Unwrapped Hearts

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Unwrapped Hearts Page 6

by Linzi Basset

  “I … er need to phone my aunt. She must be sick with worry by now. I can’t find my handbag upstairs.”

  “It’s in my study. Through the entrance hall, first door to the right. Phone her from there for privacy.”

  He didn’t step back as she stood up, which brought her flush against his body. Riley was afraid her gulp slipped loudly from her lips, especially when a predatory smile flashed over his lips.

  “Do I have to barter to pass?”

  “You’re a quick learner, Snowflake. I’m impressed and very happy about it.”

  She didn’t think to defy him. Just the thought of his lips on her skin made it sizzle with anticipation. It was unsettling to have such a sex crush on a man.

  “Well? Am I supposed to guess what you want this time, oh high and mighty sir?” She copied his crawling eyebrow but feared it didn't have the same effect his had on her.

  “I like that word coming from your lips, little one. Now, I just need to teach you to actually mean it.”

  “W-what word?” Riley stammered as he brushed his fingers over her bottom lip, pressing hard against it. Her eyes flared as pain flashed through her brain. Her gasp was testimony of the unexpected throbbing in her loins and clitoris that accompanied it.

  He, the devil incarnate, seemed delighted by her reaction.

  “Hmm … let’s see.” His eyes darkened as he kept her gaze captive. “A spanking.”

  Her eyes popped open as wide as saucers. Visions of the scenes from books she’d read flashed through her mind to tease her with all the possibilities such an act would bring. More than that, her loins clenched in reaction, flooding her pussy with liquid heat. She bit back a groan as she felt the tell-tale wet patch forming on her jeans between her thighs.

  “A spanking? Like a … ehm … you want to hit me on the ass?”

  “That’s generally what spanking entails, yes.”

  “Why?” Riley licked her lips, overly aware of the heat penetrating her skin from where his fingers now clasped her chin. “I’m not … into that.”

  “But you want to be.”

  “I never said that!” The denial sprang to her lips much too quickly. His knowing smile taunted her.

  “But you imagined it. Maybe fantasized about it. Tell me, Riley, if I had to page through your kindle, what kinds of books am I bound to find there?”

  “I … you … my kindle has nothing to do with this.”

  “No? Shall we take a look then?”

  He trapped her bottom lip between his fingers and pulled, Hard. Riley whimpered as her lip strained at the pressure. She grasped at his wrist and tugged.


  One harsh word and her ovaries turned in circles, crowding with what, she had no idea, but her hand fell away without protest.

  He leaned in; his eyes not allowing hers to stray. Her whimpers turned to an agonizing groan of arousal as he slowly licked the inside of her lip, the edges of her teeth.

  “Open, Snowflake. Come now. As wide as you can.” His warm breath seared her skin as he warned darkly, “You do not participate, my pet. This is for me, to discover the taste of you. Do you understand?”

  She dipped her chin in a brief nod. She was sure her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets as she watched his head come closer. Her mouth opened of its own accord, so wide, the dentist would be proud of her. A flash of pride in Trent’s eyes crumbled any resistance she still harbored. She fisted her hands, not sure what to do with them; whether she was allowed to touch him.

  Oh lord, he’s right! I do want this. Unknowingly, I’m submitting to him!

  “Behind your back, my pet, and keep them there, no matter what.”

  Riley didn’t question how he knew the thoughts that were going through her mind, nor the eagerness with which she clasped her hands behind her back. How could she, when his hot tongue seared inside her mouth to gently explore the warm recesses he found there? He licked, he tickled, he teased; all this while he kept her bottom lip stretched out painfully.

  Riley was blindsided by the contrast from the pain and the heat that pulsed through her veins like a volcano on the verge of erupting. She felt herself floundering in her mind, desperate to connect with her brain or her body. Damn! Either one would be good, but it was no use. The powerful Dom that hummed with pleasure into her spread open mouth, had full control of her will.

  If only that was the solitary thing he owned in that moment. No, he wasn’t satisfied with something as menial. He had to encapsulate her every thought, movement and spiked the lust inside her to a breaking point.

  The constant sprinkle of honeyed juices from between her labia was proof that she was excited beyond measure at his Domination and the pain he inflicted. She pressed her thighs together and could feel the wetness of her jeans against her skin.

  And then, his heat was gone, leaving her feeling bereft and cold, even in the warmth of the room.

  He stood in front of her, not moving, just watching, silently waiting. Riley realized this hadn’t been a test for him. It had been to prove to her what was floating under the surface. What she’d been suppressing for years, and yes, what she yearned for.

  “Ehm … I need to phone my aunt.” Her voice sounded strange, thick and sultry. Her lips tingled and throbbed from the painful pressure he’d exerted, and still, her loins and clitoris all but crackled like they had been jolted by five-thousand volts of electricity.

  “You know what will gain you the freedom to move, Snowflake.”

  Riley stared at him. It was senseless to deny what was raging inside her— the concupiscent desires he’d awakened.

  “One spanking? Just one?”

  “For a start.”

  “You don’t play fair, Trent,” she lilted in a husky voice.

  He smiled gently, completely throwing her off track once again. It brought light and such pleasure to his features; she could only stare in awe.

  Good lord, this man is gorgeous.

  “I know what I want, Riley, and I always get it. If it means I have to allow the beast inside me out to play, I will.”


  Oh. Freaking. Golliwog! I read about that! Doms who have a dark side and … and … holy shit.

  His chin tilted back as he stared at her over his nose, his eyes turning black as the night. A flash of silver held her enchanted.

  “Believe me, my pet, you don’t want to meet him. Not yet anyway.” He squared his shoulders. “One spanking, after dinner … in my dungeon.”

  “D-dungeon?” she all but squealed. She cleared her throat.

  Pull up your granny panties, woman. You sound like a scared little girl. How much damage could he do with one little old spanking?

  She straightened to her full height and returned his stare boldly. “Very well. One spanking. Tonight, after dinner … in your d-dungeon.”

  “Brave girl,” he praised.

  And wouldn’t you know it, Riley basked in it. He took back a step. She didn’t wait in case he changed his mind and with a last glare at him, she stomped off. His deep voice reverberated through her as she passed under the archway. Her steps slowed to a stop.

  “Be sure to tell her you won’t be home for at least a week.”

  Riley’s eyes drifted to the snow-covered mountains visible through the walls of windows.

  “A week?”

  “We’re high up and deep into the mountain. Apart from the snow that’s not melting, the town snowplows are concentrating on the main roads and there’s another blizzard brewing.” He watched her nibbling on her lip with an enigmatic expression. “Don’t worry, little one, I’ll take good care of you.”

  Riley walked away without saying another word. Him taking care of her was exactly what bothered her. She was in a state of arousal … all the time. It was disconcerting. She didn’t know the man; how could her libido be so out of sync? How the devil could she have allowed him to do what he just did?!

  In response, her loins clenched as a vision of Trent hugg
ing Storm as she walked away, drifted through her mind. Lord, he was hot and yet sensitive, caring, and loving with his dogs. It made her want to be the recipient of not only his Domination but all that attention. The fact that she felt like this after meeting him only three days ago shook her to the core. How the devil was she going to keep him at a distance for seven days if all she wanted to do was jump him and hump his brains out?

  “Now that’s what I call a verity conundrum,” she mumbled as she walked into the study. “Oh my, what a beautiful room.”

  It looked more like a drawing room than a study, inviting and warm. One wall consisted of a glass front bookcase, a walnut bureau with three drawers stood in front of the same large windows as the rest of the house. On either side stood plush bucket chairs made with the softest wine-colored leather, their darkness brought to light by the emerald green throw pillows. The desk was made of solid oak and sported intricately carved edges. She wondered if Trent was the carver, seeing as the cabin sported similar concepts all over. She should remember to ask him about that.

  Riley could easily envision his huge frame slumped in the oversized chair behind the desk. A desk that was very neat and organized, just like the man himself.

  “Ah, there it is.” Riley spotted her handbag on the plush leather bucket chair in a corner of the room. “And it still has some power,” she sighed with relief as she dug her cell out of the large, bright red leather shopper bag. She always color matched her handbag and shoes with her outfit; she was the proud owner of closets of both in a variety of colors.

  She sat down in the chair and scrolled to Aunt Sophie’s number. Riley smiled as she answered it almost immediately.

  “Riley, darling! Where are you?” her husky voice floated through Riley’s mind, triggering a feeling of nostalgia. She was so close and yet so far. Riley realized only now just how much she missed her.

  “I’m at—”

  “I’ve been worried sick! I even got the police involved to search for you,” she rushed ahead.

  “I’m so sorry, Aunt Sophie. I’m fine but I was in an accident. But don’t worry,” she continued quickly as Sophie exclaimed worriedly. “I only had a little bump on my head. You really have no need to be concerned.”

  “Where are you?”

  Riley quickly explained what had happened and how she ended up in a mountain cabin of a stranger.

  “Trent Reeves happened on the scene directly after it happened. Luckily for me, he’s a trauma surgeon. He’s taken very good care of me.”

  The silence that followed was unexpected. Riley checked the connection to see if the call had been lost.

  “Aunt Sophie, are you there?”

  “Did you say Trent Reeves?”

  “Do you know him?” Riley could hear the eagerness in her voice and cursed softly. If her aunt got as much as a whiff of how attracted she was to him, it would be disastrous.

  “Yes, I do. He’s a very nice man. Kind of a recluse though, isn’t he?

  “Trent Reeves a recluse?” Riley frowned as she cast her mind back. He was reserved but he had been friendly. “I didn’t get that impression. He’s much too … too demanding,” she ended in a fluster, hoping her aunt hadn’t caught on how her voice had turned all smoky.

  “I see.” Aunt Sophie dragged out the words.

  Ugh! Now, see what you did, Riley Miller!

  She cringed as she realized what thoughts were milling through her aunt's mind. She was well known in the area as the resident cupid.

  “I’m not sure when I’ll arrive. Trent says there’s another blizzard on the way.”

  “He’s right and this one is going to be worse than the previous one. I just hope you’ll be able to get down from the mountain in time to spend Christmas with me.” She hesitated. “Are you at least safe there?”

  Riley could hear the tremor in her voice and wondered briefly about it but she pushed it aside.

  “Very. You really have nothing to be worried about.”

  “That sets my mind at rest. You tell that young man to keep you safe and warm.”

  “Aunt Sophie, I’m big enough to do that myself. I’m just sorry I’m going to miss the Fantasy of Lights Christmas Parade.”

  “With the blizzards not letting up, I’m sure it’s going to be postponed. Many of my friends are waiting for their families to arrive who are stranded in neighboring towns.”

  “That’s at least some good news. It’s always so lovely.”

  “You should bring Trent along. The least we can do to thank him for taking care of you is to offer him a good, healthy, homemade meal.”

  “I know what you’re doing, Aunt Sophie and it’s not going to happen.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  The phone beeped a warning. “My battery is dying. I’ll phone you again soon.”

  “Enjoy the mountains, darling … and the company.”

  Riley shook her head and smiled as they said their goodbyes.

  Aunt Sophie would never quit looking for a husband for her only niece. She made it her life’s mission to find love for everyone around her. Because of that, Riley had often wondered why she didn’t like Jason. Aunt Sophie had met him a couple of years ago when she came for a short visit while on a trip with one of her friends.

  I suppose she saw through his facade of charm.

  “Everything good?”

  Riley didn’t move. She sat frozen under the raw potency that suffused his voice. It awakened the primordial instinct to submit and unleashed the shackles of her lust.

  “At least now my aunt can call off the police hunt.” She forced a smile as she took a moment to bring her wayward body under control. She regarded him with her head tilted to the side. “She seems to know you.”

  Trent’s expression didn’t change as he walked around his desk and sat down. His deep voice showed his disinterest as he responded, “She does?”

  “She owns The Bear Cave Lodge in Gatlinburg.”

  His face became stoic as he returned her stare unflinchingly. A flash of emotion in his eyes startled her but before she could examine it, he blinked and it was gone.

  “Everyone in a fifty-mile radius of Gatlinburg knows Sophie Butler.”

  “I’m a little confused.”

  Trent didn’t respond, but his one eyebrow crawled higher in an unspoken question.

  “You said you’re a trauma surgeon but she claims that you’re a recluse.” One hand fluttered in the air. “I don’t see you as one but how can you be a surgeon and a recluse? It doesn’t add up.”

  “I don’t practice anymore.”

  “Why not?” His lips compressed into a straight line and his eyes became darkly shuttered. “I’m sorry. I have a natural tendency to be nosy. I’m a journalist, so it’s second nature to ask questions.”

  “Some questions should not be asked.” His voice was laced with such darkness, Riley couldn’t help but wonder what it was he didn’t want to talk about.

  He opened the laptop in front of him and powered it up. His gruff voice sounded distant and withdrawn. “There are books to read in the living room or you can watch the tube.” He gestured toward her laptop bag standing next to the chair she was sitting on. “Check your email but no work.”

  “Is that your subtle way of chasing me out of your study?” Riley was annoyed by how hurt she felt. It wasn’t like he owed her anything, his time least of all. Just because her ovaries were overeager, didn’t mean he felt the same way, irrespective of what happened in the living room earlier.

  “I have work to do and I need peace and quiet.” He scribbled on a piece of paper and pushed it across the desk. “The wi-fi password. Feel free to use it.” He watched her with a guarded expression. “When I work, I don’t wish to be disturbed— ever. This is the one and only warning you’ll receive. Come in here when the door is closed and you will carry the consequences.”

  Her mouth dry, she braved the question, “What consequences?”

  “I will fuck yo
u so hard and so rough that you’ll be walking bowlegged for a week. Your pussy will be raw by the time I’m done.”

  Riley’s cheeks turned flaming red as his insolent gaze dropped to her breasts and from there to the pulsing spot between her legs. He licked his lips.

  She opened her mouth but snapped it shut as he grunted and then blithely ignored her to start pounding on the laptop keys. She was astounded at the speed with which his fingers raced over the keys.

  “Scoot, Riley.”

  “I’m going,” she bit out. She got up, snatched the piece of paper from the desk and armed with her laptop bag over her shoulder, she marched to the living room. Her legs were trembling so much, she was surprised she could even walk. The dark promise he’d made, because there was no way she’d ever see that as a threat, kept repeating in her mind.

  She was unaware of his eyes darkening as he watched her gently swaying hips.

  What aren’t you telling me, Trent Reeves? What happened to make you turn your back on such a noble career?

  Riley settled on the comfortable wingback chair facing the window and powered up her laptop. A sly smile curved around her lips as she linked to his wi-fi.

  “Well, I’ve got the means and am nosy enough to scratch around until I find out … and I will. I need to know what happened in his life to make him so stoic.”

  “Warf! Warf!” Neaoo!”

  Riley started at Sheila’s unexpected arrival and what she deemed to be disapproval, if the way the dog glared at Riley was anything to go by.

  “Shh … he’ll be peeved if he knows what I’m doing.” She rolled her eyes as Sheila yapped another negative sounding yowl. Riley scratched behind her ears and leaned closer to whisper conspiratorially, “It’ll be our little secret.”

  This time Sheila didn’t make a sound but Riley could swear the look in her eyes was one of reproach. She stared at her unwaveringly, her tail not moving. She was openly showing her disagreement with whatever Riley was doing.

  “Okay, okay,” she sighed heavily and closed the web search engine. She cast a sideways glance at the dog as she opened her emails. “Geez, one would swear he robbed a bank or something.”


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