Caught With Casanova

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Caught With Casanova Page 2

by Donavan, Seraphina

  “When I met you at that party, I had no idea who you were. I’d just moved to New York and before that I’d been living in a podunk town in Tennessee, keeping the books for a city that was spending more each year than it was earning. I didn’t kiss you that night because I was looking for a rich man to take care of me—I’ve always taken care of myself and I plan to continue doing so.”

  Gavin smiled sadly. “I know you aren’t a gold digger, Libby. The fact that it was so difficult to find you made it glaringly apparent that you weren’t after my money, or any other part of me.”

  “I told you—I just panicked.”

  Gavin grasped her arms above her elbows, pulling her close enough that the tips of her breasts pressed against his chest. “When we were in that elevator yesterday, the device was only tripped when I stepped inside it. Ronan told me earlier that whoever did this cloned my cell, and the device was activated by my proximity to it. If I hadn’t been chasing after you, you wouldn’t have been placed in harm’s way.”

  “I wouldn’t change it. Things were dicey, but we made it out—I wouldn’t trade last night for anything,” she whispered, standing on her toes and pressing her lips to his. “But I’m still not taking all those clothes.”

  He shrugged. “I’m perfectly content for you to be naked. In fact, I’d like for you to be naked now.”

  She pointed to the roof and the guards posted in the cupola there. “Not going to happen…Pervert.”

  “Then, come inside with me,” he urged, punctuating the request with a kiss to her neck. “Let me take you to bed, strip your new clothes from your luscious body and show you just how much I appreciate your many assets.”

  They moved back to the house, climbing the steps quickly.

  Once inside, Gavin couldn’t wait. He half dragged her through the music room, out into the hall and into the small storage closet just across from it. Closing the door behind them, he turned so that she was backed against it. “Lose the pants, Liberty. I want you naked for me right now.”

  She shivered, but did as he asked, unzipping them and pushing them past her generous hips.

  Gavin reached for the buttons on her blouse, undoing them quickly even as she removed her pants. He wanted to feel her skin against him, and the wet heat of her body clasping around him. Impatient for her, he gripped her ass, one palm covering each cheek and lifted her. Pinning her against the closet door with his body, he smiled when her legs hooked around his hips. “Lock your ankles.” The command was uttered sharply, but he noted that she didn’t hesitate to obey.

  Reaching between their bodies, he stroked her through the gossamer thin fabric of the tiny underwear. Slipping one finger past that delicate barrier, he stroked her cleft, feeling the moisture that had gathered there already. “Tell me you want me, Libby.”

  She sighed, the soft sound of her pleasure skating over his skin. “I want you, Gavin! I need to feel your cock inside me.”

  Gavin continued to touch her, his fingers sliding over the slick folds of her sex, circling her clit with gentle precision. “If you want that, Libby, you have to make it happen. Take me inside you.”

  When he felt her hands fumbling with his zipper, then closing around him, he bit back a groan. With her hand clasped tightly around the shaft, and the head of his cock breeching the dew slicked walls of her cunt, Gavin knew what heaven would feel like. “That’s it,” he encouraged. “More, Libby. Take all of me.”

  Inch by inch, she did just that.

  Feeling the softness of her flesh, the damp heat of her clenching around him, Gavin rocked his hips against her, sending sparks of pleasure through them both. Every sound she made, each soft moan and cry, spurred him on. As much as he wanted to lose himself inside her, he wanted her to be mindless with pleasure.

  Recalling her earlier foray into dirty talk, he pressed his mouth to her ear, “I love the way you feel. So hot and tight around me, so fucking wet. The way you shudder, your whole body quivering just before you come. Nothing feels as good as being inside you.”

  “Gavin, please!”

  “Please, what? Tell me what you want.”


  Libby couldn’t think. With the thick length of his cock buried in her, the hot press of his body against hers, it was impossible to form coherent sentences.

  In spite of the fact that he had her pressed against a door, supporting her considerable weight with his body, he was being gentle with her.

  Gentleness wasn’t what she wanted from him. She wanted to feel primal, animalistic. “Just fuck me,” she whispered, “Hard.”The minute the words escaped her lips, she was stunned. Libby had never been so blatantly carnal in her life, never with anyone, until Gavin.

  When she felt him withdraw, she shuddered. As he drove into her again, forcefully, she screamed his name. Running her hands down his back, she urged him even deeper. He was the largest man she’d ever been with. He filled her completely, perfectly, touching every nerve. Pleasure suffused her.

  “You make me so crazy,” he whispered against her ear, his breath hot on her skin.

  “You make me crazy too.” He did, she realized. The wild, instantaneous attraction between them had been a novel experience for her. That the heat could flare between them so rapidly was an eye opening experience. Foreplay wasn’t even necessary. All she had to do was think about him and her libido kicked into overdrive.

  From that point forward, neither of them spoke.

  Libby couldn’t. Her mind had shut down and all she could do was feel, intently focused on the slow and agonizing withdrawal of his cock, followed by another powerful thrust that sent her hurtling towards the edge. Gripping him tighter, her thighs wrapped around him and her ankles locked just above the firm curve of his behind, she strained against him, seeking the release that was so achingly close.

  He shifted her slightly, changing the angle a fraction, and Libby sobbed with pleasure. The contractions began deep within her, radiating outward as her body seized with the intensity of her climax. Each shuddering wave elicited an answering shiver from him. When she felt the first rush of heat, his cock jerking inside her, she clenched tightly around him, holding him deep inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re killing me!”

  “Then we’ll die happy,” she answered breathlessly.

  Gavin shivered against her again, sweat cooling on his skin as his own shuddering release subsided.

  Libby smiled as she felt the tremors in him. Knowing that she could do that to him made her feel powerful. He was a world famous playboy who’d been with some of the most beautiful women in the world, but she…Liberty Jones from nowhere, had him so hot and bothered he couldn’t even wait to find a bed. “Okay, put me down before you drop me. I don’t want Ronan coming to investigate the noise.”

  Gavin laughed. “He would too. Have I told you that you’re amazing?”

  “No, but you really ought to.”

  “It’s true. I’ve never met anyone like you. You have no interest in my money, no interest in my fame and when I touch you—I don’t ever wonder with you, Libby.”

  “Wonder what?”

  He sighed. “I’m a tech geek. I may not look like one now, but as a teenager, you better believe that I was the poster child for nerds everywhere. After I made my first million, which quickly turned into ten, then a hundred, women were everywhere. They wanted to be with me, but they didn’t want me. I made it a point to learn how to please women, how to make sure that at least when we’re in bed, they’re not thinking about the numbers.”

  Libby was stunned. It had never occurred to her that a man with his wealth, his looks, and his seemingly endless confidence could ever have those kinds of insecurities. “I would never be with a man for those reasons.”

  “I know. When I touch you, I can feel it.” He kissed her then, a gentle brushing of his lips over hers. “Let’s get you dressed before someone comes looking for us.”

  Libby shuddered. “As long as it isn’t Ms. Johnson. She terrifies me.”

  He laughed. “She’s a kitten. Really. It’s all an act. Besides, she likes you.”

  “How can you tell? Her expression never changes.”

  “She came here and put all that together for you herself. I think she sees herself as your fairy godmother,” he teased.

  She poked him in the chest. “Let’s get something straight here. I’m no fairytale princess needing to be rescued. I’m smart, I’m capable, and I can take care of myself—as long as we’re not stuck in an elevator.”

  “Duly noted.” The response was solemn save for the glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

  They left the small closet, hand in hand, moving towards the security control room. As Gavin was reaching for the door, it opened and Ronan appeared, his chiseled features twisted into a dark scowl.

  “We have a problem, sir,” he said.

  Libby marveled that he could look so fierce and utter such a benign sounding statement. He could have been talking about a spilled drink, but no, it was life and death.

  “Taking Ms. Jones suggestion, we’ve managed to isolate a handful of suspects. We have a disgruntled former employee, an unknown, and a former paramour,” he continued.

  Libby wanted to comment on the former paramour, but as she herself was the hoochie du jour, it seemed ill advised. Instead, she asked, “Why did you settle on those three?”

  “Each of them entered the building carrying a bag or package, and each of them left empty handed. Also, from a behavioral standpoint, two of the three appeared nervous, furtive, but only one of them has the knowledge and the ability to carry this out.”

  “How is that a problem?” Gavin asked. “Identifying potential suspects should be a positive development.”

  Ronan hesitated then.

  The slight hesitation made Libby very nervous.

  “The disgruntled former employee did not work for McBray Enterprises. He was a member of your private security team, which means that he knows the layout of the house and will likely have had training very similar to current team members...It means he’s a formidable foe, and I can’t guarantee your safety here.”

  Gavin nodded. “I see. He will have had access to plans, pass codes and other sensitive information that makes all of my properties vulnerable, then.”

  Ronan nodded again. “Precisely, sir.”

  “What do you suggest then?” Libby asked. At that point, her fear was reaching new heights.

  “I’ve radioed for the helicopter and I’ve arranged for a jet to be readied. We need to get you both to a location where you will be safe, but I don’t wish to disclose it her in case we’re being monitored.”

  “We’ll pack. Please have someone escort Ms. Johnson back to the city. I want to be sure that she gets back safely,” Gavin instructed.

  “It’s taken care of, sir. I’d like to leave within the hour.”

  Ronan walked away and Libby felt sucker punched. Turning to Gavin she saw that the teasing light was gone from his eyes. When he faced her, she saw the concern etched on his handsome face.

  “So much for keeping you safe. It appears I’ve only moved you more directly into the path of danger.”

  Libby moved closer to him, her body pressing against him. It wasn’t about passion, but about the comfort of contact. “So let’s go pack and enjoy whatever adventure it is that Ronan has in store for us.”

  “Are you always this chipper when life falls apart?”

  Libby shrugged. “This isn’t falling apart. This is hitting a snag—And yes, for the most part, I’m fantastic when caught in a crisis.”

  “As long as it doesn’t involve an elevator?”

  Standing on her toes, she pressed her lips to his. “Yes! Let’s go pick out some of that naughty lingerie you insisted upon buying me.”


  An hour and a half later, they were transferring from the helicopter to a private jet. It wasn’t Gavin’s personal one, but a hired one. Given the knowledge that their primary suspect had of Gavin’s holdings, it seemed a prudent choice.

  Libby took her seat and fastened the lap belt.

  Gavin was beside her and Ronan was conferring with the pilot.

  Their destination remained a mystery.

  “Well, this is an adventure,” she observed.

  Gavin appeared nonplussed. “That’s certainly one word for it.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Until I came to New York, I’d only ever seen the town I grew up in...Now, I’m on a private jet, with a handsome man, jetting off to some mysterious location. I’d call that an adventure, wouldn’t you?”

  Gavin’s answering smile was far more at ease. “When you put it that way, it doesn’t sound nearly as bad as the fact that I’ve almost gotten you killed once already and have now made you the target of a well trained killer.”

  “Possibly. We have no proof that he’s the one responsible. You can be a very infuriating man, Gavin McBray. Maybe you pissed off the wrong starlet?”

  He laughed then. “Is there a right starlet to piss off?”

  She glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Right now, at least, the answer had better be all of them. I don’t share well.”

  “What starlets?” he asked. “You’re all the woman I can handle and then some.”

  Libby didn’t respond as Ronan chose that moment to reappear.

  He took the seat across from them and buckled himself in. “I’d advise you all to rest. It’s going to be a very long flight,” he offered.

  “Any hints as to our destination?” Gavin asked.

  “Secure,” Ronan replied grimly. “Very secure.”

  Libby settled back into her seat. Gavin’s thigh brushing against hers. “You are aware that I don’t have a passport?”

  Ronan produced a small blue booklet from his breast pocket. “Correction, Ms. Jones. You did not have a passport. You do now. I called in a few favors.”

  Libby took the small booklet from him. The photo was the same one that was used on her name badge for McBray Enterprises. “I don’t want to know.”

  “I wasn’t offering to tell,” Ronan replied.

  Libby looked at Gavin whose lips were quirked in an expression of mild amusement. “Is he always like this?”

  “No. This is really very chatty for him.”

  “I wasn’t referring to his verbosity. I was referring to the underlying snark,” she fired back.

  “Oh, that. Yes. That’s always there. He gets cocky when he feels like he’s earning what I pay him,” Gavin replied.

  Ronan sat stonily, ignoring them both.


  Gavin was wide awake. Ronan was sleeping, or at the very least, resting his eyes. He knew that the man would be instantly alert at the first sign of trouble.

  Libby was curled onto her side, a blanket across her lap, snoring softly. It was a strangely soothing sound. She was stuck with him for the time being. Caught in the crossfire of his crazy life.

  “Ronan?” The word was barely more than a whisper.

  The other man didn’t open his eyes, but responded, “Yes?”

  “How well trained is this person?”

  “The explosives were very sophisticated. The technology used in cloning your phone and using it as a trigger was also impressive. It’s a matter of opportunity, I believe. This man was hired, sought out by others because of his perceived need to settle a score with you.”

  “But you think it’s about the money?”

  “It’s always about the money. There is rarely a greater motivator for most people.”

  “I want to sell the company. I want out,” Gavin said, looking at Libby, her face soft in repose.

  Ronan sat up then, looking at Gavin seriously. “That may mitigate future threats, but it will do nothing for the current one.”

  “We’ll deal with this one, but then I’m out.”

  “And Ms. Jones?”

  Gavin shook his head. “I don’t know yet. But if I’m constantly dodging bullets, I won’t have much of an opportunity t
o figure things out.”

  “You’ve never entertained the idea of having any woman around long enough to make those kinds of changes.”

  Gavin glanced over at Libby, sleeping soundly and looking far sweeter and more tempting than was good for either of them. He didn’t know what his feelings for her were, but somehow he imagined that discussing them with Ronan before he discussed them with her would not be a wise course of action, so he changed the subject adroitly. “Can you safely tell me where we’re going now?”

  “We’re going Monaco. I have contacts there, and I’ve arranged for a suite at a well secured hotel. Perhaps, you’ll have the time you need to make those decisions.”

  “To Catch a Thief? You’re inner romantic is rearing its ugly head, Ronan.”

  “To catch a killer,” Ronan corrected. “We were lucky that there were no fatalities at the office, but that’s all it was…Luck.”

  “You’ve been with me for how long, Ronan?”

  “Too long.”

  “So, if I get out of the tech game, if I stop inventing things that will make people want to kill me, what will you do?”

  The other man shrugged. “You’ve paid me very well. I won’t have to do anything.”

  Libby awoke then, scowling at them both. “What? Are we there yet?”

  Gavin laughed. “No. Not exactly...Tell me, Libby, how do you feel about Hitchcock?”

  “We’ve got enough suspense in real life,” she said grumpily. “I’m going back to sleep if you two can stop chattering.”

  Gavin looked back to Ronan, chuckling. “Here, we thought I was only in danger for professional reasons!”


  Libby was again, facing the feeling that her life had spiraled wildly out of control. Standing beside Gavin, she tried not to gawk at the ornate luxury of the hotel. It looked like a palace to her. With marble floors, Venetian glass mirrors adorning the walls and an ornately gilded, Frescoed ceiling, it looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was certainly the grandest place she’d ever been.


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