Blood at Stake (Warriors of the Krieger Book 2)

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Blood at Stake (Warriors of the Krieger Book 2) Page 1

by Theresa Hissong

  Blood at Stake

  Warriors of the Krieger

  Book 2

  Theresa Hissong

  Published by Theresa Hissong at

  Copyright 2015 Theresa Hissong

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental. The names of people, places, and/or things are all created from the author’s mind and are only used for entertainment.

  Due to the content, this book is recommended for adults 18 years and older.

  Cover Design:

  Custom eBook Covers

  Editing by:

  Anita Nichols

  Formatted by:

  Wayne Hissong

  For more information or how to contact Theresa Hissong, please visit:

  Other books by Theresa Hissong:

  A Glory Days Production:

  Sing To Me

  Save Me

  Deliver Me

  A Glory Days Awakening:

  Wait For Me

  Take Me

  Accept Me

  A Glory Days Reunion:

  Understand Me

  Beg Me

  Break Me

  A Glory Days Finale:

  Need Me

  Burn Me

  Finish Me

  Warriors of the Krieger:

  Blood & Roses

  Memphis S.W.A.T

  It Takes Two

  Fully Loaded


  Kelly Prescott

  Here’s to forever friendships…

  There are so many things that were left unsaid…things left for us to do together, but I am thankful that the last time I saw you, I was able to hug you and tell you that I loved you.

  Until we meet again…



  Glossary of Terms

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  About the Author

  Glossary of terms:

  Krieger: The name comes from the German word meaning ‘warrior’. The Krieger took this name for the warriors who became the defenders of their race. Their job is to police other vampires and to enforce laws of their kind and that of the humans.

  Nachtmann: The name comes from Nacht meaning Night and mann meaning Man. These humans have dedicated their lives to protect a vampire during the day, which in turn would be the vampire’s night. They are highly trained and paid very well to be a trusted guard of the vampire race.

  Joining: Once a vampire mates, they mate for life. The Joining is the official ceremony to complete the bonding between vampires. Usually this ceremony is done in front of a member of the Queen’s court. Occasionally, in a special circumstance, the Queen herself will officiate the Joining.

  Born Blood: A vampire who is born to two natural born vampires. Most were destroyed in the 1700’s when the church deemed them abominations unto God.

  Turned Blood: A human who has been changed by a blood exchange with a vampire. The human must be drained just to the point of death. The vampire must give their blood unto the human. Once the human drinks the tainted blood, he/she will rise within a few nights as a creature of the night.

  Vatakas: A vampire with the ability to shift into a creature who seeks vengeance against those who have harm their mates. It is said that they will tear their enemies to pieces and dance on their flesh. There is nothing that can be done to stop the Vatakas once its sights are set on saving their mate.

  Other: A demon sent to Earth to cause havoc and destruction. They use black magic and can only be killed by severing their heads.

  I was once told that I was special. How was I to know that it meant more than a simple statement from someone I loved dearly?


  Chapter 1


  Security was tight tonight for the Krieger wedding of the century. Men were posted on a catwalk that ran the top of the brick wall that surrounded the Krieger mansion. At least I wouldn’t need to worry about my child’s safety.

  Charity wasn’t my biological child, but our relationship was damn near close to that. You see, I found her a very long time ago laying in a pile of dead leaves and her own blood. I couldn’t let that young woman die there, so I did something I said I’d never do. I changed her into a creature of the night. I took away her sun. I turned her into a vampire.

  Thankfully, she was more happy that she was alive than dead. Over time, we had become as close as sisters, best friends for eternity. Recently, the town we lived in, Port Royal, was overrun with Lycans, and they had attacked many humans and vampires in the area. Fortunately, we were able to save them with a potion from a local witch. During those horrible few weeks, my Charity had found her mate. He was man she’d dreamt of when she was human.

  Dragus was a warrior of the highest esteem and also the head Krieger for Port Royal. He’s a perfect match for her, and for that, I was happy. They truly deserved each other. The Joining ceremony was everything she’d hoped for in a wedding. “A fairytale in the making” was what I’d heard from most of the crowd here tonight.

  “May I have this dance?” I looked up at the warrior who’d stopped next to my chair. Rowland must’ve noticed me staring after Ashby, the warrior I’d been lusting over the past several months, and came to my rescue.

  “Sure, Rowland,” I nodded, casting a quick glance around, looking for the man who’d sat at our table during the reception, but hadn’t stayed long. I was saddened that he quickly returned to his post without even a backwards glance in my direction.

  “I’m sorry he had to work tonight,” Rowland said, clasping my small hand in one of his as he guided me onto the dance floor.

  “It’s okay,” I sighed, placing my other hand on the top of his massive shoulder. “It wasn’t a date.”

  “No, it wasn’t, but he should’ve asked you to dance at least once,” he frowned, the scar in his lip pulling his bottom lip at an odd angle. “I would’ve covered for him.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, Rowland,” I smiled, patting the top of his arm. “I’m fine, really. I think I’m going to head out anyway.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, twirling me around and capturing my waist with his large hand, dipping me so far back that I laughed loudly at his antics. The big ass Krieger was trying to make my night better, and I appreciated him for trying.

  “Yes,” I smiled. “Thank you for the dance, Rowland. You are a g
ood friend.”

  “You are very welcome,” he said, looking over my shoulder. A mischievous glimmer in his gaze had me trying to turn my head in the direction of his gaze, but he pulled me close and continued to dance.

  “What?” I began, but my question died on my lips as Rowland twirled me away from his body, just the tips of our fingers left touching, before he curled his hand into mine to pull me back into his arms. During my unexpected dance move, I noticed Ashby standing at the corner of the room, blood filled his eyes and his hands were clenched tight at his sides. An angry tick worked his jaw.

  “He is an idiot,” Rowland whispered.

  “He has a job to do,” I sighed. “Thank you Rowland, but I’m ready to go home.”

  “Okay,” he said, stopping his dance to bow at the waist. “Thank you for the dance, Ms. Duncan.”

  “Thank you, Krieger,” I curtsied, giggling when he winked.

  I quickly gathered my things as Rowland excused himself to go speak to two other warriors who were here from a town not far from Port Royal. It was early in the morning when the mating ceremony for Charity and Dragus ended, so I made my way to the front of the mansion in preparation to leave.

  As I walked toward my car, I noticed the guards scattered across the front lawn. The men were posted all throughout the grounds. Some were dressed in standard warrior clothing, black cargo pants and a black cotton shirt, others in tuxedos to blend in with the mass of people gathered for the occasion.

  I wouldn’t say that I was jealous, but it did sadden me that I was walking out of these gates alone. Who doesn’t get a little depressed when you go to a wedding without a date? Ashby and I sat at a table together during the reception, but by no means was this a date. We talked, maybe even flirted a little, but as with the life of a Krieger, he was on duty and in charge of the security for tonight’s event. So our time together was short lived, and I was a little miffed that he didn’t even ask me to dance. I’d spent most of the evening stealing glimpses of him as he worked.

  The warrior Ashby was complete male perfection. Short blonde hair highlighted his sharp features. His pale, ivory skin was toned…muscular. Many times in the past, I’d stared at him when he wasn’t looking, trying to figure out if his skin felt as smooth as it looked. His hands told a story of hardship from the thickness and strength that radiated off of them. They’re large and everything he handled was with skill. I often wondered how they would handle me. There was something about that warrior that had me feeling drawn to him in some weird way. Even the dragon tattoo on his neck called to me as if it saw something deep inside my soul and wanted to protect me.

  Every warrior was given the mark of a Krieger when they were chosen to protect our race. The tattoo of a dragon was placed upon their necks by our queen. She oversaw and approved every warrior that ever lived. When she’d marked Charity’s guard at the wedding, I was stunned at her abilities. With just the press of her hand, a dragon tattoo appeared on Adam’s neck, officially boosting him into the ranks of a warrior.

  I shook myself out of my thoughts and walked toward my car. With a sigh, I tapped the button to release the locks. When I reached for the door, a hand slipped past me and grabbed the handle before I could do it myself.

  “Ms. Duncan,” Rowland nodded while opening my door. I saw his eyes flicker to the front of the mansion, and I knew he was only doing this to get under Ashby’s skin. “I hope that you had a nice time.” Bless him. He was a soft hearted man, even though he had a scar that ran from the bottom of his ear and under his chin that came up through his lip. He looked menacing, but nothing else about the warrior would cause you to be afraid of him.

  His Krieger tattoo, on the same side of the scar, was placed on top, hiding most of the damage that obviously happened to him as a human. He kept his light red hair loose, and it hung right at his chin. The vampire was stunning despite his obvious deformity. His eyes were different from anything I’d ever seen. They were a stunning crystal blue, but the rims were black as coal and seemed to thicken depending on his mood. Right now the trim was thinner, more normal.

  “Thank you, Rowland. It was a lovely ceremony.” I tossed my purse on the passenger seat and climbed in, “Have a good night, Krieger.” With a wink, he closed my door and nodded politely. As I drove away, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Ashby on the porch to the mansion. He was standing there at attention, and boy did he look mad.

  Was he mad because Rowland was being nice? Why in the world would he be mad? Ashby had never shown any interest in me all of those times that he would escort me to the hospital or over to Charity’s during the curfew a few months ago.

  Except for the past few weeks. He had been plenty nice when we’d run into each other, and I had this crazy idea, a few days ago, that he may like me more than just a friendship. But then again, he hadn’t tried to hold my hand, make a pass at me of any kind, or even ask me out on a date. He had my phone number and had never called for anything personal. Only to inform me that he would be picking me up at Charity’s request.

  The man was frustrating and sexy as hell. My hormones were all in a knot over what could be…or maybe it was just my stupid female head getting the best of me.

  My super hearing picked up the sound of a growl, low and deep, coming from the direction of the house. I checked the porch again and saw Ashby clenching his fists, his body vibrating from anger. “What the hell is wrong with him?” I growled in frustration.

  When I turned around, I saw the gates to the main road were open. I punched the gas pedal a little too hard, and my car jerked forward. I didn’t bother letting off the gas and looking like an idiot. I pressed down harder and sped down the driveway, throwing rocks in the process. My little blue Mercedes would probably have chips in the paint, but I really didn’t care what it looked like. Ashby was being an ass, and I needed to get out of there.

  Instead of going home, I drove over to Nights, the club I owned with Charity. The clock on the dash said the time was only two-thirty in the morning, so I had plenty of time to do some paperwork.

  The club was vacant because we did not open due to the wedding. I parked and made my way to the back door. The parking lot was lit, and for some reason it was almost too quiet. I stopped suddenly, when I heard a slight rustling to my left. My nostrils flared as I tested the air. My superhuman senses realized something wasn’t right. The predator in me automatically tensed in preparation of something bad. Scenting the air again, I realized that it was not a vampire I scented and definitely not Lycan or Hybrid. It was human.

  The hair on the back of my neck prickled, and I spun around, grabbing for the door as pain bloomed at the back of my neck. Warmth spread from that point out to my arms, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that I’d been shot.

  My eyes blurred as I turned around and found two males coming at me fast. They were definitely human, and the first thing I noticed was that they had huge stakes hanging off their belts. I heard a whooshing sound, and a small stake pierced me in the middle of my chest, thankfully missing my heart. I growled out a curse, swinging my head around to see how many people were coming for me.

  A younger man carried a black bag, like doctors used to use back years ago. I tried to use my right arm to feel my injuries, but it didn’t cooperate. I reached up with my working arm and felt the back of my head. From the agonizing burning, I knew the bullet must’ve been wooden, but it wasn’t Hawthorne. This burning was worse than that horrible wood that vampires are highly allergic to and could poison, if not kill, my kind.

  My hand came away sticky with my own blood. The coppery smell fired my senses, causing my stomach to clench with the need to feed and repair my body from the bullet wound.

  My attackers advanced on me as I tried to return to my feet. Blood filled my eyes and my fangs burned as they thickened in my mouth. Humans were not prey, but at the moment, I wanted their blood.

  The first one was older, probably in his fifties, bald and a little pudgy. He grinned
slowly and said, “Hey, Jerry! We got us a vampire! Bring me the vial.” He reached for me, and even in my weakened state, I hissed in warning, the predator in me poised ready to fight. The human paused for a moment. I could’ve sworn I saw fear on his face, but he quickly righted his features and continued to pull on my arm.

  The one named Jerry ran up looking downright pissed off. “Damn, Dad! You gotta get ‘em in the heart.” Jerry was about twenty years younger than his father and resembled him perfectly. Except, Jerry still had his own hair and his was brown. Both of them had eyes the color of dark chocolate and dressed in black cargo pants and long sleeved black shirts.

  “We need her blood,” the father yelled at his son. “They said they needed her vampire blood.”

  I screamed, “B...bastard.” It was hard to breathe. The jackass turned and staked me again, but this time in the shoulder. The burning from the wood impaled in my body caused me to stumble, and I fell to the ground, hoping they’d get within a few inches of my teeth.

  “Don’t move you damn bloodsucker,” Jerry cursed.

  They stood over me for several minutes, judging my ability to attack them. Or, shall I say, my inability!

  The father’s hands shook as he rummaged through the black bag. I heard the glass vials moving around in there and I knew that I couldn’t let them have my blood. I had to fight them, but at the moment, I was incapable of lashing out at them. I was getting weak. A weak vampire was worthless…and could end up dead very easily.

  Headlights suddenly rounded the corner, and a vehicle I recognized screeched to a halt. Meadow – our waitress who was just learning her talents into seeing the future – jumped out of her car and ran straight for me. The panicked look on her face changed into one of rage at seeing these men over me.


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