Unwrapped Hearts

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Unwrapped Hearts Page 19

by Linzi Basset

  “If I even had one thought of giving in to you, I just realized one thing. It’ll never work between us, Steele Blake.”

  “And why is that, pray tell?”

  “You’re a gigolo. You thrive on variety and for the life of me, I can’t envision you being faithful to one woman. That’s the one thing I’ll never renege on. The day I marry a man, it’ll be with the knowledge that it’s me he wants and me alone. You, my dear man, fail that test solidly.”

  With a toss of her hair, she pivoted and strutted through the door, her hips swaying in an unconscious sensuality that completely blew Steele’s mind.

  His voice sounded raw in the silence as he felt the loss of her presence when she disappeared from sight.

  “You misjudge me, sweetheart … again. One thing I know without any doubt is when it comes to you … it’s all I want. Just you.”

  Chapter Five

  “I don’t know what to do, Dave.”

  Kayla paced like she always did when she was stressed or working through a design of a room in her mind.

  “How big is Jade’s debt?”

  “I don’t know. All I do know is Decadence Galore and her house doesn't even cover it.” She spun to face him. “How could I not have realized she was still gambling? I’m her best friend … her only friend! I should’ve realized there was something odd about her disappearing every weekend.”

  “You had no reason to doubt her, so stop castigating yourself. It’s not going to solve our problem.” Dave poured the tea sitting in a tray on the large boardroom table. “Come, sit down. You’re making my head spin.”

  Kayla plopped in the chair in an undignified slump.

  “Where’s Jade now?”

  “I don’t know, and to be honest, I’m not sure I care.”

  “I assume she hasn’t tried to redeem herself by giving back the money she stole?”

  Kayla shook her head as she sipped the hot tea.

  “At least the bank honored their responsibility and replaced the cash so we can pay salaries.” She furiously blinked back the tears, still finding it hard to believe how little her feelings and years of friendship had meant to Jade

  “Steele Blake is going to tear DG into shreds right under my nose. The damn bastard. Here I always thought when it came to business, he had integrity, honor …” She snorted. “Just goes to show—”

  “Hold on. You always thought? Didn’t you say you’ve never met the man?”

  “I … er … it’s just a manner of speaking,” she mumbled as she buried her face behind the cup.

  Over the past two weeks, since he’d released the bomb on her head, Steele hadn’t backed down. He came to visit every day. He took her to dinner even though she always said no, which of course, he never accepted and she ended up going anyway.

  The weirdest of it all was that he refused to discuss the issue of Jade and the debt owed. As far as he was concerned it was a topic that was off limits when he took her out.

  It had become more and more difficult to keep her emotions hidden. Having him so close and around her all the time … she couldn’t deny that what she felt for him hadn’t been a college girl’s infatuation. She had fallen in love with Steele Blake and it hadn’t happened over the past couple of weeks. She had a crush on him since her college days which had completely imploded on that night … that one special night.

  Her one fall from grace as far as Steele Blake was concerned was something she’d buried so deep in her mind, she tended to forget about it— or more accurately, pretended to. He sure as hell didn’t know the woman who had seduced him that night in Los Angeles at the masked ball had been her. She couldn’t even blame her weakness on being drunk. She’d been stone cold sober and had grasped the opportunity to indulge in her fantasy to have sex with the debonair hotel tycoon with both hands. She had felt safe not to be discovered at the time because she’d left for Michigan as soon as she’d tiptoed out of the bedroom at dawn the next morning while he was sleeping.

  It had been the worst mistake she’d ever made because during those couple of hours in the darkened hotel room, he’d spoiled her for any other man. Kayla was a modern woman who liked sex and lots of it, but since that night of debauchery with Steele Blake, she’d been unable to find a man who gave her as much sexual satisfaction as he had.

  “I’ve got money. I’ll make him an offer for Jade’s shares.”

  Kayla glanced at Dave in surprise. “That’s sweet of you, but I can’t expect you to do that.” She waved her hand in the air. “Forget about all of this. I just needed to rant and you’ve always been my best sounding board.”

  “I want to. Besides, the money is just sitting there. It’s about time I put it to some good use.”

  Kayla smiled briefly. “I appreciate the gesture, Dave, I really do and if the circumstances were different, I’d jump at the opportunity to have you as a partner. My gut tells me, no matter what offer you make, Steele isn’t going to accept it.”

  “Hm … you mean he’s that set on marrying you?” He studied her intently. “Or is it that maybe you don't want him to renege on his offer of marriage?”

  “Gmphf, offer my ass. It’s a threat, nothing more and nothing less.” She frowned. “To be brutally honest, I have no idea why he’s so set on marriage. It’s not like I have anything to offer.”

  Dave stared at her aghast. “Do you have no idea what effect you have on men, Kayla?”

  “Oh, please, I know I’m not ugly but he’s the kind of man who has the pick of the crop. Celebrities, rich heiresses … you name it, they’re all standing queue for him. No, he’s got a different agenda, Dave and I want to know what it is before I …” Kayla swallowed the words, her eyes widened as the sentence completed in her mind, “marry him.”

  It seemed her decision had been made, no matter how she'd been kicking against the idea.

  Dave was astute enough to realize it too. “So, you’re going to play the martyr to save Jade?”

  Kayla smiled sadly. “No, Dave, to save my company and everyone who works here.” She looked around the office. “I love this building and we have built up a solid reputation over the past eight years. I’ll be damned if I give that up just because a filthy rich asshole insists I marry him.”

  “That’s the spirit, and remember, my offer stands. I’d love to buy in if your future husband is prepared to sell.”

  “He made it clear that he has no interest in DG.” She smiled. “It’ll be an honor to call you partner.”

  “Ditto.” Dave got up and stretched lazily. “Now that your future matrimonial status has been dealt with, let’s get back to work. It’s inspection time. The majority of the work is finished at The Rose Petal Hotel. I’d like us to have a walkthrough before I sign off on it in the morning.”

  “Of course. I’ll pick up the project file from Roxy and meet you at my truck in five minutes.”

  Kayla chewed on her lip as she stared at her cell phone lying on the table. She couldn’t yet find it in her heart to tell any of the staff that their jobs might be in jeopardy. Not less than two weeks from Christmas. It was a messed-up situation and deep in her mind, she knew that Steele Blake was milking the situation. If only she knew what he was getting out of it.

  “Probably just a laugh. For all I know, I’ll arrive at the courthouse for the ceremony and he’ll leave me high and dry at the altar, so to speak.” She picked up the phone, muttering darkly as she dialed his number, “Might as well get it over with.”

  “This is a surprise, Miss Silver. I didn’t expect to hear from you today.”

  Kayla listened to his deep voice and felt it tremble through her. She shuddered as memories of that one night so long ago, flashed through her mind. It was incomprehensible that she could still feel the effect of his hands on her body, of his hard frame covering hers and hear her carnal gasp as he buried his shaft hilt deep inside her.

  Maybe that was why it didn’t matter as much to know what he was after because Kayla knew she’d get exactly what
she had been craving since she’d left him sleeping in that penthouse apartment in the Crown Plaza Hotel in L.A. Him, Steele Blake, possessing her body as completely and satisfyingly as he had then.

  “Very well, Steele. I’ll marry you. Send me the date and time you want me to meet you at the courthouse and I’ll be—”

  Kayla stared affronted at the phone as he burst out laughing.

  “On the other hand, forget it. I’m not going to be the brunt of your joke,” she snapped.

  “That’s not the reason I’m laughing, Kayla. You seem to forget who I am, who my mother is.” He stayed silent for a moment to allow his words to sink in. “There’ll be no courthouse ceremony, love. We’re going to have a proper wedding with all the bells and whistles. White wedding dress and tux to boot.”

  “You’re not serious?”

  “Of course, I am. Remember what I said, Kayla. This is the real deal. There won’t be a divorce, so it’ll be your one and only chance to have the wedding every little girl dreams about.”

  “A courthouse will fit in with mine,” she bit out through clenched teeth. She refused to give credence to the dreams she’d had of getting married over the years, especially as most of them had been about him. There had been too many women after that one night with him. He was promiscuous and not the marrying kind. Period.

  “It’s not negotiable, sweetheart. At the very least, we’ll have the wedding pictures to show our kids and grandkids one day.”

  “This is ludicrous, Steele. No one is going to believe we decided overnight we’re in love. To have a lavish wedding under the circumstances is pretentious at the very least and a complete waste of money.”

  “Neither of us have to justify the reason we’re getting married to anyone and celebrating joining our lives isn’t pretentious. Get used to the idea, Kayla, because as I said, it’s not up for debate.”


  “The wedding?”

  “Yes, when is this wondrous occasion supposed to take place?”

  “On Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, because of your tardiness in deciding, you don’t have much time but I expect you to wear a proper wedding dress.” His voice lowered. “I treasure my mother very much, Kayla. She has been looking forward to seeing me get married for years. You will not spoil it for her by choosing an inappropriate dress or act in any way unbecoming of a blushing and loving bride.”

  “You really are pushing the boundaries of this … this farce, Steele.”

  “You’re the only one who refers to it as such.”

  “Oh, please, get real. We’re not a couple in love. We don’t even know each other, for heaven’s sake. A farce is exactly what it is. Love and devotion play no role in our future, Steele. You know it as much as I do.”

  “Do I? I guess I’m far removed from the person you perceive me to be. I, for one, have every intention of falling in love with my wife and seeing as I thrive on challenges, Kayla, you’ve just issued me with another. You, honey, are going to fall in love with me … before our wedding day. Mark my words.”

  “In your dreams, Mister.”

  Kayla ended the call and slammed the cell phone down on the table. She noticed her fingers trembling and she clenched them into fists.

  “Gmphf, good luck, Steele Blake. I have no intention of falling in love with you. I’m not that stupid.” She chose to ignore the little voice reminding her that not too long ago she’d admitted exactly the opposite to herself.

  She grabbed her phone when it beeped. She opened the message from Steele.

  I’ll pick you up at six-thirty. We’re having our engagement dinner at my mother’s. Just the three of us and my nephew. If you have a special person you’d like to invite, let me know. I hope you have a little black dress, love. It’ll be a formal occasion.

  “Oh, good lord, he’s gotta be kidding me,” she groaned as she read the message a second time. “I’ve never met your mother, you asshat! How can you introduce me to her for the first time on our engagement?”

  She started as she listened to her words echo back at her. “Good lord, I sound as bad as him,” she sneered. Her fingers flew over the screen as she typed, telling him exactly what he could do with his intended engagement party.

  “Take that, you sneaky … hold on. That’s probably exactly what he’s expecting.” She stared indecisively at the message and then deleted it. “Two can play this game, Mr. Steele Blake. Let’s see who gives in first and runs in the other direction on Christmas Eve!” She chortled as she ran downstairs and picked up the portfolio.

  “Yes, I’m sure you’re playing some kind of game, Mr. Blake, but I’m onto you. You’re not about to make a fool out of me.”

  She smiled at Dave as she got into the truck.

  “Do you have an evening suit, Dave?”

  “Of course. Show me any fashionable man who doesn’t.”

  “Better air it out when you get home. You’re standing in as my dad tonight.”

  “And what is the joyous occasion I have to get dressed up for?”

  “Apparently we’re celebrating my formal engagement party with my fiancé’s mother and nephew.”

  Dave took a moment to take that in before he said dryly, “Well, the young man seems to be eager to tie the knot, isn’t he?”

  Kayla peeked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “As my stand-in father, I sincerely hope you’re not going to make it too easy for him.” She tapped a finger on the steering wheel. “Especially as far as DG is concerned. If he thinks I’m agreeing to marry him without a legally binding document committing to the release of my company, he’s got a surprise coming.”

  “Ah, so that’s how the cookie crumbles.” Dave laughed. “I’m glad you’re so levelheaded. A man like Steele Blake … it’ll be too easy to roll all over you and spit you out before you realize what's happening.”

  “I’m not stupid, Dave, nor am I one of his floozies who drool all over him at the tiniest sign of attention. He’ll soon realize I’m not wife material. At least not for him.”

  Dave turned serious as he clipped in the safety belt. “I have come to care for you, Kayla. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt more than Jade already did. Steele Blake … he’s a formidable man, in every aspect and it might not be as easy to resist him as you believe.”

  “Dave, I—”

  He held up his hand to stay her protest.

  “All I want is for you to know that I’m here for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to stand up for you, don’t hesitate to come to me.”

  “I know, Dave, and I feel the same about you. You’re the closest I have to a father at this stage. I hope you know how much I value you in my life.”

  “That’s good then.” He rubbed his hands. “That boy isn’t going to know what hits him tonight. No one messes with my girly.”

  Chapter Six

  “You’re early,” Kayla shouted as she peeked from her bedroom window at the chime of the doorbell echoing through the house.

  Steele glanced at his watch. “Only ten minutes.” His eyes raised to clash with hers. “Well? Are you going to make me wait on the porch or let me in?”

  “Tsk,” she clicked her tongue and waved a hand through the window. “Door’s open. Help yourself to something to drink. I’ll be down in a bit.”

  Kayla refused to be rushed and sat down in front of her dressing table to finish straightening her hair. She had decided on a knee-length, deep green formal cocktail dress with long sleeves and a low scoop neckline in the back that molded her curves like a lover’s caress. Sheer silk stockings and black pumps completed the picture.

  She tossed back her hair and watched as the luxurious auburn tresses tumbled like a silky curtain over her shoulders. Her eyes glimmered as she critically stared at her reflection. Kayla never wore too much makeup and what she did wear was only to enhance. Tonight, was no different, although she did go a little heavier on the mascara to give herself a much-needed boost of self-confidence. She’d heard many ta
les of the socialite mother of Steele Blake. If she had to be honest with herself, she was a little intimidated. Prudence Blake didn’t suffer fools easily. The tabloids reported that she was the reason her son had yet to find the right woman to marry because she found everyone he dated lacking.

  “I guess he’s not going to give her a chance to object this time.” A slow smile splayed on her lips. “On the other hand, maybe if I played my cards right …”

  She giggled as she cupped her breasts and plumped them up as she descended the stairs. “Perk up ladies, let’s see if we can make Mr. Steele Blake misbehave.”

  Kayla had seen Steele on television and in photographs in formal black-tie suits but none of that prepared her for how devastatingly gorgeous he looked in real life. He stood unmoving with his hands in his pants pockets, staring at her silently. A thrill danced over her spine as his eyes began to move, in a thorough appreciation of her looks.

  “You look beautiful.” His eyes darkened as his gaze caught hers once again. “You take my breath away, Kayla, I can only imagine what it’ll do to me to watch you walking down the aisle in a wedding dress.”

  “If we ever get that far,” she chirped and smiled as his brows drew together in a frown. “I’ve heard all about your mother, Steele. I mean none of the rich and famous celebs and heiresses have gained her approval. What are the chances she’d say yes to me as your wife?”

  “My mother isn’t the one who gets to choose my wife, love. I am and she knows that.”

  The way he moved as he approached her made Kayla think of a black panther on the prowl. She was hard pressed not to turn tail and run. Having Steele in her face looking like this was overwhelming. She silently wondered if she wasn’t biting off more than she could chew.

  He stopped so close, her breasts brushed against his jacket. She sucked in a breath and felt a tingling sensation as her nipples tightened. Move! Get away from him. Don’t let him dictate your emotions. Kayla attempted to force her body to obey the desperate commands her brain was shouting at it but it was fruitless. Her limbs were numb.


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