, but Ralph didn’t need to know. “I’m starving. Got any Poptarts?”

  “No, but how about some eggs?”

  “Ralph, I need sugar.”

  “No, you want sugar, you’re getting eggs. If you finish your breakfast then…”

  Bernard watched the two argue from across the room. He empathized with the bittersweet feelings of his partner in regards to parenting. In another world, Mia would have been Ralph’s and Ralph would have been accepted as Bernard’s partner. But as Chicago had accepted their interracial paring, it wasn’t exactly warm to them being husband and husband.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Gerald observed. “I see Mia has finally come around. I’m surprised it has taken her this long. Bev and Sabine have been rejoined for some time now.”

  “Mia, always liked to sleep in, if I recall,” Bernard said.

  “My nails what have you done to my nails?” Mia accused Ralph.

  Bernard put his hand on Gerald’s arm. “I better go over there and break that up before we have tears.” He glided over. “What’s all this?”

  Gerald watched them for a moment and went in search of Bev who he had last seen taking a box of Krispy Cream donuts and heading for Sabine’s bedroom. He passed by Sabine who smiled weakly as Tauni checked her vitals yet again.

  “You’re coming around. Your throat’s gonna hurt you some, child. And it’s soft food for you, so don’t go getting yerself ideas of donuts and Poptarts.”

  Sabine just smiled. She would follow the nurse’s orders precisely. The sooner she healed, the sooner she could be reunited with her knight.


  Brian hadn’t stop talking since he opened his eyes. Holly saw such joy in them. An emotion she hadn’t seen in quite a while. She listened, enthralled by the adventure he was telling her about: the boat trip, the saving of his princess, the dragon, and how he defended the women with a mighty swing of his sword. Holly thought this would make a great role-playing computer game and made a note to herself about investigating this possibility. It was her business savvy that had kept Brian in this expensive care facility and her wits that kept him connected with the latest medical breakthroughs. Networking and politicking when needed, kept Brian alive.

  She had been impressed by her phone conversations with Gerald Shem. She would mine this man’s connections and share some of her own with him. She knew a valuable asset, and Shem was a man with a wealth of information to share.

  “When can I see her?” Brian asked.

  “Mister Shem said it would take a few days for her to be strong enough to leave her bed.”

  “Take me there,” Brian insisted.

  Holly lifted an eyebrow and said, “Really, you travel? You haven’t been interested in leaving this room in ages.” She looked fondly at her brother. His color was good, and there didn’t seem to be any harm caused by the long bi-location. “You’re sure?”

  Brian put a hand through his hair, trying to calm down a cowlick in the curly locks. “If I don’t go soon, I’m going to chicken out.”

  “First things first, let me call Shem, and then let me see if my stylist has time. If you are going courting, you need a haircut.” She looked at his frail body and prayed that this Sabine would look beyond the scarecrow and see the man. She turned away from her brother and brushed a tear off her face before picking up the phone.


  Burt felt a vibration and swiftly dug in his pocket. Mia or someone using her phone was calling him. “Hello. I’m back,” Mia said, drawing out the last word eerily. />
  “It’s about damn time,” Burt feigned irritation. “You have work to do, missy.”

  “I missed you too,” Mia said, having none of Burt’s bravado. “How’s the investigation?”

  Burt closed his eyes, thanking God for her safe return from the bi-location. He knew she would tell him all about it when she was ready. Right now she wanted to put him first. “Well, remember the nursery…” He filled her in on everything from the moment she left with Shem until the camera being found in the tree overlooking the command center.

  “Sounds like some cheeky buggers having fun with you.”


  “Um, I’m not sure. Doesn’t fit the profile, too organized, and what’s driving them?”

  “Beth made the same point. Oh, before I forget, Beth has some questions regarding her research. Seems she’s hit a wall.”

  Mia listened to Burt’s voice as she looked at her poppy red nails, courtesy of Ralph. She pondered how he would feel if she added some tiny skull decals to his masterpiece. When Burt had finished explaining the research problem, Mia told him she had a few ideas. “Father Santos and Angelo are in Montreal presently. I know Gerald’s going to call him soon to report on the situation on that island. I could have Gerald ask him to put out feelers on tracing any other materials auctioned at the same time as the pistols, maybe a diary or family bible will crop up.”

  “Um, Mia,” Burt hesitated a moment and continued, “Could you make it a favor from you? I’m into Gerald for the next sixty years as it is.”

  Mia laughed and listened to the saga of the trailer. “Sure, no problem, this one is on me. You have to watch Gerald. I think most of the high rollers in Chicago are feeling the pinch of owing Shem a favor.”

  “Ooh, you called me a high roller.”

  “Yes I did.”

  “I’d like to roll over you,” Burt said dropping his voice.

  “The feeling’s mutual, big boy,” Mia tempted. “But first you have an investigation to work on.”

  “Speaking of, any chance you can grace us with your presence?”

  “After a few promised hours with Ralph, I’ll be on the road. I have my own debts to work on.”

  “Shopping?” Burt guessed.

  “That and lunch at a frou-frou place. Then I have to buy him and Bernard opera tickets. That goes with us joining them. Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of that, but I’m in neck deep.”

  Burt shuddered at the thought of opera. “I’d rather owe Shem.”

  Mia laughed, agreeing with him. “Look for me about sundown. I’m going to have the driver drop me off at home, and I’ll come over with the truck.”

  “You’re going to drive? What about the ghosties and people thingy? Don’t run over any flesh and bloods, you’ll mess up your paint job.”

  “I’ve learned a few things recently. Maybe I will be able to tell them apart. I’ll take the back roads though just in case.”

  “Be careful, Mia, I need you in my life,” Burt said softly.

  “Whoa,” she answered, stunned.

  “Did I just say that aloud?”

  “Yes, you did. No takes back,” Mia said quickly.

  “That’s no tags back, dear,” Burt corrected.

  “Nah, I like it better my way. See you soon,” she said before hanging up.

  Burt put his phone in his pocket and pondered briefly their last exchange. His admission wasn’t surprising, and he was glad he said it. But Mia’s, “I like it better my way,” seemed to have two meanings. He shook his head as if it could erase his unease like an Etch A Sketch. He took a deep breath and went in search of Beth to tell her to expect a call from Father Santos soon.


  Intense burning rage filled the dark soul of the man who wanted to be called Sire. He opened his eyes to the world of his making, weak. What had happened on his island? Komal going berserk was one thing, but the invasion of those travelers was another. How did they find him? Why did they take her? She was his. Couldn’t they see that? He would get her back or destroy the earthbound vessel that contained her. But first things first, he would rest, regain his energy and then seek out the traitor that led them to him. Soon he would have his revenge.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The PEEPs team assembled in the command center after replacing batteries, changing camera positions, and eating a hearty meal of takeout fried chicken with sides. It was going to be another warm clear evening. The team contemplated moving the command gear into the air-conditioned mobile home but Beth nixed it, reminding them that they would have to keep a level of hygiene far superior to what any of them wanted to try while in the expensive, loaned trailer.

  Ted let out a wolf whistle, and the team turned around to see Mia approach them. She had been Ralphed. He would not be dissuaded from giving his godchild a total makeover. Mia was too tired to resist, and a small part of her enjoyed the pampering. She was wearing clothing that shouted good taste and money. Gone were her cargo pants and hoodie. They were replaced with vibrant-colored denims and a twin set.

  “Not a word. I didn’t have time to change,” she warned the group.

  “I likey. You look like Skipper.”

  Mia groaned at Ted’s reference to Barbie’s little sister.

  “Ignore him, Mia, he’s an idiot,” Beth advised.

  Burt and Mike looked at each other. Burt mouthed, “She’s mine.”

  Mike raised his hands and tried not to leer at his friend’s girl. “Hey, Mia, long time no see.”

  “Sorry it took so long, but I had some ‘family’ problems to take care of.” Mia would later tell Burt more about it. She didn’t want to share too much with the PEEPs group, as several of them were notorious Internet gossips. “I understand you had some fun last night.”

  Everyone started talking at once. Ted pulled up film, and Beth argued with Mike over what a poltergeist was. Burt put his two cents in, and quarrels abounded. Mia sighed happily because, with the exception of the military-garbed colonial solider who had joined them, all seemed normal. He wandered over from the house. Another rough-clothed man leaned on the jamb of the kitchen doorway. Mia watched the two of them while trying to sort out the conversations of the others. She tried not to make eye contact, preferring the ghosts to not be aware that she could see them. This way, they may give away their game with their actions.

  Blue Coat moved behind Ted and stared at the images on the flat screen while the other worked his way around the side yard, keeping his distance but still aware of where Blue Coat was at every minute. She got the idea of a game of cat and mouse. But who was who? “Tell me about the dueling pistols. Did Father Santos get back to you yet, Beth?” she asked.

  “No, not yet. We haven’t found them yet. Can a spirit make a tangible thing invisible?”

  “No. Not to my knowledge. I bet they’re hidden in the house or around the property,” Mia said as she followed the creeper with her eyes. The blue-coated man walked up and stared down at her. She could see that he was a man in his late twenties. He smiled, suspicious of her but not certain she was seeing him. His teeth looked well cared for considering the era in which he had lived. She glanced away from him thinking, “Who are you? Why are you here? Who is your friend?”

  “Mia… Earth to Mia,” Burt said, getting her attention.

  “Sorry, I was engaged. Did you say something?”

  “I asked if you were interested in seeing the nursery before it gets too dark.”

  “Oh, yes, lead the way,” Mia told him. “You’ll have to forgive me. I’m a bit distracted at the moment.” As they moved further away from Blue Coat and his stalker she felt she could say more, “You have two ghosts in the backyard right now. A blue-coated solider and a tradesman or servant of some kind.”

  “Why didn’t you say something earlier?” Burt clicked on his walkie and spoke softly into it. “Ted, we have guests in the command center. You may want to take some pictures, over.”

  “Copy that, over.”

p; “One of them is the guy that was interested in Marjorie’s vblog,” Mia said.

  “How do you know that?” Burt inquired as he held open the kitchen door for her.

  Mia thought for a moment. “The hands were the same, and he is wearing a signet ring with a stag in front of crossed swords.”

  Burt picked up his walkie again. “Beth, we have more information on subject number two, over.”

  “Ready to copy, over,” Beth replied.

  “Signet ring of a stag over crossed swords…”

  “Tell her he’s wealthy, has good teeth,” Mia interrupted.

  “Did you here that?” Burt asked Beth.

  “Yes, gotcha, wealthy dude with good teeth, over.”

  “Is that all,” Burt asked Mia.

  “For right now.”

  “That’s it, over.” Burt ended the transmission. “Did I tell you how nice it is to have you here?”

  “You may have implied that.”

  Burt took her in his arms, mindful to be out of camera range first. He kissed her long and deep. Mia’s toes curled and the rest of her responded quickly.

  Mmmm, keep implying, Burt, keep implying,” Mia said and returned his kiss.


  “I want him destroyed!” Bev shouted at Gerald. They had gone to the roof garden of Sabine’s condo for a more private conversation. Tauni Cerise was a trusted individual, but they didn’t want to give her too much information. “He is dangerous and…”


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